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18 minutes ago, King Under the Mountain said:

Also, as someone who has been vocally anti-soup for the Dwarfs, I will admit that GW has been doing a good job planting the seeds story wise and I am so happy that we are getting some spotlight.  

Now as long as Kharadron keep being a supported sub-faction with new models and lore, ill be eternally happy.  

As long as they keep Kharadron without religious sauce smeared over it, I have softened my stance.

Religion is like dipwash, it might seem a good idea at first and you get at least something without effort, but in the end everything looks the same.

Grungni seeing his people surpassing him is perfect, and there still is some knowledge in an old god, but not enough to start trusting gods.

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10 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

As long as they keep Kharadron without religious sauce smeared over it, I have softened my stance.

Religion is like dipwash, it might seem a good idea at first and you get at least something without effort, but in the end everything looks the same.

Grungni seeing his people surpassing him is perfect, and there still is some knowledge in an old god, but not enough to start trusting gods.

Agreed.  I am a big fan of the Kharadron's unique outlook of the Mortal Realms.  If they lose their identity ill be upset. 

Suddenly realizing I'm at the bargaining stage of grief 

Edited by King Under the Mountain
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So, it’s been a while since we’ve had a preview stream (thankfully). And because GW seems to have developed a keen interest in them, I reckon we’ll be seeing one announced for next weekend or the one after.  My bet is that it’ll announce the remaining OWC and SCE models and Battletomes, maybe(?) a hint to the next faction, and some vaguely uninteresting 40K stuff.

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8 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

Ghostly dwarves would be quite interesting.

I have always felt like Duardin should be represented in Each Grand alliance. 

KO and Dispossessed (or what ever name they get upon Grungi's return to prominence) could stay as a part of Order.

I still think that Grimnir should have become a new God of Destruction a more civilized alternative to Gorkamorka and Kragnos. Closer to a god of war than anything.

Chorfs in all their hatty goodness would up Chaos' fashion game and rival Slaanesh.

Finally some form of deathly Duardin. I keep imaging them being somewhat akin Qin Shi Huang's Terracotta Army... only with bits of skeleton poking through any cracks.

Edited by Neverchosen
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Hmmm with the Slayer and Engineer aspects already handled, if they wanted to throw a little curveball, what about an army of dwarven constructs? Something like the Dark Iron Dwarf golems from WoW. GW likes reviving the retro stuff lately and sometimes has some 40k analogs in AoS. This would combine Grungni's work on the SCE, throw in like a little Eldar spirit stone/wraith constructs similarities, and can bring back a bit of that Squat exo suit flair.

There must be a reason why we haven't seen AoS Dreadnoughts already, right? Grungni's saving that idea for all those dwarven spirits he's got stashed away.

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8 hours ago, Sleboda said:

I guess you don't read many of my posts (understandable! Lol.).

Then again, you say I consistently shill for them, so I guess that implies you do read them?

Anyway, no, I no longer work for them. I did for almost 12 years back in the 90's and early 2000's, but that ended somewhat bitterly. It took me a while to get over that. I also was a playtester back in 6th (7th?), even got my name in the book and several Army Books. That ended, too, much to my chagrin.

If there's one thing I do consistently when talking about GW it's present a fair view. Even beyond GW, I've always believed in listening to alternate views, seeing other perspectives, etc. Sure, I have some nigh-unshakable views (NMM has almost zero place in painting 3D objects, for example), but there's an idea I pretty much live by:

"Have an opinion on everything. Be prepared to change it when persuaded by new info, but start with an opinion on everything."

Often my views on GW are supportive. This is due in part to my time there, but it's more due to understanding marketing, believing in IP and other businesses rights, hating piracy in all its forms, and understanding that they sell a hobby as opposed to food, clothing, or shelter.

I do have my (often voiced) criticisms of them, including a number of pricing and product decisions. In fact, I've had temp bans and warning points here, likely due in part to being aggressively critical of GW. 

And that brings me to the last point. The rules of this forum very heavily lean into presenting positive takes on the hobby, and since we choose to participate in a private forum knowing these rules going in, I try to operate within that spirit.

Ya know, fair enough m8. Apologies for poking fun. 

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Again sorry for not use spoiler window but i found some bits of the whitedwarf 

Spoilers ahead of last white dwarf






A few select paragraphs...

" The substance he hammered against his anvil was formless and ephemeral, and yet was harder in its own way than sigmarite or celestite. It was the Legend of the White-Bearded Ancestor, the accumulated stories and lore of all the duardin peoples. It resisted shaping, but he was Grungni the Maker. He could work any material, if given enough centuries to work at it in peace. "

" ‘The duardin have become strong through their trials. As I had always trusted that they would. But they have also become divided. It’s time for them to feel my hand again, to remake that which was once whole. But we duardin aren’t so quick to forgive a wrong done to us, and the wrong I did to them was great indeed. The centuries that have passed since the Age of Myth have been too long and bloody for them to follow me again, and Grimnir is not yet ready to return. There’s only one thing they all share in common, one duardin who can unite them all.’ "

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What if there is a new duardin battletome with completely new stuff in but there is also a few pages with give the rules of dwarf soup. 

I can also see the krule boyz battletome doing this. A full faction in its own right but also with rules for  the big waaaaagh. 

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This smells like a Duardin Grudgeclans scenario, where you'll be able to play each subfaction solo but also in a united manner, like with Orruks.

And this also furthers my belief in a general trend towards unifying armies and themes. This will also result in Malerion and Morathi joining forces to form Umbraneth Shadowlords (or whatever) instead of Malerion bringing his own full-fledged Lumineth-sized army.

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1 minute ago, novakai said:

Hold on, looking at this sentence for the APP article


doesn't that mean that any new tomes are like really further off, my definition of later this year is usually September or October if said at this point in time. definitely not July

Can download the said beta version on the 3rd of July. 

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8 hours ago, King Under the Mountain said:

Also, as someone who has been vocally anti-soup for the Dwarfs, I will admit that GW has been doing a good job planting the seeds story wise and I am so happy that we are getting some spotlight.  

Now as long as Kharadron keep being a supported sub-faction with new models and lore, ill be eternally happy.  


I'd say also Fyreslayers...they need badly new things. 

Still i'm thinking i'm also accepting the inevitable souping begrudgingly.

Still let's see how it will be done.

To be honest the ancestor spirits could be reforge in a new body or encased in some runic golems...

Maybe gholemkind are made up by dead duardin souls?

Idk...i just hope this edition will be the greenskins vs dwarf one.

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10 hours ago, Aturox said:

Didnt the shortstory talk about a teamup since its herald of mork tagteaming with the herald of gork? Double the power and some more brains? Never saw an artefact in it... Before he mentioned the mouth he was talking about an artefact but afterwards he clearly mentioned an ally that could aid him in an alternative plan since he messed up by not bringing the artefact

I am not sure about this : the Mork grot says to Gordrakk that he should be the fist of Gorkamorka and not just the fist of Gork. 

The bonesplitter ( former ironjawz) say to Gordrakk to find a new path and the mouth of mork : i am not conviced it is a charachter. 

Anyway "Skyrippa" description for Warcom is "a winged monstrosity that circles the murky skies above. ": it does not fit giant hawk to me. A giant bat with scorpion tail sounds better as winged monstrosity.


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13 minutes ago, novakai said:

where you getting July, its not in the article?

and that sentence literally said Beta version is being release later this year 

They've changed the article, yesterday it said you would be able to download the beta version on 3rd July. 

Unless I'm going crazy and dreamed that! 

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34 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

They've changed the article, yesterday it said you would be able to download the beta version on 3rd July. 

Unless I'm going crazy and dreamed that! 


though changing it from July 3 to later this year and that its before the first battletome is a big change if this is the true statement

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9 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

@Public Universal Duardin @King Under the Mountain @Beliman

My Duardin brethren I'm so happy for you. 3.0 seems to be the time of Duardin and Destruction, let us rejoice in the glorious violence and settling of grudges to be had. 

Let's get to whacking each over over the heads with clubs, axes and torpedoes already!

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