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3 hours ago, Sigmarusvult said:

Same feeling at my local club, we were at least 10 people playing AoS consistently every week with the first ghb. Now, there is only myself and two other persons who are playing AoS occasionally. I have done  intro games with and without battletactics and in either cases the players felt it was too much to take in ( core rules + their army's rules)

Even the PtG group who had lots of success is now deserted, which I did not expect. From the feedback that I've gathered, there are too few battle-plans, some armies had  just an auto-win or auto-lose based on who is the attacker or defender in a scenario (ala 1st ed of Warcry).  The "after sequence" you have to do after each game is too much "rules bloat" and territories are 'useless'.

Ironically, there are a lot more AoS tournaments happening, however giving the current GHB rules and the nasty lists that are being  played, it's not going to attract fresh nor casual blood imo.

Final observation from my local club, a lot of  people who were unhappy of 9th ed of 40k and tried AoS  are now back into playing  40k with the new codexes.  

That last bit feels so whacky . It's always wild to me when people go "AoS is too complex" then jump into 40k with it's burgeoning rules bloat . To play 40k properly you have to know the core rules, your book rules, the basic CP book rules. A dozen CP rules from your own army for situational and bread and butter combos, then the what almost hundreds of possible CP usage combinations from the twenty something factions in addition to all their own gimmicky rules ?


Boy does it feel weird when you learn to play the rulebook and half a dozen armies say "those rules don't apply to me"

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I find it weird that peoples' interest in playing the game is so tied up in how much release hype there currently is, especially when - odds are - the releases have nothing to do with an army that you play. I play the game because it's fun, not because a random army I don't play is getting a tome in the next month. And if you're tired of the current GHB (as I often am), you can just play last year's missions.

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About the new Chaos Warriors, is it me or the new helmets don't have visible eyes like the original kit ?



It's a small detail but I thought it added a lot of personality to these little fellas (even if it must be painful to paint all those extra eyes ^^). 

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39 minutes ago, chosen_of_khaine said:

I find it weird that peoples' interest in playing the game is so tied up in how much release hype there currently is, especially when - odds are - the releases have nothing to do with an army that you play. I play the game because it's fun, not because a random army I don't play is getting a tome in the next month. And if you're tired of the current GHB (as I often am), you can just play last year's missions.

Release hype is not tied to new models or getting something for your own army:

You have a new tome, yet your friend is still waiting for theirs--this can disincentivize them from playing you or other opponents if their army feels bad without a 3.0 book.

"Releases" also includes secondary media like campaign books, BL novels, comics, collectibles, video games, and now animations.

AOS has been getting some more novels, but we're still waiting on any Era of the Beast narrative movement either from novels or campaign books... We have no animations except a single episode of H&B... We have no collectibles like 40k does (joytoy)... We have barely any video games and zero actual news on the ones in development... and AOS never got comics like 40k and WHF did...

"Release hype" has never been tied solely to the tabletop game or new models. Interest in Warhammer has never been solely tied to the tabletop game or models.



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1 hour ago, Sahrial said:

The more I look at this


the more convinced I become this actually was originally a Bullgor model refresh they shifted to chaos at the last minute of the model design process before it got sent to manufacturing design.

Some time ago there was that rumour of a Spiderfang-Warherd dual army box. The Beasts side was said to have a new Doombull and new Bullgors.

im convinced that these Ogriods were the ‘new Bullgors’ that rumour was talking about.

looking at the battletome leak, I’m concerned about Warherd going forward actually. The Bullgor and Ogriod warscolls are so similar to each other that Ogriods really do feel like a replacement to me..

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1 hour ago, chosen_of_khaine said:

I find it weird that peoples' interest in playing the game is so tied up in how much release hype there currently is, especially when - odds are - the releases have nothing to do with an army that you play. I play the game because it's fun, not because a random army I don't play is getting a tome in the next month. And if you're tired of the current GHB (as I often am), you can just play last year's missions.

A lot of, dare I say most, people only stick with GW games - specifically 40k -  because it's the most popular game that is easy to find random people to play with. It's not too surprising that as soon as one of the ships seems like it might be wobbly, people start eyeing the lifeboats.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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1 hour ago, Draznak said:

About the new Chaos Warriors, is it me or the new helmets don't have visible eyes like the original kit ?



It's a small detail but I thought it added a lot of personality to these little fellas (even if it must be painful to paint all those extra eyes ^^). 

I know it doesn't help with the Warriors, but at least the Chosen have the visible eyes. 

Honestly I never realised how much character something small like this adds to a model. It looks 100% more imposing being able to see that determined gaze beneath a brutal helmet. 

Really excited for the army set, I will definitely be putting some boar heads on those Ogroids if hopefully they are a good size for them. Have some giant Quilboar soldiers!

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44 minutes ago, Joseph Mackay said:

Some time ago there was that rumour of a Spiderfang-Warherd dual army box. The Beasts side was said to have a new Doombull and new Bullgors.

im convinced that these Ogriods were the ‘new Bullgors’ that rumour was talking about.

looking at the battletome leak, I’m concerned about Warherd going forward actually. The Bullgor and Ogriod warscolls are so similar to each other that Ogriods really do feel like a replacement to me..

While the correlation between Ogroids and Bullgors maybe true, that specific rumor was false and disproven very quickly. Not to mention the box set made no sense when it was posted

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Also I think people blow the complexity of 40K (and Kill team to an extent ) way overboard, yes stratagems and the rule is a learning curve but it is by no means a detriment to the system especially if you play the game after a while. You can say AoS is better game system oberall but you can argue that 40K complexity makes it more flashier and flavorful where AoS keeps is simple but also dull at times.

Edited by novakai
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26 minutes ago, Draznak said:

According to 40k youtuber Valrak, it will be Stormcast, Skavens, Sylvaneth and Nighthaunt.

Is Valrak typically a reliable source? I have tried looking up the veracity of his past claims but found very little information regarding his past rumours. I hope he is accurate for AOS as those sound like some great boxes but the 40k boxes still seem suspiciously similar to last years boxes only with no Xenos. 

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7 minutes ago, novakai said:

Also I think people blow the complexity of 40K (and Kill team to an extent ) way overboard, yes stratagems and the rule is a learning curve but it is by no means a detriment to the system especially if you play the game after a while. You can say AoS is better game system oberall but you can argue that 40K complexity makes it more flashier and flavorful where AoS keeps is simple but also dull at times.

Whfb used to be the same. It was one of the hardest games i ever had to learn but it was packed full of flavour. AoS has a real strong foundation imho but i feel like they are still looking for the sweetspot in how to spice things up a bit.

I think they did great with the Nighthaunt tome but Warclans was a bit dull in certain places. It was a great move to clean up the warscrolls and putting the flavour in the army rules. It makes it so much easier to explain to others now. 

I dont like how victory points are gained now, its just a lot of bookkeeping without that much impact at all imo. Rather have more fun and diverse battleplans or some kind of generator like in Warcry.

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6 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Is Valrak typically a reliable source? I have tried looking up the veracity of his past claims but found very little information regarding his past rumours. I hope he is accurate for AOS as those sound like some great boxes but the 40k boxes still seem suspiciously similar to last years boxes only with no Xenos. 

It depends on which of his inside sources he is using. He has a source named Alpherius which is basically as accurate as Whitefang and seem to be always right.

he has been pretty accurate lately as well but since it’s an AoS rumor and he generally has great distain for the setting it best to put more salt on this one then his usual rumormongering.

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2 hours ago, chosen_of_khaine said:

I find it weird that peoples' interest in playing the game is so tied up in how much release hype there currently is, especially when - odds are - the releases have nothing to do with an army that you play. I play the game because it's fun, not because a random army I don't play is getting a tome in the next month. And if you're tired of the current GHB (as I often am), you can just play last year's missions.

Excitement for what to do with a new army isn't just hype though. What I mean is if I have owned X army for a couple years a new tome should feel like a refreshing experience rather than a glorified errata with some warscroll changes/steamlined sub-faction rules. On the other side of that, facing a new army rather than the same old one is also fun and exciting.

I think this is what could have been a contributing factor in reinforcing the perception of a lack of AoS releases, since even though there's been more of them they've felt less impactful. It is at least true for me, as while I try to live by the rule of cool I admit having rules that are also cool is more fun!

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29 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Sort of an Offtopuc:does valrak hate aos or he just don't care at all for Tow/Whfb and Aos?

Because i find strange he got to know nearly all the 40k big thigs but nothing for the fantasy side of games...

I believe he did know about the Realmlords and Sons release beforehand but never said anything about it, he might know some stuff but choices not to mention it. The AoS battle boxes where conveniently left out of his video but he did say what they where in the comment.

I mean he was very salty when AoS third edition was announce and took a whole Saturday preview slot and bashed on the game during that livestream.

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16 minutes ago, novakai said:

I believe he did know about the Realmlords and Sons release beforehand but never said anything about it, he might know some stuff but choices not to mention it. The AoS battle boxes where conveniently left out of his video but he did say what they where in the comment.

I mean he was very salty when AoS third edition was announce and took a whole Saturday preview slot and bashed on the game during that livestream.

Ah nice,another of these "type of people"...

Still sad to see that he knows something but he will not disclose, it will surely boost his videos saying something for the other systems i think.

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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4 hours ago, Skoll said:

Boy does it feel weird when you learn to play the rulebook and half a dozen armies say "those rules don't apply to me"

I‘ve got an easy fix for you: How would you feel if I told you that your armies will double their Mortal Wound output soon?

You don‘t like save stacking? How about I compensate you with mortal wounds?

Are your dice rolling bad today? Just go ahead and deal some automatic mortal wounds

- Life is good with Mortal Wounds (Buy now and get 2 Mortal Wounds for the price of one!)

As regards to risks and side-effects, ask your doctor or pharmacist



Seriously though: Using the core rules to spice armies up is fine to a degree. Until it’s overdone.

My experience confirms the heavily dwindling AoS Player base in my local club as well. It’s reduced itself to 2 competitive players.

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2 hours ago, Draznak said:

According to 40k youtuber Valrak, it will be Stormcast, Skavens, Sylvaneth and Nighthaunt.

It seems strange that kruleboyz are not in : starter armies have been always in Xmas battleforce one year after the new edition. 

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2 hours ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

Honestly I never realised how much character something small like this adds to a model. It looks 100% more imposing being able to see that determined gaze beneath a brutal helmet. 

Really excited for the army set, I will definitely be putting some boar heads on those Ogroids if hopefully they are a good size for them. Have some giant Quilboar soldiers!

Magnify the image. The new Chaos Warriors have visible eyes - they simply didn’t paint them 🙂

Concerning Valrak: I don’t get why people watch him. All he does is reading WarCom Articles in front of a camera and brainstorming what could be - I wouldn’t even call that content tbh (utterly replaceable by anyone who can read and owns a camera) xD

Edited by JackStreicher
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53 minutes ago, novakai said:

I believe he did know about the Realmlords and Sons release beforehand but never said anything about it, he might know some stuff but choices not to mention it. The AoS battle boxes where conveniently left out of his video but he did say what they where in the comment.

I mean he was very salty when AoS third edition was announce and took a whole Saturday preview slot and bashed on the game during that livestream.

Wait what!? He held onto the Sons and Lumineth!? The biggest releases in years for AOS? 

Why is he so salty? Why dedicate a stream for hate? Is he still mad over WHFB ending? Sweet Sigmar people like that annoy me.

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