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3 hours ago, Arzalyn said:

Well the person said it before we actually saw the model in the new year video, but it wasn't hard to expect something for nighthaunt based on some of the rumor enginees we have. Lumineth getting a 3rd book would make lots of people angry, as they would have received a new tome per year since they were released... Not that we weren't expecting the lumineth wave 3 with the water hippos.

Malarion could lead Bat Lumineth.

Alarielle plant Lumineth

Grungni short Lumineth

Sigmar wide Luminet


...and Kragnos goat Lumineth.


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There have been four rumored Lumineth 'elements' aka. releases: River, Mountain, Wind, and Zenith.

My theory has been that the 'River Elves' was Teclis' first attempt to make elves from the souls taken from Slaanesh. But he hated what he came up with, then they got wise and disappeared into the ocean. You know, like how rivers do in real life.

Yea, my headcanon is the Idoneth are the River element, and we just have the Zenith to go.

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9 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

Ironjawz, Bonesplitterz, Kruleboyz, Orruk Warclans, Disspossessed, Wanderers, Darkling Covens, Order Serpentis, Freeguild, Ironweld Arsenal, Cities Of Sigmar, Soulblight, Deathrattle, Deathlords, Deadwalkers, Soulblight Gravelords/Legions Of Nagash all disagree with your reasoning. Not saying dwarfs will or won’t get souped, but the reason you say they won’t I certainly not the case.

with Fyreslayers, it really comes down to what GW are going to do with them. If they aren’t going to expand them with new units, then they need to be souped with the other dwarfs as a Band-Aid fix for their lack of options. If they do expand them, then they should remain separate 

Other than cities those armies have always included those units... especially soulblight, can't really call undead (who have *always* included skellies, zombs and heroes (deathlords) a soup army, that's just their different units. Kinda the same as saying flesh Eater courts are a soup army because they have abhorrents, courtiers, serfs etc.

Orcs, or Warclans,  already got split ages ago and lost all their gobbos etc. So just splitting an armies book into different types of orc does seem a little strange, I'd rather it was just warclans/bigwaagh with 4 subfactions and you could mix and match anything like most other books... but some people like the current style I guess.

The only soup army we have is Cities - and that's a collation of loads of random units from pretty unsupported armies shoved into one army. They also squatted 50% of the range when doing so. I hope that doesn't happen again.

Edited by Ghoooouls
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1 hour ago, novakai said:

yeah but they still release and publish those books though so they still have the capacity to keep churning 30 army codex per edition for one game system which was your original post. AoS has not reach that level yet.

I guess thats true if u only talk about publishing books, My original post was more intended towards model/army releases and the books that follow those models. I'm sure GW is able to publish a ton of books if they want to. 

40k has 34 armies at the moment and 12 of them are marine chapters and 1 Ynnari that basically is normal and dark Eldar. Sure some chapter have some more unique models. AoS has 24 unique armies not counting everything souped. And they release like 6 to 8 books a year for each system? That would be a full refresh every 4 years. I think that is already stretching things and some armies get supported every year while others are neglected.

I dont have all the numbers to support this but i actually think the model range of AoS is around the same size as 40k. On the webstore AoS has 312 items available to order and 40k 298. But marines are easily a third of the model range for 40k. GW needs to invest way more to keep things fresh for all AoS armies imho compared to 40k where they just release marines and a third of the armies will be happy for a while. Thats why i still think they cant keep adding to the AoS army roster without it having a negative impact at some point.  

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1 hour ago, Ghoooouls said:

Other than cities those armies have always included those units... especially soulblight, can't really call undead (who have *always* included skellies, zombs and heroes (deathlords) a soup army, that's just their different units. Kinda the same as saying flesh Eater courts are a soup army because they have abhorrents, courtiers, serfs etc.

Orcs, or Warclans,  already got split ages ago and lost all their gobbos etc. So just splitting an armies book into different types of orc does seem a little strange, I'd rather it was just warclans/bigwaagh with 4 subfactions and you could mix and match anything like most other books... but some people like the current style I guess.

The only soup army we have is Cities - and that's a collation of loads of random units from pretty unsupported armies shoved into one army. They also squatted 50% of the range when doing so. I hope that doesn't happen again.

I do consider Soulblight Gravelords/Legions Of Nagash a ‘soup’ book, because like Cities, it was made up of a lot of smaller subfactions that they could have expanded out eventually - take the Soulblight subfaction for example, all the new vampires we got after Cursed City was enough that they could have made Soulblight it’s own expanded book like Nighthaunt or Flesh-Eaters

how long ago something was souped or not isn’t really relevant, because the point I was arguing against was that soup means less books gw can sell to people, but that all the armies I listed above don’t support that line of thinking 

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4 minutes ago, Joseph Mackay said:

I do consider Soulblight Gravelords/Legions Of Nagash a ‘soup’ book, because like Cities, it was made up of a lot of smaller subfactions that they could have expanded out eventually - take the Soulblight subfaction for example, all the new vampires we got after Cursed City was enough that they could have made Soulblight it’s own expanded book like Nighthaunt or Flesh-Eaters

how long ago something was souped or not isn’t really relevant, because the point I was arguing against was that soup means less books gw can sell to people, but that all the armies I listed above don’t support that line of thinking 

Then again, Soulblight is anti-soup (tapas?) from the perspective of what Vampire Counts were before AoS. In relation to that time they lost access to ghouls, ghosts and Morghasts (which would eventually become OBR).

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On 1/3/2022 at 3:02 PM, Arzalyn said:

And the mysterious Kruleboyz model is finally revealed as a Gutrippaz champion... Cool model, but a little underwhelming that it is a unit champion rather than a hero alternative sculpt.



We meet at last, you... source of all my nightmares!!!


19 hours ago, Arzalyn said:

Looks like the AoS mini will be a Chaos Sorcerer Lord, judging by the chaos symbol above his head. Also, the staff looks like the old chaos rumor enginee with the demon face.


Sem título.png


The oldest rumour engine!!! YEEEAHAA!

5 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

This is a pretty fun looking rumour, Nighthaunt really need some love and work done on them. A new centrepiece would be fantastic... if it is a boat I will have a hard time not making my plans for a nautical nighthuant list. I doubt that Lumineth would get a full new book but maybe a shared set of rules featuring a new character and hopefully some of the path to glory rules, grand strategies, battle tactics and new battalions bringing them in line with other 3.0 books

But I am running out of shelf space and even going elite with a new centre piece most death armies have too large of a foot print for my liking. 

A few sources said that one of the books in the first half of the year is the LRL book. 

My predictions for this year... I know I'm gonna receive the "tears" of @Whitefang but here we go:

- IDK vs Fyreslayers.

- Nighthaunt vs Lumineth.

- Sylvaneth -with new miniatures-

- Warcry 2 -featuring Skaven-

- Ogors

- Another battlebox at the end of the year (I'm expecting something like Skaven vs KO)



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2 hours ago, Fairbanks said:


There have been four rumored Lumineth 'elements' aka. releases: River, Mountain, Wind, and Zenith.

My theory has been that the 'River Elves' was Teclis' first attempt to make elves from the souls taken from Slaanesh. But he hated what he came up with, then they got wise and disappeared into the ocean. You know, like how rivers do in real life.

Yea, my headcanon is the Idoneth are the River element, and we just have the Zenith to go.

Your theory doesn't match with the time line. The River temple, like the other temples, was conceived after the last Lumineth civil war, when Teclis led his surviving people to seek attunement with Hysh's elements.

The Idoneth on the other hand were Teclis' first attempt at recreating High Elves, so they precede Lumineth society and subsequently the inception of the temples by a good stretch of time.

River temple, Zenith temple as well as Tyrion and the last two Great Nations will undoubtedly become part of the next larger Lumineth expansion and have already been mentioned 'in action' in the tome's lore section.


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4 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

Malarion could lead Bat Lumineth.

Alarielle plant Lumineth

Grungni short Lumineth

Sigmar wide Luminet


...and Kragnos goat Lumineth.


That's the true soup, everything will become lumineth!

1 hour ago, Aleser said:

Is there any info about Idoneth and Fyreslayers getting vanguard boxes?

No confirmation, but judging by the 40k combat patrols, it's a matter of time. They are released a little latter than the codex release in general, but they eventually come. I suspect we gonna see some Orruk warclans and SCE vanguards as well during this year.

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1 hour ago, Aleser said:

Is there any info about Idoneth and Fyreslayers getting vanguard boxes?

They will for sure get them, the question is just when as in 40k most factions get their Combat Patrols only a while after the book was released and Thousand Sons/Grey Knights still don't have theirs.

Also based on the Maggotkin tome the vanguard boxes wont be shown in the Battletomes unlike with 40k where they are pictured in the book so we won't have any idea what they will contain until they actually release.

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So which factions will even get Vanguard boxes, and what are the determining variables? Only 3rd Edition tome factions, beginning with Stormcast Eternals and Orruk Warclans? Excluding factions already present in dual a Starterbox, meaning beginning with Maggotkin? That would also exclude Idoneth and Fyreslayers. If 3rd edition is no defining factor, then Lumineth or Ossiarch might get one. But those factions already got one of the larger armyboxes..

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26 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

So which factions will even get Vanguard boxes, and what are the determining variables? Only 3rd Edition tome factions, beginning with Stormcast Eternals and Orruk Warclans? Excluding factions already present in dual a Starterbox, meaning beginning with Maggotkin? That would also exclude Idoneth and Fyreslayers. If 3rd edition is no defining factor, then Lumineth or Ossiarch might get one. But those factions already got one of the larger armyboxes..

I would say every faction will get a Vanguard box sometime after they get their 3rd Edition tome. How long that would take could be anything, looking at 40k they can be released with the book or it can take a few months especially since AoS doesn't seem to be their priority right now.

SM and Necrons also only got theirs 10 months later so Stormcast and Warclans will also probably get them it will just take a while. The question with them will be if it will only be one for each or if Ironjawz/Kruleboyz and different chambers will get their own. Space Marines didn't really have that problem since they could release multiple under different chapters

Edited by Matrindur
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2 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

So which factions will even get Vanguard boxes, and what are the determining variables? Only 3rd Edition tome factions, beginning with Stormcast Eternals and Orruk Warclans? Excluding factions already present in dual a Starterbox, meaning beginning with Maggotkin? That would also exclude Idoneth and Fyreslayers. If 3rd edition is no defining factor, then Lumineth or Ossiarch might get one. But those factions already got one of the larger armyboxes..

Judging by 40k combat patrols, every army that gets a new tome would get one eventually. Even necrons and space marines got ones and they are in the starter set for the 9th edition. I expect to see they dropping with the new battletomes like they did with nurgle, but they can drop they at any time. My beat would be idoneth and fyreslayers getting one with the new tome as they aren't getting anything else as the new hero will be locked on the duel box for some months. SCE and Orruk can get theirs at any time, probably in one of the months we have little AoS releases due to the big 40k releases.

34 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

The Fyreslayer Vanguard will be interesting to see. If they keep the Magmadroth/Vulkites and just throw a Hearthguard sprue in you would literally have every Fyreslayer unit in one box.

I wonder if they will all have near 750 points like the Nurgle one did. If they do and the fyreslayers don't include the magmadroth, they will need a good amount of naked dwarves unless they all become price in points like nurgle did.

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21 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

Here is my list of safe predictions for 2022/2023 (Increase in variants will make the roll out slower I feel):

Fyreslayers, Idoneth, Nighthaunt, Ogors, Slaves to Darkness. 

This is not an exhaustive list but simply the things that I personally feel are inbound. 

Im happy with this list! I'll start saving (selling marines) for new Nighthaunt stuff asap.

Edited by Iksdee
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5 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

Please GW announce the Fyreslayers and Idoneth books so I can get off the copium and accept there are no more models.

Just curious what kind of unit is it IDK players would like. Looking at all the other factions right now, IDK seems to have one of the most varied rosters with all new and nice models, like far far far ahead of armies like Fyreslayers, nighthaunt, bonesplitterz, ironjawz etc etc. 

IDK got unique ranged and melee infantry, got 2 variants of super useful "cavalry", "heavy cavalry" shark units, a great behemoth and the 2 eidolon variants as well as the mounted king hero and multiple foot heroes. That seems to be a pretty complete roster, only things I can see lacking to have everything is artellery and a generic hero on behemoth sort of thing, although the eidolons sort of fill that role already, and I do not think artellery fits IDK really. I think it would be better to just have as many of them viable in the rules as possible, as that is really one of the most well rounded rosters out there of all new models.

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23 hours ago, Starfyre said:

I think there’s a lot of wishful thinking and that sets a lot of us up for disappointment, so here’s my 2 cents on what will happen:

- IDK will get their 1 new character and a new battletome, and FS will get their 1 new character and a new battletome. Both battletomes will be released either alongside or just after the battle box.

- FS and DOK will not get souped. Why? Because then they couldn’t sell 4 different books e.g. fyreslayers, cities of sigmar, dok, dark elf-ineth. There will be no souping.

- dark elf-ineth will not be called umbraneth. Why? Because the community invented it, and they can’t trademark it. They will be what Lumineth are to high elves and i wouldn’t be surprised if the darkling covens models are retired to make way.

- there will be no silent people models and there will be no dawnbringer crusades models. It’s just lore. SCE and CoS are the dawnbringer crusades models.

- no existing faction will get more than a new foot hero or a new WU warband. Majority of new kits will be reserved for dark elf-ineth, grungni dwarves or chaos dwarves, of which only one of these factions will appear this year, but all before the next edition.

- SCE will always be the poster boy of AOS. 

That’s my prediction.

Is it wrong I both cheered and then felt bad when my pessimistic view of the world got a like from Whitefang? 

3 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

I do consider Soulblight Gravelords/Legions Of Nagash a ‘soup’ book, because like Cities, it was made up of a lot of smaller subfactions that they could have expanded out eventually - take the Soulblight subfaction for example, all the new vampires we got after Cursed City was enough that they could have made Soulblight it’s own expanded book like Nighthaunt or Flesh-Eaters

how long ago something was souped or not isn’t really relevant, because the point I was arguing against was that soup means less books gw can sell to people, but that all the armies I listed above don’t support that line of thinking 

You've a point with Kruleboyz, and I think the timing is absolutely relevant because clearly there has been a change in strategy as to what GW was going to do when it first launched AoS, but to reinforce my point, the vast majority of those collections (Order Serpentis and Deadwalkers can hardly be called armies) wouldn't have been able to support book releases. If they could have, there definitely would have been a book IMHO.

A Dwarf slayer army can clearly exist by itself and support a book as can a witch elf army without rolling in some old dwarf kits or Kharadron, who again can clearly carry their own book, or a brand new release dark elf army being rolled into DoK. We know this because FS and DoK both had two books each, they wouldn't bother if they didn't make any money.

If they can make another book product, why wouldn't they. Bonesplitterz had a book and now they don't, so clearly they couldn't carry their own, but that's maybe due to timing. Hence Warclans.

Cities is a compendium of old stuff, broadly speaking Legions was too. By taking those old kits and combining them together, they got 2 books to sell out of it, no-way would have that have been able to happen with the parts. That's not the same as rolling in armies who can viably support a profitable product like a battletome. My prediction and my opinion is that Fyreslayers and Kharadron Overlord will remain separate, and dispossessed will stay in Cities of Sigmar, and there will be a book for each because profit.

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12 minutes ago, Scurvydog said:

Just curious what kind of unit is it IDK players would like. Looking at all the other factions right now, IDK seems to have one of the most varied rosters with all new and nice models, like far far far ahead of armies like Fyreslayers, nighthaunt, bonesplitterz, ironjawz etc etc. 

IDK got unique ranged and melee infantry, got 2 variants of super useful "cavalry", "heavy cavalry" shark units, a great behemoth and the 2 eidolon variants as well as the mounted king hero and multiple foot heroes. That seems to be a pretty complete roster, only things I can see lacking to have everything is artellery and a generic hero on behemoth sort of thing, although the eidolons sort of fill that role already, and I do not think artellery fits IDK really. I think it would be better to just have as many of them viable in the rules as possible, as that is really one of the most well rounded rosters out there of all new models.

Don't really need anything. It's more a case of want. Because otherwise it's 3 to 4 years before you get to paint a new unit for your favourite army.

I would have been fine with getting a foot hero and book in 2nd ed, but kinda feels like we were ignored for an edition (for better or worse) and now are getting minimum effort.

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33 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

Don't really need anything. It's more a case of want. Because otherwise it's 3 to 4 years before you get to paint a new unit for your favourite army.

I would have been fine with getting a foot hero and book in 2nd ed, but kinda feels like we were ignored for an edition (for better or worse) and now are getting minimum effort.

I think this follows newest trend though. An update for a army comes normally with one new model and a book. Maggotkin had not received anything since their book (which was older then IDK) and got the same treatment. I feel like book updates with now follow this trend.

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1 hour ago, Iksdee said:

Im happy with this list! I'll start saving (selling marines) for new Nighthaunt stuff asap.

Selling Marines is always a good idea. Maybe that is what Games Workshop is doing unloading all their marines, before focusing on Chaos Dwarves.

Edited by Neverchosen
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I mean literally any faction can support a full book if you are using FS as your standard, its more a case of SHOULD they :D

Id expect every new book to get a vanguard asap, its just supply is utter chaos behind the scenes right now and its bumping stuff all over the place, and repacks like that are much easier to shift.

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