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19 minutes ago, Starfyre said:

I think people get hung up on what system models get released for. Whether they’re released for whfb, aos, warcry or underworlds, they’re just warhammer models. 

It’s pretty obvious that the end times models in particular were designed with the knowledge that AoS was coming. Archaon and Nagash are ‘AoS’ models released during the final month or year or whatever of WHFB. This ‘replace whfb’ battle models or ‘whfb characters should be retired’ stuff doesn’t make any sense. Older kits will get replaced because that’s what GW does (in the main - waiting for skaven and boc players to tell me I’m wrong. Besides, for me, it was always eldar, IG and tyranids that needing replacing the most urgently…)

Archaon, Be’lakor, Nagash, kroak and Teclis are far more interesting than Bastian, Tahlia and Kragnos imho. 

Yeah, because they’ve had literal orders of magnitude time to cook. Tahlia isn’t even a year old and Bastian isn’t even 2 years old while those guys have literal decades of backstory. 

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34 minutes ago, Starfyre said:

I think people get hung up on what system models get released for. Whether they’re released for whfb, aos, warcry or underworlds, they’re just warhammer models. 

It’s pretty obvious that the end times models in particular were designed with the knowledge that AoS was coming. Archaon and Nagash are ‘AoS’ models released during the final month or year or whatever of WHFB. This ‘replace whfb’ battle models or ‘whfb characters should be retired’ stuff doesn’t make any sense. Older kits will get replaced because that’s what GW does (in the main - waiting for skaven and boc players to tell me I’m wrong. Besides, for me, it was always eldar, IG and tyranids that needing replacing the most urgently…)

Archaon, Be’lakor, Nagash, kroak and Teclis are far more interesting than Bastian, Tahlia and Kragnos imho. 

I hear ya, but once you mentioned Bastian I can’t agree. Dude’s swagger alone is more interesting than Archaon, Nagash, and Teclis.

Lowkey one or the best AoS models ever.

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It boils down to stagnation. When you have these same demi-god and actual God tier characters it sets a ceiling. 

I don't collect chaos but it would be cool to see a new character ascend and challenge Archie. 

Nagash wasn't always the hive mind of death. It would be interesting to see new characters ascend and defy his dominance. Hell, I love to see Neferata become this somehow. 


Destro is all new but nothing seems to ever really matter or impact anything there. I'm hopeful this three artifact quest of Gordrakk pans out into impact full events. And we got... a pony. 🫤

I don't collect order either but iirc it's entire foundation is built upon old characters even if they're not "in" the setting as of  yet. 

I would just appreciate some forward momentum is all and I get the feeling many others would as well. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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I don't know if any of you have read White Dwarf 493 but there is a short story in it, featuring FEC. Here's a quick summary (I haven't read it personally yet) :


Witch hunters are investigating a winemaker who is turning into a ghoul (due to contaminated wine). One of them suffers the illusion and reads on a label : "rejoice, for summer is almost here !"


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41 minutes ago, Draznak said:

I don't know if any of you have read White Dwarf 493 but there is a short story in it, featuring FEC. Here's a quick summary (I haven't read it personally yet) :

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Witch hunters are investigating a winemaker who is turning into a ghoul (due to contaminated wine). One of them suffers the illusion and reads on a label : "rejoice, for summer is almost here !"


It's also mentioned in book 2 of Dawnbringers. Just building up to the reveal of FEC and the summer king. 

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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

It boils down to stagnation. When you have these same demi-god and actual God tier characters it sets a ceiling. 

I don't collect chaos but it would be cool to see a new character ascend and challenge Archie. 

Nagash wasn't always the hive mind of death. It would be interesting to see new characters ascend and defy his dominance. Hell, I love to see Neferata become this somehow. 


Destro is all new but nothing seems to ever really matter or impact anything there. I'm hopeful this three artifact quest of Gordrakk pans out into impact full events. And we got... a pony. 🫤

I don't collect order either but iirc it's entire foundation is built upon old characters even if they're not "in" the setting as of  yet. 

I would just appreciate some forward momentum is all and I get the feeling many others would as well. 

Thats fair, would be nice to see more god and demi-god tier characters, and tbh I think Kragnos opened the door to that, so it is possible.

Godbeasts seem to be the obvious answer, though I fear that that might be impossible as they are simply too big (one reason I think an Epic style AoS game would be neat). Something like Argentine could maybe attempt to challenge Archaon, for example.

For Nagash I think the issue is that it is massively established that he just has such an iron grip that most established Death stuff can only really "rebel" when he is knocked out. So I think a contender would have to be external to the established Death stuff. Feels a little cheap to fall back on old WH:FB but the mind immediately goes to Settra. Perhaps some smidge of Usyrian survived Nagash's deicide buffet and fused itself to Settra, who could have survived due to how heavily warded and protected his pyramid and sarcophagus were, allowing him to reconstitute himself. Being a melee beatstick, master strategist who is also basically immune to magic would also be a great counterpoint to Nagash who thrives mostly on his pure magical dominance.

Considering how the pricing on books makes it seem like they are pretty much printing money for GW, I am also suprised there aren't more narrative books. I mean a book for each GA even to overview what's going on and tell some stories or advance plots that are currently on the backburner enough to keep interest in them if they do become integral. For example, what's going on with Katakros' campaign in the Eight Points (it's crazy that this awesome story from WotE has been hardly touched since)? What's Lady Olynder up to? Maybe getting back to her beef with Belakor now that I presume their temporary alliance is over. These might also be an opportunity to update some problem warscrolls (Glaivewraith Stalkers I'm looking at you), then throw in a few themed battleplans and Bobs your uncle. Seems like an obvious win for GW.

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35 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

For example, what's going on with Katakros' campaign in the Eight Points (it's crazy that this awesome story from WotE has been hardly touched since)? What's Lady Olynder up to? Maybe getting back to her beef with Belakor now that I presume their temporary alliance is over. These might also be an opportunity to update some problem warscrolls (Glaivewraith Stalkers I'm looking at you), then throw in a few themed battleplans and Bobs your uncle. Seems like an obvious win for GW.

Katakros’ campaign has been stalled because:

A.) the Lumineth incursions during Broken Realms have resulted in large amounts of rebellions which have to be suppressed

B.) By capitalizing on the massive amounts of beast bones available, the Ossiarchs have been experiencing entire cohorts going absolutely berserk during battle or conquest and becoming unresponsive to commands as a side effect of Ghur’s awakening, which while it has been mitigated by the Ivory Host’s knowledge, is still a problem.

C.) Hostile forces have been quick to capitalize on the losses suffered by the Bonereapers during Nagash’s invasion of Hysh, so the situation is very much “War on all fronts” at the moment, with the Null Myriad hording Grave-Sand to try and resurrect Arkhan, the Crematorians have sent clandestine agents to Lumnos to search for a fix to their balefire problems, the Ivory Host are under constant attack by berserk Bonesplittaz and Krondspine Incarnates which requires them to respond with their own Krondspine Incarnates, and the Mortis Praetorians are holding the Arx Terminus which is under siege following Archaon and a wing of his Varanguard making a breach large enough for everyone else to use it as a beachhead on their way to try and stop Kragnos. The only two legions capable of doing any real offensive maneuvers at the moment are the Stalliarch Lords who have been launching raids into Hysh to eradicate Lumineth villages, and the Petrifex Elite who are kicking the hell out of the Kruleboyz while they plunder ancient fossil deposits exposed by Kragnos. 

It’s definitely not forgotten, it’s just not exactly a viable option for the Ossiarchs to continue that war until at least a few of their ongoing crises have been resolved. This is all from their most recent battletome and the 3rd edition StD battletome. 

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3 hours ago, lele said:

I would like to hear something new and more terrible monster, some things comes from the void, some things can parasitize heroes and cause them to evolve. Would they release 24 factional tomes for 4th again, or just mini tomes for mini models, not sure.

okay i think you've read the theories @Baron Klatz has on the shadow(?) daemons that live on/in Ulgu's moon. it seems likely these will be involved with Malerion in some way; in that case, tbh i could see that being a separate book or simply expanding DoK into like.. "Dominion of Darkness" faction

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15 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Katakros’ campaign has been stalled because:

A.) the Lumineth incursions during Broken Realms have resulted in large amounts of rebellions which have to be suppressed

B.) By capitalizing on the massive amounts of beast bones available, the Ossiarchs have been experiencing entire cohorts going absolutely berserk during battle or conquest and becoming unresponsive to commands as a side effect of Ghur’s awakening, which while it has been mitigated by the Ivory Host’s knowledge, is still a problem.

C.) Hostile forces have been quick to capitalize on the losses suffered by the Bonereapers during Nagash’s invasion of Hysh, so the situation is very much “War on all fronts” at the moment, with the Null Myriad hording Grave-Sand to try and resurrect Arkhan, the Crematorians have sent clandestine agents to Lumnos to search for a fix to their balefire problems, the Ivory Host are under constant attack by berserk Bonesplittaz and Krondspine Incarnates which requires them to respond with their own Krondspine Incarnates, and the Mortis Praetorians are holding the Arx Terminus which is under siege following Archaon and a wing of his Varanguard making a breach large enough for everyone else to use it as a beachhead on their way to try and stop Kragnos. The only two legions capable of doing any real offensive maneuvers at the moment are the Stalliarch Lords who have been launching raids into Hysh to eradicate Lumineth villages, and the Petrifex Elite who are kicking the hell out of the Kruleboyz while they plunder ancient fossil deposits exposed by Kragnos. 

It’s definitely not forgotten, it’s just not exactly a viable option for the Ossiarchs to continue that war until at least a few of their ongoing crises have been resolved. This is all from their most recent battletome and the 3rd edition StD battletome. 

Ah nice, well that answers that! Thanks! Though I do feel the overall point of a GA narrative book that catches up and develops plotlines is still valid 😜

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3 hours ago, Starfyre said:

I think people get hung up on what system models get released for. Whether they’re released for whfb, aos, warcry or underworlds, they’re just warhammer models. 

It’s pretty obvious that the end times models in particular were designed with the knowledge that AoS was coming. Archaon and Nagash are ‘AoS’ models released during the final month or year or whatever of WHFB. This ‘replace whfb’ battle models or ‘whfb characters should be retired’ stuff doesn’t make any sense. Older kits will get replaced because that’s what GW does (in the main - waiting for skaven and boc players to tell me I’m wrong. Besides, for me, it was always eldar, IG and tyranids that needing replacing the most urgently…)

Archaon, Be’lakor, Nagash, kroak and Teclis are far more interesting than Bastian, Tahlia and Kragnos imho. 

AoS characters just need some time to be properly developed. Tahlia and Zenestra, for example, has plenty of potential to become quite charismatic characters.

Neave is another example. And the warhammer plus serie helped a lot. That's the kind of stuff we need.

About the models itself, imo they need to be replaced because the aesthetic has changed since whf, but I agree Archaon and Nagash were designed with AoS in mind or at least looks like.

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2 hours ago, Draznak said:

I don't know if any of you have read White Dwarf 493 but there is a short story in it, featuring FEC. Here's a quick summary (I haven't read it personally yet) :

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Witch hunters are investigating a winemaker who is turning into a ghoul (due to contaminated wine). One of them suffers the illusion and reads on a label : "rejoice, for summer is almost here !"


Someone from the Spanish wiki translated it. It is really cool. Callis and Toll are also nice characters. And the shirt story is pretty nice. Summer King is here!

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35 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Katakros’ campaign has been stalled because:

A.) the Lumineth incursions during Broken Realms have resulted in large amounts of rebellions which have to be suppressed

B.) By capitalizing on the massive amounts of beast bones available, the Ossiarchs have been experiencing entire cohorts going absolutely berserk during battle or conquest and becoming unresponsive to commands as a side effect of Ghur’s awakening, which while it has been mitigated by the Ivory Host’s knowledge, is still a problem.

C.) Hostile forces have been quick to capitalize on the losses suffered by the Bonereapers during Nagash’s invasion of Hysh, so the situation is very much “War on all fronts” at the moment, with the Null Myriad hording Grave-Sand to try and resurrect Arkhan, the Crematorians have sent clandestine agents to Lumnos to search for a fix to their balefire problems, the Ivory Host are under constant attack by berserk Bonesplittaz and Krondspine Incarnates which requires them to respond with their own Krondspine Incarnates, and the Mortis Praetorians are holding the Arx Terminus which is under siege following Archaon and a wing of his Varanguard making a breach large enough for everyone else to use it as a beachhead on their way to try and stop Kragnos. The only two legions capable of doing any real offensive maneuvers at the moment are the Stalliarch Lords who have been launching raids into Hysh to eradicate Lumineth villages, and the Petrifex Elite who are kicking the hell out of the Kruleboyz while they plunder ancient fossil deposits exposed by Kragnos. 

It’s definitely not forgotten, it’s just not exactly a viable option for the Ossiarchs to continue that war until at least a few of their ongoing crises have been resolved. This is all from their most recent battletome and the 3rd edition StD battletome. 

Awesome recap!

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21 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

AoS characters just need some time to be properly developed. Tahlia and Zenestra, for example, has plenty of potential to become quite charismatic characters.

Neave is another example. And the warhammer plus serie helped a lot. That's the kind of stuff we need.

About the models itself, imo they need to be replaced because the aesthetic has changed since whf, but I agree Archaon and Nagash were designed with AoS in mind or at least looks like.

Nagash was released during the Endtimes of Warhammer Fantasy indeed. I am pretty sure that Archaon was released at the beginning of Age of Sigmar, together with the Varanguard, making him a miniature designed exclusively for AoS.

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2 hours ago, Goatforce said:

Thats fair, would be nice to see more god and demi-god tier characters, and tbh I think Kragnos opened the door to that, so it is possible.

Godbeasts seem to be the obvious answer, though I fear that that might be impossible as they are simply too big (one reason I think an Epic style AoS game would be neat). Something like Argentine could maybe attempt to challenge Archaon, for example.

For Nagash I think the issue is that it is massively established that he just has such an iron grip that most established Death stuff can only really "rebel" when he is knocked out. So I think a contender would have to be external to the established Death stuff. Feels a little cheap to fall back on old WH:FB but the mind immediately goes to Settra. Perhaps some smidge of Usyrian survived Nagash's deicide buffet and fused itself to Settra, who could have survived due to how heavily warded and protected his pyramid and sarcophagus were, allowing him to reconstitute himself. Being a melee beatstick, master strategist who is also basically immune to magic would also be a great counterpoint to Nagash who thrives mostly on his pure magical dominance.

Considering how the pricing on books makes it seem like they are pretty much printing money for GW, I am also suprised there aren't more narrative books. I mean a book for each GA even to overview what's going on and tell some stories or advance plots that are currently on the backburner enough to keep interest in them if they do become integral. For example, what's going on with Katakros' campaign in the Eight Points (it's crazy that this awesome story from WotE has been hardly touched since)? What's Lady Olynder up to? Maybe getting back to her beef with Belakor now that I presume their temporary alliance is over. These might also be an opportunity to update some problem warscrolls (Glaivewraith Stalkers I'm looking at you), then throw in a few themed battleplans and Bobs your uncle. Seems like an obvious win for GW.

Imo those kind of book you suggested would be detrimental for them as company. If I summarise you the BTs content (lore whise) you would be less likely to "buy them all" for lore, but something like the old "how to build scenery" books could be interesting. Explaining stuff like how to make the last warhammer plus ballte report table.

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3 hours ago, Goatforce said:

Thats fair, would be nice to see more god and demi-god tier characters, and tbh I think Kragnos opened the door to that, so it is possible.

Godbeasts seem to be the obvious answer, though I fear that that might be impossible as they are simply too big (one reason I think an Epic style AoS game would be neat). Something like Argentine could maybe attempt to challenge Archaon, for example.

For Nagash I think the issue is that it is massively established that he just has such an iron grip that most established Death stuff can only really "rebel" when he is knocked out. So I think a contender would have to be external to the established Death stuff. Feels a little cheap to fall back on old WH:FB but the mind immediately goes to Settra. Perhaps some smidge of Usyrian survived Nagash's deicide buffet and fused itself to Settra, who could have survived due to how heavily warded and protected his pyramid and sarcophagus were, allowing him to reconstitute himself. Being a melee beatstick, master strategist who is also basically immune to magic would also be a great counterpoint to Nagash who thrives mostly on his pure magical dominance.

Considering how the pricing on books makes it seem like they are pretty much printing money for GW, I am also suprised there aren't more narrative books. I mean a book for each GA even to overview what's going on and tell some stories or advance plots that are currently on the backburner enough to keep interest in them if they do become integral. For example, what's going on with Katakros' campaign in the Eight Points (it's crazy that this awesome story from WotE has been hardly touched since)? What's Lady Olynder up to? Maybe getting back to her beef with Belakor now that I presume their temporary alliance is over. These might also be an opportunity to update some problem warscrolls (Glaivewraith Stalkers I'm looking at you), then throw in a few themed battleplans and Bobs your uncle. Seems like an obvious win for GW.

If, and it's a very big if at this point, we were to see a contender for Nagash's throne in Shyish, I personally think Khalida as a better replacement than Settra. Her background lore has her being a badass paladin of the Nehekharan goddess of beauty, magic, and revenge who begged her chosen deity to kill her rather than become a vampire. When she rose once again as a Tomb Queen her whole thing was "point me at vamps, and have a good day," to the point where Settra himself was cool with her, allowing her to stay active and rule over Lybaras and Lamia with his blessing. Lorewise she could be an avatar of uncorrupted death: fighting back against Nagash's twisting of the underworlds and allowing them to heal once again.

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39 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

If, and it's a very big if at this point, we were to see a contender for Nagash's throne in Shyish, I personally think Khalida as a better replacement than Settra. Her background lore has her being a badass paladin of the Nehekharan goddess of beauty, magic, and revenge who begged her chosen deity to kill her rather than become a vampire. When she rose once again as a Tomb Queen her whole thing was "point me at vamps, and have a good day," to the point where Settra himself was cool with her, allowing her to stay active and rule over Lybaras and Lamia with his blessing. Lorewise she could be an avatar of uncorrupted death: fighting back against Nagash's twisting of the underworlds and allowing them to heal once again.

Wouldn't say no to that. I mean Settra was always the big name in standing up to Nagash, he directly fought Nagash I think on more than one occasion and even Nagash could not break Settra's command over his legion.

I think Settra is the better thematic matchup. Khalida's beef is with vampires, Settra is the one who is more connected with Nagash himself, both directly and also through his main rival, Arkhan. That said I would have no issue with Khalida, or indeed both, though at that point the Tomb Kings are basically being directly ported to AoS.

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2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Imo those kind of book you suggested would be detrimental for them as company. If I summarise you the BTs content (lore whise) you would be less likely to "buy them all" for lore, but something like the old "how to build scenery" books could be interesting. Explaining stuff like how to make the last warhammer plus ballte report table.

I get what you're saying, but do many people "buy them all"? I would have thought that would be a rather small minority of the playerbase. Maybe it doesn't need a full sum up of the BT lore, but still I think something like that to advance GA narratives would work. THough the stuff for building a table would be a cool little addition.

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10 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I would certainly think (or at least hope) so. Shame they're not doing one on Halloween though!

True, but hopefully we will get a few spooky unit previews. Both FEC and Tomb Kings for OW are waiting to get reveals, and this month seems like the perfect time for it. I guess maybe FEC might not get stuff as they havent technically been announced yet, so it might just be TKs, but who knows, maybe they will get something!

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