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6 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Oh man I WISH. But wasn't there a "reboxing of existing warbands" rumor ?

BTW, the Stormcast on the top left on this WH+ picture is a conversion or a new model ?


The base model and the big hammer looks like the Bastian model. The head, other weapon and the creature on his shoulder look similar to the Lord Imperitant

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Itll either be 2 New Warbands OR a new Season with repackaged Warbands what Factions do you think will be present?

For Order I could see Fyreslayers or Kharadron recieving a Warband and most likely COS as a prelude to the range update.

For Chaos I could see us returning to a BOC Warband as its been a few years since the last one and I still maintain that BOC are getting a refresh this Edition. Tzeentch also has a good chance.

For Death Ive a feeling its between FEC or Nighthaunt. Im hoping for a FEC update this Edition and we have some RE that could be any of the 3 AOS games. Nighthaunt hasnt had a Warband either in a while.

Now. Destruction. Ogors have had 2 Warbands quite recently so I doubt they will get one. Sons are unfortunately out of the picture.

Warclans have had the most of Destructions Warbands with 2 Ironjawz Warbands, a Bonesplitterz Warband and a Kruelboyz Warband so again I think they might not get one.

Leaving Gloomspite Gitz. Gitz have had Rippas Snarlfangs, Zarbags Gitz and Mollogs Mob. For this reason I think Gitz will get a Warband this Edition. I think Gitz are getting a Wave 2 this Edition which is why their Tome, which is in dire need of updating, hasnt released yet.

I think Spider Riders may be coming to Warcry if not mainline AOS. So I could see a group of on foot Spiderfang or a collection of Squigs and Fanaticz. Personally I want more Troggoths as always!!

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19 hours ago, Enoby said:

Seems to be the case here too, and in general AoS discussion hubs things seem to have dried up. It's a shame because I don't think AoS 3 is doing much to deserve what appears to be a growing lack of intetest, but rather I think it's just the fact the hype fell off. Between 40k taking the lion's share of releases, AoS's big future release being leaked, and the books (while better quality than 2e on average) not really sparking much discussion, it seems AoS is losing quite a lot of momentum which is a huge shame. This, of course, could just be observational bias - but on the other hand, they did mention this in their financial report so there's likely some truth to "AoS is losing hype" statement. 

Personally, I've not enjoyed competitive AoS in a while as it's often felt very samey - perhaps it's the armies I usually face, but it's kind of turned into sink or swim alpha strikes that don't leave much of a game. I'm not sure if this is what other people have experienced, but in my last few games the damage has been so high that there's hardly been a game at all. I have been enjoying narrative games a lot more, especially when curated to stop people bringing their "narrative" triple cabbage list. 

Comp AOS continues to have the same issue it's always had too: samey lists just focused on spamming a very small amount of units.

Like, if I was to compare the unit variety of my competitive Craftworlds list in 40k, to a potential competitive Stormcast list in AOS it's actually embarrassing for the Stormcast.

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21 hours ago, Mutton said:

TLDR: Although AoS 3 is the most balanced it's ever been, it's also the most complex, and we've strayed far from the easygoing beer-and-pretzels game we used to enjoy. Also, few actual major kits to get hyped about.

I think this is a problem that is easily fixed for most people but is caused by a lack of information from GW on who certain products are aimed at. Its almost a FOMO kind of thing but it doesnt need to be. I feel like the rules bloat is optional.

Casual people can easily play AoS games with just the rules and a battletome. Nothing else is needed really. But "internet" makes u believe u need all these Seasons of War, GHB and chase Whitedwarf rules updates when u actually dont need any of those things. This has been an eye opener for me and made me much more relaxed about the game itself. These extra rules are all aimed at people who play a lot of games and who would get bored playing with the same rules for 3 years. I am not one of those people and i am enjoying AoS a lot at the moment.

I think meta gamers are actually looking forward to rules updates and dont have an issue with this most of the time anyway.

Just wanted to share my point of view and i think it could be helpful for beginners.

Edited by Gitzdee
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2 hours ago, Bosskelot said:

Comp AOS continues to have the same issue it's always had too: samey lists just focused on spamming a very small amount of units.

That's the complete opposite of what my experience is. List diversity even for repeat factions is usually quite high given that compared to 40k the factions usually have less units to choose from due to being a much younger game system. Additionally, unit spam is actually not that common; you might see the odd Stormdrake or Cockatrice spam list, but usually AoS lists - GT winning ones, yes - tend to favour more mixed approach thanks to cross-unit synergies and how easy it is to run into bad matchups for the spam style of lists.

To your Stormcast example, I'm attending a GT this coming weekend and there are 6 Stormcast lists. These are all the units chosen at least once, and how many lists feature them;

Annihilators (hammers) - 3
Annihilators (shields) - 2
Stormdrakes - 2
Concussors - 2
Fulminators - 1
Judicators (bows) - 3
Judicators (crossbows) - 1
Vanguard Raptors - 2
Vindictors - 4
Vigilors - 1
Chariot - 2
Aetherwings - 1
Ballista - 1
Krondspine - 1 (this is the only allied unit in any of the lists)

Vexillor - 1
Arcanum (gryph) - 1
Venator - 1
Imperatant - 3
Celestant Prime - 1
Veritant - 1
Relictor - 4
Incantor - 1
Ordinator - 1
Knight Judicator - 1

Considering that units that have proven extremely popular elsewhere this season such as Tempestors, Vanquishers, Liberators and Krondys as well as fairly common picks like Bastian, Gardus, Knight-Draconis, Castellant, Protectors, etc all aren't even present, I'd say that speaks to a pretty high level of diversity in competitive builds. I personally know a couple of these Stormcast players at the GT and can vouch for them as either GT winners or at minimum very strong players, so it's not like they aren't taking serious lists either. 

The competitive scene in AoS is booming and the stats prove this. We just had tickets to the 220 player Call to Glory (usually the biggest AoS tournament in the world) sell out in under an hour the other day. Interest in AoS at a competitive level remains high.

If one wants to say the popularity of AoS is stagnating, I would strongly argue it's not the tournament scene or more competitive-oriented nature of 3.0 that's the issue; as others have pointed out, it's much more likely to be the dearth of model releases - most factions updated this year have received a single hero model and nothing else, which obviously isn't very exciting for those looking to start new armies or add to existing ones. I can attest to being much more excited about Sylvaneth with all their cool new releases this year over any of my other armies like Tzeentch or Daughters of Khaine, even if I'm much more likely to take the latter two to a tournament. 

Edited by Jaskier
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2 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

These extra rules are all aimed at people who play a lot of games and who would get bored playing with the same rules for 3 years.

Chess players must be really bored by now. ;) 

If GW invented chess, they'd surely add some new pieces into the game that would ultimately prevent it from becoming the classic it came to be. 😇 Totally agreed, the endless expansions and FOMO setting isn't helping either, it just puts pressure on a hobby that doesn't need it. Painting their minis is already traumatic enough for some, especially if they spill a shade!

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23 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Chess players must be really bored by now. ;) 

If GW invented chess, they'd surely add some new pieces into the game that would ultimately prevent it from becoming the classic it came to be. 😇 Totally agreed, the endless expansions and FOMO setting isn't helping either, it just puts pressure on a hobby that doesn't need it. Painting their minis is already traumatic enough for some, especially if they spill a shade!

U must not have heard of Regicide XD. And yes the game isnt that good, but u can still play classic chess with marines and orks.


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20 hours ago, Enoby said:

Seems to be the case here too, and in general AoS discussion hubs things seem to have dried up. It's a shame because I don't think AoS 3 is doing much to deserve what appears to be a growing lack of intetest, but rather I think it's just the fact the hype fell off.

I think it's normal. Just read some army-focus posts, you will see that after the first momentum of hype (probably when a new book is released, or maybe a new season of war), the forum goes silent even if there are exactly the same people:

  • 50% of our armies are micro-armies, so we don't have a lot of units to talk about.
  • Because we don't have a lot of units, we have few roles based on gameplay rather than warscroll construction.
  • We don't have diferent weapons/profiles with points/downsides, so we end with "dmg output".
  • Small numbers of customization (traits/artifacts), and they are a bit hard to manage.
  • Most of the gameplay is around Grand Strategies and Battle Tactics, so we end up with a configuration that is good, and move on.

That means that we don't have a lot to talk. All dmg inputs, BS/GT, and combinations of artifacts traits are overexplained in the first weeks of a battletome, and everything else is about gameplay (and we have youtube for it) so we go dry of things to talk very quickly

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2 minutes ago, Beliman said:

That means that we don't have a lot to talk. All dmg inputs, BS/GT, and combinations of artifacts traits are overexplained in the first weeks of a battletome, and everything else is about gameplay (and we have youtube for it) so we go dry of things to talk very quickly

I 100% agree with you and your logic is sound, but at the same time I do remember the army-specific forums being busier even when we were in the "GHB Allegiance ability" era, where there was less choice. I could very well be mistaken, but I used to go on the Chaos forum part a lot and there was loads of discussion even when a faction didn't have a book recently, but that seems to have dried up. Even Maggotkin, last time I checked, have minimal discussion. I think the only Chaos faction thread I've seen gets tonnes of discussion in the past two years is Slaanesh, and that's because it has a dedicated following and it was a very poor book. 

I reckon a lot of this is likely just the excitement of things being new - despite the fact that the GHB allegiance abilities were very narrow, they were novel so ended up being exciting. Now allegiance abilities are a given so they don't drive that same excitement, and as you said, the books aren't usually complex enough to spark debate on what's good. 

I think AoS may be in a bit of a tricky middle ground when it comes to complexity. It's definitely more complex than before, which probably turns the most casual crowd off. But it's nowhere near as complex as 40k with different weapon options and a much more piecemeal design to lists. It's not that one's better than the other, but by the sound of what others have said, currently AoS is too complex to be the beer and pretzels game it used to be. On the other hand, some people I play with have argued it's too simple and that they end up taking the same stuff as it's objectively better (not that complexity will always fix this, but I think what they're saying is that there isn't enough customisation to make the 'worse' choice interesting). 

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7 minutes ago, cyrus said:

I really wish a spiderfang selfstanding faction with infantry ( i think in whfb 4th/5th edition there were forest goblins infantry) , cavalry , monster , artillery and terrain.

I would love a Forest Goblin faction again! Maybe some day i get to use my converted forest goblin rock lobber again.

Edited by Gitzdee
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1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:



Spiderfang as a faction?!

Im really really really hoping for GG fans that there is a second wave for them this Edition, with them being one of AOS best selling Factions and GW's self fulfilling prophecy of updating good selling Factions, that they get a whole Spiderfang update.

Scuttleboss, Spider Riders and a mid sized Spider unit alongside a foot troop unit is only 2 new kits and 2 updated kits and fans of Spiderfang and Gitz in general would be over Da Bad Moon.

Throw in a Forest Troggoth for me please.

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34 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Im really really really hoping for GG fans that there is a second wave for them this Edition, with them being one of AOS best selling Factions and GW's self fulfilling prophecy of updating good selling Factions, that they get a whole Spiderfang update.

Scuttleboss, Spider Riders and a mid sized Spider unit alongside a foot troop unit is only 2 new kits and 2 updated kits and fans of Spiderfang and Gitz in general would be over Da Bad Moon.

Throw in a Forest Troggoth for me please.

I'm expecting new units before updated kits. If we see the last releases only one faction updated each year and the rest of the releases are new models. 

I don't think it is bad, I prefer new options or rethinking an old unit before an update.

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Regarding lack of debate here (and other online forums, e.g., dakkadakka) and it indicating lack of interest in AoS or little to discuss, perhaps it's got something to do with the medium? You ever checked out AoS Discords? Buzzing. For example, there's an entire sub-thread dedicated to the particular list style of SCE I play. The chat never stops. 

This is just pure speculation but I get the impression online forums aren't something younger generations really engage with. 

Edited by lare2
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32 minutes ago, lare2 said:

Regarding lack of debate here (and other online forums, e.g., dakkadakka) and it indicating lack of interest in AoS or little to discuss, perhaps it's got something to do with the medium? You ever checked out AoS Discords? Buzzing. For example, there's an entire sub-thread dedicated to the particular list style of SCE I play. The chat never stops. 

This is just pure speculation but I get the impression online forums aren't something younger generations really engage with. 

I hate to admin that i'm getting old/ old fashioned but i really like this medium. Its just more laid back. Chatboxes imho are very chaotic. I cant keep up with those kind of conversations with a fulltime job and a kid XD. 

Edit: i cant talk about every other community but i like the maturity of this one.

Edited by Gitzdee
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2 hours ago, Enoby said:

but I used to go on the Chaos forum part a lot and there was loads of discussion even when a faction didn't have a book recently, but that seems to have dried up.

I think that only a few forums had this awesome people that never give up.

Another thing that it's completely diferent from Fantasy/40k forums than AoS forums is how we engage with AoS background. It seems that nobody cares about AoS. Only a few users are posting new Lore, but I can understand why:

  1. We don't have any BIG event like Horus Heresy.
  2. We don't have enjoyable characters that have a high impact on the setting and are not Gods (and having a miniature helps a lot to reproduce their big events).
  3. We don't have detailed information about our own races (until Arkanaut Oath, I didn't know the diference between Khazalid and Kharadrid).
  4. Some armies seems to be AFK for most part of the big events of the setting.
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1 hour ago, lare2 said:

Regarding lack of debate here (and other online forums, e.g., dakkadakka) and it indicating lack of interest in AoS or little to discuss, perhaps it's got something to do with the medium? You ever checked out AoS Discords? Buzzing. For example, there's an entire sub-thread dedicated to the particular list style of SCE I play. The chat never stops. 

This is just pure speculation but I get the impression online forums aren't something younger generations really engage with. 

This is what I was going to say. I don't think AoS is less popular recently I think TGA is. My local messenger group is pumping, discord is super popular, ever faction has its own WhatsApp and Facebook

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