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7 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

So Malerion's Aelves are coming soon?:

Yes I know someone will rain my parade and mention how that style of glove belongs to some Dark Eldar or ties to a rumour of this or that army... but let me have this 😤

Praise the rumour engine ! Finally something interesting for us to talk. And Ithink the same, that has a strong shadow elf vibe!!

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9 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

So Malerion's Aelves are coming soon?:

Yes I know someone will rain my parade and mention how that style of glove belongs to some Dark Eldar or ties to a rumour of this or that army... but let me have this 😤

I would hazard a guess at an underworlds Morathi thing for harrowdeep due to the pirate cutlass

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20 hours ago, Noserenda said:

ooh god a modern wolf rider army would have me throwing my meagre pennies at GW so hard :D

I think 2000pts would be pushing it for that heresy box, and it would be super boring to play with, essentially being a blob of the blandest objective holders and a mediocre deathstar, it definitely needs expansion to work, the main game starters have much more characterful and varied minis in them even if they are push fits, id much rather have half as many troops but unique sculpts personally.

I mean I have run the numbers and I can make a 2000 point army from HH for 40k and it is what I am planning to do. I bought the Chaos Knight Box and have some S2D models that will fit the bill as well so I can mix and match and make the army look more spicey. I do hope to make a full knight army and then I can have the option of having a mech army and a boring space marine army or split them in two and run a fallen angel and dark angel army with knight allies. As for HH proper, I feel it will be a little under 2000 points but once more I can just toss in a Knight or even Stormcast Hero and call him a primarch and then call it a day. 

No one can convince me that Bastian Cartholos cannot look like an ornate space marine leader with a literal Warhammer! Although I still haven't oredered it yet because I still have no love for space marines general aesthetic but it is such a good deal and opens up two game systems almost immediately in one purchase.

But I feel like we should create a subform for 40k/30k... or at least a dedicated separate thread. But I still like discussing how proxies work between the systems.

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16 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

No one can convince me that Bastian Cartholos cannot look like an ornate space marine leader with a literal Warhammer! Although I still haven't oredered it yet because I still have no love for space marines general aesthetic but it is such a good deal and opens up two game systems almost immediately in one purchase.

Lord Commanders are "our" Primarchs


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47 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

So Malerion's Aelves are coming soon?:

Yes I know someone will rain my parade and mention how that style of glove belongs to some Dark Eldar or ties to a rumour of this or that army... but let me have this 😤

Give me dark elves, GIVE ME DARK ELVES

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59 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

So Malerion's Aelves are coming soon?:

Yes I know someone will rain my parade and mention how that style of glove belongs to some Dark Eldar or ties to a rumour of this or that army... but let me have this 😤

It could well be Shadow Aelves but soon is a relative term. There are currently 4 unsolved rumour engines that are over 2 years old. 

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7 minutes ago, Ragest said:

Give me dark elves, GIVE ME DARK ELVES

Definitely has a dark Aelf/slannesh concept. The sword and stance has strong Black Ark Corsair vibes!! Usually, GW picks an older style unit and just expands it, so I could definitely see this being Malerions dark aelfs. 


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34 minutes ago, Chikout said:

It could well be Shadow Aelves but soon is a relative term. There are currently 4 unsolved rumour engines that are over 2 years old. 

Those rumors got messed by covid, last rumor are being solved pretty soon. You just have to see that we had 21 RE this year and 10 are solved.

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1 hour ago, Lucentia said:

The studded gloves are very Hedonite, yes, though the sword doesn't totally match the Slaanesh style (They do have a pretty eclectic mix of melee weapons, but they generally have a pretty consistent haft/handle design.)

It does have a sort of pop culture scimitar shape which could fit with hedonites. In any case, very pretty sword

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2 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

So Malerion's Aelves are coming soon?:

Yes I know someone will rain my parade and mention how that style of glove belongs to some Dark Eldar or ties to a rumour of this or that army... but let me have this 😤

We're all wrong, it's clearly the Captain Jack Sparrow inspired Vampire character's sword! Jokes aside it's probably some kind of elgi nonsense..... *Sad skeleton noises* Also, have you heard the good news? Berserk is being continued!

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25 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:



Horus Heresy Summer.

The question is what will be AOS in July. I feel it would be too late to show off anything new and it be up for preorder in July. Probably, Skaven and Sylvaneth Battletome and maybe new warcry starter set. Thinking September could be a decent AOS month. We already know winter will have the big S2D release and maybe something else decent sized. 

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36 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:



Horus Heresy Summer.

Oh, look! They can prepare and show a detailed schedule if they really want. Good to know in case we hear any COVID mess / global transport disruption / sewage failure in Nottingham excuses with regard to AoS.

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40 minutes ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

Not gonna lie, this kinda bites..... Oh well, here's hoping the liber Mechanicum includes rules for the Dark Mechanicum as well as the regular kind.

If it follows the same pattern as HH1.0, you are the one that will  chose if going traitor or loyalist.
I'm curious if you can still build a Legio Cybernetica or Ordo Reductus armies instead the classic Taghmata army.

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