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The rest of the lizards are incredible, and finally confirmation of a army box. I really hope it's up for pre order soon.

The underworld  box will be thd first ive bought in a while, the stormcast are amazing but the tzeentch warband is phenomenal. 

100% on board for cities as well. 

The Lion looks fantastic as well, might have to get him just to paint. 

Entering a new golden age in hobbying! 

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45 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

So the roadmap shows two more Battletomes, one of them will be FEC but which other faction is still missing? Or will that be a new faction?

Eddie teasingly saying about who knows what the winter will bring re battletomes, could this be a kurnothi reference? In the old lore orion would weaken in winter and be reborn in spring. Maybe I'm just clutching at straws!!

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1 hour ago, The Red King said:

I'm really happy for lizards but for me personally this show told me that Beastman aren't worth changing 5 bits on a 3D CAD to release a unit for a faction that desperately needs it and that thunderstrike armor means all off schedule releases have to go to stormcast to invalidate old stormcast ala oldmarines totally "not being replaced" by primaris.


Ah well maybe I'll convert some "khorngor" to proxy as skullreapers or something and at least it's nice to have a new shaman sculpt. Wish they hadnt sculpted those metal ports right into their bodies though and depending on the bits I'll also have to source an extra head/hands/etc. Probably just won't bother.

Between this and the not bullgor theridon and the not a centaur kragnos I'm getting a bit tired of all my armies "releases" being for other armies.

You want pony boy? By all means please take him. 😄 

Wonder if you just straight proxied ogroids for bullgors would anyone care? I mean they are essentially the exact same kit with different heads, am I correct in this?

Edited by Vasshpit
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Ironic that the old designs lifted straight from history are more original than the "AoS-ified" versions that look like they could be from any generic fantasy setting from the last twenty years. And those are some of the worst faces I've seen come out of GW (due to painting or sculpts regardless) in a long time.

But! 100% positive on everything else. I'm all-in on Seraphon once I've completed my backlog (or sold it to get to the lizards faster...) and even if I'm against the idea of loyalist Primarchs in 40k on a thematic and conceptual level, Lion El'Jonson is a DILF. That is all.

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33 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

You want pony boy? By all means please take him. 😄 


Also i think that the first book on the roadmap is Season of War Gallet and the one next to CoS could be Dawnbringer Crusade kicking off the Broken Realms for this edition.


Edit: As for my view on the show itself. I think it was a great one but it wasnt for me. The new Seraphon look amazing. New brettonia CoS look amazing. New heroes look like good additions to their armies. The underworlds warbands didnt do it for me either this time.

No news on the Warcry leaks, but i guess that was expected.

Might try out 40k for a bit while army rules are still free. 

Ill patiently wait for the second wave for Destruction and work on my backlog. Happy for everyone for that did get new shiny toys.

Edited by Gitzdee
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12 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:


Also i think that the first book on the roadmap is Season of War Gallet and the one next to CoS could be Dawnbringer Crusade kicking off the Broken Realms for this edition.


I Hope you are right. I want a new campaign like Season of War: Thondia

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Just woke up and saw all the images, gonna deep dive into everything when I get to work.

But holy Emperor, that is probably the best preview, every single thing revealed is absolutely stunning.

The Kroxigors man! THE KROXIGOOOOOOOOOOORS! They are perfect, and who would've thought 2 head choices, literally perfect having the best of both worlds, can't wait for some croccy Bois.

The Lion with helmet is gorgeous.

Can't wait to see what's in store for Cities.

So so so so so happy at those updated Terminators! 

Those beastmen..... Good lawd they're amazing, but that's the only shame, how good they could've looked for the Beasts of Chaos. At least hoping they can be de-40k'd enough.

Oh and that Tzeentch warband! Insane, that's the best imaginative design I expect from the Lord of Change. Eye-rolled initially when I saw the Storm cast thumbnail thinking oh another SC band? But they're stunning too! We got Dr Doom in AoS now.

What a preview, what an amazing preview and an amazing glimpse into the future of the hobby. Today's good.

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1 hour ago, KriticalKhan said:

Ironic that the old designs lifted straight from history are more original than the "AoS-ified" versions that look like they could be from any generic fantasy setting from the last twenty years. And those are some of the worst faces I've seen come out of GW (due to painting or sculpts regardless) in a long time.

But! 100% positive on everything else. I'm all-in on Seraphon once I've completed my backlog (or sold it to get to the lizards faster...) and even if I'm against the idea of loyalist Primarchs in 40k on a thematic and conceptual level, Lion El'Jonson is a DILF. That is all.

Exactly my thoughts.

I'm not surprised to be honest but I still hoped that CoS would get at least some AoS twist. These 3 models could easily fit any fantasy / medieval setting which for me is a downside as one of the biggest AoS strengths was its original design of armies. Maybe some other units will be better but if I were to guess next stop is some generic medieval horse cavalry.

Edited by Aeryenn
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On the other hand, what happened to WarCry reveal? Is GW upset because of the spoil the other day? 😉

As for the Seraphon they seem perfect. Each and every unit shown from the new release is greatly sculptured and fits the army well. I'm grabbing the army set for my 8yo son.

Underworlds models as always bring some fine proxies for heroes on foot of Age of Sigmar. The Tzeentch band also is great in design bringing all these twisted demons.

The new Ossiarch hero is a rip off from Boneshaper which is a great model but still. Vampire hero is ok and just ok.

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Good morning guys,


this is the first time GW‘s superlatives like „massive reveals“ were actually true. I liked everything they‘ve shown:

- 40K new Edition: Sounds good, but it always does until it doesn’t. I like they updated Datasheets. Nice, long render trailers!

- The Lion: Rad! I love the Knight vibes he‘s oozing (those helmet options are insane!)

- Tyranids: Sweet!

- Terminators: Damn it’s about time

- Seraphon: Veeery happy. The Aggragon riders are ace. The Kroxigors are a dream come true!

- Ossiarch: So the image we thought was a exaggerated boneshaper turned out to be a model and a nice one at that!

- Soulblight: Nice hints of red riding hood, Cinderella (-Bird- Bat friends) etc. great Model. I have high hopes gor the Battletome!

- Underworlds: Are those Stormcast Thunderstrike Evocators? Sweet poses!

- Tzeentch: Wicked!

- Beastmen: (Proxigors 🤣 that was a good one). Easily converted to some kind of fantasy Gor.

- Votann: Deep Rock Galactic calls


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IMO, lizards stole the show again.

It is indeed hard to beat the 10th edition launch trailer and the Lion, but the confirmation of kroxigor, new dino riders, and a launch box (that by the way will come with warscroll cards AND enhancement cards) is a HUGE win. 

Horus Heresy was the worst. You could kinda tell the announcers were REALLY trying hard to make the book seem valuable.
Zone Mortalis and new core missions IS good, the game needs those, but good god, show a model. Would have made a huge difference.

Everything else was great too, but, again, Seraphon be winning big. 

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Excellent set of reveals overall, with the Lion comfortably stealing the show.

Lizzies look good! Tbh when I saw the kroxigors my heart sank a little because as good as they were, they didn’t have the crocodilian heads we know and love… only for those to be revealed next in the alt-build.

Which is a nice feature, as with the new cold ones it’s really cool how the designers didn’t just replicate dinosaurs. Those aggrodons aren’t simply scaled up raptors (good as the dark eldar ones are), there’s a fair bit of chunky iguana there too.

The Ossiarch and vampire characters feel like missed opportunities. The Mortisian is fine but the range could have done better with a generic version of the WHU dude or a generic infantry captain. The vampire is a truly excellent sculpt - that axe! Those feet! - but hey, there’s already 5 Vyrkos special characters. A generic mounted vampire lord would have been a better call to a fairy complete (bordering on somewhat overstuffed with redundancies) range.

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New Cities folk look promising, except for the derpy faces. 

Has anyone deciphered the symbols for the. Cities sun factions yet? Hoping Living Cities are still in there. Also wonder if the subfractions symbols give any hints on the survival or not of the Dwarves and Elves?

Slightly less on topic, but interesting that though the 40k Beastmen are Chaos, the presenters did specifically mention "Emperor worshipping" Beastmen, which suggests they're still an acknowledged thing in lore at least.

Disappointed that the Kin Space Dwarves are just an upgrade sprue.

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Now since this head isn't a cold one as they are replaced by the Aggradons and the designers said we will see whatever it belongs to in the future, could this turn out to be new Drakespawn Knights or some other kind of riders for Cities of Sigmar?



Edited by Matrindur
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On 2/7/2023 at 10:00 AM, NorthernNurgling said:

I have a theory on this!

I think Saurus Knights will be the one unit that doesn't get a revamp and the skink riders will be the new cavalry. Going way back to 5th ed. the only cavalry Lizardmen had was skinks so this might be a course correction. I think RE pretty much confirms Kroxigor and Salamanders are in more need of rework (failcast, bought as singles, etc)

If I had to guess, I'd say we'll see a new big dino as the new Engine of the Gods - this is one of the coolest concepts in the Seraphon and leans heavily into the Aztec vibe, but its current form is extras on the (lovely but old) Stegadon sprue. 

My first ever box of models was the Lizardmen/Bret starter kit and I am sooooooo excited to pick up the scalies again!

Can  I just say I did not knowingly or recklessly mislead the forum on 7th February. It was my belief that a big dino was on its way, and those close to me assured me this was the case. As soon as it became clear that no big dino was, in fact, arriving, I launched an inquiry with my mate Dave, and I have come here today to set the record straight. I stand by everything I said, as those were the facts as I understood them, at a very difficult time when lots of information was still coming in...

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10 minutes ago, EntMan said:

New Cities folk look promising, except for the derpy faces. 

Has anyone deciphered the symbols for the. Cities sun factions yet? Hoping Living Cities are still in there. Also wonder if the subfractions symbols give any hints on the survival or not of the Dwarves and Elves?

Slightly less on topic, but interesting that though the 40k Beastmen are Chaos, the presenters did specifically mention "Emperor worshipping" Beastmen, which suggests they're still an acknowledged thing in lore at least.

Disappointed that the Kin Space Dwarves are just an upgrade sprue.


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1 minute ago, Nezzhil said:


Thanks, that's awesome. 

I'm pretty sure the presenter said some of them where for new subfractions, so maybe that means the ones you are less sure about might be going?

Glad if Living Cities are still there. Also you can't have Greywater without Dwarves, right? 😃

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