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20 minutes ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

Has anyone checked in with our maggotkin allies? I'm lookin for some tech to add behind our back lines. I've been re-inspired since grabbing Skabbik's Plaguepack. 

The best units as alloes from that range gor us are either the nurgling swarms or the underworld warbands. As one can be used as infiltraders quit easily that take-still objectives from the beginning.

the other units just kinda works one here own pretty well.

i could also see some blightlords as an option as they give us a horde killing ability at the end of the combat phase.

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Looks like Gutrot Spume and 5 Blight Kings come in at 390 points.  That would make a very meaty bunch to outflank to the enemy backfield edge.  Is it correct we have to have a Pestilens General to take Maggotkin allies though?  Guess a Plague Furnace is pretty solid.

I like the Nurgling idea too though.  They're super annoying!

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These days the Furnace is in a great spot since it can push itself now, and thus makes it a more enticing candidate for your general. Makes better use of our artifacts over the Corrupter as well. That said, the I believe the best that maggotkin have to offer is the Sloppity Bile-Piper and may give a good excuse to run a Verminlord Corrupter (piper's ability only requires Nurgle Demon). 

Nurglings are funny but for the same points/role I'd rather use Gutter Runners personally. 

The Gutrot and Blightkings is fine for some punch but remember they're still squishy without their 5+ ward. Perfectly viable if you use them as a counter punch behind a screen of rats. Perhaps ambush them on a side objective and use a tunnel team to create a screen of clanrats? 

Phulgoth’s Shudderhood is also an option for some toughness and some flying units. You can sidestep the pestilens general requirement because its an army of renown. It has a resistance to shooting which would diversify our defenses. The troops themselves are just meat shields, the blightkings will still give you that anti-horde, but that Harbinger of decay hero is spicy. 

Lots of potential with that guy. 




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5 hours ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

These days the Furnace is in a great spot since it can push itself now, and thus makes it a more enticing candidate for your general. Makes better use of our artifacts over the Corrupter as well. That said, the I believe the best that maggotkin have to offer is the Sloppity Bile-Piper and may give a good excuse to run a Verminlord Corrupter (piper's ability only requires Nurgle Demon). 

Nurglings are funny but for the same points/role I'd rather use Gutter Runners personally. 

The Gutrot and Blightkings is fine for some punch but remember they're still squishy without their 5+ ward. Perfectly viable if you use them as a counter punch behind a screen of rats. Perhaps ambush them on a side objective and use a tunnel team to create a screen of clanrats? 

Phulgoth’s Shudderhood is also an option for some toughness and some flying units. You can sidestep the pestilens general requirement because its an army of renown. It has a resistance to shooting which would diversify our defenses. The troops themselves are just meat shields, the blightkings will still give you that anti-horde, but that Harbinger of decay hero is spicy. 

Lots of potential with that guy. 




Yeah the furnace is pretty awesome and unlike our screening bell it is used quit lore accurate, which I like

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What about Thryx's Coven Regiment of Renown? The parchment curse along along with a Plagueclaw Catapult seems like good synergy. Sure the upfront cost  is steep, the regiment is actually a major discount for what Tzeentch has to pay. The Burning Sigil is also a nice back-up Warp-Lightning Vortex with summoning if you were already running 3 endless spells in your list anyways. 

The really interesting interaction is Skaven's ability to hurt friendly models to proc the free unbindable spell cast per the regiments Profane Potential ability. We have the unreliable Plague Priest warscroll prayer that affects all units in an AOE or the absolutely atrocious Chain Warp Lightning spell from our Warpvolt Spell lore. 

Still, use the old book while we can I guess. 

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I emailed GW about removing Behemoth from the Doomwheel yesterday.  I said that Allopexes and Khorgoraths are 8 wounds and not Behemoths, so neither should the Doomwheel be one.  Or the other ones should be Behemoths.  I also told them I am looking forward to buying 12 more Doomwheels in the summer.  Hoping that makes them take my suggestion.

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6 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

I emailed GW about removing Behemoth from the Doomwheel yesterday.  I said that Allopexes and Khorgoraths are 8 wounds and not Behemoths, so neither should the Doomwheel be one.  Or the other ones should be Behemoths.  I also told them I am looking forward to buying 12 more Doomwheels in the summer.  Hoping that makes them take my suggestion.

Its GW we are talking about here. They will discontinue Doomwheels instead and give us a made to order for 90s nightrunners. 😂

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On 1/24/2024 at 6:40 AM, Lord Krungharr said:

Hmmm, did this person label their files as Skaven and other GW names?  They must have been selling A WHOLE LOT of bits for GW to notice.

They did not. They were labeled as rat men or something and they were modified files taken from Total war so its even more garbage of GW.

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  • 1 month later...

Greetings-Salutations, dear fellow Masterminds,

when I started my Skaven Army I plannend on running Jezzails in bigger Units (and thus have quite some bits for them) for more reliability. But I noticed that you can only run them in Sizes of 3 now, which reduces buffing them quite a bit. So … are there any synergies with other units (esp. for buff) when running more the 3 Jezzails / more the one unit of them?

Thanks-gratitude, in advance, yes, yes …

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I'd say a Warlock Engineer or Arch Warlock would be a must have for More-More-Warp-Power for the +1 hit/+1 wound AND then in the shooting phase use a Warpspark to give the Jezzails +1 damage.  And IIRC the Warpspark for shooting can nominate up to 3 units to get +1 damage to their missile weapons.  Been a while since I've used my Skaven.

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Thanks! But you can only More-More-Warp-Power for one Unit per Round, right? Which is kinda sad to give it just to three Jezzails. On the other hand … I just don't have any other Skryer Units with Missile Weapons currently, hehe …

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9 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

But an Arch Warlock is just plain good...

Lucky me-myself, that my army already has-got one, yes-yes. Last Battle, he blew himself up in the first round, but that's the fun of being a skaven, yes, yes …

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6 hours ago, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

If they give Doomwheels an explosion rule i'd be in heaven

That’d be awesome.

I just hope they’ll rewrite the rattling guns overcharge ability if that’s the case, or I’ll be yeeting them i to the enemies 😂

Edited by Skreech Verminking
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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, its finally time to look inwards and accpet we will be losing stuff. Wasn't expecting such an honest article on the community page. 

I feel for those BoC players. I look at their range and realize it was either us or them. 

I laugh at the S2D players who spammed Warcry Warbands. The puzzling thing is they're great looking models. I guess they're still good for warcry. 

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