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5 hours ago, Grungnisson said:

The point is, there are far more homogenous looking units in AoS than FS and yet, somehow, they don't seem to attract even a fraction of the same criticism, somethimes hate, even. 

I really wonder sometimes how many people, who complain about Fyreslayers, are Fyreslayers players. Not to extrapolate onto the wider community, but speaking just for myself, I collected and played them from the release. Loved and still do the look of the models, never had an issue with telling units apart, and, truth be told, I don't even care about expanding the army (just DO NOT give us another foot hero, for heaven's sake!). Am I the only one then?

What I will say on this, and not drag it out, is that I get annoyed at so many people conflating designs and models. I don't have any problems with the design of Fyreslayers, that's not the issue. The problem is that they are one of the oldest of all the AoS original armies, (basically on par with 1st wave Stormcasts) and as such many of their models are not very good on a technical or sculpting level, especially compared to stuff GW has put out in the last few years. In particular the infantry kits are lackluster, they're basically on the same level as some of the more mediocre 8th edition WHFB kits, which makes sense, they would have been made back then. Look at many of the first run KO heroes and compare them to the various special characters and event models released in recent years, the difference is massive!

The frustrating thing about Fyreslayers is they get so few new models to put that theory to the test. The new hero looks good, as uninspired as he is. The Underworlds band looks incredible compared to the normal vulkite/Runefather, and that was season one, not even close to Underworlds at it's best. I do want new models and unit types for Fyreslayers, but even more than that I want to see new anything for Fyreslayers to better showcase their potential. C'mon GW, give them a new underworlds band, they're due. Or even better, Warcry.

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2 hours ago, KarrWolves said:

Guy with book confirmed Coalesced gives +1 to bite rolls.

so that means every dino will loose 1bite? since his bites should be atack profiles, instead rules like saurus one


aand if rival knows how to play saurus wont bite ever, since everyone will remove minis on front row, and bites need to be in 1" after every atacks, so they atack, rival takes front row. we cant bite,he actuvates, piles in 3" and fight like usual....


another change i dislike... great!

Edited by Kitsumy
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1 minute ago, CommissarRotke said:

why would they lose anything? it's probably +1 to HIT bites as Coalesced.

because it seems to be +1 in the bites roll, not +1 to hit on bites. and big dinos bites shouldnt be rules like 6 dices and every 4 is a mortal, should be profiles like usual

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10 minutes ago, Kitsumy said:

because it seems to be +1 in the bites roll, not +1 to hit on bites. and big dinos bites shouldnt be rules like 6 dices and every 4 is a mortal, should be profiles like usual


Things don't have to stay the same as previous books. 

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10 minutes ago, Molodav said:

Yeah I realised after and I have no idea how to modify an imgur lul

Here it is tho: 

Huh, not loving the New Engine of the Gods, to be honest. The Math on basically every ability is massively skewed towards "don't bother unless you have 3+ dice, and even then.." which makes this a unit you'll probably save up for one big roll once, maybe twice per game and hope you don't blow it. Not very fun, IMO.

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