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I'll be surprised if bonesplitterz make the cut going forward. I think the line will move over to ToW as it currently is. 

The unit design imo is taking up too much space that could be utilized for Ironjawz and Kruleboyz moving forward. Some examples would be the arrowboyz. I could totally see a new battline unit utilizing the beast breakas clan theme Ala monsta killaz of a mid ranged bow unit with an option for two handed weapons. A new battline option is sorely needed indeed. 

I could see the prophets, weirdnobs, and wardoks all getting absorbed into magic side of ironjawz. 

And of course both could use a light calvary unit via the boarboyz design slot; Kruleboyz more so.

I'm also of the mind that the underworlds warband doesn't necessarily justify their continued existence. 

Nothing lasts forever and the fans have my sympathy but I think their bone splitting days are numbered. 

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2 hours ago, madmac said:

People say this a lot, but the fact is Underworld has not produced any models for cut factions in all the years it has been around. There are no Greenskin, Wanderers, High Elf, Freeguild, etc models. It was very noticeable for CoS in particular because they didn't get a single warband until the new human aesthetic was figured out. Suggesting that GW took the time to create new Savage Orc designs for no purpose at all just a few years ago is not a convincing argument, imo. If they are planning to remove Bonesplitters now they would have known before that warband was green lit.

No they just made model for WHU but the model arent always in line with future AoS release . Just take WHU Ironskull boyz , they were supposed to be new sculpt of ardboyz , but we seen that the new sculpt of them is completely different . Minis from WHU are not any guaranteed that the design will be for AoS in a future release . Hedkrakka madmob are not a trustful argument that BS will not be squatted 

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As an orruk player I'd be fine with bonesplittaz taking up a smaller part of the warclans roster but to lose them altogether would be a shame. I'd like to see them reimagined slightly to be a link between the IJ and KB, I don't love the madmob minis really(aside from the squigsnake).

Edited by Luperci
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2 hours ago, Luperci said:

I feel like they already would have if they were going to for the latter

There's two reason to do not do it all at once:

1 - Do not upset (more) players that already own them.
2 - Do not realease all the new stuff together. It is smarter from a company pov to release it in smaller chucks and see if it is selling well or not.

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1 hour ago, lele said:

A question, which faction is the richest and has the most money and gold and treasure?:

- Ogor

- Slaanesh

- Ossiarch Bonereapers 

- Daughters of Khaine

- Fyreslayers

Kharadron Overlords

- Stormcast Eternal

- Lumineth Realm-lords


Fireslayers. They are literally wearing "gold" 😄

You have to own too much to start wearing it.

Edited by Ejecutor
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1 hour ago, lele said:

A question, which faction is the richest and has the most money and gold and treasure?:

- Ogor

- Slaanesh

- Ossiarch Bonereapers 

- Daughters of Khaine

- Fyreslayers

Kharadron Overlords

- Stormcast Eternal

- Lumineth Realm-lords


Sylvaneth, because Alarielle controls the majority of the supply of Aqua Ghyranis, which is the currency in most of the realms.

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2 hours ago, lele said:

A question, which faction is the richest and has the most money and gold and treasure?:

- Ogor

- Slaanesh

- Ossiarch Bonereapers 

- Daughters of Khaine

- Fyreslayers

Kharadron Overlords

- Stormcast Eternal

- Lumineth Realm-lords


Kinda depends how you define "treasure". A rather unique aspect of AoS is that many of the races don't really value wealth in a traditional sense. Cities do, and since they are at least partially industrialised they are probably very conventionally wealthy, as are Kharadron and Fyreslayers.

What is money to the OBR though? Or treasure (beyond magical artifacts)? Bone is all that matters to them and perhaps the Grave Sand they use to create more troops. Soulblight too would be considered rich in a sense. They have empires and the vampires often have the lifestyles of the spectacularly wealthy, but they may not be really interested in gold unless they are interacting with more traditional civilisations, they live like that as they have undead slaves to do everything including building their estates (we know too that the undead were responsible for much of the grunt work required to build the civilisations of the age of myth).

So it is not really a straightforward question, and I don't think it is even an answerable one as wealth is very different to each army.

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17 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

Kinda depends how you define "treasure". A rather unique aspect of AoS is that many of the races don't really value wealth in a traditional sense. Cities do, and since they are at least partially industrialised they are probably very conventionally wealthy, as are Kharadron and Fyreslayers.

What is money to the OBR though? Or treasure (beyond magical artifacts)? Bone is all that matters to them and perhaps the Grave Sand they use to create more troops. Soulblight too would be considered rich in a sense. They have empires and the vampires often have the lifestyles of the spectacularly wealthy, but they may not be really interested in gold unless they are interacting with more traditional civilisations, they live like that as they have undead slaves to do everything including building their estates (we know too that the undead were responsible for much of the grunt work required to build the civilisations of the age of myth).

So it is not really a straightforward question, and I don't think it is even an answerable one as wealth is very different to each army.

It's obviously FEC. How else could they afford their lavish lifestyle, let alone be able to freely invite all to join in.

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1 minute ago, Goatforce said:

Can't argue with that! Surely the Summer King is both the most wealthy and benevolent ruler in the realms!

Well, Ushoran in the myths time used to be pretty benevolent and loved. Pretty sure he still has a good bunch of gold and jewells hidden somewhere waiting for his comeback.

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4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Eh bien, Ushoran à l’époque des mythes était plutôt bienveillant et aimé. Je suis presque sûr qu'il a encore un bon paquet d'or et de bijoux cachés quelque part en attendant son retour.

a ransom, that's what it's for now ... X)

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2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Sylvaneth, because Alarielle controls the majority of the supply of Aqua Ghyranis, which is the currency in most of the realms.

In most of the *Order controlled* realms, which is probably around 10% of the Mortal Realms? I don't know if we know much of the economies of the Chaos dominated parts -i.e. most of the Mortal Realms. 

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2 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

In most of the *Order controlled* realms, which is probably around 10% of the Mortal Realms? I don't know if we know much of the economies of the Chaos dominated parts -i.e. most of the Mortal Realms. 

I imagine outside of the cities, most of the mortal realms operate on a barter system without a centralised currency. Unless chaos factions have an evil aqua ghyranis with warpstone instead of cyclestone lol

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3 minutes ago, Luperci said:

I imagine outside of the cities, most of the mortal realms operate on a barter system without a centralised currency. Unless chaos factions have an evil aqua ghyranis with warpstone instead of cyclestone lol

Prolly a mix of skulls, bones, anything useful to survive outside (food, fur, horses, weapons/ metals, skill trading...), slaves... I imagine them working mainly with barter

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3 minutes ago, Luperci said:

I imagine outside of the cities, most of the mortal realms operate on a barter system without a centralised currency. Unless chaos factions have an evil aqua ghyranis with warpstone instead of cyclestone lol

I'd agree but with the caveat that non-currency systems usually rely on resource-sharing or "gift economies" rather than how we understand "bartering" today; so if you're in a place that DOESN'T use the major city's currency, you'd barter until you got close enough to the city to use money.

if there's no currency, people are gifting rather than bartering.


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14 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

I'd agree but with the caveat that non-currency systems usually rely on resource-sharing or "gift economies" rather than how we understand "bartering" today; so if you're in a place that DOESN'T use the major city's currency, you'd barter until you got close enough to the city to use money.

if there's no currency, people are gifting rather than bartering.


Oh that's actually super interesting, the more you know

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4 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

I'll be surprised if bonesplitterz make the cut going forward. I think the line will move over to ToW as it currently is. 

The unit design imo is taking up too much space that could be utilized for Ironjawz and Kruleboyz moving forward. Some examples would be the arrowboyz. I could totally see a new battline unit utilizing the beast breakas clan theme Ala monsta killaz of a mid ranged bow unit with an option for two handed weapons. A new battline option is sorely needed indeed. 

I could see the prophets, weirdnobs, and wardoks all getting absorbed into magic side of ironjawz. 

And of course both could use a light calvary unit via the boarboyz design slot; Kruleboyz more so.

I'm also of the mind that the underworlds warband doesn't necessarily justify their continued existence. 

Nothing lasts forever and the fans have my sympathy but I think their bone splitting days are numbered. 

Im ok with Bonesplitterz merging with the other the other 2 if it has to be that way. I would be sad because they are my favourite of the 3 factions. But imho the Brute Wrekkaz are basicly Bonesplitterz, not good for Bonesplitterz, they are blurring the lines real thin here. Hedrakkas Mob can just be added to IJ with a new tome/updated warscroll if they have to. That way Bonesplitterz will still be part of Orruk lore. Would rather see them get updated. Same With Spiderfang. Its hard to see my 2 favourite factions in all of AoS get close to no updates at all. 

Edited by Gitzdee
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59 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

@GitzdeeMy fellow fan of the green that is a bummer indeed. 

The new monsta killaz lean pretty heavy into the aesthetic as well imo. Luckily Kruleboyz instantly grabbed onto my nerd needs and sank its poison covered blade in deep!!! Love my little bog ninjas!!! 

I ge it though.... 😔

Oh same, if we get a 2nd kruleboyz wave with cavalry and a priest/new wizard I'll accept the loss of bonesplitterz. Not sure what else the orruk warclans faction as a whole could use? Maybe let ironjawz have a ranged unit? But I have no idea what that would look like really, I doubt they'd go with bows, crossbows or guns. Maybe slings or some other type of thrown weapon.

Edited by Luperci
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9 hours ago, Luperci said:

I imagine outside of the cities, most of the mortal realms operate on a barter system without a centralised currency. Unless chaos factions have an evil aqua ghyranis with warpstone instead of cyclestone lol

If we take in mind Soulbound RPG, Aqua Ghyranis should be the main currency between cities.

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This made me think about how many factions are actually enslaved, fanatics or cursed etc. Its actually a big portion of the mortal realms. Would be nice if they stumbled upon a strong independent force as a new faction some day (even better if its Death or Destruction).

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