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1 hour ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

Doesn't anyone think Beasts will not be filtered out of AoS in exchange with The Old World?  I hate to think of it but Beasts frankly have a negligible narrative presence in the Mortal Realms.  I love the faction so much but I think of all the factions listed between TOW and AoS they're by far the most likely.

I'd be surprised if they were removed completely. They did get a model for the current book as well as a terrain piece and endless spells in the previous one. I don't think GW would be likely to give them new kits if they were planning to delete them a little while later. I think they're just in a similar position to Skaven, large existing range with some newish stuff but a lot of painfully ancient things as well and deeply in need of a proper refresh. Big batches like that don't happen often and the more GW drags their feet the more people seem to get excited when there finally is an update (and the more excited they are the more likely they are to buy models...) so it's anyone's guess when we'll see it. 

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I think beasts players will have lots of new stuff when their update cimes. 

Skaven, ogres and beasts are the last 3 armies that need a refresh and new models to bring them up to today's standards and ezpectations. 

They will also be getting new models in TOW so double modely goodness is in their future. 

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@Thalassic Monstrosity beasts will not get cut for a variety of reasons.

Firstly we have had numerous beast units since AoS started. The tzaangor, enlightened, tzaangor shaman, Slaangor, the endless spells, the headstone, the Underworlds warband and the recent hero are all new to AoS. That's as many new things as Ironjawz got including the new pig.

Secondly the book contains minis that can be used in numerous different armies. That's something GW loves. If they bring out some new beasts kits, they can sell them to almost all the chaos factions.

Thirdly they played a fairly major part in the thondia narrative which ended with some definite teases for something new for Beasts. 

To answer your second question, the rumours about Skaven and FeC are very reliable. They come from Whitefang who exactly predicted which Cities units would get cut about 6 months ago. 

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Well, I appreciate the optemistic outlook.  I just wonder with the definite lack of love that they've gotten since AoS started.

I'm not trying to Bestigor on anyone's banners but I just want to see where the community stands.

Trust me, I want Beasts to be more pronounced in all settings!  Give me EC Slaangors! Khorngors! Pestigors! More for everyone!!

As for my other questions, I always worry and sympathize with Whitefang likes because the poor chummer can't appreciate a comment without TGA adding it to a gospel somewhere.

Edited by Thalassic Monstrosity
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6 hours ago, Kempak said:

any rumours on what the remaining sc boxes are being replaced with, cities boxes, fec, ironjawz seraphon are all that is left. 

The Seraphon Saurus box has gone now, but it's really weird that it didn't get a replacement vanguard when the new range came out. Every other army that has had a recent re-release has had a vanguard/combat patrol release with the rest of the models. Maybe it's a supply chain thing. FEC I imagine is in a similar position, since they're the only remaining battletome to update for 3.0 after CoS, and I can picture them getting a new unit or two to flesh them out more, meaning a new vanguard box as well. 

Ironjawz, on the other hand, I can imagine staying for a while along with the Stormcast and Khorne Bloodbound one. It's a faction that's easy to sell to new and younger players, so it tracks for them to have a slightly cheaper box to appeal to them. 


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5 minutes ago, Nazarjo said:

The Seraphon Saurus box has gone now, but it's really weird that it didn't get a replacement vanguard when the new range came out. Every other army that has had a recent re-release has had a vanguard/combat patrol release with the rest of the models. Maybe it's a supply chain thing. FEC I imagine is in a similar position, since they're the only remaining battletome to update for 3.0 after CoS, and I can picture them getting a new unit or two to flesh them out more, meaning a new vanguard box as well. 

Ironjawz, on the other hand, I can imagine staying for a while along with the Stormcast and Khorne Bloodbound one. It's a faction that's easy to sell to new and younger players, so it tracks for them to have a slightly cheaper box to appeal to them. 


Yeah every Sunday now I am hoping to see some sort of announcement of the Seraphon Vanguard.... Been holding off on buying any more Seraphon until it comes out for ages now 😂

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30 minutes ago, Nazarjo said:

The Seraphon Saurus box has gone now, but it's really weird that it didn't get a replacement vanguard when the new range came out. Every other army that has had a recent re-release has had a vanguard/combat patrol release with the rest of the models.


Every army got one but not necessarily together with their inital release. Sylvaneth for example got their book in June while the Vanguard only released in November

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The last BoC model looked so awesome i just cant wait to see what a full updated army would look like. Especially new Bestigors and a Doombull. Khornegors and Pestigors would be nice too. Would really like to build a Warcry warband out of them.

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2 hours ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

Well, I appreciate the optemistic outlook.  I just wonder with the definite lack of love that they've gotten since AoS started.

I'm not trying to Bestigor on anyone's banners but I just want to see where the community stands.

Trust me, I want Beasts to be more pronounced in all settings!  Give me EC Slaangors! Khorngors! Pestigors! More for everyone!!

As for my other questions, I always worry and sympathize with Whitefang likes because the poor chummer can't appreciate a comment without TGA adding it to a gospel somewhere.

I see the future of BoC play out in one of two ways: Either they get a Seraphon style update or a Cities of Sigmar style reimagining.

I think the second might be more probable: If you look at the main factions for The Old World, they are all armies that were either removed from or reimagined in Age of Sigmar. BoC and to a lesser extent Dwarves are the only ones where neither is the case. I don't see any of those factions being removed, however. So I would predict they will get reimagined some time down the line, with their current models remaining playable in TOW.

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I think Beasts will just get their big update once TOW is out as sort of a cross-play army. I mean with God-aligned beastmen for two factions already out, one might think they‘d be dropped as their own army but I personally don‘t think so and would rather count that towards the army becoming a pretty substantial one one day.

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2 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

The last BoC model looked so awesome i just cant wait to see what a full updated army would look like. Especially new Bestigors and a Doombull. Khornegors and Pestigors would be nice too. Would really like to build a Warcry warband out of them.

The recent 40k/Kill team Beastmen looked amazing as well.

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2 minutes ago, MitGas said:

I think Beasts will just get their big update once TOW is out as sort of a cross-play army. I mean with God-aligned beastmen for two factions already out, one might think they‘d be dropped as their own army but I personally don‘t think so and would rather count that towards the army becoming a pretty substantial one one day.

It seems to me that GW is actively trying to limit the possibility of crossplay between TOW and AoS. Their goal very much seems to be to keep the two games as separate as possible. That's why I believe that TOW Beastmen and AoS Beasts of Chaos will have a pretty clear and distinct split in the near future.

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9 minutes ago, Chikout said:

As awesome as these pieces of art are, they are doing a terrible job at giving us hints of secret stuff in the background. 

Hey, last one had that cool banner.

This one has, uh... a crane on the right! Yes! BATTLE CRANE STANDARD BEARER!

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4 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

It seems to me that GW is actively trying to limit the possibility of crossplay between TOW and AoS. Their goal very much seems to be to keep the two games as separate as possible. That's why I believe that TOW Beastmen and AoS Beasts of Chaos will have a pretty clear and distinct split in the near future.

IMO they're not trying to limit crossplay, but are probably trying to split the armies into TOW armies and AoS armies so they can track sales. 

Core Factions in ToW:
Empire, Dwarves, Brettonians, Wood Elves, High elves, Orcs & Goblins, Warriors of Chaos, Beastmen, and Tomb kings.
"Other" ToW factions with rules:
Dark Elves, Skaven, Vampire Counts, Daemons of Chaos, Ogre Kingdoms, Lizardmen, Chaos Dwarves. 

All of the "Other" factions have basically their entire model range in-tact in aos, with plenty of AoS model revamps. Chaos Dwarves are the only exception, and we're expecting them to show up in AoS at some point in time. So none of those factions need support.

All of the Core factions need support to work in the old world, as they were either squatted, or had key parts of the model range squatted (dwarves & greenskinz). Beastmen and Warriors of chaos are the exception here though, as they have their entire lines in-tact pretty much, but are also core factions.

I think WoC and BoC were made exceptions because the narrative demands it, and will probably only get some named character support from old world, because they're both in the exact same situation in regards to both systems.

We know at this point that dark elves, dispossed, and gitz will be doing double duty for sure, so to me the only really questionable pieces are bonesplitterz, 'ardboyz, and gitmob. We know Greenskinz need to come back, and the plains goblins coming back might make sense, but they've chosen to add new wolf riders to gitz, so maybe we'll see a gitmob revamp before ToW releases.

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10 hours ago, RocketPropelledGrenade said:

I'd be pretty shocked if any AoS army that made it this far got outright removed. A few that got turned into Cities subfactions might get further reduction/removal, but I don't see anything that made it into 3rd edition with a legal battletome of their own being cut.

The only warning would be that GW moves very very slowly. A decent amount of human stuff is still in Cities and who knows how long before they get another wave to be fully removed. The same could be said about other factions, but we really have no idea.

You could even look at the removal of wood and high elves as their big test run of pulling old models out of AOS and putting into TOW to see how the fan base react.................. Of course that has never stopped GW before.

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