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2 hours ago, MitGas said:

Oh, I love the political intrigue of GoT! Sex is nice too, though I don’t see how that would fit into TOW. Just saying that it sounded like they want it to be empire-centric and focus on the inner quarrels, I could very well be wrong/ gotten the wrong impression. Maybe it‘s both - inner and outer threats. 

As for the lord: the main problems for a tzeentchian look are two things: the trim/armor design is a lot more rounded and swirly in Tzeentch figures and they don‘t have holes or wear crude garments like those pelts. I mean, you can totally just use him as is, he’s a sexy mini, but visually nothing about him screams Tzeentch (or Slaanesh for that matter). Also he’s not looking like a proper sorcerer-warrior but just a proper warrior-general. Best would be to use the s2d minis as new converts to our cause. 

If I had a say in the design of Tzeentch warriors, I‘d totally go into Exdeath territory… more fine clothes, swirly armor trim like from the Curseling and so on. I guess the new lighter Stormcast are a better basis for them than the new Chaos stuff ironically. 

seeing how 80s darf fantasy AI generated images are the latest rage on youtube, I think one could do some cool fast first concepts for it with that🤔



Probably via background political marriages sprinkled throughout the lore. But that’s a discussion that should probably be had in private messages and TOW thread.

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2 hours ago, MitGas said:

Oh, I love the political intrigue of GoT! Sex is nice too, though I don’t see how that would fit into TOW. Just saying that it sounded like they want it to be empire-centric and focus on the inner quarrels, I could very well be wrong/ gotten the wrong impression. Maybe it‘s both - inner and outer threats. 

As for the lord: the main problems for a tzeentchian look are two things: the trim/armor design is a lot more rounded and swirly in Tzeentch figures and they don‘t have holes or wear crude garments like those pelts. I mean, you can totally just use him as is, he’s a sexy mini, but visually nothing about him screams Tzeentch (or Slaanesh for that matter). Also he’s not looking like a proper sorcerer-warrior but just a proper warrior-general. Best would be to use the s2d minis as new converts to our cause. 

If I had a say in the design of Tzeentch warriors, I‘d totally go into Exdeath territory… more fine clothes, swirly armor trim like from the Curseling and so on. I guess the new lighter Stormcast are a better basis for them than the new Chaos stuff ironically. 

seeing how 80s darf fantasy AI generated images are the latest rage on youtube, I think one could do some cool fast first concepts for it with that🤔



Probably via background political marriages sprinkled throughout the lore. But that’s a discussion that should probably be had in private messages and TOW thread.

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3 hours ago, Jetlife said:



Where I think they drop the ball is with lore updates. I think along with rumor engines they should reveal small excerpts of story (Paragraph would suffice) just pushing the story. They did this with longer mini stories during broken realms and I think that's when the love for AOS was at it's peak. I think we think AOS is moving slow because of releases but we really just feel stuck because the story hasn't moved or deepened. 

A prime example would be these one off heroes the have been doing. Give us a story about a named version of them. The new flesh eater court model, give us a small story about him. Bring us into the world of AOS. 

THIS SO MUCH THIS!! I just want the story to push forward, its been almost a year since Thondia and it feels like nothing has happened. Even a monthly or hell even Bi-Monthly short story such as the Broken Realms series would go so. Damn. Far. In pushing the narrative.

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1 minute ago, KingBrodd said:

THIS SO MUCH THIS!! I just want the story to push forward, its been almost a year since Thondia and it feels like nothing has happened. Even a monthly or hell even Bi-Monthly short story such as the Broken Realms series would go so. Damn. Far. In pushing the narrative.

I remember the story with a Daemon "Belakor" and Skaven. The new bBelakor model hadn't been released yet but it was a hint that he was back and around in the lore. Then they dropped the new model. They did the same thing with the Seraphon and dragon eggs. Give us some foreshadowing into what's coming next. We already know Seraphon are coming, give us a cool story filled with mysterious hints of what to expect. 

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Took notice that the Hag, Gobba and Colossal and Rouge Idol are not on the Gitz and Orruk Battlescroll. The FW website has them variously listed at temp. out of stock, no longer available or, in the hags case, available. Any insight on if the dwindling amount of AOS FW stuff never makes it onto the Battlescroll regardless? Any takers on offering up some odds on if they make the new book or not?

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4 hours ago, Kitsumy said:

"We’ve also decided to round off points values to the nearest 10, to make list building a bit easier. "

idoneth eidolon of sea: 325........

great work like always gw!! i hope it get fixed in a future faq of a faq like always lol

and some bases changed?? im not sure but kroak having same base as kroxxis and pterodactils semms weird or some foot heros like astrolith and eternity having 40 instead 32

For some reason blood knights are listed as being a smaller base size as well (same as black knights now). Almost certainly a typo, especially since they wouldn’t even properly fit on those bases.

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3 hours ago, Jetlife said:

I remember the story with a Daemon "Belakor" and Skaven. The new bBelakor model hadn't been released yet but it was a hint that he was back and around in the lore. Then they dropped the new model. They did the same thing with the Seraphon and dragon eggs. Give us some foreshadowing into what's coming next. We already know Seraphon are coming, give us a cool story filled with mysterious hints of what to expect. 

Yes!! Just tease new models or narrative just anything to expand the world outside of Black Library. Theyre the ones currently doing all the heavy lifting.

22 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

In a perfect hobby world that would mean the hag in all her voluptuous glory would finally be gracing us all in a lovely new plastic form...🤗



One can dream...

Im hoping she does return, if they unveil her in her swamp stank glory at LVO? There goes my hobby Dollarydoos for the year.

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2 hours ago, novakai said:

the B+C write up on the GW financial report indicate that HH outsold AoS when the AoD editon launch (not surprising to be honest)


Where does it say that in the report? 

I just read the whole report and it didn't state that at all, unless I completely missed something. 


Edited by Ogregut
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5 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Oh Lads and Ladettes of the Mortal Realms I have Hrothgorns Mantrapper Cards set for Underworlds which I do not need. Does anyone want it? Just throw me a message and its yours free!! Ill cover postage as well. 

I think I have


Briar Queen


Godsworn Hunt

Eyes of the Nine


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5 hours ago, novakai said:

the B+C write up on the GW financial report indicate that HH outsold AoS when the AoD editon launch (not surprising to be honest)

Cheers. Had completely missed the report landed.

Their description of 40k compared to AoS hurt. 40k is their "most popular and recognisable brand" meanwhile AoS is their "unique fantasy setting." Even HH got described as a success and followed up by this:

"The release of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy - Age of Darkness box set in June was enthusiastically received by both
existing and new Horus Heresy collectors and marks a step change in our development and output for this rich and
popular IP."

Which is corporate for HH made us a lot of money and we're going to push it even further.

The only mention AoS got was lumped in with WarCry and Kill Team. At least we got significant releases in those games...

"The rest of the period saw significant releases for all our main IPs including new miniatures and environments
for WarCry and Kill Team (our Warhammer: Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000 skirmish games)."

However, looking at content creators I've noticed AoS growing in popularity (and therefore reach). Channels who only covered 40k are now also doing frequent AoS content (such as book reviews, battle reports, etc). So while there isn't anything amazing being mentioned about AoS in the report it is also good to see there's no dire news or negative implications there either. The fact AoS often being spoken about as "being in a good place" competitively is positive as well.


Edited by pnkdth
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Since the S2D Thread isn't the most busy of places I'll ask my question again:

Heralds of ruination - Chosen Rule

It’s a weird rule since the wording is different than usual concerning fighting twice rules, it even differs from the Varanguard fighting twice rule in the same book. 

Every other fight twice ability I have encountered has the paragraph which goes like this:
"If this unit is within 3" of an enemy unit it can be chosen to fight a second time"
While the chosen rule simply says "You can fight a second time."

Now let's assume the chosen charged an enemy and killed it. Now there is another enemy BUT that enemy is outside of 3". Can they fight again?
-> As per the core rules a unit has to be within 3" of an enemy in order to be eligible to fight.
So the chosen should not be allowed to fight.
However: Why is their rule's wording that different? One might assume that the intention is to allow them to fight anyway -> pile towards the next enemy and attack if it is within range.

There are several explanations for this divergernce:
1. The intend is a different one compared to other double-fighting rules (as explained above) 
2. It was formated to fit onto the warscroll
3. Incompetence

What are your thoughts? Are there similarly worded rules that have an FAQ to clarify the intend of the rule?



Edited by JackStreicher
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For what it's worth the double-fight ability on the Ironguts warscroll has the same wording.  My assumption was that it is intended to allow a charging unit to activate twice even if they kill their initial target and are no longer within 3" of any enemy models, as charging units can be activated even if there're no enemies in range, as per the core rules (12.1).

Edited by Lucentia
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