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@Lord Krungharr often thats true. No matter the skill level of a player you're up against, as soon as you explain that you teleport through gnawholes they overcompensate the first few rounds to deny you fun. Best make that the plan all along and have fun other ways. I only experimented with the above idea with the gnawbomb because in my local meta I'm always going first because, well, 13+ drop lists will do that, so my initial gnawhole placement is inspired by that. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Should I change my list up for the next upcoming event, last of 2023?  

I was using: 

Allegiance: Skaven
- Grand Strategy: Masters of Execution
- Triumphs:
Verminlord Deceiver (400)**
- General
- Command Trait: Shadowmaster
- Artefact: Shadow Magnet Trinket
- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon
Verminlord Deceiver (400)*
- Artefact: Farskitter Cloak
- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon
Slynk Skittershank (220)**
Deathmaster (110)*
Deathmaster (110)*
Deathmaster (110)**
10 x Gutter Runners (200)**
- Reinforced x 1
10 x Gutter Runners (200)**
- Reinforced x 1
10 x Gutter Runners (200)**
- Reinforced x 1
Vermintide (30)
*Command Entourage - Magnificent
**Battle Regiment

Total: 1980 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 3 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 76
Drops: 4

Or should I switch it to something like this with a few more wounds and the Warp Grinder and Gnawbomb to ease some terrain deepstriking burdens?  I will say though, the Farskitter Cloak really saved that one Deceiver's hide a couple times last tournament!

Allegiance: Skaven
- Grand Strategy: Masters of Execution
- Triumphs:
Verminlord Deceiver (400)**
- General
- Command Trait: Shadowmaster
- Artefact: Shadow Magnet Trinket
- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon
Verminlord Deceiver (400)*
- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon
Slynk Skittershank (220)**
Deathmaster (110)*
- Artefact: Gnawbomb
Deathmaster (110)*
15 x Gutter Runners (300)**
- Reinforced x 2
10 x Gutter Runners (200)**
- Reinforced x 1
5 x Gutter Runners (100)**
10 x Night Runners (90)
1 x Warp-Grinder (60)
*Command Entourage - Magnificent
**Battle Regiment

Total: 1990 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 3 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 84
Drops: 6

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/8/2023 at 9:10 AM, Lord Krungharr said:

Should I change my list up for the next upcoming event, last of 2023?  

I was using: 

Allegiance: Skaven
- Grand Strategy: Masters of Execution
- Triumphs:
Verminlord Deceiver (400)**
- General
- Command Trait: Shadowmaster
- Artefact: Shadow Magnet Trinket
- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon
Verminlord Deceiver (400)*
- Artefact: Farskitter Cloak
- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon
Slynk Skittershank (220)**
Deathmaster (110)*
Deathmaster (110)*
Deathmaster (110)**
10 x Gutter Runners (200)**
- Reinforced x 1
10 x Gutter Runners (200)**
- Reinforced x 1
10 x Gutter Runners (200)**
- Reinforced x 1
Vermintide (30)
*Command Entourage - Magnificent
**Battle Regiment

Total: 1980 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 3 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 76
Drops: 4

Or should I switch it to something like this with a few more wounds and the Warp Grinder and Gnawbomb to ease some terrain deepstriking burdens?  I will say though, the Farskitter Cloak really saved that one Deceiver's hide a couple times last tournament!

Allegiance: Skaven
- Grand Strategy: Masters of Execution
- Triumphs:
Verminlord Deceiver (400)**
- General
- Command Trait: Shadowmaster
- Artefact: Shadow Magnet Trinket
- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon
Verminlord Deceiver (400)*
- Universal Spell Lore: Flaming Weapon
Slynk Skittershank (220)**
Deathmaster (110)*
- Artefact: Gnawbomb
Deathmaster (110)*
15 x Gutter Runners (300)**
- Reinforced x 2
10 x Gutter Runners (200)**
- Reinforced x 1
5 x Gutter Runners (100)**
10 x Night Runners (90)
1 x Warp-Grinder (60)
*Command Entourage - Magnificent
**Battle Regiment

Total: 1990 / 2000
Reinforced Units: 3 / 4
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 84
Drops: 6

If it’s not too late I’d personally go for the first one as I personally just enjoy gutter runners more then night runners.

Also what happened here?

seem like nobody has written anything at all for a good amount of time here.

Hopefully much more will be talked-squeaked when the battlescroll update comes.

ps: also a merry ratmas to all of ya

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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11 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

If it’s not too late I’d personally go for the first one as I personally just enjoy gutter runners more then night runners.

Also what happened here?

seem like nobody has written anything at all for a good amount of time here.

Hopefully much more will be talked-squeaked when the battlescroll update comes.

ps: also a merry ratmas to all of ya

Alas, I came down with a nasty cold/sinus/bronchial infection.  So I couldn't go to that event.  Apparently 16 other players showed, so $*%$!  But I did decide to make my last metal Verminlord into a Warbringer.  Then I'll have 2 Deceivers (1 is magnetized so could be Lord Skreech or a Warpseer), and the Warbringer.  That DeathFrenzy is pretty awesome!

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1 hour ago, Lord Krungharr said:

Alas, I came down with a nasty cold/sinus/bronchial infection.  So I couldn't go to that event.  Apparently 16 other players showed, so $*%$!  But I did decide to make my last metal Verminlord into a Warbringer.  Then I'll have 2 Deceivers (1 is magnetized so could be Lord Skreech or a Warpseer), and the Warbringer.  That DeathFrenzy is pretty awesome!

Yeah personally all of the verminlords look awesome.

and if it wasn’t for a friend of mine I’d probably never would have gotten the chance of owning the warp-gnaw verminlord.


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Greetings-regards, fellow schemers for world supermacy, I mean, all-of-the-realms-supremacy,

I haven't been to the TGA-Community for quite a while, and was a bit suprised to see, that here's only one topic in the Skaven Sub-Forum. Can anyone help me out, about what's the idea behind that? Should I just post every skaven related question here?

Gratitude-thanks, in advance!

Edited by Filius
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37 minutes ago, Filius said:

Greetings-regards, fellow schemers for world supermacy, I mean, all-of-the-realms-supremacy,

I haven't been to the TGA-Community for quite a while, and was a bit suprised to see, that here's only one topic in the Skaven Sub-Forum. Can anyone help me out, about what's the idea behind that? Should I just post every skaven related question here?

Gratitude-thanks, in advance!

Pretty much yes.


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Thanks-thanks, Lord Verminking,

well, then I'll go for it. I do have more unbuild and unpainted minis, than I will probably be able to paint this year. But while painting and in between, I also think about in which direction I should go on with the army. And I wonder about the use of Clanrats vs. Stormvermin. From the last game I played (two years ago) I remember that the Stormvermin were really fun. The cut down the dryads they were facing with ease, and I made a note to myself to buy more of them and add a Claw-Lord. But Clanrats come in numbers of 20/40/60 and are also very much fun to build and paint.

Sooo … I wonder: Is there a general recommendation to go with more Clanrats or more Stormvermin currently?

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8 minutes ago, Filius said:

Thanks-thanks, Lord Verminking,

well, then I'll go for it. I do have more unbuild and unpainted minis, than I will probably be able to paint this year. But while painting and in between, I also think about in which direction I should go on with the army. And I wonder about the use of Clanrats vs. Stormvermin. From the last game I played (two years ago) I remember that the Stormvermin were really fun. The cut down the dryads they were facing with ease, and I made a note to myself to buy more of them and add a Claw-Lord. But Clanrats come in numbers of 20/40/60 and are also very much fun to build and paint.

Sooo … I wonder: Is there a general recommendation to go with more Clanrats or more Stormvermin currently?

Well…. Officially you will pribably be better of with more clanrats then stormvermins, but I tend to go for the rule of fun, and if it is stormvermins you like I’d go for that.

i too am a sucker for the elite horde and do prefer in my fun games to use a block of 30.

60 is something I personally haven’t dabbled with yet, but I might at some point

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2 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

Well…. Officially you will pribably be better of with more clanrats then stormvermins, but I tend to go for the rule of fun, and if it is stormvermins you like I’d go for that.

i too am a sucker for the elite horde and do prefer in my fun games to use a block of 30.

60 is something I personally haven’t dabbled with yet, but I might at some point

Well … I only do fun games, hehe, so I'll just look for what I want to built and paint, once the todo-list reaches the "more clanrats or more stormvermin"-point. :D

Thanks alot-much!

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@Skreech Verminking i re-read your FAQ suggestion and made some notes as i went through. They're condensed below. 

Overall thoughts: I feel a lot of suggestions are hopiuem fueled but they are fun, which is the point. Frankly nailing down the battle trait section could make everything else fall into place and not require much change elsewhere. That doesn't necessarily mean adding many more rules (see your Moulder section) but can suddenly make our troop units more fun. This is a flaw I think that our current book has where the battle traits are basically hero locked, and doesn't support our massive bench of units in a meaningful way.

Your design philosophy seems to about filling in gaps and building upon the old. If I were you, i'd go full tin-foil-hat and make some crazy structural changes, this is a fan FAQ after all. AKA you can get more nutty. 


Battle Traits
- I don't have much context for your choice/necessity for bravery modification. I do recognize this was our old rule but theres new tech out there we can use. We obviously suffer the most from bravery in the game but in the larger picture I'd wait to see if bravery is used differently altogether in 4.0. I will suggest however to consider adding horde bonuses directly onto warscrolls so that you can tailor them to what their MSU is (see your clanrat rule).
- Too little context to justify a new battlefield role. I see what you did with the discounted points and the  tech is already in game to restrict reinforcement points with controlling battleline. 
- More reinforcement points, no argument there.
- Redmaw changes i remember discussing in length about. You present a solid modification to a still problematic ability.
- Clawlords: recommend min. 3 required for the bonus ability to stay in line with the others and would make greater use of the fun ability. Personal taste but instead a 4+ refund if issued to verminous unit? Commmand point centric builds is the verminous way regardless.
- Moulder: The design is a welcome one that is adaptive and reminds me a lot of the Legion of the First Prince sub-allegiance ability to adapt mid combat for S2D armies. However, the individual mutations are wordy as hell and as a player I'd prefer a single ability (theres lots of "in addition"). This section has the most fat to trim.
Spell Lores
Personal taste but these spells feel outdated. i'm ready to move on and try new tech for our greyseers. Same goes for the Warpvolt lore. The Verminlords certainly need their own lore, perhaps use this space to recommend 3 spells for them exclusively?
Command Traits
- Overseer of Destruction: I see what you're trying to do, you wanna make Doom-flayers good again. I see you. I say let them eat cake. Here's a wild idea but why not make 3 weapon teams get that bonus at the list building stage? If you're using up a command trait you might as well garauntee that the units get their bonus the whole game.
- Architect of Death: An intriguing change considering the plagueclaw's debuff on targeting a unit. Now you can hit two units with one model. I like it.
For the most part warscroll re-writes need to be done across the board. Without much context, they seem arbitrary, but i understand the fun they add. The additions that consider the other changes in your FAQ are what is most relevant.

Notable exclusions are Skritch Spiteclaw and the Screaming Bell, both currently do nothing and any suggested changes are welcome.  

Grand Strats
-Hired to Kill-slay: youre picking the hardest target, which incentivises alpha striking and overwhelming firepower. this is perfectly viable but a playstyle thats been done before. I instead prefer a feat of cunning and careful planning not so much the target choice. For example, "This grand strat is completed if an eshin hero slays and enemy hero picked to be a target from the Eshin battle trait and wasn't damaged by any other friendly units that turn". 1V1. So its possible for a single deathmaster to chase down a foot hero while still giving your opponent some counter-play AND incorporating the battle trait. 

-Alpha Rat: This is hilarious. Appreciate that its not clan locked as well. Theres built in diminishing returns by going beyond 3 heroes as it might be harder to convince your opponent to kill more. Very clever design. You should be proud of this one. 

-Who to blame-fault: Yes. 

Really hard to make meaningful point changes without it being a race to the bottom and also considering my point about the warscrolls. That said, I recognize your love for stormvermin.

Hot take: We may need to get real and also consider the possibility of cutting models completely from our line. I'm pretty sure this is the most reasonable/honest thing GW could read from your fan FAQ.

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1 hour ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

@Skreech Verminking i re-read your FAQ suggestion and made some notes as i went through. They're condensed below. 

Overall thoughts: I feel a lot of suggestions are hopiuem fueled but they are fun, which is the point. Frankly nailing down the battle trait section could make everything else fall into place and not require much change elsewhere. That doesn't necessarily mean adding many more rules (see your Moulder section) but can suddenly make our troop units more fun. This is a flaw I think that our current book has where the battle traits are basically hero locked, and doesn't support our massive bench of units in a meaningful way.

Your design philosophy seems to about filling in gaps and building upon the old. If I were you, i'd go full tin-foil-hat and make some crazy structural changes, this is a fan FAQ after all. AKA you can get more nutty. 

  Hide contents

Battle Traits
- I don't have much context for your choice/necessity for bravery modification. I do recognize this was our old rule but theres new tech out there we can use. We obviously suffer the most from bravery in the game but in the larger picture I'd wait to see if bravery is used differently altogether in 4.0. I will suggest however to consider adding horde bonuses directly onto warscrolls so that you can tailor them to what their MSU is (see your clanrat rule).
- Too little context to justify a new battlefield role. I see what you did with the discounted points and the  tech is already in game to restrict reinforcement points with controlling battleline. 
- More reinforcement points, no argument there.
- Redmaw changes i remember discussing in length about. You present a solid modification to a still problematic ability.
- Clawlords: recommend min. 3 required for the bonus ability to stay in line with the others and would make greater use of the fun ability. Personal taste but instead a 4+ refund if issued to verminous unit? Commmand point centric builds is the verminous way regardless.
- Moulder: The design is a welcome one that is adaptive and reminds me a lot of the Legion of the First Prince sub-allegiance ability to adapt mid combat for S2D armies. However, the individual mutations are wordy as hell and as a player I'd prefer a single ability (theres lots of "in addition"). This section has the most fat to trim.
Spell Lores
Personal taste but these spells feel outdated. i'm ready to move on and try new tech for our greyseers. Same goes for the Warpvolt lore. The Verminlords certainly need their own lore, perhaps use this space to recommend 3 spells for them exclusively?
Command Traits
- Overseer of Destruction: I see what you're trying to do, you wanna make Doom-flayers good again. I see you. I say let them eat cake. Here's a wild idea but why not make 3 weapon teams get that bonus at the list building stage? If you're using up a command trait you might as well garauntee that the units get their bonus the whole game.
- Architect of Death: An intriguing change considering the plagueclaw's debuff on targeting a unit. Now you can hit two units with one model. I like it.
For the most part warscroll re-writes need to be done across the board. Without much context, they seem arbitrary, but i understand the fun they add. The additions that consider the other changes in your FAQ are what is most relevant.

Notable exclusions are Skritch Spiteclaw and the Screaming Bell, both currently do nothing and any suggested changes are welcome.  

Grand Strats
-Hired to Kill-slay: youre picking the hardest target, which incentivises alpha striking and overwhelming firepower. this is perfectly viable but a playstyle thats been done before. I instead prefer a feat of cunning and careful planning not so much the target choice. For example, "This grand strat is completed if an eshin hero slays and enemy hero picked to be a target from the Eshin battle trait and wasn't damaged by any other friendly units that turn". 1V1. So its possible for a single deathmaster to chase down a foot hero while still giving your opponent some counter-play AND incorporating the battle trait. 

-Alpha Rat: This is hilarious. Appreciate that its not clan locked as well. Theres built in diminishing returns by going beyond 3 heroes as it might be harder to convince your opponent to kill more. Very clever design. You should be proud of this one. 

-Who to blame-fault: Yes. 

Really hard to make meaningful point changes without it being a race to the bottom and also considering my point about the warscrolls. That said, I recognize your love for stormvermin.

Hot take: We may need to get real and also consider the possibility of cutting models completely from our line. I'm pretty sure this is the most reasonable/honest thing GW could read from your fan FAQ.

Thanks, I’ll take a better look at your suggestion tomorrow. But the few things I’ve sk far read are very inspiring.

(Doing something entirely new might be an interesting thought)

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21 minutes ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

The people in charge of the previous correction have promptly been sacked.

Clanrats have -5 rend this season

Yeah although I’d think it be best to mention that the potential -5 rend is something this season most skaven units can get.

Although clanrats are the cheapest option that can take full advantage out of it (in theory giant rats or slryre acolytes are cheaper, but truly they aren’t going to do more damage then maybe 2-4 depending how you roll in combat)

Of course this is the case if plague censer bearers get a points hike in the next battle-scroll update. Although I’d take clanrats every day over those plague censer bearers just for the sake of fun and fluffy lists

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Here me out, the following recipe needs a Verminlord Corrupter, Greyseer, Clawlord, Purple Sun, Warlord battalion,  30 Plague Monks,  totaling 900 pts:

1) Cast Hoarfrost, roll like a god, get the 5+, target Plague Monks

2) Greyseer uses Skavenbrew artifact on Plague Monks

3) Cast Purple Sun

4) Charge Plaguemonks + Clawlord w/ Warpstone Charm

5) Lord of Pestilence CA on Plaguemonks. 

Result is ~120 attacks, 3" RNG,  +2/+3/-5/1 dmg. Nat 6's are -7 rend!

Edited by Riff_Raff_Rascal
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1 hour ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

Here me out, the following recipe needs a Verminlord Corrupter, Greyseer, Clawlord, Purple Sun, Warlord battalion,  30 Plague Monks,  totaling 900 pts:

1) Cast Hoarfrost, roll like a god, get the 5+, target Plague Monks

2) Greyseer uses Skavenbrew artifact on Plague Monks

3) Cast Purple Sun

4) Charge Plaguemonks + Clawlord w/ Warpstone Charm

5) Lord of Pestilence CA on Plaguemonks. 

Result is ~120 attacks, 3" RNG,  +2/+3/-5/1 dmg. Nat 6's are -7 rend!

I mean yes pretty great, although you could probably do the same thing on a unit of 60 clanrats:

with the verminlord warbringer (if even encessary) will give them +1 to hit and to wound.

give the gnash gnaw on their bomes and skavenbrew.

and now we watch as the enemy takes 180 attacks with rend -5 to the phase

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On 12/30/2023 at 12:08 AM, Skreech Verminking said:

with the verminlord warbringer (if even encessary) will give them +1 to hit and to wound.

give the gnash gnaw on their bomes and skavenbrew.

Man, this has been a personal sticking point of mine for 2 editions now. By both being command abilities in the combat phase its been hair-pulling frustration trying to get stormvermin to be super scary. If I had anything to add to your FAQ, I'd make the Gnash-Gnash ability just that, an ability. So that you can put a All-Out-Attack or Tyrant of Battle CA. Having the retinue ability of other foot heroes where you activate as a pair would also just make clawlords way more enticing en masse. 

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I do think Skaven need something akin to the Kruleboyz dirty tricks, just call them Plan-Schemes, and each Clan could get a couple to pick from, and up to 3 units could do one depending on their Clan.  A universal one could be at the beginning of the Combat Phase, a unit within 3" of the enemy could perform a retreat move.  Seems like a ratty thing they would do :)

This and perhaps double the number of reinforcement points they can do, so a proper rat-horde can be done, and bring back the extra Bravery in numbers (at least I think the previous book had that didn't it?).  And require movement trays be used for deployment so it doesn't take half the game just to set them up :D

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