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1 hour ago, DocKeule said:

I think apart from tournaments organized by GW (which are very rare in my country - here it's mostly tabletop clubs that have events) I think most organizers will be OK with some 3D prints in a Skaven army especially as Skaven are about as far away from a pay2win army as possible. 

I have been to a few events in the last couple of month where people showed up with all printed Sons of Behemat and Stormcast Dragon armies. That kind of rubs me the wrong way. I you play an army with the sole purpose to steamroll about any oponent without having to deploy much of any finesse or skill at least pay the price.

But no one would mind someone bringing a few off-brand rats to an uphill battle.

There are a surprising amount of "GW purists" out there though, before I moved to Belgium I remember there was a person making a fuss over my skaven conversions with some 3rd party bits (or even self made ones). I was working on a Nippon inspired Skaven army at the time and I have to admit those type of encounters can be highly demotivating and limit creativity. This was 4 or 5 years ago though, maybe mentalities have changed. I've seen some really cool skaven sculpts that can be 3D printed, it would be a huge boon to allow some of these considering stuff like acolytes and nightrunners are extremely ugly.

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5 minutes ago, Kugane said:

There are a surprising amount of "GW purists" out there though, before I moved to Belgium I remember there was a person making a fuss over my skaven conversions with some 3rd party bits (or even self made ones). I was working on a Nippon inspired Skaven army at the time and I have to admit those type of encounters can be highly demotivating and limit creativity. This was 4 or 5 years ago though, maybe mentalities have changed. I've seen some really cool skaven sculpts that can be 3D printed, it would be a huge boon to allow some of these considering stuff like acolytes and nightrunners are extremely ugly.

Yeah, Thankfully I haven’t yet met anybody in my own country that was making a fuss about third party models


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Yeah some folks will make a fuss at the slightest creativity but really they are best avoided when you can and they rarely run events in my experience. 3rd party bits which are essentially the same as the old metals really shouldnt be a problem!

Got another game in with my Eshin today, damn Stormcast are awkward to assassinate! The lack of rend is a real uphill struggle but i stood a good chance of winning until my opponent pulled off an 11" charge near the end.

Need a cheat sheet though, kept forgetting to throw hench rats in the way :P

Though as one of my other buddies said "you maniac, you took a D Tier army and refused to use all the good units" :D;) 

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Hehe don't worry you are not maniac. I'm also playing an eshin list at 1K points and it's a blast. Very fun to play and to play against (my opponents love removing entire units in one turn).

Allegiance: Skaventide
- Mortal Realm: Ghur
- Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
- Triumphs: Indomitable

Deathmaster (115)*
- Artefact: The Cube of Mists
Verminlord Deceiver (345)*
- General
- Command Trait: Shadowmaster
- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon

5 x Gutter Runners (65)*
5 x Gutter Runners (65)*
20 x Night Runners (170)*
- Reinforced x 1
20 x Night Runners (170)*
- Reinforced x 1

Endless Spells & Invocations
Soulsnare Shackles (65)

Core Battalions
*Battle Regiment

Total: 995 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 2 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 67
Drops: 1

It's a little bit less in points now of course with the FAQ.

Actually it's so much fun that my new year project will probably be to double almost every unit and bring the list to 2K !


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13 hours ago, Noserenda said:

Though as one of my other buddies said "you maniac, you took a D Tier army and refused to use all the good units" :D;) 

Haha... i'm so guilty of this too. I hate to run the cheesy stormfiend lists but having not won a single game in 3.0 i took a unit of 6 fiends against my friends Stormcast this weekend and acheived a mighty victory for the rat-hordes. Best thing was, the SF weren't even my MVP's, they took alot of focus but my opponent underestimated my unit of 4 rat ogors who were absolute machines 🤣

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@Kaulder i'm guessing that warscroll builder has not been updated with the lastest points from the FAQ but the deathmaster is now 100 pts, and night runners are down to 75 pts for 10. Doesn't really make any difference to your list because it won't leave you enough points to buy anything else, but might guarantee you the triumph more often 😆

Edit: sorry, just re-read your post and noticed that you already know about the points drop 🙄

Edited by Cosmicsheep
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1 hour ago, Cosmicsheep said:

Haha... i'm so guilty of this too. I hate to run the cheesy stormfiend lists but having not won a single game in 3.0 i took a unit of 6 fiends against my friends Stormcast this weekend and acheived a mighty victory for the rat-hordes. Best thing was, the SF weren't even my MVP's, they took alot of focus but my opponent underestimated my unit of 4 rat ogors who were absolute machines 🤣

Could you post your army list?  I am intrigued to see what other goodies you have in there.

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Just the warbringer and a bunch of rats 😁

Allegiance: Skaventide
- Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
- Triumphs: 
Arch-Warlock (175)*
- Artefact: Vigordust Injector  
- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power!
Master Moulder (95)*
- Artefact: Rabid Crown  
Verminlord Warbringer (305)*
- General
- Command Trait: Brutal Fury  
- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon
40 x Clanrats (260)
- Rusty Blade
- Reinforced x 1
20 x Clanrats (130)
- Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (130)
- Rusty Blade
4 x Rat Ogors (190)*
- Mutation: Toughened Sinews
- Reinforced x 1
6 x Stormfiends (630)*
- 2x Windlaunchers
- 2x Ratling Cannons
- 2x Doomflayer Gauntlets
- Reinforced x 1
10 x Night Runners (75)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 3 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 165
Drops: 9

Edited by Cosmicsheep
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On 12/28/2021 at 6:27 PM, Skreech Verminking said:

So I had another mad idea.

this is a list I will at some point try out.

just have to convert-build another 6 rattling guns,

I call it the appearing act or You’ll never see it coming, Yes-yes:

Allegiance: Skaventide
- Grand Strategy: 
- Triumphs: 
Warlock Bombardier (125)*
- General
- Command Trait: Overseer of Destruction  
- Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power!
Verminlord Deceiver (345)*
- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon
Plague Priest (85)*
- Universal Prayer Scripture: Curse
40 x Clanrats (260)*
- Rusty Blade
- Reinforced x 1
40 x Clanrats (260)*
- Rusty Blade
- Reinforced x 1
10 x Stormvermin (110)*
- Halberd & Shield
1 x Warp-Grinder (75)*
1 x Warp-Grinder (75)*
1 x Warp-Grinder (75)
1 x Ratling Gun (65)**
1 x Ratling Gun (65)**
1 x Ratling Gun (65)**
1 x Ratling Gun (65)
1 x Ratling Gun (65)
1 x Ratling Gun (65)
1 x Ratling Gun (65)
1 x Ratling Gun (65)
1 x Ratling Gun (65)
*Battle Regiment
**Hunters of the Heartlands

Total: 1995 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 2 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 148
Drops: 11


Ps: don’t be fooled by the drop counter, the list builder just doesn’t understand my genius.

in all matter of fact, thanks to the weapon team rule, this is in all actuality a 2drop

Thought about your crazy list again. You could potentially make it even more crazy by dropping two Warpgrinders, beefing up the tunneling clanrats to 60 an reducing the other block to 10 SV. If my math is right, another 3 RG...

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All right Rat fans, time to put on your tin-foil hats: its speculation time. I'm willing to bet that the next "season" is going to take place in Ulgu, GW is just dying to get the "Umbra-neth" aelves out so Teclis and Melarion, not to mention Morathi is taking over cities there and foul plots afoot. We've said it before in this group, but clan eshin has to be hiding out here. I'm just going to assume they're getting a complete re-vamp, because we're taking some big swings here. 

My question to all of you is: How do we make eshin really weird and cool? Ninja-rats? Come on, this isn't Fantasy battles, this is Age of Sigmar, lets get crazy. Ninja-rat-pirates? Yes please. Ninja-rat-pirate-Oni? Much better (might flesh out our demon lore a bit to boot). In Ulgu they might just go "shadow-rats" on us, perhaps more elite 32 mill bases? Perhaps some non-hero single models, kinda like the doom seekers in fyreslayers. 

Now if we stay in Ghur, and the next "season" is simply other parts of that realm, I could easily see Moulder getting a face-lift. And crazy new monster sculpts alone would be amazing by itself. 

I'm just having fun, speculate at your whim. Happy dice rolling!

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4 hours ago, DocKeule said:

1)Since Eshin ist the last big clan that hasn't gotten anything yet there is a decent chance that they get the next overhaul in a campaign book or White Dwarf.

2)I don't see GW releasing a new range of Skaven models any time soon though. 

1) that would be great

2) I’m very certain that this is what every space marine player said to the eldar player, and now look where we are.

There is a good chance we will be getting our model update at some point 



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The return of Triads Sorcerers (With a couple more shadow themed spells!) and even the weird guy from WHQ would be ace, not sure you need to dilute the theme with oni or bloody pirates though. Snipers, bombers and poisoners are all assassin archetypes that step on the other clans shoes a bit much unfortunately.

I can definitely see Skaven getting a new book, its a bit overly prescriptive and out of step with the rest regards sub factions and battle line right now and a few units have had their battlescrolls completely replaced or werent included, especially if we do get the rumoured warcry/underworlds stuff. 

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57 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Well it would be the first real rumor about the skaven.

Something we haven’t had the last couple of years

I think that came from some reddit topic. Not sure how reliable it is. The same guy had the "Fyreslayer vs. IDK" box right but that has been ciculating for a while now.

The prediction was a Skaven vs. Seraphon release as the first paired battletomes in 2023. 



28 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

I can definitely see Skaven getting a new book, its a bit overly prescriptive and out of step with the rest regards sub factions and battle line right now and a few units have had their battlescrolls completely replaced or werent included, especially if we do get the rumoured warcry/underworlds stuff. 

A new book is only a matter of time. When IDK got theirs than Nighhaunt and Beasts of Chaos have the two oldest battletomes. But after that Skaven would be next in line.

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13 minutes ago, DocKeule said:

I think that came from some reddit topic. Not sure how reliable it is. The same guy had the "Fyreslayer vs. IDK" box right but that has been ciculating for a while now.

1)The prediction was a Skaven vs. Seraphon release as the first paired battletomes in 2023. 



2)A new book is only a matter of time. When IDK got theirs than Nighhaunt and Beasts of Chaos have the two oldest battletomes. But after that Skaven would be next in line.

1) well it is the best rumor we had for years.

better then having a rumor telling you that everything skaven related becomes legend, and that sounds more unbelievable then the rumor from 4chan.


2) certainly, yet I do hope with all my heart, that the next book gives us new models.

and with new models I mean a refresh of all old models or at least more then just 1 new unit


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At worst we get a new underworlds kit, the whole point of that range is to explore areas of the lore that they're not willing to dive into just yet or are too niche. That doesn't mean we wont buy them in droves to make units. Rules don't need to be good, we just need the models. 

The Skaven vs. Seraphon rumor would be an absolute blast. Great way to round up some old world grudges. 

For the book re-design, I've said it before but mechanically we need to leave the clan based factions behind. Theres certainly lore reasons on the surface not do that, but plenty lore reasons why we play mixed forces anyways (because it works on the table). I still vouch for creating "schemes" instead of clans for the book structure, incentivizing two or three particular units/clans to acheive a goal, kinda of like Tzeentch's agenda allegience ability but fleshed out as a sub-faction.

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2 hours ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

For the book re-design, I've said it before but mechanically we need to leave the clan based factions behind. Theres certainly lore reasons on the surface not do that, but plenty lore reasons why we play mixed forces anyways (because it works on the table). I still vouch for creating "schemes" instead of clans for the book structure, incentivizing two or three particular units/clans to acheive a goal, kinda of like Tzeentch's agenda allegience ability but fleshed out as a sub-faction.

I think all it actually needs is units becoming battleline based on your warlord, just like other factions. Possibly some rules for a masterclan over-boss as that seems to be how they typically operate in the fluff anyhow, IE and existing army with leadership gets the honour of being also (and more importantly) lead by a Grey seer too :D

Then you could potentially add in sub-factions based on the prominent clans but im not sure you need to tbh, and i say that running a pure Eshin list :D

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Please not. The flying fishes of the IDK are already silly enough. (And I say that owning a Sushi-Elf army of round 4500 points.) 

I could imagine some flying devices but on the other hand do we really want more AoS armies go the KO-way? It would be easier to introduce Skaven into 40k.

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4 minutes ago, DocKeule said:

Please not. The flying fishes of the IDK are already silly enough. (And I say that owning a Sushi-Elf army of round 4500 points.) 

I could imagine some flying devices but on the other hand do we really want more AoS armies go the KO-way? It would be easier to introduce Skaven into 40k.


that really sounds kinda silly.

But I do love the fluff.

Just hoping for no submarine models.

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