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On 1/29/2022 at 10:54 AM, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

@Megahurtz Sorry for the late reply. Sure thing. I posted this list a ways back after success against Slaves of Darkness (ironically with a Khorne Demon Prince that time). Here's the list I showcased in the video. 

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Allegiance: Skaventide
- Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery
- Triumphs: Bloodthirsty
Verminlord Warpseer (335)*
- General
- Command Trait: Cunning
- Universal Spell Lore: Levitate
Verminlord Warbringer (305)**
- Artefact: Shield of Distraction
- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon
- Universal Spell Lore: Levitate
Grey Seer (140)**
- Lore of Ruin: Skitterleap
- Lore of Ruin: Warpgale
Clawlord (105)**
- Artefact: Things-Bane
- Mighty Warlord Command Trait: Verminous Valour
Plague Priest (85)*
- Universal Prayer Scripture: Curse
Plague Priest (85)*
- Universal Prayer Scripture: Curse
30 x Stormvermin (330)*
- Halberd & Shield
30 x Stormvermin (330)**
- Halberd & Shield
20 x Clanrats (130)*
- Rusty Blade
- 1 x Standard Bearers
- 1 x Standard Bell Ringers
Emerald Lifeswarm (60)
Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (80)



Sorry, now it is me who took ages to reply!

Great! So a Verminius list might be viable! From what I understand, maybe it makes sense to change the endless to maybe more bodies. Does it make sense to exchange the WS and GS against a bell and use the remaining points to add more bodies, e.g. more clanrats, giant rats and weapon teams (WFT)? What do you think?

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Verminus works as a theory. Remember, I only tied that one game with one model left. Verminus can work if you purposefully use stormvermin as a hammer AND can get the set-up. That said, I highly encourage list building that has the bodies, fighting through the restrictions in reinforcement points, and winning the day. I still think most opponents are building for high profile shooting, large centerpeice monster/heroes which currently a hoard army is not great on paper against, but you can still pull some tricks.

With a verminous list, I recommend being highly aggressive with mobility, perhaps jumping off of your idea with weapon teams, and adding some drill teams to replace the endless spells. However, even stormvermin are gonna just evaporate when they pop up in a no-mans-land. Use it for pinpoint accurate set-up to get buffs from a Clawlord or Warbringer. Anytime you can take the re-roll charge triumph is a must as well. Otherwise, spamming MSU units of giant rats is the real tactician's choice. Control the board and have speed bumps to protect heroes and stormvermin alike. Some tech I'm looking into is splashing an assassin to prevent one turn of piling in. 

All of this is to say that I will stump verminous lists if for no other reason that they can alpha pin your opponent in place. Maybe not in their territory but you can make it work. This is absolutely not gonna work against any Death army or an orruks list (lets be real) but certainly against anyone trying to be tech-y with their list. 


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I'm in need of assistance. 

Buddy at my FLG just picked up Legion. never played it before. Any advice on how to counter? Until yesterday, I hadn't played rats since the glory days of 2.0

Available HEROS:

- Thanqol, Verminlord, Arch Warlock, Bell

- Bombardier x2, Grey Seer, Clawlord, Plague Priest

Available UNITS

 - Clanrats x60 (my group is cool to proxy as stormvermin or acolytes)

- Plague monks x40 (my group is cool to proxy as stormvermin or acolytes)

- Stormfiends x9, Jezzails x9, WLC


- TLDR: Kill-Kill Legion, Yes-Yes


My best efforts:

 - Army Faction: Skaven

  - Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery

  - Triumph: Inspired


Arch-Warlock (175)*

  - General

  - Command Traits: Verminous Valour

  - Spells: More-more-more Warp Power!

Thanquol (405)*

  - Spells: Skitterleap

Warlock Bombardier (125)*


10 x Stormvermin (110)*

20 x Clanrats (130)*

  - Rusty Blade

20 x Clanrats (130)*

  - Rusty Blade


1 x Warp Lightning Cannon (185)*


6 x Stormfiends (630)*


1 x Warp Lightning Vortex (90)


1 x Gnawhole (0)


 - *Battle Regiment

TOTAL POINTS: 1980/2000

Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App

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I might not be the best one giving you advise as mainly theoryhammer player ATM. However, a few thoughts: 

- Skitterleap will not work with Thanquol I believe. Strategy with Skitterleap and WLV seems not to work too well with current meta. 

- Not enough bodies with only 50 Clanrats, Stormvermin. They will die instantly. 

- Thanquol and Stormfiends might work as Hammers, but you are sinking a lot of points in and SF need babysitting and MMMWP to really deal damage. I have seen Thanquol with 4 WFT wiping out big rank and file units. In my opinion, you have to shoot and charge them in hopefully finishing the attacked unit, but you need some speed bumps to absorb the counter charge. 

- My suggestion would be to exchange the AW vs. another bombardier, drop the cannon for more bodies (100 clanrats total).

Edited by Megahurtz
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  • 2 weeks later...
15 hours ago, Darkhan said:

Have not played much AoS 3, went over to 40K and Necromunda:/ going to a tourney with a trolly Skryre list in 2 weeks. Sooo can we overcharge the cannon while doing unleash hell?


Same can be said about any of the overcharged shooting units

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/21/2022 at 7:50 AM, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

They're a bit long, but as with most channels starting out they're working on ways to slim the reports down.

Love video reports but here's some (hopefully) constructive feedback:

In general, if you have a way to present a stable camera shot over the entire table (like a ceiling mount), that's my personal preference for video report styles. That way you can speed up the action of each player on each turn and then have commentary over it all. Between turns or during big events (charges, generals dying, etc) you can switch to the handheld view for a closeup of the drama. Season of War does a great job of this. If you don't have a ceiling view, any sort of stable view over the majority of the table would be great too. I just don't particularly care for the shaky cam. 

For the intro, overlay the army list on the side of the screen and have a static shot of the army with narration over it describing the list, try to keep it about 3-4 minutes per army. 

My personal attention span is about 10 minutes per battle round for a total of at most about 2 hours (100 minutes of action, 10 minutes of pregame and 10 minutes of postgame). Ideally I'd like to be able to watch it in an hour and I think 45-60 min is the sweet spot. I'm very cool not seeing all the dice rolls for stuff that isn't super important. I personally, also find it slightly offputting when one player is speaking or describing what he did and the second player jumps in to provide additional context. An example of this occurs about 48 minutes into the video.  Just try to have one person talk at a time.

I do understand that these suggestions require more editing, which is annoying for sure. It's also very tough to play skaven quickly and I really did like the battle report! 

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@vinnyt Oh thank you for the feedback. Much appreciated. At this point in time I am merely a guest player and there's only two gentlemen filming, editing and spending time and money. Much of what you said about the camera set-up is certainly on their radar, they too are a fan of all of our favorite channels. I'm unsure what they are planning for their overlay, thats where we get into dealers choice, I certainly am of the same mind about showing the lists for the intro. I've already given them feedback about not worrying about looking at dice trays, some channels have a separate top-down overlay, which is fine. Concerning the running time, I've also voiced my opinion on the length, in fact I was worried this was going to happen because behind the scenes, the entire production took 6 hours! That said, there is only one person editing, and they are still learning, on top of the channel still figuring out what they want their focus to be. All things considered, they've done a wonderful job improving video to video. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/10/2022 at 2:59 AM, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

@Chase I'm sorry to say I will be no help with defeating death. I've played skaven since pre-AOS, and in those years have NEVER beat a death army. It certainly hasn't gotten better with SGL getting a fancy new book. Good luck though.

I personallh have beaten a few death armies.

Warpfire thrower weapon teams usually seem to be the way to go, considering that most death armies will have some kind of horde unit in their army.

as for felsh eaters, they really hate a levitating doomwheel.

killed his lord on giant dead bat with one.

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Supposedly  some video on the Honest Wargamer channel said that Skaven is the mastery-Chaos-book this summer.

I would have originally expected BoC or even Khorne but since both have now gotten White Dwarf updated lately Skaven is a possibility. 

Would be nice if Eshin finally got some attention and we would not be given just one hero on foot again.

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4 minutes ago, DocKeule said:

Supposedly  some video on the Honest Wargamer channel said that Skaven is the mastery-Chaos-book this summer.

I would have originally expected BoC or even Khorne but since both have now gotten White Dwarf updated lately Skaven is a possibility. 

Would be nice if Eshin finally got some attention and we would not be given just one hero on foot again.

I don’t believe that the people of the honest wargamer know more the. The average skaven player.

But the chances for a skaven battletome seem more possible then ever before.

considering that next to tzeentch and slaanesh, skaven seem to only logical faction that is mischievous. (And well a group of rats is also called a mischief, not sure though id that was the first thought of the warhammer community people) tzeentch is cunning and decieving, not mischievous.

slaanesh has his own weird fetishes, and is more interested in stuff that doesn’t involve mischief in too many ways

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1 minute ago, DocKeule said:

Besides Slaanesh just got updated (twice) not too long ago and the Tzeentch book is more than a year younger than the Skaven battletome.

Well, we will see.

Well so did the lumineth, and yet the rumors believe that they are getting their third book soon, sounds great, I doubt that gw cares if a book got an update 6month later after it’s first tome release 

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Hello all!

I have a tournament coming up for my new rat boys, I expect some fairly decent lists there, almost certainly multiple big waaagh/ironjawz.

Now, I'm likely going full moulder but need to decide by the coming Friday what list i'll be taking. I started off with 3 Stormfiends in the list, but this got dropped in favour of Thanquol + WLV in the first list critique round. But i'm not quite sure still so need further advice.

This list currently is as follows-

- Army Faction: Skaven
- Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
- Triumph: Inspired
Master Moulder (95)***
- Things-catcher
- Artefacts of Power: Rabid Crown
Master Moulder (95)***
- Warpstone-tipped Lash
- Artefacts of Power: Arcane Tome
- Spells: Flaming Weapon
Thanquol (405)***
- General
- Spells: Death Frenzy 
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
4 x Rat Ogors (190)*
4 x Rat Ogors (190)*
4 x Rat Ogors (190)*
6 x Giant Rats (40)***
1 x Hell Pit Abomination (240)**
1 x Hell Pit Abomination (240)**
1 x Warp Lightning Vortex (90)
1 x Gnawhole (0)
- *Hunters of the Heartlands
- **Alpha-Beast Pack
- ***Warlord
TOTAL POINTS: 1975/2000

Is thanquol survivable enough, or do I just downgrade him to a regular seer, or even one of the masterclan verminlords. Each option opens up bringing more giant rats, rat ogors or maybe even a sneaky third hellpit in the Grey Seers case. Do I need more master moulders? :< So many what if's and indecisions. 

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12 minutes ago, Moogypies said:

Hello all!

I have a tournament coming up for my new rat boys, I expect some fairly decent lists there, almost certainly multiple big waaagh/ironjawz.

Now, I'm likely going full moulder but need to decide by the coming Friday what list i'll be taking. I started off with 3 Stormfiends in the list, but this got dropped in favour of Thanquol + WLV in the first list critique round. But i'm not quite sure still so need further advice.

This list currently is as follows-

- Army Faction: Skaven
- Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
- Triumph: Inspired
Master Moulder (95)***
- Things-catcher
- Artefacts of Power: Rabid Crown
Master Moulder (95)***
- Warpstone-tipped Lash
- Artefacts of Power: Arcane Tome
- Spells: Flaming Weapon
Thanquol (405)***
- General
- Spells: Death Frenzy 
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
4 x Rat Ogors (190)*
4 x Rat Ogors (190)*
4 x Rat Ogors (190)*
6 x Giant Rats (40)***
1 x Hell Pit Abomination (240)**
1 x Hell Pit Abomination (240)**
1 x Warp Lightning Vortex (90)
1 x Gnawhole (0)
- *Hunters of the Heartlands
- **Alpha-Beast Pack
- ***Warlord
TOTAL POINTS: 1975/2000

Is thanquol survivable enough, or do I just downgrade him to a regular seer, or even one of the masterclan verminlords. Each option opens up bringing more giant rats, rat ogors or maybe even a sneaky third hellpit in the Grey Seers case. Do I need more master moulders? :< So many what if's and indecisions. 

He is pretty survivable and has been a good unit in many skaven armies.

with a 5+ ward save he won’t be going down to easy, and he is vurrently the only wizard capable of casting and unbinding magic with relative good chances against any seraphon and lumineth player.

yet with his current price tag, you could question his use, I personally went with a grey seer lately, trying to get more out of my screens and damaging units like weapon teams.

then again I’m just a cheap guy trying to fit as mich horde/ troubling damage potential dealers in a list, which requires for thanqoul to not be a part of the army 

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On 3/22/2022 at 4:24 PM, Skreech Verminking said:

He is pretty survivable and has been a good unit in many skaven armies.

with a 5+ ward save he won’t be going down to easy, and he is vurrently the only wizard capable of casting and unbinding magic with relative good chances against any seraphon and lumineth player.

yet with his current price tag, you could question his use, I personally went with a grey seer lately, trying to get more out of my screens and damaging units like weapon teams.

then again I’m just a cheap guy trying to fit as mich horde/ troubling damage potential dealers in a list, which requires for thanqoul to not be a part of the army 

Upon reflection, we've edited the list to the below now. Whilst I want to love the idea of Thanquol and will try him out at a later date, but feel he'd be too big and obvious of a target if anyone bought the ol' 6 longstrike and/or Dragon/Fulmi wombo combo.

Allegiance: Skaventide
- Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
- Triumphs: Inspired

Grey Seer (140)**
- General
- Command Trait: Cunning
- Lore of Ruin: Death Frenzy
Master Moulder (95)**
- Artefact: Rabid Crown
Master Moulder (95)**
- Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
- Universal Spell Lore: Ghost-mist

6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)**
4 x Rat Ogors (190)***
- Reinforced x 1
4 x Rat Ogors (190)***
- Mutation: Toughened Sinews
- Reinforced x 1
4 x Rat Ogors (190)***
- Mutation: Insanely Rabid
- Reinforced x 1

Hell Pit Abomination (240)*
- Mutation: Never-never Die-die
Hell Pit Abomination (240)*
Hell Pit Abomination (240)*

Endless Spells & Invocations
Warp Lightning Vortex (90)

Core Battalions
*Alpha-Beast Pack
***Hunters of the Heartlands

Additional Enhancements

Total: 1990 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 3 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 141
Drops: 16

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49 minutes ago, Moogypies said:

Upon reflection, we've edited the list to the below now. Whilst I want to love the idea of Thanquol and will try him out at a later date, but feel he'd be too big and obvious of a target if anyone bought the ol' 6 longstrike and/or Dragon/Fulmi wombo combo.

Allegiance: Skaventide
- Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
- Triumphs: Inspired

Grey Seer (140)**
- General
- Command Trait: Cunning
- Lore of Ruin: Death Frenzy
Master Moulder (95)**
- Artefact: Rabid Crown
Master Moulder (95)**
- Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
- Universal Spell Lore: Ghost-mist

6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)**
4 x Rat Ogors (190)***
- Reinforced x 1
4 x Rat Ogors (190)***
- Mutation: Toughened Sinews
- Reinforced x 1
4 x Rat Ogors (190)***
- Mutation: Insanely Rabid
- Reinforced x 1

Hell Pit Abomination (240)*
- Mutation: Never-never Die-die
Hell Pit Abomination (240)*
Hell Pit Abomination (240)*

Endless Spells & Invocations
Warp Lightning Vortex (90)

Core Battalions
*Alpha-Beast Pack
***Hunters of the Heartlands

Additional Enhancements

Total: 1990 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 3 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 141
Drops: 16

Understandable, longstrike are currently a big problem, which is why I am thinking of exchanging one of my warlock bombardiers and both warplightning cannons for 6 jezzails and a doomwheel.

that doomwheel can actually deal with those longstrike with ease, when luck is on your side and you have the right combination at hand (like for example vial of the fulminator)

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1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Understandable, longstrike are currently a big problem, which is why I am thinking of exchanging one of my warlock bombardiers and both warplightning cannons for 6 jezzails and a doomwheel.

that doomwheel can actually deal with those longstrike with ease, when luck is on your side and you have the right combination at hand (like for example vial of the fulminator)

I do have 4 Doomwheels ready to roll out as well, maybe next tournament when it comes around :D Wanted to get the moulder going first out. 

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2 minutes ago, Moogypies said:

I do have 4 Doomwheels ready to roll out as well, maybe next tournament when it comes around :D Wanted to get the moulder going first out. 

Certainly my backstabbing friend.

let the beast rumble and tumble😂

ps: Doomwheels are great, I should be the owner of 6 somewhat soonish

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  • 2 weeks later...


Group Photo for the tournament list mentioned above, got some very very stiff competition in the lists- First Prince, Longstrike Stormcast, Big Waagh and Ironjawz so it'll be a hard fought game! Hopefully I can report back tomorrow with at least 1 win :D 

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19 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Good luck

We return Victorious! I went 2-1 and ended up 5th/20

A hard day and interesting as it was my first time playing all Moulder.

Faced Soulblight (Loss) OBR (Win) Maggotkin (Win)

Changes I would make to the list? Drop Death Frenzy, Pick up Warpgale. Not much else I think that I could change that would improve this, maybe drop a hellpit for more rat ogors and soulsnare shackles for more area denial?

List and small summary of games below.



Allegiance: Skaventide
- Grand Strategy: Hold the Line
- Triumphs: Inspired

Grey Seer (140)**
- General
- Command Trait: Cunning
- Lore of Ruin: Death Frenzy
Master Moulder (95)**
- Artefact: Rabid Crown
Master Moulder (95)**
- Artefact: Arcane Tome (Universal Artefact)
- Universal Spell Lore: Ghost-mist

6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)
6 x Giant Rats (40)**
4 x Rat Ogors (190)***
- Reinforced x 1
4 x Rat Ogors (190)***
- Mutation: Toughened Sinews
- Reinforced x 1
4 x Rat Ogors (190)***
- Mutation: Insanely Rabid
- Reinforced x 1

Hell Pit Abomination (240)*
- Mutation: Never-never Die-die
Hell Pit Abomination (240)*
Hell Pit Abomination (240)*

Endless Spells & Invocations
Warp Lightning Vortex (90)

Core Battalions
*Alpha-Beast Pack
***Hunters of the Heartlands

Additional Enhancements

Total: 1990 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 3 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 141
Drops: 16



Game 1, First Blood vs Soulblight, Mannfredd, ZLoZD, Grave Guard and Zombies.

I skavened this game right up, turn 1 we got the Warp Lightning Vortex off and slowed down the advance of the dead considerably. Take it to turn 2 and the Grey Seer ate some Warp Stone and killed himself. 👌

The large block of zombies ate 4 rat ogors, which came back! The zombies then got munched by the unit of rabid ogors in return for 38 damage, taking them all out in a fell swoop. Shame that Soulblight are better at bringing things back then us, and for no command points too!

The hellpits fell over to the ZD/Mannfredd who made all their charges leaving me after a hard fought 3 turns, unable to do all that much.

SBGL: 29 Skaven:15


Game 2- Tooth And Nail vs OBR, Petrifex Mortek with Katakros+Arkhan

I mean I can only describe what happened here as a marvel of Skaven ferocity. The OBR may have overstepped their boundaries, allowing the hellpits to go all in and simply remove units of mortek at a time with their mortal wound output. When the blocks of mortek died, objectives where mine to keep with little threat to the little rats in the back holding the fort. Screening of any advances Arkhan could make.

OBR- 15 Skaven- 31


Game 3- Power Struggle VS Nurgle, Glottkin + Pusgoyles with the Pusgoyle hero, and some Blightkings

Very tough game, but we managed to prevail via constant screening of giant rats and at one point using all 3 hellpits as a massive screen in the middle! Combined with teleporting little rats to the backline gnawholes the nurgle didn't have enough models or speed (Thanks against Warp Vortex preventing run and fly!) to deal with the numbers of giant rats I could quickly move to each objective. If he left it to deal with another objective, I took it back preventing him scoring for another turn.

Very very close at the end still, Nurgle- 20 Skaven - 26


Edited by Moogypies
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