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2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

I think you are expecting too much for this third book. 🥲

 I wonder if we're gonna just see a couple of characters? It would make sense to have a lighter book release around the same time as the FEC relaunch.  

Like Valkia and Callis & Toll for this book with respective armies of renown? 

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7 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

 I wonder if we're gonna just see a couple of characters? It would make sense to have a lighter book release around the same time as the FEC relaunch. 

Fec relaunch imho will be after that book....considering how they did with book 2 and cities they have some time to put out book 3 with some models.

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4 hours ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Tbh i'm excited also for the firebellies mention, our gargantuan @KingBrodd will be pleased also i think XD.

Aww mate honestly Im so hyped for 4.0. The writing is on the wall for Mawtribes to be refreshed.

The only Destruction Faction where 99% of their models are from WHFB and 70% of those will hit their 20 year release date next year.

Ogors, Skaven and Beasts are the last major WHFB holdovers in AOS. Im counting on all 3 being refreshed next Edition.

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6 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Aww mate honestly Im so hyped for 4.0. The writing is on the wall for Mawtribes to be refreshed.

The only Destruction Faction where 99% of their models are from WHFB and 70% of those will hit their 20 year release date next year.

Ogors, Skaven and Beasts are the last major WHFB holdovers in AOS. Im counting on all 3 being refreshed next Edition.

Well we got StD, Seraphon, CoS and soon FEC (though not sure how big an update will be, maybe we will know after Saturday). So I think those all have a shot next edition, and probably all will get updated, think at worst there will be 1 holdout for 5th depending on how many new armies are released, but that seems unlikely.

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14 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Aww mate honestly Im so hyped for 4.0. The writing is on the wall for Mawtribes to be refreshed.

The only Destruction Faction where 99% of their models are from WHFB and 70% of those will hit their 20 year release date next year.

Ogors, Skaven and Beasts are the last major WHFB holdovers in AOS. Im counting on all 3 being refreshed next Edition.

If the Gorgers are an sign of things to come. Cant wait for new Mawtribes. Gimme those new Firebellies!

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I find weird no one did this yet! It is guessing time ;)

40k: Codex codex everywhere. We will have a quick peek at the Mechanicus and Necrons codex and new units. 2-3 of each as max.

Kill Team: A new box fully showed. Space Marines Scouts vs Eldar Striking Scorpions.

Age of Sigmar: Dawnbringers book 3 and alll its miniatures. Callis & Toll, 1 Silvaneth hero and 1 unit multikit, Khorne hero and StD hero.

The Old World: The leaked plastic pegasus and its Tomb Kings equivalent + 2-3 resin miniatures for each faction. We could even see one outside of the two classic ones from last previews.

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3 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

If the Gorgers are an sign of things to come. Cant wait for new Mawtribes. Gimme those new Firebellies!

I cant wait to see what they do with Yehtees!!

Though Im mostly hyped to see a standard Glutton. The COS Warhulk is absolutely massive, I cant wait to see its size comparison to a current Glutton, I hope theyre as tall just heavy!!

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3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

I find weird no one did this yet! It is guessing time ;)

40k: Codex codex everywhere. We will have a quick peek at the Mechanicus and Necrons codex and new units. 2-3 of each as max.

Kill Team: A new box fully showed. Space Marines Scouts vs Eldar Striking Scorpions.

Age of Sigmar: Dawnbringers book 3 and alll its miniatures. Callis & Toll, 1 Silvaneth hero and 1 unit multikit, Khorne hero and StD hero.

The Old World: The leaked plastic pegasus and its Tomb Kings equivalent + 2-3 resin miniatures for each faction. We could even see one outside of the two classic ones from last previews.

Callis and Toll I think are more likely to be the Black Library Celebration model(s) next year, especially with Cities of Sigmar technically not even being out yet (since GW don't seem to consider Army Set LEs a 'proper' codex/Battletome release). It's far from impossible GW still slap a CoS release into Dawnbringers, but I feel it would still be in Book IV at the absolute earliest.

For AoS I think we'll see the leaked Ghouls, just because otherwise GW would probably have 'unspoilt' them by now if they weren't being saved for the stream. It's also the worst kept secret in the hobby that FEC will be the next Battletome, so they'd serve as a nice "FEC coming 2024" reveal of sorts, without blowing the lid on everything.

Scyla and Valkia are both viable candidates for new models. It would be unusual for us to get two new named Heroes at once, but then we did just get Dawnbringers II being exclusively Destruction (and mostly Ironjawz) at that. My money is on Scyla just because he's been name dropped, whereas Valkia has only been implied. On the other hand, Valkia is far and away the more popular character and very requested for a resculpt. 

Sylvaneth received their model wave not long ago, so a single Hero seems a good shout. Based off the Dawnbringer Chronicle, maybe an Outcast/Spite-Revenant Hero of sorts? They could also be the 'Kharadron' of this book and just get an Army of Renown as a pity reward. 

A Darkoath Hero seems likely based on the trailers, but I wonder if that might be a Book IV thing if this one has emphasis on Khorne? Of course, Book II was all Destruction, so who knows. Maybe we'll finally see the 1998 Marauders updated here?

With Nurgle and the Harbingers being desperate to get their plagues spreading, maybe a Clan Pestilen model? We had the Underworlds warband the other month. A new generic Plague Priest? Maybe even a unit of Censer Bearers? If 4.0 is going to be fronted by Skaven it would be a good idea to start the party early.


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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4 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

I find weird no one did this yet! It is guessing time ;)

40k: Codex codex everywhere. We will have a quick peek at the Mechanicus and Necrons codex and new units. 2-3 of each as max.

Kill Team: A new box fully showed. Space Marines Scouts vs Eldar Striking Scorpions.

Age of Sigmar: Dawnbringers book 3 and alll its miniatures. Callis & Toll, 1 Silvaneth hero and 1 unit multikit, Khorne hero and StD hero.

The Old World: The leaked plastic pegasus and its Tomb Kings equivalent + 2-3 resin miniatures for each faction. We could even see one outside of the two classic ones from last previews.

I don't follow game systems other than AoS, but my guess is:

Dawnbringers Book 3 + 2-3 new miniatures. (My guess is that Book 3 is Order based and will release the same day as the rest of the Cities of Sigmar range, which would lend to there not being many models with the book). 

Some kind of preview for FEC. 

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I reckon if FEC are getting an army set like a lot of new or updated/refreshed armies get these days there's a decent chance we'll either see some of the models in the set at the preview or have the entire set revealed if it's coming fairly soon.

The rest of the new FEC stuff would probably be revealed closer to the end of the year.

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People here is going to ****** kill me but... I HOPE if skavens get a refresh, it gets done via AoS and not TOW
Because im tired of using resin tbh (plis make the punches painless)
(yes, I know whitefang has hinted it, I returned here asking about that)
(and yes, I know they aren't one of the starter factions in TOW)
Edited by Garrac
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19 minutes ago, Garrac said:
People here is going to ****** kill me but... I HOPE if skavens get a refresh, it gets done via AoS and not TOW
Because im tired of using resin tbh (plis make the punches painless)
(yes, I know whitefang has hinted it, I returned here asking about that)
(and yes, I know they aren't one of the starter factions in TOW)

Dont worry mate itll be AOS, TOW isnt a huge refresh of any ranges.

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20 minutes ago, Garrac said:
People here is going to ****** kill me but... I HOPE if skavens get a refresh, it gets done via AoS and not TOW
Because im tired of using resin tbh (plis make the punches painless)
(yes, I know whitefang has hinted it, I returned here asking about that)
(and yes, I know they aren't one of the starter factions in TOW)

Just 8-9 months before they start appering here and there. Just 8-9 months my dude.

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2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

I'm expecting a SCE box, a Khorne box and one-two small kits for others

I don't think we'll get anything for Stormcast except blacktalon and co. A new sculpt of Valkia would be great and would probably come in a Trugg style box. 

When it comes to Kurnothi just a hero in a box with some hunters is possible but I really hope we get at least one multi model kit for them. If you count the idk member of blacktalons that would take us up to 9 factions.  With Darkoath strongly hinted at by Whitefang that just leaves 2 factions unaccounted for. 

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10 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

I find weird no one did this yet! It is guessing time ;)

40k: Codex codex everywhere. We will have a quick peek at the Mechanicus and Necrons codex and new units. 2-3 of each as max.

Kill Team: A new box fully showed. Space Marines Scouts vs Eldar Striking Scorpions.

Age of Sigmar: Dawnbringers book 3 and alll its miniatures. Callis & Toll, 1 Silvaneth hero and 1 unit multikit, Khorne hero and StD hero.

The Old World: The leaked plastic pegasus and its Tomb Kings equivalent + 2-3 resin miniatures for each faction. We could even see one outside of the two classic ones from last previews.

This is pretty much what I’m expecting although I think you missed Flesh Eaters! 🤣

I think it will be a good preview and lots of cool stuff. I’m very curious about The Old World but if most of the ranges are the same, I’ll wait for a while before doing it (I was looking forwards to doing Tomb Kings if new models!). Kill Team will be cool as I want to get into that and new Striking Scorpions would be ace (if true). 

Excited about the AOS stuff but as I’m working on Kruleboyz at the moment, I’m more waiting for 4th edition.

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18 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

This is pretty much what I’m expecting although I think you missed Flesh Eaters! 🤣

I think it will be a good preview and lots of cool stuff. I’m very curious about The Old World but if most of the ranges are the same, I’ll wait for a while before doing it (I was looking forwards to doing Tomb Kings if new models!). Kill Team will be cool as I want to get into that and new Striking Scorpions would be ace (if true). 

Excited about the AOS stuff but as I’m working on Kruleboyz at the moment, I’m more waiting for 4th edition.

I didn't miss them! I honestly think we won't get any FEC reveals. I know it could be weird, specially with the sprue being built, but I think they would be saved for later.

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There is a lot of talking about Valkia in book 3. But where did You all find anything that indicates her release? In the first book "Lady of Ruin that command Varanguard in Ghyran"? 

As far as i understand, itll be NEW character for slaves to darkness in book 4 or 5, if itll be released. Maybe itll be some kind of lord on behemoth. Not Valkia. Cause she isnt the part of Archaon's forces. 

All You can wait as new release for Khorne in book 3 are either Scyla or Khorgos Khul ascended. Theres zero mention about anything else. 

Edited by Karriko
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