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Allegiance: Skaventide
- Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery
- Triumphs: Bloodthirsty
Verminlord Warpseer (335)*
- General
- Command Trait: Cunning
- Universal Spell Lore: Levitate
Verminlord Warbringer (305)**
- Artefact: Shield of Distraction
- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon
- Universal Spell Lore: Levitate
Grey Seer (140)**
- Lore of Ruin: Skitterleap
- Lore of Ruin: Warpgale
Clawlord (105)**
- Artefact: Things-Bane
- Mighty Warlord Command Trait: Verminous Valour
Plague Priest (85)*
- Universal Prayer Scripture: Curse
Plague Priest (85)*
- Universal Prayer Scripture: Curse
30 x Stormvermin (330)*
- Halberd & Shield
30 x Stormvermin (330)**
- Halberd & Shield
20 x Clanrats (130)*
- Rusty Blade
- 1 x Standard Bearers
- 1 x Standard Bell Ringers
Emerald Lifeswarm (60)
Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (80)

Hey ya'll, I just finished a game against a LOTFP list and wanted to just go all in on my favorite unit: Stormvermin. I have 80 and need them to see some action. I pulled out a win against a fully kitted out Deamon Prince of Khorne, a host of STD characters, a maxed out unit of Knights on horsey's and on foot. The stormvermin inspired the rest of the list but the 1000 ft strategy was winning the command point war and that I did: Tyrant of battle and Children of the Horned rat command abilities are so cheat-y face. 

I can vouch for the save stacking on the stormies doing the work; it was unfortunate I could never get the first charge the whole game, but a block of 30 took the brunt of ALL of his double-attacking knights. Death Frenzy was key I'll admit but I also didn't lose a whole unit during that second turn. I certainly had to play cagey and gave up all of the objectives for the first two rounds settling for battle tactics but I did the ol' swing around to the short side of the board to channel my opponents whole army into my synergy center. Ultimately, everyone's foot troops were all dead at the top of 4 and we had a fun and exciting Hero Hammer battle with our center-peices for the last two rounds. Hilariously my grey seer AND priest blew themselves up as well as my clawlord maxed out his attacks at 7 then spiked the Lord on Karkadrak... on the death frenzy. 

All in all, I had fun, much more fun than last week's debacle. I might swap out the lifeswarm for another screening unit and perhaps go for a prayer enchancement for Guidance or just another artifact enchancemet to grab a Liber Bubonicus. I never got Curse to go off but might not have mattered as much against STD units. Otherwise this list is a keeper. 

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So RIP having nurgle allies now. Double RIP for glotkin, doubled points. Should have seen that coming. 

That being said, having reviewed the book, I'm so happy for nurgle players *ahem* I mean Maggotkin players. The army will play very different and may upset a few try-hards but I must say the flavor of that book is on point. And because of how they nailed that part, I can only get excited for the other armies glow-up, especially Skaven, Beast-men and Khorne. Oof can you imagine a khorne book that just slaps, and gets rid of all of its complicated aura 3-D chess nonsense?

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19 hours ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

So RIP having nurgle allies now. Double RIP for glotkin, doubled points. Should have seen that coming. 

That being said, having reviewed the book, I'm so happy for nurgle players *ahem* I mean Maggotkin players. The army will play very different and may upset a few try-hards but I must say the flavor of that book is on point. And because of how they nailed that part, I can only get excited for the other armies glow-up, especially Skaven, Beast-men and Khorne. Oof can you imagine a khorne book that just slaps, and gets rid of all of its complicated aura 3-D chess nonsense?

Like you said hopefully the wrighting staff have been payed many many warpstone tokens and have crushed it up and snorted up the glowing green stuffs (and not rolled a 13 on a 3d6) or maybe we want them to? 

Jokes aside I hope the wrighting goes more this way and the faq/winter balance eavens things out a bit for everyone 

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14 minutes ago, TimeToWaste85 said:

Can I even run my Verminlord Corruptor in a Nurgle Army anymore? Or is he shot? The only reason I have plague rats is to slot in with Nurgle. 

I believe you can take up to 1 unit for every 3 or 4 maggotkin units in your army.

Although our pestilence units currently are a coalition unit, and from what I understand, they do not benefit from the allegiance ability the maggotkin provide, at all.

So no plague monks with a 5+ ward 

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23 minutes ago, DocKeule said:

Well, we got some point changes:

Plagueclaw: 160 -> 135
Deathmaster: 115 -> 100
Plague Furnace: 245 -> 235
Nightrunners: 85 -> 75

We did, yet with maybe the plague furnace as an exception, Imm not certain if that is enough to even consider one of these units as a viable option.

Most of them still feel overpriced 

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5 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

We did, yet with maybe the plague furnace as an exception, Imm not certain if that is enough to even consider one of these units as a viable option.

Most of them still feel overpriced 

Pretty much. The Furnace was and still is an auto-include if we go Pestilenz. Other than that one might run a Deathmaster as a gimmick but he will barely kill a small standard bearer on and other hero of that size.

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1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

I believe you can take up to 1 unit for every 3 or 4 maggotkin units in your army.

Although our pestilence units currently are a coalition unit, and from what I understand, they do not benefit from the allegiance ability the maggotkin provide, at all.

So no plague monks with a 5+ ward 

Yeah, that’s what I was curious about. Do they still benefit/contribute to things like Epidemius’s tally? I’m sure the V-Lord Corruptor still has his GD/Nurgle keywords, but if he no longer contributes to tally or daemon of Nurgle abilities, my Skaven models might as well go up for sale. 

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5 minutes ago, TimeToWaste85 said:

Yeah, that’s what I was curious about. Do they still benefit/contribute to things like Epidemius’s tally? I’m sure the V-Lord Corruptor still has his GD/Nurgle keywords, but if he no longer contributes to tally or daemon of Nurgle abilities, my Skaven models might as well go up for sale. 

I personally don’t know, what the current nurgle units can buff.

I in particularly don’t really even know what their warscroll will look like, so currently at least I won’t be able to help you

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12 minutes ago, TimeToWaste85 said:

Yeah, that’s what I was curious about. Do they still benefit/contribute to things like Epidemius’s tally? I’m sure the V-Lord Corruptor still has his GD/Nurgle keywords, but if he no longer contributes to tally or daemon of Nurgle abilities, my Skaven models might as well go up for sale. 

I think the issue is that all the buffs only work on "Maggotkin of Nurgle" and the "Nurgle" keyword alone does not qualify.

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14 minutes ago, TimeToWaste85 said:

That’s what I was afraid of. If the tally only works on wounds caused by MoN models, not Nurgle models, and flies only work on MoN Daemon heroes and not Nurgle Daemon Heroes, my rats are binned. 

The plague priest can still be a pretty great option in a nurgle army,

afteral priests are pretty great 

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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23 hours ago, DocKeule said:

Well, we got some point changes:

Plagueclaw: 160 -> 135
Deathmaster: 115 -> 100
Plague Furnace: 245 -> 235
Nightrunners: 85 -> 75

Where are the points changes?

Plagueclaw still overpriced and underwhelming.

Deathmaster not yet worth 1 Hero slot and 100 pts.

Nightrunners cost drop is good, still not enough for my table for points on non Core units.

Plague Furnace - cool, but 10 points is really nothing.  

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So ive pretty much finished rebasing my old Eshin army for a narrative campaign our group is running. I know im likely to suck and die anyway but is it worth stacking the night runners into big units to get the melee/morale bonuses or are they better off staying small and agile?

Opponents are primarily Death and Chaos if that matters and we are all rusty at best :D 

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@Noserenda Thats a very important question to ask. My answer comes down to what role they play and that is certainly screen chaff, objective grabbing and being a speed bump. Min size units of 10 for night-runners will always be difficult with the way reinforcements work at the moment for skaven. Even if we could get them to 40 to get them the damage buffs to be "good", you lose out on their ability to be cagey speed bumps, their mobility ironically suffers because its harder to maneuver that many bodies. There is an argument to max unit size gutter runners, as you potentially get them to +3/+3 so I would save those points for that. 

If you really feel enticed to max them out, make sure to pair every block of 30 with at least another unit of 10 to be the front wall of chaff and take the initial charge. Night runners do have the potential to serve multitple roles in your lists, just not optimal ones.

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2 hours ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

@Noserenda Thats a very important question to ask. My answer comes down to what role they play and that is certainly screen chaff, objective grabbing and being a speed bump. Min size units of 10 for night-runners will always be difficult with the way reinforcements work at the moment for skaven. Even if we could get them to 40 to get them the damage buffs to be "good", you lose out on their ability to be cagey speed bumps, their mobility ironically suffers because its harder to maneuver that many bodies. There is an argument to max unit size gutter runners, as you potentially get them to +3/+3 so I would save those points for that. 

If you really feel enticed to max them out, make sure to pair every block of 30 with at least another unit of 10 to be the front wall of chaff and take the initial charge. Night runners do have the potential to serve multitple roles in your lists, just not optimal ones.

I’m not sure if max. Unit sizes of 15 will be helpful for our gutter runners.

they aren’t getting any bonuses, and keeping them at the min. Size can make them surprisingly harder to kill.

Afterall who would want to invest a good amount in shooting to overkill a cheap tactical squad. And overkilling them won’t hurt the skaven heart as much, as a unit of triple the price and size dying from the same amount of shots 

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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If I did ever pull out an Eshin Army I would focus on many min size units. With how slippery they are and the sheer number of units you have the enemy would need effects that target multiple units to deal effective damage. It is surprisingly resilient in theory crafting but it just doesn't deal enough damage. A Plague Priest would change that but that would require paying the clan rat tax and once you start going down that road there is just to much that is better.

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Fellow children of the Horned Rat! After about 20 years of absence from the hobby, I found my way back to my beloved Skaven. Drinking your wisdom from hundreds of pages of discussions, I am search-ask you for your advise how to develop my army. 

Currently I have a lot of clan rats (and slaves), but basically lacking all war machines and monsters. The idea of the army below is to be able to deal with every threat, more or less... In case of shooting death star, I warp grind one unit of clan rats incl. the WFT close to the enemy and burn-kill everything. For alpha strike, I try board control where the giant rats are working as speed bumps. Counterattack will be done by curse/ratlings and gnash-gnaw/death frenzied clanrats. I hope that mortals spam with curse will help to kill something...

[b]++ **Pitched Battle GHB 2021** 2,000 (Chaos - Skaven) [1,995pts] ++[/b]

[b]+ Core Battalion +[/b]

[b]Core Battalion: Hunters of the Heartlands[/b]

[b]Core Battalion: Hunters of the Heartlands[/b]

[b]Core Battalion: Warlord:[/b] Extra Enhancement: Artefacts of Power

[b]+ Leader +[/b]

[b]Clawlord [105pts]:[/b] 6. Devious Adversary, Warlord - 2-4 Sub-Commanders

[b]Grey Seer [140pts]:[/b] 5. Death Frenzy, 5. Snoutgrovel Robes

[b]Plague Priest [85pts]:[/b] 6. Liber Bubonicus, Curse, Warlord - 1-2 Commanders

[b]Plague Priest [85pts]:[/b] General - Clans Pestilens, Warlord - 2-4 Sub-Commanders

[b]Warlock Engineer [125pts]:[/b] 1. More-more-more Warp Power!, 3. Esoteric Warp Resonator, Warlord - 2-4 Sub-Commanders

[b]+ Battleline +[/b]

[b]Clanrats [260pts]:[/b] 40 Clanrats, Bell Ringer, Clanshields, Reinforced, Rusty Blades, Standard Bearers, Warlord - 1-2 Troops

[b]Clanrats [260pts]:[/b] 40 Clanrats, Bell Ringer, Clanshields, Reinforced, Rusty Blades, Standard Bearers, Warlord - 1-2 Troops

[b]Clanrats [260pts]:[/b] 40 Clanrats, Bell Ringer, Clanshields, Reinforced, Rusty Blades, Standard Bearers

[b]+ Other +[/b]

[b]Giant Rats [40pts]:[/b] 6 Giant Rats, Hunters of the Heartlands - 2-3 Troops

[b]Giant Rats [40pts]:[/b] 6 Giant Rats, Hunters of the Heartlands - 2-3 Troops

[b]Giant Rats [40pts]:[/b] 6 Giant Rats, Hunters of the Heartlands - 2-3 Troops

[b]Giant Rats [40pts]:[/b] 6 Giant Rats, Hunters of the Heartlands - 2-3 Troops

[b]Giant Rats [40pts]:[/b] 6 Giant Rats, Hunters of the Heartlands - 2-3 Troops


[b]Ratling Gun [65pts][/b]

[b]Ratling Gun [65pts][/b]

[b]Ratling Gun [65pts][/b]

[b]Ratling Gun [65pts][/b]

[b]Warp-grinder [75pts][/b]

[b]Warpfire Thrower [70pts][/b]

[b]Warpfire Thrower [70pts][/b]

[b]+ Allegiance +[/b]

[b]Allegiance:[/b] Allegiance: Skaventide

[b]+ Game Options +[/b]

[b]Game Type:[/b] 2000 Points - Battlehost

[b]Grand Strategy:[/b] Hold the Line

[b]++ Total: [1,995pts] ++[/b]

Created with [url=https://battlescribe.net]BattleScribe[/url]

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14 hours ago, Megahurtz said:

Fellow children of the Horned Rat! After about 20 years of absence from the hobby, I found my way back to my beloved Skaven. Drinking your wisdom from hundreds of pages of discussions, I am search-ask you for your advise how to develop my army. 

Currently I have a lot of clan rats (and slaves), but basically lacking all war machines and monsters. The idea of the army below is to be able to deal with every threat, more or less... In case of shooting death star, I warp grind one unit of clan rats incl. the WFT close to the enemy and burn-kill everything. For alpha strike, I try board control where the giant rats are working as speed bumps. Counterattack will be done by curse/ratlings and gnash-gnaw/death frenzied clanrats. I hope that mortals spam with curse will help to kill something...

[b]++ **Pitched Battle GHB 2021** 2,000 (Chaos - Skaven) [1,995pts] ++[/b]

[b]+ Core Battalion +[/b]

[b]Core Battalion: Hunters of the Heartlands[/b]

[b]Core Battalion: Hunters of the Heartlands[/b]

[b]Core Battalion: Warlord:[/b] Extra Enhancement: Artefacts of Power

[b]+ Leader +[/b]

[b]Clawlord [105pts]:[/b] 6. Devious Adversary, Warlord - 2-4 Sub-Commanders

[b]Grey Seer [140pts]:[/b] 5. Death Frenzy, 5. Snoutgrovel Robes

[b]Plague Priest [85pts]:[/b] 6. Liber Bubonicus, Curse, Warlord - 1-2 Commanders

[b]Plague Priest [85pts]:[/b] General - Clans Pestilens, Warlord - 2-4 Sub-Commanders

[b]Warlock Engineer [125pts]:[/b] 1. More-more-more Warp Power!, 3. Esoteric Warp Resonator, Warlord - 2-4 Sub-Commanders

[b]+ Battleline +[/b]

[b]Clanrats [260pts]:[/b] 40 Clanrats, Bell Ringer, Clanshields, Reinforced, Rusty Blades, Standard Bearers, Warlord - 1-2 Troops

[b]Clanrats [260pts]:[/b] 40 Clanrats, Bell Ringer, Clanshields, Reinforced, Rusty Blades, Standard Bearers, Warlord - 1-2 Troops

[b]Clanrats [260pts]:[/b] 40 Clanrats, Bell Ringer, Clanshields, Reinforced, Rusty Blades, Standard Bearers

[b]+ Other +[/b]

[b]Giant Rats [40pts]:[/b] 6 Giant Rats, Hunters of the Heartlands - 2-3 Troops

[b]Giant Rats [40pts]:[/b] 6 Giant Rats, Hunters of the Heartlands - 2-3 Troops

[b]Giant Rats [40pts]:[/b] 6 Giant Rats, Hunters of the Heartlands - 2-3 Troops

[b]Giant Rats [40pts]:[/b] 6 Giant Rats, Hunters of the Heartlands - 2-3 Troops

[b]Giant Rats [40pts]:[/b] 6 Giant Rats, Hunters of the Heartlands - 2-3 Troops


[b]Ratling Gun [65pts][/b]

[b]Ratling Gun [65pts][/b]

[b]Ratling Gun [65pts][/b]

[b]Ratling Gun [65pts][/b]

[b]Warp-grinder [75pts][/b]

[b]Warpfire Thrower [70pts][/b]

[b]Warpfire Thrower [70pts][/b]

[b]+ Allegiance +[/b]

[b]Allegiance:[/b] Allegiance: Skaventide

[b]+ Game Options +[/b]

[b]Game Type:[/b] 2000 Points - Battlehost

[b]Grand Strategy:[/b] Hold the Line

[b]++ Total: [1,995pts] ++[/b]

Created with [url=https://battlescribe.net]BattleScribe[/url]

That is an amazing list.

In a lucky situation, this list could definitely deal with anything,

Yet I fear-fear that your rattling guns may fail in a situation, where your enemy runs around with a 2+ save ignoring rend -1.

But personally the list looks good.

you have a good amount of bodies on the table, while still having some good options for killing.

If there was a more fluffly/ hard hitting list, yours would be one of them.

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