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11 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

Points updates confirmed as free online for AOS as well

I mean the points for AoS have always been free with warscroll builder. I guess this just puts it in a download and keeps GW from wasting paper by printing it out. 

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Personally I thought it was a pretty great show. I can understand the Skaven disappointment but did people forget the rumours of the last few months? Everyone was saying that we would get nothing but single minis this year. Instead we are getting decent updates for Nighthaunt, Slyvaneth and Slaves to Darkness. We got two new series by two of black library's most notable authors and the announcement of a whole new cities of sigmar update. 

The Slyvaneth minis look great and really add a lot to that faction. It feels like a full army now, but I'm pausing any major purchases until we get a good look at cities. Time to clear the backlog. Of course tomorrows announcements might test that. 

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To recap today's reveals:


Skaven receive a new Deathmaster (RIP Sniktch), and that's really it.

Ogroids previewed, but we know that there's a lot more things coming our way.


New vampire hero plus a book with said hero as the protagonist.


Nothing really :(.


Sylvaneth getting an expansion

New Kharadron named character with a beard to rival Gotrek's.

Cities of Sigmar update.

General's handbook.

am I missing anything?

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3 minutes ago, EonChao said:

7 new kits that build 8 new units isn't enough for you?

Not really, no. There were more CSM reveals yesterday than we got total today. They wasted a slot on a unit that isn’t even coming until the end of the year. They sounded bored through the whole thing (the most excited they sounded was mentioning LotR tomorrow). The biggest release is Sylvaneth and it’s 3 units. 

Edited by Still-young
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So overall pretty exciting news! 

We get confirmation that Cities of Sigmar are getting a big update, its a long while off but chances are if they are teasing it this early it will be a BIG update. Though it might end up sending more models out of production ,but it might at least clean that army up and define it for the future more strongly than right now where its kind of a rescue battletome for bits left over. 

Skaven could have had a bigger update I won't deny, but they still have one of the most diverse model lines in the whole of AoS so they have a wealth of choices, even if some are still in metal (which is still a great material to work with). New Deathmaster looks awesome!

Slyvaneth got a nice meaty wave of models and whilst its not Kurnothi, I do like the direction they've gone down in making the living tree side even more diverse than before. . 

Chaos got a tease which I suspect was squeezed in because of the leak since that's still a winter release so a bit early by GW's normal release rate. 

Character models are great and its nice to see some new books coming out and hopefully this means BL is going to pick up some steam for publications for AoS. Still salty that Maleneth didn't get a model because she deserves one just for putting up with Gotrek ;)



Overall a solid release line up for the next few months; accepting that we've got 30K dominatnig the middle of the year and Squats coming up fast as well so I wasn't expecting the worlds biggest AoS release. Though the signs are good that the latter half of the year might be more AoS dominated. 

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3 minutes ago, EonChao said:

There were 6 Chaos kits "revealed yesterday" if you count the Daemon Prince (which is an AoS kit too), plus the Squat Trike and the World Eaters announcement. So we got more stuff today and about on par

They’re actual kits though. Most of the AoS stuff is just character models. 2 of them just random characters from novels that we know nothing about. 

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I don't love how they're pushing the new characters from these books before any of the books are released. Feels like putting the cart before the horse. I'd much prefer knowing that the books are good and that I like the characters before they pump out models and marketing. Doing it this way feels kinda forced.

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Just now, EonChao said:

There were 6 Chaos kits "revealed yesterday" if you count the Daemon Prince (which is an AoS kit too), plus the Squat Trike and the World Eaters announcement. So we got more stuff today and about on par

I think it's the fact there was more units rather than characters revealed yesterday, 5 units and a Daemon prince. The sylvaneth did well though, the units and character look great.

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Part of me wonders if there are some new skaven coming out still. They don't need to show everything that is coming out, but maybe a teaser and the new death master is just that. I still don't think I'd be surprised if there were 2 new kits for skaven that have not been featured if not 3 that are all dual builds. 2 being for Skyre and 1 for Eshin. Gw really does seem to be putting a great deal of effort into replacing those old kits and perhaps it will still happen. Save some of the excitement for later.

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9 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Well, that... could be more


I'm happy for a new bt and the assasin, but I really expected a new unit. Don't really know why GW has done this to us skaven players.

Everything else was a really good reveal but ngl the lack of Skaven really disappointed me. Just guttered, Skaven are imo the most unique race GW have and they have SO much that needs updating or room for new stuff. I mean, there's basically a new Deathmaster in the Underworlds Warband, a new unit would have been amazing. 

I'd love to be wrong and for there to be stuff they're keeping under wraps.

Good reveals today, but can't help feel the disappointment.

Warcry tomorrow though!

Edited by Black_Templar_Lad
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13 minutes ago, Lavieth said:

Part of me wonders if there are some new skaven coming out still. They don't need to show everything that is coming out, but maybe a teaser and the new death master is just that. I still don't think I'd be surprised if there were 2 new kits for skaven that have not been featured if not 3 that are all dual builds. 2 being for Skyre and 1 for Eshin. Gw really does seem to be putting a great deal of effort into replacing those old kits and perhaps it will still happen. Save some of the excitement for later.

I don't know. They didn't make a single hint, and I haven't seen any @Whitefang approved rumours or leaks.


If they had units I think they would've showed them already, if we're going to get a box rivalry with sylvaneth. There isn't a better time than the Fest for it

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13 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

I mean the points for AoS have always been free with warscroll builder. I guess this just puts it in a download and keeps GW from wasting paper by printing it out. 

Points outside warscroll builder are always welcome though, don't want to have to load that up just to check points values. I was under the impression they meant the points wouldn't be in the GHB because they'll be a PDF online.

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13 minutes ago, Lavieth said:

Part of me wonders if there are some new skaven coming out still. They don't need to show everything that is coming out, but maybe a teaser and the new death master is just that. I still don't think I'd be surprised if there were 2 new kits for skaven that have not been featured if not 3 that are all dual builds. 2 being for Skyre and 1 for Eshin. Gw really does seem to be putting a great deal of effort into replacing those old kits and perhaps it will still happen. Save some of the excitement for later.

Idoneth and Fyreslayers tho point to that not being the case at all

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That was...whelming. I like the Ogroids, but I feel like every new Sylvaneth model moves them further from my personal taste - but I'm happy for those that are excited! I bet there will be awesome paint jobs on them.

Dawnbringers being humans only saddens me deeply...I dreamt about multiracial units, to fully realise the multicultural nature of Cities. However, I know myself well enough that I'm a sucker for the "common man/woman/enby" faction from a fiction and lore standpoint, so I'll probably fall in love with them as they're eventually released.

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Overall very happy with the reveals but I have a few nitpicks - 
Wish the new Sylvaneth stuff was more tree and less elf, but I'm still very happy with them, they do embody the whole "forest coming alive to protect itself by turning you into fertiliser". I'm very glad we got bugs, and maybe unpopular but I'm glad it's not Kurnothi.

The Spiterider Lancers are slightly annoying in that it looks like if you build them with the musician and the banner bearer, only one guy actually has the aforementioned Lance, but I'm sure that can be remedied. (I see a cool conversion to attach the pennant to the back.)

Bit sad that Skaven didn't get anything else - especially considering they still have metal models. But I hope the new hero and tome is enough to make the local Skaven player happy.

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I wasnt really looking forward to just more revenants variations to be honest. The models look ok but i think its not for me. Ill stick with the kurnoth hunters for now. I was also really hoping for some walking bug cavalry to go along with the alarielle beetle but at least we got some form of bug cav. The thing i really want to find out is if we can ally with wanderers again.

Edit: All the Skaven models look really awesome. Might have to pick them up.

Edited by Iksdee
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Just now, tkt32583 said:

Idoneth and Fyreslayers tho point to that not being the case at all

Yes, but those are both new AoS armies. I feel like GW would know it's a massive missed opportunity to not update the globaliers and night/gutter runners. Not giving fairly new armies new units isn't as big of a missed opportunity in my opinion. Its unfortunate for those armies, but at least those rantes all have a unified look. The skaven are currently have multiple units that don't even blend in with the existing faction.

Unless I missed it, has this whitefang fellow even suggested there won't be anything beyond a new plastic character?

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