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I really wonder how they're going to do Chaos Duardin without taking too much design space or having too much overlap with FS and KO.

FS obviously have fire as one of their defining features. They have lava elementals, Magmadroths, flaming weaponry and a lot of orange colours baked into the faction. KO have their own spin on industry, and apparently have some golem-like exoskeletons.

I wonded how Chaos Duardin are going to be distinct from them. I hope they get a new spin to them (Ulgu/shadow demons maybe?) and that the 3 factions don't have to compete over limited design space.


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42 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

Dragging myself out of lurking to pop in and say how hyped I am that Chaos Dwarfs are even in the discussion at all! They've been my favorite army since I discovered them! I still have fond memories of mutilating the entire Battle for Skull Pass box as a teen in an attempt to ape some of the conversions I saw on the Chaos Dwarfs Online forum

Got some Azgorh infantry, Hobgrots, and Horns of Hashut lined up in anticipation: I've been holding off on tracking down any warmachines in hopes that the CD's full blown AoS army (the first full plastic army the faction has ever had btw) has some real cool new stuff.

The Horns sort of ballooned into a whole themed S2D army in the meantime, lol

Really hoping its true that they're going to appear in AoS: I'd much rather see them causing problems across multiple realms instead of living in the margins of the Old World

My Horns of Hashut make up half of my cults/marauders for my Slaanesh STD army….. the chorfs need a release ASAP!!!

20 minutes ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Please be true.

It wiuld make senses as they had an outpost in Ulgu and probably 4th edition will see that realm in focus imho.

Don’t forget their magical soul-oil rig in Shyish guarded by chaos-megagargants! This is probably gonna be one of the best releases of 2024 if GW does this army right.

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1 minute ago, Snarff said:

I really wonder how they're going to do Chaos Duardin without taking too much design space or having too much overlap with FS and KO.

FS obviously have fire as one of their defining features. They have lava elementals, Magmadroths, flaming weaponry and a lot of orange colours baked into the faction. KO have their own spin on industry, and apparently have some golem-like exoskeletons.

I wonded how Chaos Duardin are going to be distinct from them. I hope they get a new spin to them (Ulgu/shadow demons maybe?) and that the 3 factions don't have to compete over limited design space.


They don't have the copyright issues with Chorfs that they did with the normal dwarves from WHFB, so I'd imagine that they'd bring them in more or less as they were, with the usual AOS weirdness of course. Ancient Babylon, Fire, Bulls, etc

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1 minute ago, Snarff said:

I really wonder how they're going to do Chaos Duardin without taking too much design space or having too much overlap with FS and KO.

FS obviously have fire as one of their defining features. They have lava elementals, Magmadroths, flaming weaponry and a lot of orange colours baked into the faction. KO have their own spin on industry, and apparently have some golem-like exoskeletons.

I wonded how Chaos Duardin are going to be distinct from them. I hope they get a new spin to them (Ulgu/shadow demons maybe?) and that the 3 factions don't have to compete over limited design space.


I've had similar thoughts; with Fyerslayers having huge horned helms and using "Zharr" way more often than dwarfs traditionally did in Fantasy and Kharadron doing "tech heavy," I've chewed on where the CD's fit aesthetic wise. They could be an inversion of the "duardin soup" people kept rumbling out: all the elements from the other duardin but evil but tbh that isn't the most exciting. Reminds me of the demon engine train which, while a neat idea, always looked to be more "normal industry" than I'd pictured for the Chaos Duardin


I'm hoping they circle back to the Hellcannon from fantasy as the main design inspiration! "Nightmare flesh technology" is a design space really only held by demon engines and some Dark Eldar stuff; which is fitting tbh. It'd also be unlike anything in the AoS aesthetic palette, especially if they leaned on "flesh + metal = demon engine" vibe; only the Death Guard and Soul Grinder really have that going on, most the rest are "evil creepy machines" at a glance. The articles about Bretonnia have me hopeful that they're looking back to the past. Also give my boys their gargantuan hats! More oldhammer and less Azgorh if I got to choose, despite me coming around on the infantry and character sculpts.

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9 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

I've had similar thoughts; with Fyerslayers having huge horned helms and using "Zharr" way more often than dwarfs traditionally did in Fantasy and Kharadron doing "tech heavy," I've chewed on where the CD's fit aesthetic wise. They could be an inversion of the "duardin soup" people kept rumbling out: all the elements from the other duardin but evil but tbh that isn't the most exciting. Reminds me of the demon engine train which, while a neat idea, always looked to be more "normal industry" than I'd pictured for the Chaos Duardin


I'm hoping they circle back to the Hellcannon from fantasy as the main design inspiration! "Nightmare flesh technology" is a design space really only held by demon engines and some Dark Eldar stuff; which is fitting tbh. It'd also be unlike anything in the AoS aesthetic palette, especially if they leaned on "flesh + metal = demon engine" vibe; only the Death Guard and Soul Grinder really have that going on, most the rest are "evil creepy machines" at a glance. The articles about Bretonnia have me hopeful that they're looking back to the past. Also give my boys their gargantuan hats! More oldhammer and less Azgorh if I got to choose, despite me coming around on the infantry and character sculpts.

I really like that idea, and it would definitely be a much more unique take than normal duardin but evil. I do have to admit they sometimes pull it off perfectly (Like Tahlia Vedra riding a Manticore which before was exclusively used in chaos) but a second 'Fire Duardin' or 'Industry Duardin' army is not the most exciting prospect. A demonic flesh construct duardin army though? Now that's something we have not seen yet

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Babylon Evil Dwarves are fine enough for me.

I don't think they need more twist, and if the Horns of Hashut and the Hobgrots are clues for what is to come, I should be more than pleased by the final outcome! 


Babylon is a good inspiration, and makes for an interesting basis for an AoS reinterpretation of an existing historical setting. It's both unique and fitting. 

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3 minutes ago, Swamp Trogg said:

Babylon Evil Dwarves are fine enough for me.

I don't think they need more twist, and if the Horns of Hashut and the Hobgrots are clues for what is to come, I should be more than pleased by the final outcome! 


Babylon is a good inspiration, and makes for an interesting basis for an AoS reinterpretation of an existing historical setting. It's both unique and fitting. 

AoS never just does a single culture though, and I love that about it. OBR, LRL, CoS, SBGL are all recent examples of that. I wouldn't expect it to be just babylon at all. Taking one culture and making an army out of it with sometimes the most unoriginal names possible (araby, ind) is more a TOW thing.

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5 hours ago, mawhis117 said:

He's just said that he's been told that Chaos Dwarves will be coming in AOS 4, which is why they weren't included with The Old World

Putting aside the fact that the dude is almost always wrong and/or just trolling his audience...
What an easy "prediction" to make. So if Chorfs come out anytime in the next 3 years he can claim success.

I have info too! My uncle at Nintendo told me Malerion is coming back in 4th edition! Be sure to remember I said this in two years or don't if it never happens!

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1 hour ago, Pizzaprez said:

I'm hoping they circle back to the Hellcannon from fantasy as the main design inspiration! "Nightmare flesh technology" is a design space really only held by demon engines and some Dark Eldar stuff; which is fitting tbh. It'd also be unlike anything in the AoS aesthetic palette, especially if they leaned on "flesh + metal = demon engine" vibe; only the Death Guard and Soul Grinder really have that going on, most the rest are "evil creepy machines" at a glance. The articles about Bretonnia have me hopeful that they're looking back to the past. Also give my boys their gargantuan hats! More oldhammer and less Azgorh if I got to choose, despite me coming around on the infantry and character sculpts.

It's wild to me that not even StD got the Hellcanon back. Of all the models to survive the Fantasy purge, I would have expected it to be one of them given how iconic it is, both to Warriors of Chaos and the Chaos Dwarfs.

'Mechanical horror' is definitely a great avenue that AoS Chorfs could explore, especially since it would probably be more 'daemonic' compared to the more Frankenstein, black comedy mad science of the Skaven.

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1 hour ago, Twisted Firaun said:

This is probably gonna be one of the best releases of 2024 if GW does this army right.

Just my personal taste, but I'm hoping the Evil Dwarves are designed by the folk who did the NecroSquats rather than the Kin Space Dwarves.

Votann are fine but Necromunda Squats are just so much better and Dwarfy. 

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1 hour ago, Snarff said:

I really wonder how they're going to do Chaos Duardin without taking too much design space or having too much overlap with FS and KO.

FS obviously have fire as one of their defining features. They have lava elementals, Magmadroths, flaming weaponry and a lot of orange colours baked into the faction. KO have their own spin on industry, and apparently have some golem-like exoskeletons.

I wonded how Chaos Duardin are going to be distinct from them. I hope they get a new spin to them (Ulgu/shadow demons maybe?) and that the 3 factions don't have to compete over limited design space.

I’m wondering this too but I think it’s probably doable? FS are still very much naked berserkers, powerful heroes and a few big monsters. All very ‘heroic individuals going super-saiyan through runes’

By rights, Chaos Dwarfs prob should be more about blocks of armoured infantry, powerful warmachines, and non-dwarf chaff auxiliaries.

That’s broad faction archetype of course but I still think there’s room for more or less the classic WHFB dawi zharr vibes of grinding industrialisation, high technology, and brutal sacrifice to Molech to stand without too much overlap with FS or KO. If anything, that background would be kind of close to the Ossiarchs in a few ways.

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3 hours ago, LordSolarMach said:

This is just speculation, right? I want to make clear, because the way that @The Brotherhood of Necros asked you it seemed like they consider you to have a source.

And I remember the last time I asked if something you said was speculation or a tease, you replied "both, always both."

(That was that Dawnbringers faction releases would be rounded out to thirteen via: Khorne, StD, OBR, CoS, DoK and Skaven.)



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1 hour ago, Snarff said:

I really wonder how they're going to do Chaos Duardin without taking too much design space or having too much overlap with FS and KO.

FS obviously have fire as one of their defining features. They have lava elementals, Magmadroths, flaming weaponry and a lot of orange colours baked into the faction. KO have their own spin on industry, and apparently have some golem-like exoskeletons.

I wonded how Chaos Duardin are going to be distinct from them. I hope they get a new spin to them (Ulgu/shadow demons maybe?) and that the 3 factions don't have to compete over limited design space.


Maybe they go into the Persian style but reimagined? I mean, their flavour is quite unique and recognisable, so why not keep it?

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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Maybe they go into the Persian style but reimagined? I mean, their flavour is quite unique and recognisable, so why not keep it?

Persian+ancient middle east style is already hinted in the warcry warband imho.
They could add a bit of india\central asia to the side if they want to change something for aos....Persian empire stretched till there so i'd say it would make senses to take inspirations from all the cultures the empire had.
Hobgoblins units of Chorfs were clearly Scythian and less mongolian than previous models.

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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27 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Just my personal taste, but I'm hoping the Evil Dwarves are designed by the folk who did the NecroSquats rather than the Kin Space Dwarves.

Votann are fine but Necromunda Squats are just so much better and Dwarfy. 

Is it even possible? I have no clue how they work, but does GW and Forge share artists/sculptors?

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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

Is it even possible? I have no clue how they work, but does GW and Forge share artists/sculptors?

Yeah the forgeworld sculptors are in a separate team to the main studio sculptors afaik.

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You know, I can believe. Yes, I can believe that GW IS releasing skavens this summer (still doubtful tho)

But if so... Why delay It so much? Im sorry for the players of the 99% of the rest of the setting, but why ****** delay skavens so hard? I do love kruleboyz and have a little army, but why put them on front of the freaking skavens, f.e.? Does GW really that the skavendom has less players than the flesh-eaters?

Im not saying skavens should have had a renewal in 2018 when things started running hot, but man, It has been SIX YEARS eversince, why the hell build such a long wait? Im tired of my ****** ninja monkeys GW, just let me give you 50 euros for a 10 rat-squad or whatever, I dont care bro, I just want a whole new unit that isnt from another game.


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5 minutes ago, Garrac said:

You know, I can believe. Yes, I can believe that GW IS releasing skavens this summer (still doubtful tho)

But if so... Why delay It so much? Im sorry for the players of the 99% of the rest of the setting, but why ****** delay skavens so hard? I do love kruleboyz and have a little army, but why put them on front of the freaking skavens, f.e.? Does GW really that the skavendom has less players than the flesh-eaters?

Im not saying skavens should have had a renewal in 2018 when things started running hot, but man, It has been SIX YEARS eversince, why the hell build such a long wait? Im tired of my ****** ninja monkeys GW, just let me give you 50 euros for a 10 rat-squad or whatever, I dont care bro, I just want a whole new unit that isnt from another game.


ghosts and greenskinz are laughable when compared to the ONE TRUE swarm.

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7 hours ago, mawhis117 said:

The Honest Wargamer is Streaming at the moment with AOS predictions for 2024. 

He's just said that he's been told that Chaos Dwarves will be coming in AOS 4, which is why they weren't included with The Old World


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18 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

ghosts and greenskinz are laughable when compared to the ONE TRUE swarm.

I do sympathize for the rat fans. You guys waited till 4th for new models and now you'll have to wait till 5th for rules that don't suck being a starter box army and all. 😄

I actually think they'll do pretty well as it's not a new army but a very much pre-established one. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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