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A while back I bought 10 night runners, still on the sprue, from a popular auction site. I'm guessing the seller only wanted half of the box.

Anyway, I've been using them alternately as a single unit of night runners or 2 units of gutter runners. I have to say that I've been impressed by both units for their points value. So much so that I've bought another box of 20. Now I'm wondering how I can make them distinct so that they aren't confused with each other on the battlefield.

What are your thoughts? What do other people do?

I can build them with different weapon loadouts, but the colour scheme is fairly strict i.e. black 😁

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Mine have the double distinction of being metal and, due to how i rebased em, slightly taller but if i was using the same models id probably go for different weapon looks, rusty for nightrunners, "clean" or possibly a green wash for gutter runners, dripping poison for deathmasters ;)

In my small pure Eshin lists so far ive found Gutter runners are about the only thing that actually does damage but they are soooo fragile! :D

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2 hours ago, Noserenda said:

rusty for nightrunners, "clean" or possibly a green wash for gutter runners,

That's a great idea actually, thanks.


2 hours ago, Noserenda said:

so far ive found Gutter runners are about the only thing that actually does damage

I like the night runners to put an extra layer in front of the main force. Also, I generally out drop my opponent and make them go first. The night runners make a tempting target and suck the opponent into my trap. This leaves space on their flanks where I hope to pop the gutter runners 

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2 hours ago, Cosmicsheep said:

I like the night runners to put an extra layer in front of the main force. Also, I generally out drop my opponent and make them go first. The night runners make a tempting target and suck the opponent into my trap. This leaves space on their flanks where I hope to pop the gutter runners 

For an all out horde army, Nightrunners are an amazing unit.

Yet, they just look so darn bad, that I’m always asking myself a second time, if I really am up to the task to paint them.

It is just something I don’t enjoy about them

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Yeah they really suffer against the modern sculpts, but rest assured they looked really cool when they were new! :D

Bait and switch is definitely my plan for Night runners at the mo, currently our PtG is  at the 600pt stage though, so no Verminlord and i continue to hamper myself running pure Eshin despite PtG not actually needing battleline units lol

Its fun though! 

I am looking forward to our PtG stuff actually, am hoping for limitless leader backstabbing and hopefully limitless replacement mook rats! :P

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@Megahurtz Sorry for the late reply. Sure thing. I posted this list a ways back after success against Slaves of Darkness (ironically with a Khorne Demon Prince that time). Here's the list I showcased in the video. 


Allegiance: Skaventide
- Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery
- Triumphs: Bloodthirsty
Verminlord Warpseer (335)*
- General
- Command Trait: Cunning
- Universal Spell Lore: Levitate
Verminlord Warbringer (305)**
- Artefact: Shield of Distraction
- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon
- Universal Spell Lore: Levitate
Grey Seer (140)**
- Lore of Ruin: Skitterleap
- Lore of Ruin: Warpgale
Clawlord (105)**
- Artefact: Things-Bane
- Mighty Warlord Command Trait: Verminous Valour
Plague Priest (85)*
- Universal Prayer Scripture: Curse
Plague Priest (85)*
- Universal Prayer Scripture: Curse
30 x Stormvermin (330)*
- Halberd & Shield
30 x Stormvermin (330)**
- Halberd & Shield
20 x Clanrats (130)*
- Rusty Blade
- 1 x Standard Bearers
- 1 x Standard Bell Ringers
Emerald Lifeswarm (60)
Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (80)

As far as what I learned, I'll start with questions I wanted to ask with this list: 

Q1) Can I still castle (or even afford to) as skaven without having a typical number of disposable units?

Q2) Can I turn a Clawlord into an assassin? 

Q3) Can I win the command point war?

Q3) Endless Spells: Do they work as intended? Can lifeswarm keep my elite troops in fighting shape? Will geminids help me win the command point war?

Considering I strolled up to a table full of giant centerpeice models, Bloodthirsters now doubt, I was a bit skeptical. Here's the answers I uncovered:

A1) I can indeed. Stormvermin with a mystic sheild, actual sheild and the 6+ ward from Bless can work like the perfect "storm" of anvil and hammer. Stormvermin are only blenders if you castle up, the Warbringer and Clawlord command abilities are wholly within so normally being aggressive on the charge makes them 'meh'. You want to be charged. Even against khorne. 

A2) I can. But I threw him at a wall of chaff. Then he die-ded. Re-Deploy is a fickle mistress robbing me of killing a Big ol' Demon. Suicidal maniac Clawlords look and feel super fun, more tech would be to put him within 6" with Dreaded Skitterleap. I don't regret putting the Things-Bane artifact on him either. 

A3) I stole 5 CPs from my opponent with cunning. Generated 5 extra with Warpseer's ability an extra 3-4 from the masterclan trait. So yes. I felt in control at all times. I was so inundated with CPs that even after realizing a mistake with how often I actually needed to use my battleshock bubble, my opponent and I concluded I would have had plenty of CPs to do it (I was remembering the old version of the that ability). 

A4) No, oh no they did not. Even if they hadn't been dispelled every waking moment, I realized the folly of bringing back a handful of models during the game. More frustratingly, I mis-read the geminids and they don't interact with command points in the combat phase, which is where I need them to work. They're range is pretty abysmal as well, hard to use them proactively. Shackles unfortunately would have been the choice but I can't bring myself to play them as I have deemed them a feel bad. 


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11 hours ago, greg19190 said:

I have got 2000 points of eshin to move arround (and off) the table at a local tornement today, going to be fun :)

did not go well... lost against morathy and bow snakes +more snakes, lerned verminlord decivers dont do as much as you want (and think) next up was living citys with fulminators and irondrakes and runelord off the table, screening went very well but was not enough, deciver still dident do as much as i wanted to and 2 of them killed him on the charge.... lessons learnt all eshin builds are very high skill level, reroling wounds on hero's is realy usefull but not worth the rest of the things you carnt take, i realy like the mobility and how the army works. having a deciver that carnt be shot off is realy good if there was more that one threat. will try adding things and keeping deciver and maybe the gutter runner. love to hear feed back of other skaven players who have played with the deciver and other eshin units :) thanks for the read   

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Wishing for luck definitely helped me at least, went 2/2 major victories against StD and Lumis. 

Definitely won the first game due to killing his Chaos Lord with the Three Fangs (Though then i felt a bit bad) and burying the rest in rusty cutlery. Chaos Warriors are waaaaaay less scary than they used to be! 

Lumineth was against am much newer player, had a deathmaster ambush her lancers, whilst everything threw rocks at the archers whilst refusing to play with her spearmen who were a bit out of position.

Definitely had luck on my side though! Got enough rats in my Warband to actually field a Verminlord in the next game too :D Just a shame this day got cut a bit short, we were planning 3 or 4 games but too many folks got a case of the Sundays :(

Edited by Noserenda
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On 1/30/2022 at 1:13 PM, greg19190 said:

did not go well... lost against morathy and bow snakes +more snakes, lerned verminlord decivers dont do as much as you want (and think)

You went up against a lot of shooshting, did that -2 to be shot actually save your demon, or still get buried under weight of dice? Based on the armies you saw for the whole event I assume there was diversity of shooting in general.

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11 hours ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

You went up against a lot of shooshting, did that -2 to be shot actually save your demon, or still get buried under weight of dice? Based on the armies you saw for the whole event I assume there was diversity of shooting in general.

Yer lots of shooting... The -2 most of the time is -1 so not the most useful (as the most negative to hit you can have is -1) but it did help against the iron drakes, my general had the no shooting unless in 6 ability so that realy helped and made it difficult to kill in a one go, and he had the shadow magnet for when things got hairy in combat when he just wanted to leave... But even then dracoth fulminators hit like trucks and killed him in one go... 


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Attention rat generals, I need your help deciding: likely ill be on our channel again spreading the glory of the great horned rat but what army to choose

🤪: 4 doomwheels and lightning vortex

😍: null deployment 

😂: All moulder with healing cranked to 11

Vote with appropriate reactions (confused, love it, and haha

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I've been considering getting back into Blight City but with as many war machines as possible.  So something like 3-4 Doomwheels, 3-4 Warp Lightning Cannons, 3x5 Acolytes, and as many Warlock Engineers as will fit.  Probably just terrible but could be a real fast fun and ridiculous thing to try.  Plus they just look really neat.  Noticed many of the Skaven points went up since last I was a rat.

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7 minutes ago, Lord Krungharr said:

I've been considering getting back into Blight City but with as many war machines as possible.  So something like 3-4 Doomwheels, 3-4 Warp Lightning Cannons, 3x5 Acolytes, and as many Warlock Engineers as will fit.  Probably just terrible but could be a real fast fun and ridiculous thing to try.  Plus they just look really neat.  Noticed many of the Skaven points went up since last I was a rat.

I went for 5 war-machine at the last event I went to.

It is pretty hilarious to have like 3 cannons and 2 doomwheels😂


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On 1/27/2022 at 9:14 AM, Cosmicsheep said:

A while back I bought 10 night runners, still on the sprue, from a popular auction site. I'm guessing the seller only wanted half of the box.

Anyway, I've been using them alternately as a single unit of night runners or 2 units of gutter runners. I have to say that I've been impressed by both units for their points value. So much so that I've bought another box of 20. Now I'm wondering how I can make them distinct so that they aren't confused with each other on the battlefield.

What are your thoughts? What do other people do?

I can build them with different weapon loadouts, but the colour scheme is fairly strict i.e. black 😁

There are squad markers for bases out there, e.g. https://3dboadgamesaccessories.com/collections/dessous-de-socles.

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