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30 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

An interesting thing about this is that GW released 4 stories before each book with story 4 coming the day before pre-order. If the pattern holds book 3 will go on pre-order on October 14th. Either that or they're adding some extra stories. Honestly I'd be happy with either situation. 

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2 hours ago, Chikout said:

Ouais. C'est pourquoi j'ai suggéré Bonesplittas ou Spiderfang comme coupes possibles, même si, comme je l'ai dit, je ne pense vraiment pas qu'ils devraient le faire.

we can clearly see that they are abandoning Spiderfang in the Vanguard, Battleforce or other Gloom big box set and i think that it is likely if AoS tomorrow had to get rid of them.

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So if Bonesplitterz or Spiderfang are on the chopping block it would make sense. 

Looks like Ironjawz are moving into some Savage Orruk territory with the new Ragerz. In the lore it looks like Bonesplitterz are very rarely represented in major events and novels. (Correct me on that if I'm wrong)

Spiderfang are a little more unique and are currently the only source of "Arachnid" faction. 

Either way it's always bittersweet to see a (sub)faction go away. There are always people that identify with that faction and love their models. However that choice is usually made to work on something new 

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6 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

(Correct me on that if I'm wrong)

You are wrong. Orcs in general don't get much attention in novels or lore events, but Bonesplitters show up as much there as any of the other subfactions do. For a recent example, I'll remind you that is was bonesplitters allied with beastmen who were involved in that mid-edition lore supplement that introduced Incarnates. It was the Wurgog shaman who invoked the Incarnate of Ghur for the first time, even.

As for Spiderfang, there are basically no significant GG stories or lore that don't bring up spiders, they're a big part of the army. I don't think the fact that both are excluded from Vanguard sets and the like means anything really, they're just old models that are bound to be replaced eventually and without any real variety to offer. (both factions basically consist of two quite old plastic kits and a smattering of resin)

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15 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

So if Bonesplitterz or Spiderfang are on the chopping block it would make sense. 

Looks like Ironjawz are moving into some Savage Orruk territory with the new Ragerz. In the lore it looks like Bonesplitterz are very rarely represented in major events and novels. (Correct me on that if I'm wrong)

Spiderfang are a little more unique and are currently the only source of "Arachnid" faction. 

Either way it's always bittersweet to see a (sub)faction go away. There are always people that identify with that faction and love their models. However that choice is usually made to work on something new 

I feel like if we got new Goblin Wolf Riders in the form of Snarlfang Riders, then Spiderfang aren't necessarily on the chopping block, even if they're just reduced to the inglorious position of being a couple of units rather than a dedicated sub-faction.

Bonesplitterz I'm more cynical about, but they did get a 1.0 Battletome so it's not impossible GW thought about keeping them around for the longterm even at a time when they happily carving away Fantasy models left and right.


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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I’m sadly think that bonesplitterz will be moved to legend. There is no sign of any interest from GW . They are missing from the new battle tactic , they haven’t received any model for AoS since release , and only got one band for Underworld . There is no sign of any rumors engine that would be linked to them neither . 
I am also less and less confident about seeing big waaagh in V4 (that’s really bad cause I mainly play big saaagh) but with range increased in ironjawz and probably new kruleboyz models inc , they will maybe split them into 2 different BT . 

i think it’s different for the spiderfang , the arachnarok aren’t bad sculpt , and they can redo simply the spider riders , and the shamans . But I think we will more likely see new wolf rider models being released and tied to a wolf sub faction rather than more spiders . 

i need to point out that spider fangs are mentioned In the kruleboyz lore , and from a personal wish , I dream to see those models joins kruleboyz with the skullbugz keyword . But man can dream …

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4 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

i need to point out that spider fangs are mentioned In the kruleboyz lore , and from a personal wish , I dream to see those models joins kruleboyz with the skullbugz keyword . But man can dream …

🤔 This could work. From the start I've thought Kruleboyz could definitely become a spiritual successor of orc & goblins in a sense. 

I also think a more serious and gritty tone regarding a new design would suit them well if placed into Kruleboyz. 

Refresh my memory. In what way were they mentioned pertaining to Kruleboyz?

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I hope spiderfang don't get squatted, with some extra rules love and like 2 kits (updated spider riders and a boss/monstrous cav box) you'd have the whole army in a good spot.

3 hours ago, Lucien 2L said:

Can we expect something else than FEC for the winter BT ?

Let me explain, that mysterious BT could be “Chorf” or “Umbraneth” as new antagonists in Dawnbringer 3, and Ushoran could return in the end of Dawnbringer 4 with a new FEC BT in early spring 2024. What do you think ? 🤔

(Sound wishlisting when I write it)

I actually could see a new orruk book. Not the first time a book has gotten two shots in an edition, and that book sorely needs it.- Could be kruleboyz specifically too.
It looks like they've been winding down bonesplitterz for a bit too, and if they get a 4e book the earliest would be like next october.
I think FEC is going to get an expansion as part of harbingers before the book comes out, but thats just a hunch.

I could see a new army in spring though, spring and fall tend to be when we get big AoS releases.

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11 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

🤔 This could work. From the start I've thought Kruleboyz could definitely become a spiritual successor of orc & goblins in a sense. 

I also think a more serious and gritty tone regarding a new design would suit them well if placed into Kruleboyz. 

Refresh my memory. In what way were they mentioned pertaining to Kruleboyz?

They are mentioned in the skullbugz lore . 
The Skulbugz are naturally skilled in the art of binding beasts into their service but prefer the company of insects and even like to sleep in nests teeming with insects. A rite of passage among Skulbugz yoofs is to squish a Deathcrawler Beetle between their teetch, suck out its poison, spit it into a clay ball and ride out a shuddering coma that lasts for days. These practices have resulted in the Skulbugz gaining the respect of nearby Spiderfang tribes but the Skulbugz don't care as they don't find spiders to be proper bugs

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1 hour ago, DinoJon said:

So if Bonesplitterz or Spiderfang are on the chopping block it would make sense. 

Looks like Ironjawz are moving into some Savage Orruk territory with the new Ragerz. In the lore it looks like Bonesplitterz are very rarely represented in major events and novels. (Correct me on that if I'm wrong)

Spiderfang are a little more unique and are currently the only source of "Arachnid" faction. 

Either way it's always bittersweet to see a (sub)faction go away. There are always people that identify with that faction and love their models. However that choice is usually made to work on something new 

What would be the odds of having that rumored silent people being kinda spider based as well so they kinda would replace the spiderfang?

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21 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

I’m sadly think that bonesplitterz will be moved to legend.

They are probably going to be removed from AOS but used in The Old World. You’ll probably find a lot of models will start being removed like this unless they are a core component of an army (and probably get an updated model). 

I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what we will see with Flesh Eaters and the current models will be retired to The Old World and all the new stuff we are seeing is a brand new range. We’ve just seen this with Ironjaws Ardboyz.

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The other possibility is that Bonesplittaz/Spiderfang are still safe for now...

been thinking and it really is Occam's Razor that the original stormcast line gets discontinued.

it's bothered me since Thunderstrike came out that Vindictors, Vigilors, and Vanquishers were not multipart yet are battleline. what if that's because GW is folding all the infantry into the new aesthetic + doing dual, multipart kits for the refresh?

it would:
update og stormcast to the knightly design (very cool)
update og units to have ladycast (necessary)
give Thunderstrike battleline multipart kits (the only ones that don't have it)
squish stormcast warscrolls down (necessary)
fit into a new edition launch (makes money)

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14 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

The other possibility is that Bonesplittaz/Spiderfang are still safe for now...

been thinking and it really is Occam's Razor that the original stormcast line gets discontinued.

it's bothered me since Thunderstrike came out that Vindictors, Vigilors, and Vanquishers were not multipart yet are battleline. what if that's because GW is folding all the infantry into the new aesthetic + doing dual, multipart kits for the refresh?

it would:
update og stormcast to the knightly design (very cool)
update og units to have ladycast (necessary)
give Thunderstrike battleline multipart kits (the only ones that don't have it)
squish stormcast warscrolls down (necessary)
fit into a new edition launch (makes money)

I hope they won’t waste time for now on some model that aren’t that old , and focus on really old model like boc , bonesplitterz , spiderfang before going to stormcast who have a lot of model already 

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I think spiderfang are probably safe, its just bonesplitterz that are on the chopping block imo


36 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

🤔 This could work. From the start I've thought Kruleboyz could definitely become a spiritual successor of orc & goblins in a sense. 

I also think a more serious and gritty tone regarding a new design would suit them well if placed into Kruleboyz. 

Refresh my memory. In what way were they mentioned pertaining to Kruleboyz?

Kruleboyz are AoS-ified Greenskinz. They are to Greenskinz what lumineth are to high elves. They're even pretty close to greenskinz in army composition, despite what their narrative might suggest they fight like.
They could definitely work some more grots into the line though, they're all over the place as helpers and companions but hobgrots kind of took their place as a unit option.

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