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That does not sound too bad though.  It looks like Orks are going to be pretty much the last of the established faction codexes for 40k (current rumors have them pegged for a summer release), which means that GW can probably wind down the rapid-fire book releases they have been shoving out the door for 40k.  This should allow them to settle into a more standard release schedule with respect to all of their products.  I also hope that the bandwidth that they would open up by having all of the 40k codexes updated in such a short time period is that they could rapid-fire out some Age of Sigmar battletomes for things that might not need more additions to the model range. 

For example, they could knock out a couple Battletomes that group up older factions like Legions of Nagash did.  I would love if they took 2-3 months and quickly released a "Waaagh! Gordrak" book that put most of the Destruction forces under his banner and updated them so they were a bit more competitive.  And also do the same thing for stuff such as Slaves of Darkness, the Free Peoples, Skaven, and various Elf & Duardin small factions.  None of that stuff necessarily needs new models in order to function (unless they want to expand any of them into their own specific battletome), but they could really use more thought into how they fit into full armies.

Edited by Skabnoze
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4 hours ago, Ar-Pharazôn said:

The guy has a Khorne symbol on his face on the left, and a comet on the right side on his clothing. Assuming it's the same man, maybe it's showing the corruption of someone trapped for eternity?

I think they’re just two different people maybe. Different nose, eyes and facial hair, plus different armour.

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4 hours ago, Sete said:

Some sort of free guild for Shadespire? Fighting some reavers?


Well, this transaltion someone did on reddit may help:


  • Shadespire: The Mirrored City - Shadespire. Throughout the realm of death, this name is just a tremble on the lips of those foolish enough to utter it. Once upon a time, this city was a glittering metropolis whose tall towers and palaces of glass jutted out into the gloomy skies of the underworld. But today only empty ruins are left of her and her name brings disaster to anyone who says so. Because Shadespire is a place of damnation, a shadow in the wasteland, in which the howling of miserable souls echoes. The inhabitants of Shadespire are condemned to perpetuate this purgatory forever, as punishment for their crimes against the god of death. Their offenses weighed so heavily that Nagash's curse was of cruel and corrupted craftsmanship, for he turned everything that was once praised in the city into a twisted reflection. In the mist-shrouded streets lurks every kind of terror death holds, and darkness has spread in every heart. But there are still those who venture into the ruins. Former free-lance soldier Seguin Reynar goes to Shadespire to seek his fortune and he is not alone. As Sigmar's heroes seek their way through this confused nightmare, the hordes of chaos revel in its madness. But whether they follow the duty or the lure of ancient treasures, they all expect the same fate. This place is a hell of madness and monsters, and for those who enter it, there is no turning back.

  • The Tainted Heart - Chamon is in agony. An enigmatic rot has seized the kingdom and withered the oases in its deserts under the touch of the plague god Nurgle. Where life once flourished, the land suffocates under pathological growths. The stench of decaying souls, torn by the illness imposed on them by Nurgle's will, wafts through the gleaming dunes, and the tentative tendrils of decay continue to reach out. The plague is met by Talorcan and Esselt, two witch hunters of the Order of Azyr. The serious, thoughtful Talorcan is as famous within the Brotherhood as a tracker as the merciless sword arm of his beloved Esselt. On the bloody trail of a cultist, the witch hunters encounter a massacre, after which they no longer have mercy in the fight against the disease that captures their home kingdom - until they have to face their greatest challenge. In the face of the unthinkable, the fight quickly becomes the test of their faith, and Talorcan and Esselt can only rely on one thing: each other.

  • Scourge of Fate - Archaon, the Eternally Chosen One, is the most powerful and dreaded warrior of the Dark Gods. Even warlords of unbelievable cruelty, who have already led countless campaigns full of suffering and massacres, want to fight at his side. These Knights of Corruption are known as the Varangarde. Although the blood of conquered lands drips from the Blade of Atavar the Black Pilgrim, he must first prove worthy to ascend into the Fifth Circle of the Varangarde. Now he has his final task: to hunt down and kill a legendary hero of the forces of order, as a prophecy states that he is to liberate the mortal realms from the stranglehold of chaos. But when a betrayal occurs in the heart of the Varant Tower, Archaon's huge fortress, Atavar realizes that the chosen one of Sigmar is not the only threat to Archaon's reign that he must eliminate. For Atavar, there will only be victory or total annihilation. He is a warrior of the Varangarde and no enemy of the Three Eyed King will escape his sword.

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17 hours ago, Ar-Pharazôn said:

So based on new announcements, the earliest we can expect for a new Battletome is June?

As long as they announce it relatively early like they did with Idoneth and Daughters of khaine, at least we'll know what to look forward to :) (please let it be Skaven)

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1 hour ago, HorticulusTGA said:

It's Nighthaunt and then Stormcast / Magic supplement / new Rulebook first....

Do we have a source on the release order yet?


GW gave a full model teaser for the supplement, but only glimpses for upcoming Death and tend to put up their previews and reveals according to release order. So I always asumed we would get the magic supplement first.


Putting together what seems to be sure, I think the most likely scenario is:

-Boxed set and magic supplement rather close together. Likely spread across two months (/two paychecks), likely boxed set first (see below).

-Boxed set: Upcoming Death and Pottercast, something like Blight War, Forgebane or the Deathwatch/Harlequin one (Deathmasques was it?), biggest possible deviance, maybe the models are easy to build.

-Boxed set could also contain a preview of the magic supplement, like a part of its rules and two aetheric Vortices. Then makes sense to release of boxed set a bit before magic supplement. Additional preview character-another incentitive to buy boxed set.

-Magic supplement: released alongside more aetheric vortices. Includes updated warscrolls for older pieces likely to be classed aetheric vortice (feculent gnawmaw, balewind vortex, magewrath throne?)

-If the boxed set is like the others, that implies previewed faction full release is still a few months out, so no new Death battletome before late summer/fall (just in time for Halloween?)

-Pottercast might just be a standalone addition to SCE, at least for the time being


Further, I think the new rules rumors we have gotten so far are likely from playtesting. In that case I think GW could be testing out a lot of changes unlikely to make it into the game.

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Well @Rogue Explorator we should get some info at the preview seminar at Warhammer fest 12th may (I can't wait :D

But remember, the rumors range from a Blightwar style boxset and a Magic supplement coming alongside a Nighthaunt battletome and then the FAQ in July, to a true new edition with a dedicated new Rulebook and Starter set.

We have proofs and rumors of several new units (Wizcast, Black Coach, Hangmen ghost are more or less confirmed + flying stormcast, ghast-caller, etc.), so full releases (i.e. bigger than just one new unit in Blightwar or Forgebane) are still likely...

What is at least 100% confirmed (not the release date) : 

- Magic stuff + etheric vortex models (purple sun).

- New Stormcast and Nighthaunt models (at least 1 or more units per faction) / the novel Souls War by Josh Reynolds.

- a FAQ in July. 

Edited by HorticulusTGA
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35 minutes ago, stato said:

LOL.    AoS has it sooo bad xD

Read again, I mean the slump in new 40k stuff.

AoS clearly had it very good in 2018 so far (though new as it still is, there are still spaces and factions badly in need of attention), but this has come at a cost for 40k, which got plenty of codices, but hardly any major releases. With the codices nearly through, I would expect 40k to get its share of new releases in the second half of 2018.

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On 2018-04-27 at 6:16 AM, BrownDog said:

First look at the new Stormcast unit that's been rumoured, along with a nice story (GHOST BUSTERS!!!!!!)




What has got me most excited is the last drawing.

At this stage it is pretty clear that robed/magical Stormcasts are coming. We’ve had rumours of Stormcasts on flying beasts (I remember reading that someone thought that they were the most impressive GW models to date), but very little to support it...

that last drawing does show a new type of dragon which is not a Stardrake. The Stormcasts have all types of animals symbols on their armor (lions, bears, etc), so this might not mean anything, but i dare hope that this drawing refers to a new flying mount for the SCEs... 

So, fingers crossed...

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4 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Well @Rogue Explorator we should get some info at the preview seminar at Warhammer fest 12th may (I can't wait :D

But remember, the rumors range from a Blightwar style boxset and a Magic supplement coming alongside a Nighthaunt battletome and then the FAQ in July, to a true new edition with a dedicated new Rulebook and Starter set.

We have proofs and rumors of several new units (Wizcast, Black Coach, Hangmen ghost are more or less confirmed + flying stormcast, ghast-caller, etc.), so full releases (i.e. bigger than just one new unit in Blightwar or Forgebane) are still likely...

What is at least 100% confirmed (not the release date) : 

- Magic stuff + etheric vortex models (purple sun).

- New Stormcast and Nighthaunt models (at least 1 or more units per faction) / the novel Souls War by Josh Reynolds.

- a FAQ in July. 




The WIzcast, Hangman ghost and ghast-caller belong to which faction?

Would you be so kind and link me to the information you have just given?


I was planning to dive into the Death-Range recently. While I always loved the Death theme,  I realized after unpacking my Death Rattle SC! that they have a pretty outdated feel to them (especially skeletons).


I'm not sure if I wanna go all-in with hundreds of €'s or rather wait for a new release. My local GW-Clerk told me there is supposingly more AOS stuff coming this year than 40k stuff. But the skeleton models will probably remain a few years longer .

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2 hours ago, Spiny Norman said:




The WIzcast, Hangman ghost and ghast-caller belong to which faction?

Would you be so kind and link me to the information you have just given?

Would pretty hard for horticulus to link his source for all  the rumors he included in a synopsis since they where originally posted all over the place.

WIzcast stands for Stormcast Mages. We know these are coming (edit: along with hangedman ghosts) from the adepticon reveal:


However, so far they are only confirmed to be coming for Shadespire at some point.


Why Horticulus included the geist caller in the rumor is beyond me. It is a necromancer specialist title featured in one of the Malign Portents short story. So he might be coming, but the MP shorts have also featured other Nighthaunt, Deathrattle, Mortal/mixed units and some skaven that do not exist in the current model ranges. I doubt all of that is coming.


We only really have confirmed what is announced in the above linked adepticon studio preview, everything else is guesswork and rumors, much of it from so far unproven sources.


So we do know new Death is coming. We do not know for certain what faction is coming. Ghosts/Malignants are the hottest contender, but yet not fully confirmed, and that does not necessarily mean Nighthaunt allegiance.


2 hours ago, Spiny Norman said:

I was planning to dive into the Death-Range recently. While I always loved the Death theme,  I realized after unpacking my Death Rattle SC! that they have a pretty outdated feel to them (especially skeletons).


I'm not sure if I wanna go all-in with hundreds of €'s or rather wait for a new release. My local GW-Clerk told me there is supposingly more AOS stuff coming this year than 40k stuff. But the skeleton models will probably remain a few years longer .

I already own a bit more of Death, but otherwhise I am in the same boat you. I honestly can not say if it is better to already build a force and have it ready when new Death models ultimately arrive or if it is better to hold my horses, since there is no quarantee anything (but the Knight of Shrouds) already out would have any compatibility beyond most basic GA aarmies with the upcoming.


I chose the wait and see, currently busying myself with Chaos conversions. But given the info we have, I really could not advice you either way.

Warhammer Fest in 2 weeks will likely tell us more.

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On 28/04/2018 at 7:45 PM, Spiny Norman said:

The WIzcast, Hangman ghost and ghast-caller belong to which faction?

Would you be so kind and link me to the information you have just given?

The two factions rumored to get new models and rules between now and June / July are Stormcast Eternals and Nighthaunts. 

Nighthaunts : 

They should get at least a new "infantry" unit (the Hangmen ghosts) and a new Black Coach.

Probably a new Battletome too to go with that, and maybe more units (Heroes / Monsters) if it is a proper army release (see below).

Source : https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/03/22/breaking-news-major-revealsgw-homepage-post-1/

The Black Coach is in the video. It also was rumored here or on Dakka Dakka a few months ago. 

The Hangmen is on the Shadespire card. Shadespire models usually comes from Battleline or equivalent infantry units. 

Stormcast Eternals : 

The "Wizcasts" also comes from the Shadespire card, whose artwork seems to match this much better one (Soul Wars cover, out July IIRC : which happens to be unreleased Wizard-looking Stormcasts fighting against Nighthaunts) : 


They were rumored here before Adepticon from, notably, Moonstone and LLV. 

This short story : https://malignportents.com/story/the-price-of-apotheosis/ also gives a description of a magic-wielding Stormcast with a stave, guarding an anvil and using lightning (see the Shadespire card SCE logo - also the top of the staff and that rumor engine with a Stormcast pauldron with an anvil, and the novel description. The Nighthaunts logo also fits the Knight of Shrouds model base) : 

On 28/04/2018 at 10:01 PM, Rogue Explorator said:

However, so far they are only confirmed to be coming for Shadespire at some point.


Why Horticulus included the geist caller in the rumor is beyond me.

Indeed, but all Shadespire models are from baseline units from AOS, so we can reasonably assume that will still be the case here.

And of course, I mixed the gheist-caller, who obviously is just necromancer with a magical objet, with the "Chest-ghost", who's able to capture Stormcast souls, from this story : https://malignportents.com/story/lightning-in-a-bottle/ 

I think it may be a new unit (monster or heroes) for Nighthaunt. 

My advice regarding your purchase, @Spiny Norman, is to wait June / July, or Warhammer fest in 2 weeks if we are lucky, to see where those new Death releases will lead us.

Edited by HorticulusTGA
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22 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

The two factions rumored to get new models and rule between now and June / July are Stormcast Eternals and Nighthaunts. 

Nighthaunts : 

They should get a new Battletome with at least a new "infantry" unit (the Hangmen ghosts) and a new Black Coach.

Maybe more units if it a proper army release (see below).

Source : https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/03/22/breaking-news-major-revealsgw-homepage-post-1/

The Black Coach is in the video. It also was rumored here or on Dakka Dakka a few months back. 

The Hangmen is on the Shadespire card. Shadespire models usually comes from Battleline or equivalent infantry units. 

Stormcast Eternals : 

The "Wizcasts" also comes from the Shadespire card, whose artwork seems to match this much better artwork (cover of Soul Wars, out July IIRC : which happens to be unreleased Wizards-looking Stormcast fighting against Nighthaunts) : 


They were rumored here before Adepticon from, notably, Moonstone and LLV. 

This short story : https://malignportents.com/story/the-price-of-apotheosis/ also gives a description of a magic-wielding Stormcast with a stave, guarding an anvil and using lighting (see the Shadespire card SCE logo - also the top of the staff and that rumor engine with a Stormcast pauldron with an anvil, and the novel description. The Nighthaunts logo also fits the Knight of Shrouds model base) : 

Indeed, but all Shadespire models are from baseline units from AOS, so we can reasonably assume that will still be the case here.

And of course, I mixed the gheist-caller, who obviously is just necromancer with a magical objet, with the "Chest-ghost", who's able to capture Stormcast souls, from this story : https://malignportents.com/story/lightning-in-a-bottle/ 

I think it may be a new unit (monster or heroes) for Nighthaunt. 

My advice regarding your purchase, @Spiny Norman, is to wait June / July, or Warhammer fest in 2 weeks if we are lucky, to see where those new Death releases will lead us.

I agree that the chained wraith might be the hottest contestant for an upcoming unit, since he does something with serious repercussions for the setting and he follows the theme of Nighthaunt featuring popular and common ghost archetypes.

So far Nighthaunt feature the almost enitirely discorperated cartoonish ghost (spirit host), Banshees, a ringwraith, as the Knight of Shrouds not only has a strong visual resemblance, but even fullfills a similar role in the hosts of Nagash (I think the ringwraiths where also compelled traitors?), haunted carriages and the Grim Reaper archetypes. If we where to count the Mortis Engine, Ferrymen of the Dead would also be on that list. And Forgeworlds Mournghoul seems to draw heavily on the Wendigo.

Hanged men, as shown in the Shadespire teaser, are also not exactly rare in ghost stories. The manacled and shackled Wraith I think is best known from the ghost of Marley (at least in many adaptions, I do not recall if it is like that in the original) from Dickens Christmas Carrol of all things, though he shows up in many other places.

This makes me think there are other classic contenders. I would put my bets on the Duhallan/Headless Horsemen and ghost dog/black shugg archetypes. More out there contenders I can think of are Haunted Scarecrows, posessed suits of Knight Armor, child ghosts and spirits of the drowned. The full reservoir of ghost tales offers of course nearly limitless possibilities.

Add that most archetypes have many variations and GW has already been doing multiple variations of the Grim Reaper, with a foot unit version of the Wraith/Grim Reaper type already featured in the art, we might be looking at a pretty extensive release with lots of room for further expansion.


I think what I like best about Nighthaunt is that they draw on such strong and established archetypes and yet represent something not actually done very often in traditional fantasy. While almost all fantasy I know uses these archetypes in one way or another, they either appear alone, are part of a non-ghost force or just show up as rather passive obstacles. Hosts of the incorporeal Undead as a proactive army of their own that actually meet other forces in battle are actually something of a rarity.

This should allow GW to make the faction their own and unique to AoS as a fantasy setting while also providing an army that tells anyone who looks at it at a glance what it does and is all about.

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With white dwarf usually covering preorders up to the week it is highly likely that the Harlequins book will come alongside the shark and Eels. 

That leaves an interesting space at the end of may. Are we going to see them go straight into Imperial Knights or might we get the magic supplement for AoS?

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