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I feel like it's more likely Chaos Dwarfs would be their own, standalone army. 'Mechanical/industrial horror' isn't really something any of the existing AoS factions do, which is something Chorfs could lean into, especially since STD notably lack the Hellcannon. It's such an iconic piece of Warriors of Chaos hardware (notably crewed by Chorfs) that I don't think it's a coincidence they never released a plastic version during the last big revamp.

I have my suspicions that a big reason we got Squats back in 40k was because other companies were making their own Space Dwarf derivatives and GW wanted that for itself. Chorfs are in a somewhat similar position wherein there's a notable number of ways to get your own Evil Dwarves(tm)... except from GW (unless they bring back Legion of Azgroh in resin for TOW). GW is all about that sweet, sweet, nostalgia/fanservice money these days and Chorfs would certainly fit into that.

Also, the Warcry lore does talk about 'Chaos Duardin' as very much being their own beast, rather than something which just tags along with Archaon's armies. The Horns of Hashut and Hobgrots clearly have shared visual designs, what with being associated with Chaos Duardin, so I'd not be surprised in the slightest if there's a design doc in Nottingham titled aos_chorfs.

That isn't to say I think it's impossible they just get turned into a wing of STD, but I'd not hedge my bets on it.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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I'm probably of the unpopular opinion that I find the 40k setting cheapened by the presence of squats. I joined during the end of 3rd edition 40k originally when I was a teenager and there were no squats at all noticable for me. The setting that I have imprinted in my mind doesn't include them. However I thought them coming as part of Necromunda was really well done.  I remember seeing all the memes and the occasional clamour for them to come back over the years but everytime I saw old model of them I though eww no!

Again this is solely my take and I'm not saying I'm right. More people are happy so that's all good! 

Chaos Dwarves however are an interesting one. On one hand it wouldnt be the old old fantasy aesthetic, which is good. The forge world range I thought was amazing more of that would work well in AoS. The other side is actually some future FS releases could steal some of the design space which I'm all for as well. We did get one in the Warcry warband but I can't see them becoming just a bit player in StD either. 

This is partly why I'm against battletomes. There is alot of factions and adding new ones whilst updating  the battletome and edition cycle is tricky.  I'd love to see a strong Chaos dwarf release but even like a 5 kit mini release would be great for chaos Dwarves, Kurnothi etc

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3 hours ago, Grunbag said:

That would be a perfect warband , and a good way to update fellwater . 

but if we stick to warcry road map there is no more destruction warband on the way . 
last warband will be kruleboyz monsta killaz vs order . 

And in winter it will be order vs death 


2 New Warbands though...


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I have been thinking whole day about the last launch in Spring, before 4th Edition is coming, could lead to 2 scenearios (IMHO):

- 1st Kurnothi
With the "Lifequake" of Alarielle, all magic and mortal races have been affected in one or other way, like unleashed Incarnates of pure realmstone magic, stormcasts and orruks mutated by them and acquiring bestial features, Kragnos being free from his prison, and a lot of factions being more active and/or getting new bestial units. All of these events take place in Ghur, but what happens in Ghyran?

We know that Cities have launched a crusade and wanderers is no more in its battletome. Whitefang hinted that 1 o more kits of Kurnothi would come at some time in the future. Well, I think that Kurnothis are the secret weapon against enemy forces of Order and they could save the Dawnbringer crusade of Ghyran.

In this way, Sylvaneth would have a similar treatment as Soulblight in 2nd edition: renovation from Legions of Nagash but as a "new" army, with new kits of Kurnothi (taking a similar rol of Wanderers) and old kits renovated, like new dryads.

- 2nd Chaos Duardin / Oathbreakers
We have all kind of hints from CD since 3rd edition, even before (that treachery against Grugni and Grimnir), like Hobgrots as middlers between orruks and duardins, or Horns of Hashut as the vanguard of them, and Be'lakor tells us that something or someone could be happy with the return of Grugni.

With this in mind, I see Chaos Duardin as the main threat for the Dawnbringer crusade of Aqshy and its the perfect opportunity to them to get into action.

Maybe in the same way that I said before with Sylvaneth but with Slaves, or as stand alone battletome.


In any case, we should have opened eyes for any hint in current campaign and new from warcry and/or underworlds. We will get Kurnothis and Chaos Duardin over time.

Edited by Trugg the Troggoth King
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5 hours ago, Trugg the Troggoth King said:

I have been thinking whole day about the last launch in Spring, before 4th Edition is coming, could lead to 2 scenearios (IMHO):

- 1st Kurnothi
With the "Lifequake" of Alarielle, all magic and mortal races have been affected in one or other way, like unleashed Incarnates of pure realmstone magic, stormcasts and orruks mutated by them and acquiring bestial features, Kragnos being free from his prison, and a lot of factions being more active and/or getting new bestial units. All of these events take place in Ghur, but what happens in Ghyran?

We know that Cities have launched a crusade and wanderers is no more in its battletome. Whitefang hinted that 1 o more kits of Kurnothi would come at some time in the future. Well, I think that Kurnothis are the secret weapon against enemy forces of Order and they could save the Dawnbringer crusade of Ghyran.

In this way, Sylvaneth would have a similar treatment as Soulblight in 2nd edition: renovation from Legions of Nagash but as a "new" army, with new kits of Kurnothi (taking a similar rol of Wanderers) and old kits renovated, like new dryads.

- 2nd Chaos Duardin / Oathbreakers
We have all kind of hints from CD since 3rd edition, even before (that treachery against Grugni and Grimnir), like Hobgrots as middlers between orruks and duardins, or Horns of Hashut as the vanguard of them, and Be'lakor tells us that something or someone could be happy with the return of Grugni.

With this in mind, I see Chaos Duardin as the main threat for the Dawnbringer crusade of Aqshy and its the perfect opportunity to them to get into action.

Maybe in the same way that I said before with Sylvaneth but with Slaves, or as stand alone battletome.


In any case, we should have opened eyes for any hint in current campaign and new from warcry and/or underworlds. We will get Kurnothis and Chaos Duardin over time.

I wouldnt stick to much to the Dawnbringers lore for the next spring army. Broken Realms had nothing to do with Soulblight Gravelords if i remember correctly.

I do think Kurnothi gets a small wave with Dawnbringers. Thinking about some avatar of Kurnoth and units of glade guard and wardancers equivalent + some hero to unlock battleline. I would love a supplement for Sylvaneth including wild riders too.

Edited by Gitzdee
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Never forget the nostalgia factor about Chorfs. Most people haven't even seen one IRL, but most people know about them and them going OOP in the 90s.

Also TWW brought them back, and they've proven to be quite popular and appreciated there. The fact their reveal trailer got >2 million views shows that imo. I do think there's an audience for Chorfs, and a quite large at that. 

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7 hours ago, Trugg the Troggoth King said:

I have been thinking whole day about the last launch in Spring, before 4th Edition is coming, could lead to 2 scenearios (IMHO):

- 1st Kurnothi
With the "Lifequake" of Alarielle, all magic and mortal races have been affected in one or other way, like unleashed Incarnates of pure realmstone magic, stormcasts and orruks mutated by them and acquiring bestial features, Kragnos being free from his prison, and a lot of factions being more active and/or getting new bestial units. All of these events take place in Ghur, but what happens in Ghyran?

We know that Cities have launched a crusade and wanderers is no more in its battletome. Whitefang hinted that 1 o more kits of Kurnothi would come at some time in the future. Well, I think that Kurnothis are the secret weapon against enemy forces of Order and they could save the Dawnbringer crusade of Ghyran.

In this way, Sylvaneth would have a similar treatment as Soulblight in 2nd edition: renovation from Legions of Nagash but as a "new" army, with new kits of Kurnothi (taking a similar rol of Wanderers) and old kits renovated, like new dryads.

- 2nd Chaos Duardin / Oathbreakers
We have all kind of hints from CD since 3rd edition, even before (that treachery against Grugni and Grimnir), like Hobgrots as middlers between orruks and duardins, or Horns of Hashut as the vanguard of them, and Be'lakor tells us that something or someone could be happy with the return of Grugni.

With this in mind, I see Chaos Duardin as the main threat for the Dawnbringer crusade of Aqshy and its the perfect opportunity to them to get into action.

Maybe in the same way that I said before with Sylvaneth but with Slaves, or as stand alone battletome.


In any case, we should have opened eyes for any hint in current campaign and new from warcry and/or underworlds. We will get Kurnothis and Chaos Duardin over time.

Other point to the Chorf conspiracy is that the Grand Alliance Chaos is composed of 7 factions and we know that the chaos star is composed of 8 points or arrows... They need to fix that as soon as possible.

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53 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Other point to the Chorf conspiracy is that the Grand Alliance Chaos is composed of 7 factions and we know that the chaos star is composed of 8 points or arrows... They need to fix that as soon as possible.



Edited by Gitzdee
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50 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Never forget the nostalgia factor about Chorfs. Most people haven't even seen one IRL, but most people know about them and them going OOP in the 90s.

People like the idea of chaos dwarves more than the actual WHFB faction. Which, in my mind, makes them ideal candidates for an AoS reimagining. The idea of evil dwarves that corrupt the land with their smoke-spewing factories is holds a lot of intuitive appeal for a villain faction. At some point, there was a "leak" that theorized the Chaos Dwarves would build a gigantic mega-cannon to blow open the gates of Azyrheim for the start of 4th edition. That's some super cool high-fantasy stuff that fits great with AoS.

The actual old chaos dwarves models are actually pretty bad, and it's good that people have forgotten at this point why they were discontinued after 5th edition. I think the time is right for another go at their concept, though. It would fit very well as another exploration of the dwarf tropes present in AoS: Desire for gold, craftsmenship, tradition vs. modernity, belief/religion.

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3 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

The idea of evil dwarves that corrupt the land with their smoke-spewing factories is holds a lot of intuitive appeal for a villain faction.

Everyone loves their Isengard/Saruman-like evil factions. And dark machinery is quite a common Chaos trope in Warhammer : Vashtorr, Iron Warriors, Dark Mechanicus, Chorfs...

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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3 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Do the Warcry bands count has being minis during Dawnbringers ? So we know if we can add Mawtribes to the list of "12 factions getting minis during the narrative event" with the Gorgers.

Nah, Kill Team and Warcry are always considered separate for all marketing purposes. Furthermore, Warcry narrative is still in Ghur.

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18 hours ago, DinoJon said:

It felt like at least between "Gitslayer" and "Soulslayer" that the Gotrek books were leading up to a retaking of the original Dwarven Cities before they became Dispossessed. Then "Blightslayer" came out and kind of threw that plotline into the dump. 

In my hope of hopes next Gotrek books sees him working with the Dispossessed and/or Gholemkind to coordinate with the K.O. and Fyreslayers from those previous books to finally claim their grot infested cities. This could lead into either a new Duardin faction or maybe an Duardian expansion for Cities that includes the Gholemkind. 

As a lore nerd I would absolutely love it even though I have no exceptional fondness for the dwarfs. 

As a question from someone that has no clue about novels. Has this happened before? I mean, did we have in the past novels that lead into such a "surprise" release like would be Gholemkind into CoS?

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9 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Do the Warcry bands count has being minis during Dawnbringers ? So we know if we can add Mawtribes to the list of "12 factions getting minis during the narrative event" with the Gorgers.

That's an interesting one. So far:


Beasts of Chaos
Blades of Khorne 💲
Disciples of Tzeentch
Hedonites of Slaanesh
Maggotkin of Nurgle ✔️
Slaves to Darkness 💲


Flesh-Eater Courts ✔️
Ossiarch Bonereapers 💲
Soulblight Gravelords 💲


Gloomspite Gitz ✔️
Ogor Mawtribes 💲
Orruk Warclans ✔️
Sons of Behemat


Cities of Sigmar 
Daughters of Khaine
Fyreslayers ✔️
Idoneth Deepkin 
Kharadron Overlords ✔️
Lumineth Realm-lords
Stormcast Eternals 
Sylvaneth 💲

Can the IJ release be considered part of the Dawnbringers minis? I don't think so, right? So we have 5/12 counting the KO info.

I've added the ones that I think would complete that 12/12 with the dollar sign 😅 💲

Edited by Ejecutor
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2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

That's an interesting one. So far:


Beasts of Chaos
Blades of Khorne 💲
Disciples of Tzeentch
Hedonites of Slaanesh
Maggotkin of Nurgle ✔️
Slaves to Darkness 💲


Flesh-Eater Courts ✔️
Ossiarch Bonereapers 💲
Soulblight Gravelords 💲


Gloomspite Gitz ✔️
Ogor Mawtribes 💲
Orruk Warclans 💲
Sons of Behemat


Cities of Sigmar 
Daughters of Khaine
Fyreslayers ✔️
Idoneth Deepkin 
Kharadron Overlords ✔️
Lumineth Realm-lords
Stormcast Eternals 
Sylvaneth 💲

Can the IJ release be considered part of the Dawnbringers minis? I don't think so, right? So we have 5/12 counting the KO info.

I've added the ones that I think would complete that 12/12 with the dollar sign 😅 💲

I would bet on sons of behemat , cause King brodd seems to be part of the book 

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29 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

That's an interesting one. So far:


Beasts of Chaos
Blades of Khorne 💲
Disciples of Tzeentch
Hedonites of Slaanesh
Maggotkin of Nurgle ✔️
Slaves to Darkness 💲


Flesh-Eater Courts ✔️
Ossiarch Bonereapers 💲
Soulblight Gravelords 💲


Gloomspite Gitz ✔️
Ogor Mawtribes 💲
Orruk Warclans 💲
Sons of Behemat


Cities of Sigmar 
Daughters of Khaine
Fyreslayers ✔️
Idoneth Deepkin 
Kharadron Overlords ✔️
Lumineth Realm-lords
Stormcast Eternals 
Sylvaneth 💲

Can the IJ release be considered part of the Dawnbringers minis? I don't think so, right? So we have 5/12 counting the KO info.

I've added the ones that I think would complete that 12/12 with the dollar sign 😅 💲

Ironjawz is part of the Dawnbringers, the supplement is inside the book.

KO doesn't have any model confirmed for the campaign. I think you misunderstand AoR with the RoR.

Edited by Nezzhil
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