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On 11/5/2022 at 10:57 AM, Sahrial said:


im going to dissent, as an Ogor player, to the disappointment posted before this.

I read this review and I kept wait for the big change, the thing that would make or break the book, and it never came.

At the end of the day, this is not a massive overhaul of the army.

Which is exactly what was best for them.

i would have liked more potent buffs, sure, what player wouldn’t for their favorite army?

we got a TON of quality of life improvements, though. We got rid of the faction abilities locked behind subpar command traits and artefacts.

almost everything got some sort of flat buff, some even with points reductions.

no, we don’t have the same point for point customizability of s2d, but that was never the goal, imo. Every Ogor player I’ve talked to has felt the same: the core concept is what we want, we just need to be able to do it better.

i think this book does that. Not in every way I expected, not in every way I wanted, but it’s there, and I’m excited to try out some new builds. This is exactly what we needed, barring a range refresh on finecast models, and an expansion of units which I’ll hold out hope for with end of edition expansion releases.

I think the disappointment comes from the book still missing the mark (widely in some places), despite it being a minor facelift overall. The new hunter is the exact type of hero that has no role in the game, mournfang still struggle with allegiance abilities (they only count as 2 models each and are the only unit in the book that needs to be reinforced to get the good ogor charge), cats basically got worse and basically nobody played them, Frost wreathed Ice was copy-pasted, The butcher costs the same as the slaughtermaster which is ridiculous as the slaughtermaster is a butcher that gives out free buffs. The artefacts are pretty much all bad (these are the worst we've seen since kruleboyz I think, but at least they're better than kruleboyz), and the command traits are pretty lacklustre as well. I'm pretty sure most Ogor lists are just gonna run Master of Magic + Arcane tome, but even vial of manticore venom, high priest, and battle-lust are more appealing. Its also a little silly how despite not even having a full 6 table for artefacts/command traits a big portion of them are still unit locked. Also grasp of the everwinter is as forgettable as it ever was.
The internal balance between gutbusters and BCR are still an issue I think. Pretty much the only good enhancements are the mount traits, which are locked behind expensive BCR monsters, but every army gets a free mount trait, so the book creates a 1-way incentive towards bcr, which have been the better side of the army since the last book.
Overall I think the book is better for ogors, because it gives them what they need to function in aos 3, and it does some things well like subfactions, but it really feels like a side-grade, to an army that has struggled for a while.
Also the lists that seem to be powerful all seem like skew lists too, ironblaster spam, meatfist kragnos, and the same old BCR monster truck build.

On 11/6/2022 at 3:12 AM, Jagged Red Lines said:

To be fair, the errata came out a good six or seven hours *after* the preorders went live. So there's likely to be many people who rushed to buy, thinking that the box would sell out, who are now regretting their decision.

I've never understood this argument/psychology. In order to regret the decision because of a rules nerf (in this case a pretty minor one) you'd need to have mostly based your decision on the strength of the rules, not the models or narrative. But given the book won't be matched play legal until the proper release, and the person in question has already seen the leaked rules they don't have much of an incentive to buy it in the first place.
I know it happens that way though, I was also shocked people were actually returning their votann boxes because of the rules nerf. 

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I suspect the boxes will see a far higher price tag than normal seeing there are placing in two huge characters models in the chaos ones. If they do that with the AoS ones, most of the big models are €100+ these days.

I'm not complaining about the price, they will still have some good value in there I'm sure. I just think this is another barrier for getting people playing AoS, the christmas boxes were good the first couple of years and it was great too see so many people pick up a set or three to start new projects or start playing. (My local store still has some of the AoS battleforces from last year- not a good sign!)

Though thankfully, the only big model from the AoS range I have that I'd not want more than one of is Morathi, so if they do the same with our battleforces I'll still pick one or two sets up for sure.

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3 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

So they did 8 boxes but literally no Xenos.... Peak 40K support that is 🤣

GW has really been hammering home the fact that most of the xeno factions are just filler. Can't wait for 10th edition where the Space marine line will increase by 35% and  cause even more unit bloat.

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3 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

GW has really been hammering home the fact that most of the xeno factions are just filler. Can't wait for 10th edition where the Space marine line will increase by 35% and  cause even more unit bloat.

But they introduced a brand new Xenos faction this year!

Oh, wait, turns out they were actually non Imperium genetically modified clone humans!

(Not that I'm complaining though, I love the Squats)

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4 minutes ago, Still-young said:

Absolute rubbish, especially with them doing more than usual too. I was hoping for an Eldar one. 

Yeah I was talking to a friend when they were shown, and I said exactly the same thing, really suprising there were no Eldar.


6 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

GW has really been hammering home the fact that most of the xeno factions are just filler. Can't wait for 10th edition where the Space marine line will increase by 35% and  cause even more unit bloat.

yep, this is one of the reasons I don't have any interest in 40K as a game, if it isn't Space Marines or at least Imperium it hardly gets any support, especially if it is Xenos. I mean AoS is definitely not perfect in this regard (looks at Fyreslayers having 3 units to its 8 or so heroes compared to SCE), but it is not nearly so bad and certainly not so brazen in its bias.

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15 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

GW has really been hammering home the fact that most of the xeno factions are just filler. Can't wait for 10th edition where the Space marine line will increase by 35% and  cause even more unit bloat.

The succes of 30k can only mean that people want more marines right???

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12 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

I definitely didn't expect 7 boxes this year. They all have pretty neat themes as well.

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17 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

Would have liked Alarielle more than Drycha for Sylvaneth but otherwise looking good.

Will probably get a Kruleboyz and Stormcast one

Edited by Matrindur
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5 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

Would have liked Alarielle more than Drycha for Sylvaneth but otherwise looking good.

Will probably get a Kruleboyz and Stormcast one

I don’t think Alarielle in an army box was ever gonna happen tbh. She’s too big, too expensive. Honestly the best thing Gw could do would be to release a version of Drycha that’s not unique with an upgrade sprue to make a generic outcast hero.

it would do wonders for the rebuy value of their stuff.

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1 hour ago, Ivo said:

That image is baitclick lie there's no Sigmar stuff here :C 


Think this means no sigmar battleboxes this year since they usually do 4 and 4?


Jeezum Crow it's all power armor and imperial armies too.

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