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7 hours ago, Grunbag said:

No you get 28 

we currently have 21 warscrolls and 7 new units (not counting the varghulf) 


edit : unless the underworld warband will become a single warscroll and not hero + band and will have a unique warscroll 

Personally my count was 22. Maybe I was counting something other people weren't (Nagash, the Charnel Throne, or maybe Royal Beastflayers), or maybe I just made a miscount.

If there was a single unit that was getting removed, honestly I'd say it would be the Crypt Ghast Courtier. It looks exactly the same as a Crypt Ghast, as opposed to the Crypt Haunter Courtiers and Crypt Infernal Courtiers who have their own little conversions to make them unique (Crypt Haunter having a Vargheist head while Crypt Infernal has the extra set of wings from the Vargheist champion). Plus, recently GW has been doing a thing where if a kit can make a single model into a hero they let you take a single instance of that unit under-strength as compensation, and it would probably be more elegant to have 2-man Crypt Horrors or Crypt Flayers instead of 19 man Ghouls. 

Edited by BarakUrbaz
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5 minutes ago, Freemeta said:

i fallen in love with dawnbringer crusade based on this art in the first article in june 2021


maybe we could get this fantastic moving war cathedral later...i did not satart an CoS army because of that.



I think that image is so based in the previous WHFB minis that we won't see that cathedral any time.

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14 minutes ago, Freemeta said:

i fallen in love with dawnbringer crusade based on this art in the first article in june 2021


maybe we could get this fantastic moving war cathedral later...i did not satart an CoS army because of that.



It‘s evoking a mood quite similar to the Imperium of man… I like that direction, although I find the CoS releases so far already pretty amazing. But I’d welcome it if they went further in that direction - it‘s very grandiose. I figure we won‘t see such lowly humans (are they slaves? Fanatics? Just the rabble?) as minis though; not sure if flagellants are even still part of CoS. It‘s a difficult subject in woke times, even in fiction. Anyways, I‘m going off-topic there; I hope CoS will get more cool centerpieces, the possibilities don‘t end with cog-forts!

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18 hours ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

Before I go to great lengths to convert some, do we know of any rumours about potential new Flagellants sculpts on the horizon? 

I would say pretty good chance they will get an upgrade. If you look at everything that was taken out for the humans most got a decent replacement in some way or form. Only the Freeguild outriders and greatswords seemed to have missed out on a upgrade.

They will clearly have a wave 2 (and maybe 3) of the magic half and the religious half of the faction coming.................. Also a new tank lol. Expect the rest of the old Empire stuff to get removed at that point.

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1 hour ago, RyantheFett said:

Only the Freeguild outriders and greatswords seemed to have missed out on a upgrade.

I am still curious if Cursed City was giving us some potential looks into the future of Cities of Sigmar. Captain Emelda feels like such a great concept for future Greatswords.Emelda_M01.jpg

We already have an Ogor, Mage, Martial and a few variations on Witch Hunters (still no generic option), the Kurnothi and Kharadron give hopes at future integrated cities with the designs of the Aelves and Duardin not having been decided upon. But it could also easily hint that integrated cities will be done through allies. So it feels like Cursed City did provide some hints into future releases, but Emelda still feels a little stand alone (unless she represents an unmounted cavalier?).

Edited by Neverchosen
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7 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Personally my count was 22. Maybe I was counting something other people weren't (Nagash, the Charnel Throne, or maybe Royal Beastflayers), or maybe I just made a miscount.

If there was a single unit that was getting removed, honestly I'd say it would be the Crypt Ghast Courtier. It looks exactly the same as a Crypt Ghast, as opposed to the Crypt Haunter Courtiers and Crypt Infernal Courtiers who have their own little conversions to make them unique (Crypt Haunter having a Vargheist head while Crypt Infernal has the extra set of wings from the Vargheist champion). Plus, recently GW has been doing a thing where if a kit can make a single model into a hero they let you take a single instance of that unit under-strength as compensation, and it would probably be more elegant to have 2-man Crypt Horrors or Crypt Flayers instead of 19 man Ghouls. 

Yes i forgot nagash so you’re right its 22 + 7 new units 



- Grand Justice Gormayne
- Royal Decapitator
- Abhorrant Cardinal
- Abhorrant Gorewarden
- Ushoran
- Abhorrant Archregent
- Abhorrant Ghoul King
- Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist
- Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Zombie Dragon
- Crypt Ghast Courtier
- Crypt Haunter Courtier
- Crypt Infernal Courtier
- Duke Crakmarrow
- Marrowscroll Herald
- Varghulf Courtier
- Nagash


- Crypt Ghouls
- Cryptguards


- Royal Terrorgheist
- Royal Zombie Dragon


- Cadaverous Barricade
- Chalice of Ushoran
- Corpsemare Stampede


- Charnel Throne


- Crypt Flayers
- Royal Beastflayers
- The Grymwatch
- Crypt Horrors
- Morbheg Knights

Edited by Grunbag
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2 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

I am still curious if Cursed City was giving us some potential looks into the future of Cities of Sigmar. Captain Emelda feels like such a great concept for future Greatswords.Emelda_M01.jpg

We already have an Ogor, Mage, Martial and a few variations on Witch Hunters (still no generic option), the Kurnothi and Kharadron give hopes at future integrated cities with the designs of the Aelves and Duardin not having been decided upon. But it could also easily hint that integrated cities will be done through allies. So it feels like Cursed City did provide some hints into future releases, but Emelda still feels a little stand alone (unless she represents an unmounted cavalier?).

I do hope at least we get some aelves and duardin in the next cities wave in the new cities aesthetic. Just having an infantry squad for each would go a long way I think, then you can also use those to kitbash your duardin or aelf allies too so your army aesthetic feels more uniform.

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I’m really hoping it’s Ironweld & city-duardin next if not a wave building off Hammerhal Ghyra(as the current wave is very Aqshy focused).

Had a shower thought the other day that they could get a new gyrocopter that built off their “can build an entire fortress in one night” lore(from the AoS3 Corebook) that’s a castellite mini-fortress with propellers slapped on so it can fly towards the middle of the battlefield, Fire off a salvo, and then plop down as a shielded bunker that the infantry can run up to and link their shield walls up to for an instant forward position. 🛡️ 

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14 minutes ago, Luperci said:

I do hope at least we get some aelves and duardin in the next cities wave in the new cities aesthetic. Just having an infantry squad for each would go a long way I think, then you can also use those to kitbash your duardin or aelf allies too so your army aesthetic feels more uniform.


2 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

I’m really hoping it’s Ironweld & city-duardin next if not a wave building off Hammerhal Ghyra(as the current wave is very Aqshy focused).

Had a shower thought the other day that they could get a new gyrocopter that built off their “can build an entire fortress in one night” lore(from the AoS3 Corebook) that’s a castellite mini-fortress with propellers slapped on so it can fly towards the middle of the battlefield, Fire off a salvo, and then plop down as a shielded bunker that the infantry can run up to and link their shield walls up to for an instant forward position. 🛡️ 

Really hate that the question for non human stuff for Cities is just in limbo until the next book comes out...........

I still take it that they wanted Cities to be closer to the mostly human normal/boring faction, but I like to think they have listened to the feedback and will go with some crazy ideas with spider tanks, dwarf fortress, and elf pirates stuff!

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6 hours ago, RyantheFett said:


Really hate that the question for non human stuff for Cities is just in limbo until the next book comes out...........

I still take it that they wanted Cities to be closer to the mostly human normal/boring faction, but I like to think they have listened to the feedback and will go with some crazy ideas with spider tanks, dwarf fortress, and elf pirates stuff!

I feel like Underworlds and Warcry provide an awesome avenue to expand Cities in this manner.

An underworld warband featuring an Ogor Highwayman and his cuthroat gang of Halflings. The Three Fusileers and their fourth stalwart new recruit D'Uardagnan and maybe even the mysterious man in the sigmarite mask. Warcry can be used to develop more broadly missing aspects of the cities such as the City Navy made up primarily of Aelven saliors and/or Duardin Cannoneers.

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16 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Flagellants are still part of Cities of Sigmar and they're probably more important to Age of Sigmar lore than they are to Warhammer Fantasy lore. 

No, they were introduced late in the eighties and are an important part of the lore of the Empire in the same way as Warrior priests of Sigmar are.

When the TOW arrives, they will probably be featured in the army selection of the Empire. The even previewed new art of a flagellant (from Reikland?) in this TOW update.


The concept of a crazy fanatic that was driven over the edge by suffering / lose is an integral part of what the background is of Warhammer (TOW). Same as Warrior priests and witch hunters.

I love warrior priests and quite like that warrior priest from Silver Tower many years ago, I really hope that when CoS gets an expansion or update that they will add a new flagellant concept, warrior priests on foot and mounted and somekind of knightly order devoted to Sigmar mounted on something bigger than a horse. An updated version of demigryph knights. Lol, I want a CoS variant of the FEC batriders. 😄


Edited by Tonhel
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4 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

I feel like Underworlds and Warcry provide an awesome avenue to expand Cities in this manner.

An underworld warband featuring an Ogor Highwayman and his cuthroat gang of Halflings. The Three Fusileers and their fourth stalwart new recruit D'Uardagnan and maybe even the mysterious man in the sigmarite mask. Warcry can be used to develop more broadly missing aspects of the cities such as the City Navy made up primarily of Aelven saliors and/or Duardin Cannoneers.

If Warcry focused more on CoS with its kits, it could start to feel a bit like Mordheim. I‘d love that… more S2D cultists are useless for AoS anyways but lots of cool units for CoS to add more races and even more style would be lovely. Or Skaven, beastmen (pestigors would be fun), etc. So many cool possibilities! 👌

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19 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Flagellants are still part of Cities of Sigmar and they're probably more important to Age of Sigmar lore than they are to Warhammer Fantasy lore. 

I wouldn't say they are more prominent in AoS than WHFB. They are equally important or even lower in AoS, imo. The only big city where they are really prominent is in Vindicarum.

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25 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I wouldn't say they are more prominent in AoS than WHFB. They are equally important or even lower in AoS, imo. The only big city where they are really prominent is in Vindicarum.

I still want a rule where when a Flagellant dies in combat with a Chaos enemy there's a low chance dice role of spawning a Stormcast.

Although I think in lore the forging process is far from instantaneous.

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3 hours ago, JerekKruger said:

I mean, the real world beat both WFB and AoS to it by several centuries 😄

I think I know how they can update them for the mortal realms.

2 hours ago, MitGas said:

If Warcry focused more on CoS with its kits, it could start to feel a bit like Mordheim. I‘d love that… more S2D cultists are useless for AoS anyways but lots of cool units for CoS to add more races and even more style would be lovely. Or Skaven, beastmen (pestigors would be fun), etc. So many cool possibilities! 👌

As a Slaves to Darkness player I fully agree with you on this and the best part is that a heavy Cities focus could still permit some Chaos Cultist love for the Monogod factions. Lets get those Aelven Sailors fighting some Khornate Raiders n long boats. Duardin Siege Crew to battle Silver Tower Attendants.  

16 hours ago, Grunbag said:

Yes i forgot nagash so you’re right its 22 + 7 new units 



- Grand Justice Gormayne
- Royal Decapitator
- Abhorrant Cardinal
- Abhorrant Gorewarden
- Ushoran
- Abhorrant Archregent
- Abhorrant Ghoul King
- Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist
- Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Zombie Dragon
- Crypt Ghast Courtier
- Crypt Haunter Courtier
- Crypt Infernal Courtier
- Duke Crakmarrow
- Marrowscroll Herald
- Varghulf Courtier
- Nagash


- Crypt Ghouls
- Cryptguards


- Royal Terrorgheist
- Royal Zombie Dragon


- Cadaverous Barricade
- Chalice of Ushoran
- Corpsemare Stampede


- Charnel Throne


- Crypt Flayers
- Royal Beastflayers
- The Grymwatch
- Crypt Horrors
- Morbheg Knights

This is shaping up to be such a fantastic release and I am expecting based on the amount of videos popping up in my Youtube feed on Ushoran alone for it to prove to be really popular. I also love that between the Morbheg Knights and Royal Beastflayers, Flesh Eater Courts have leant heavily into the Era of the Beasts theme. Seriously between Seraphon, Cities and now FEC AOS sculptors have somehow topped themselves. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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4 hours ago, Tonhel said:

No, they were introduced late in the eighties and are an important part of the lore of the Empire in the same way as Warrior priests of Sigmar are.

When the TOW arrives, they will probably be featured in the army selection of the Empire. The even previewed new art of a flagellant (from Reikland?) in this TOW update.


The concept of a crazy fanatic that was driven over the edge by suffering / lose is an integral part of what the background is of Warhammer (TOW). Same as Warrior priests and witch hunters.

Agreed and the RL medieval inspiration makes it all the more important to WHFB, the whole extremely grim plague-ridden Europe thing, they’re a vital part of the nasty, spiky religiosity of the Empire.

That new role they have in AoS, where they’re a vital part of reclaiming land through bloodshed, is really quite different. Notably they’re sort of part of the state apparatus and directly aligned with the efforts of the cities, unlike in WHFB where they’re a dangerous, uncontrollable grassroots religious thing that is frequently not aligned with the official church of Sigmar. And then they’re a touch more high fantasy through their magic/holy blood being instrumentalised for magical land reclamation.

In AoS, they’re more of a plot element or part of the working mechanics of the background rather than something key to the tone of the setting, as in WHFB, if you get me. They’re not doing the same thing with flagellants and yeah, I think they’re slightly less important even if they’ve been given this mechanical role through the dawnbringers stuff. Wouldn’t mind seeing them expanded but they’re a different beast.

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4 hours ago, sandlemad said:


In AoS, they’re more of a plot element or part of the working mechanics of the background rather than something key to the tone of the setting, as in WHFB, if you get me. They’re not doing the same thing with flagellants and yeah, I think they’re slightly less important even if they’ve been given this mechanical role through the dawnbringers stuff. Wouldn’t mind seeing them expanded but they’re a different beast.

I can see their eventual replacement with a more AoS version of religious fanatics, especially after reading how the Cult of the Wheel behaves.

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