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41 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Ushoran is openly against Nagash. Would that make him a wise option as a Mortarch? I see it complicate.

True, but both Mannfred and Neferata are hardly Nagash's fans, the former sabotaged Nagash's plans in Hysh for example during BR:Teclis.

Olynder  was also cursed to feel all the grief of the realms by Nagash and is now one of his most loyal servants.

I don't think it is unusual for powerful servants of Nagash to hate him or have cause to hate him, and I don't think that Nagash really cares about that if he can use them anyway. Considering that Ushoran's prison is being guarded by OBR as I recall it is true that him becoming a Mortarch seems unlikely, I wouldn't say it is impossible as maybe in DBs 3 he will escape but then Nagash will make him an offer or something.

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13 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

True, but both Mannfred and Neferata are hardly Nagash's fans, the former sabotaged Nagash's plans in Hysh for example during BR:Teclis.

Olynder  was also cursed to feel all the grief of the realms by Nagash and is now one of his most loyal servants.

I don't think it is unusual for powerful servants of Nagash to hate him or have cause to hate him, and I don't think that Nagash really cares about that if he can use them anyway. Considering that Ushoran's prison is being guarded by OBR as I recall it is true that him becoming a Mortarch seems unlikely, I wouldn't say it is impossible as maybe in DBs 3 he will escape but then Nagash will make him an offer or something.

Good point

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4 hours ago, PJetski said:

The new Blacktalons video has a piece of art I haven't seen before - Krondys fighting Kragnos


Can anyone place where this is from?

If it hasn't been used before... is Kragnos supposed to show up in Dawnbringers campaign soon?

This is definitely set for The Long Hunt. All of this happens there.

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Man, what they did with Nagash is a blunder. They had to kill him off by the power of friendship in the realm of Hysh just to be able to move the story of undeath characters foward. The moment Nagash is back everything is back to status quo.

Would not be surprised if Ushoran managed to escape because of that too.  

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32 minutes ago, Feii said:

Man, what they did with Nagash is a blunder. They had to kill him off by the power of friendship in the realm of Hysh just to be able to move the story of undeath characters foward. The moment Nagash is back everything is back to status quo.

Would not be surprised if Ushoran managed to escape because of that too.  

Yeah it did feel rather forced. I guess it kinda makes sense as Nagash is sort of a hard counter to Teclis, as he is just as good with magic (which Teclis relies on to win) but far more deadly in melee and tougher. I guess they boxed themselves in to a position where either they made Nagash look like a chump or pulled a "something distracts Nagash so he loses" (basically how Sigmar defeats him too in the old WH:Fantasy lore). Glad they went with the latter option on balance but it is still not satisfying.

Also Teclis instantly dispelling the Nadir/Necroquake with basically a wave of his hand was a bit meh.



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In Nagash’s defense, a whole lot went against him (A Mortisan tried to eradicate the FEC he was working with and lost a sizeable force, a Stalliarch Lord Liege-Kavalos ignored his orders and didn’t lure out Eltharion because a Soulmason was experimenting with Aelf souls and the LK got cocky [End of Enlightenment], and his gambit with Arkhan only failed because Eltharion literally didn’t have a body and the Lumineth started burning their dead) and he still managed to recripple Teclis. The wave of his hand dispelling the Necroquake was total BS though. 

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8 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

In Nagash’s defense, a whole lot went against him (A Mortisan tried to eradicate the FEC he was working with and lost a sizeable force, a Stalliarch Lord Liege-Kavalos ignored his orders and didn’t lure out Eltharion because a Soulmason was experimenting with Aelf souls and the LK got cocky [End of Enlightenment], and his gambit with Arkhan only failed because Eltharion literally didn’t have a body and the Lumineth started burning their dead) and he still managed to recripple Teclis. The wave of his hand dispelling the Necroquake was total BS though. 

That's fair, but the ending of "he had basically won, then some Luminarcs shot him, he was distracted then Teclis won" was pretty cheap. The actual fight between Teclis and Nagash was awesome and felt like a clash of gods, and I don't mind Nagash losing in the end it had to happen, its just how they concluded that fight that irks me.

Yeah it really was, would it have killed them to add an extra page and made the dispelling of the Necroquake an actual undertaking for Teclis that he could now do as Nagash had been banished?

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14 hours ago, KriticalKhan said:

Decoupling SBGL and FEC is pretty tricky because the terrorgheist alone builds

-(Royal) Terrorgheist 

-(Royal) Zombie Dragon

-Ghoul King on Terrorgheist/Zombie Dragon

-Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon/Prince Vordhrai

Six units! One of them is a named character!

If GW updates it for FEC, and keeps their options, what happens if they don't add the vampire ones? Do they keep the old kit? Do they lose access to those units entirely? Do they get their own zombie dragon model? You could ask the same thing about Vargheists.

They could update them as they are, but I can't think of a single modern AoS kit that has that level of modularity or, as others have said, cross-faction compatibility. One option I see is FEC getting a new terrorgheist with ghoul king, and the vampires getting a new zombie dragon and lord/Vhordrai. Crypt Horrors/Flayers and Vargheists get bespoke kits.  Or FEC gets updated models with slightly different names while SBGL keeps the old ones until their own update. Maybe GW doesn't touch any of them.

We saw Morghasts and Arkhan dropped from Legions of Nagash when they became SBGL so I think GW is working toward each Death army having unique models but maybe they don't care this time. I don't know why I'm trying to predict this when I've been wrong just about every time. In fact, I could just delete this before I post it but I've spent ten minutes of my life thinking about tiny plastic vampire guys and all of you will just have to deal with it.

One option (however unlikely) for them to update that kit is to take advantage of the upcoming Death-centric DBringer book to release three new kits in parallel, one for each of the death factions in question.

We already suspect that OBR will likely be in the same book as FEC, doesn't seem a stretch to also include SBGL. What's less certain is their willingness to release two big kits at the same time as the big FEC release, but they were able to put out Belthanos and Ionus together, so not impossible.

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16 hours ago, rattila said:

Yeah multi kit are being axed for sure. I dont think one single AoS-born kit is multi-faction.


There is precedence for it with Kragnos, but it's also true that the god models are a special case. I generally agree that GW does not put out cross-faction kits anymore, but they have also not dealt with the existing ones yet.

I don't know, I feel like GW will have to resolve the Zombie Dragon situation at some point. It feels like an updated kit with all the options of the last one could be possible. It's just a head swap and three different riders.

What I would rather see is two kits: Zombie Dragon and Terrorgheist, with Soulblight getting the dragon and FEC getting the bat. Each kit with distinct loadout options that are appropriate to the army. Maybe keep the unmounted build for compatibility with the old battletomes.

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5 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

There is precedence for it with Kragnos, but it's also true that the god models are a special case. I generally agree that GW does not put out cross-faction kits anymore, but they have also not dealt with the existing ones yet.

I don't know, I feel like GW will have to resolve the Zombie Dragon situation at some point. It feels like an updated kit with all the options of the last one could be possible. It's just a head swap and three different riders.

What I would rather see is two kits: Zombie Dragon and Terrorgheist, with Soulblight getting the dragon and FEC getting the bat. Each kit with distinct loadout options that are appropriate to the army. Maybe keep the unmounted build for compatibility with the old battletomes.

Yeah that would be an option. If they remove the bat from SBG though I feel a cool thing they could do is have the Avengorii able to take them without as regular units rather than allies them in.

Anyway I wonder if the reason that the SBG Christmas box has another Vengorian in is that the Zombie Dragon is about to have an overhaul, though I guess GW might have used that to get rid of extra stock by including it in that case.

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18 minutes ago, DoctorPerils said:

One option (however unlikely) for them to update that kit is to take advantage of the upcoming Death-centric DBringer book to release three new kits in parallel, one for each of the death factions in question.

We already suspect that OBR will likely be in the same book as FEC, doesn't seem a stretch to also include SBGL. What's less certain is their willingness to release two big kits at the same time as the big FEC release, but they were able to put out Belthanos and Ionus together, so not impossible.

I see this having a lot of chances. We got the 12 factions limit, and Death is the one lacking factions on that list count.

We got so far:

1 - Maggotkin of Nurgle.
2 - Flesh-eater Courts.
3 - Fyreslayers.
3 - Gloomspite Gitz.
4 - Orruk Warclans.
5 - Stormcast Eternals.
6 - Silvaneth.

We have strong hints about Slaves to Darkness and Blades of Khorne. That would be 8.

With SBGL and OBR we would go into 10 and Death would be pairing the rest of the factions in terms of coverage.

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32 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I see this having a lot of chances. We got the 12 factions limit, and Death is the one lacking factions on that list count.

We got so far:

1 - Maggotkin of Nurgle.
2 - Flesh-eater Courts.
3 - Fyreslayers.
3 - Gloomspite Gitz.
4 - Orruk Warclans.
5 - Stormcast Eternals.
6 - Silvaneth.

We have strong hints about Slaves to Darkness and Blades of Khorne. That would be 8.

With SBGL and OBR we would go into 10 and Death would be pairing the rest of the factions in terms of coverage.

There are 7 factions right now.

🩸 ☸️👑☠️💘🏙️🐀...

Edited by Nezzhil
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4 minutes ago, Vagard said:

So we don't take in account CoS and FeC? (sure they are not in the DB releases but strongly involved in the story) 

FEC got a mini. I count them for the 12 factions count, but not CoS as they dind't get any mini yet. Maybe if Callis and Toll are finally released.

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