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21 minutes ago, Landohammer said:

I really don't see a need to overhaul AOS like they did 40k.

I mean the 40k overhaul practically turned it even more into AoS than it was before(coincidentally when it got good again with 8th ;) ) so I don’t think there’s much change needed either when we are the master mold.

Just a few tweaks and cleaning up of faction tactics is all that’s really needed. The AoS scene is stronger than it’s ever been before so we’re in a really solid place.

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1 hour ago, Landohammer said:

I really don't see a need to overhaul AOS like they did 40k. The game works really well.


1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

Just a few tweaks and cleaning up of faction tactics is all that’s really needed.

Yeah but it would be hard to justify a new edition for a few tweaks

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6 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

Yeah but it would be hard to justify a new edition for a few tweaks

Eh, some new mechanics and a big celebration we’re changing Realmscape focus with the GHB’s & Narrative books would do it. Especially if they are planning to drag their feet a bit with the system as it keeps getting new editions every 3 years.

The opposite end is expect massive overhauls every 3 years and unlearn everything you’ve built up which has big problems too.

For me I’m on team “stay clean & simple, keep building on the path AoS1 set”. 

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3 hours ago, Landohammer said:

On paper its the fairest way to do things. But it was a huge cluster in 40k 10th edition. Its stripped out all of the subfactions and just gave you a really vanilla watered down version of your army. 

And while I'm sure the next battletome will fix this issue, many will be waiting on their battletome for years. 

And you would think that just having the indexes themselves would make the new edition a lot more fair and balanced, but it actually didn't. They had to drop a ton of emergency hotfixes bc the index win rates were even more skewed than the outgoing 9th codexes. 


There's not really a but there though is there. Every army lost it's subfactions so all were technically on the same footing with that regard. And if you're playing casually with friends then any list building adjustments about what's battleline or not caused by subfactions can be handwaved in by just talking about it before hand.

Likewise the hotfixes will often be needed regardless of whether or not it's for issues with indexes or battle tomes, but again, those are published for free so it's not like it changes much. And again if you're just playing casually with friends then it shouldn't be difficult to just play something slightly less broken in your list.

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5 hours ago, Grunbag said:

I was reading again Broken realms fictions , and one part was interesting


« Gordrakk span round, temper flashing hot. Behind him was a Bonesplitter, hulking and near-naked, his chest painted with squigstain spirals and a four-legged glyph of the Earthquake God. His posture was bent, as if he was used to carrying heavy armour, and his physique was far bulkier than your average spirit-chaser; by Gordrakk’s reckoning he’d been an Ironjaw not so long ago, and by his scars he was one that had taken a right clobbering at that. »


so according to this some Ironjawz turn to be bonesplitterz . So is there a connection planned between the warclans ? 

Yeah Ironjaws occasionally have a GorkaMorka type epiphany. It leads them into a frenzy and they get naked and go find the nearest Bonesplitterz tribe. Best part of there lore IMO. So yeah it would make a lot of sense if the next Orruk books were Kruelboyz standing alone and then Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz combined. 

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10 minutes ago, Wurgog_on_a_Wyvern said:

Yeah Ironjaws occasionally have a GorkaMorka type epiphany. It leads them into a frenzy and they get naked and go find the nearest Bonesplitterz tribe. Best part of there lore IMO. So yeah it would make a lot of sense if the next Orruk books were Kruelboyz standing alone and then Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz combined. 


The Weirdbrute Wrekkaz/ Ragerz represent this part very well.

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10 minutes ago, Wurgog_on_a_Wyvern said:

So yeah it would make a lot of sense if the next Orruk books were Kruelboyz standing alone and then Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz combined. 

It does feel this way after the Weirdbrutes “shamanized” some of the Ironjawz units to be closer to Bonesplitterz flavor of mad magic berserkers.

However! I don’t have the tome on me right now but I recall the lore guys saying it noted sometimes even Kruleboyz might hear the cal of Gorkamorka and join the Bonesplitterz.

So it’s possible we could also see a Bonesplitterz refresh with units including both Gorruks & Morruks as the new thing to show their tribes are pulling in the others as the beating wild heart of their two-headed god. 🧌👺

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4 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Just a few tweaks and cleaning up of faction tactics is all that’s really needed.


2 hours ago, Marcvs said:

Yeah but it would be hard to justify a new edition for a few tweaks


When it comes to AoS 4.0 I am pretty torn on what direction GW is going to take. On the one hand, I agree with Baron, the game of AoS is in a good state. The Battletomes feel pretty solid, not just in terms of rules, but art direction, layout etc. I could see AoS 4 being more like AoS 3.5, with Battletomes being usable in the new edition and the focus being on re-releases, updates and essentially consolidating what AoS 3 has already laid out. It would allow for exploration into other things with more of a focus on the game's setting, lore and timeline.

At the same time, I agree with Marcvs. I can't help but feel like modern-day customer expectations and (GW's pockets) call for more of a hard reset. With AoS 4 kicking off with the redundancy of all AoS 3 edition battle-tomes and the release of new Index books/cards for all factions similar to what we saw for the 40k 10th edition launch. 

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Yeah it’s fair to say it can go either way.

I just feel it’s not gonna be as big a change because it still feels like we’re riding off the waves Broken Realms caused so we’re still on “tour” around the Realms to see what’s changing(getting refreshed) on the ground level, what hidden gods are coming out of the woodwork and the new narratives picking up the plot lines BR didn’t resolve.

With how lower stakes the current Dawnbringer books are the build-up looks a lot more laid back to me like we’re only entering another chapter in AoS rather than a massive shake-up Malign Portents & Broken Realms were.

Could be wrong but it might be AoS5 with the long awaited Tyrion & Malerion that finally sees that as we don’t have to play catch-up with the older factions by then(hopefully).

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3 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

It does feel this way after the Weirdbrutes “shamanized” some of the Ironjawz units to be closer to Bonesplitterz flavor of mad magic berserkers.

However! I don’t have the tome on me right now but I recall the lore guys saying it noted sometimes even Kruleboyz might hear the cal of Gorkamorka and join the Bonesplitterz.

So it’s possible we could also see a Bonesplitterz refresh with units including both Gorruks & Morruks as the new thing to show their tribes are pulling in the others as the beating wild heart of their two-headed god. 🧌👺

I definitely feel like we will see some sort of refresh/new third part of the warclans. How similar or different to bonesplitazz I’m not sure, but I feel there is still a gap to complete the AOS orruck race. Going into the new year and the rapid speed of Dawnbringers I had this overly optimistic thought that maybe they would drop right before 4th to close out the Ghur/beast edition, but then when Dawnbringers 4 stringed us along for three months I realized they were probably pushing the series to the end of 3rd editon 

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2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Yeah it’s fair to say it can go either way.

I just feel it’s not gonna be as big a change because it still feels like we’re riding off the waves Broken Realms caused so we’re still on “tour” around the Realms to see what’s changing(getting refreshed) on the ground level, what hidden gods are coming out of the woodwork and the new narratives picking up the plot lines BR didn’t resolve.

With how lower stakes the current Dawnbringer books are the build-up looks a lot more laid back to me like we’re only entering another chapter in AoS rather than a massive shake-up Malign Portents & Broken Realms were.

Could be wrong but it might be AoS5 with the long awaited Tyrion & Malerion that finally sees that as we don’t have to play catch-up with the older factions by then(hopefully).

It might be that the Era of The Beast doesn’t end this edition but extends into next edition. It’s unprecedented but Dawnbringers doesn’t seem like it’s setting up the end of the Era at the moment. 

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43 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

It might be that the Era of The Beast doesn’t end this edition but extends into next edition. It’s unprecedented but Dawnbringers doesn’t seem like it’s setting up the end of the Era at the moment. 

The Dawnbringers books literally say they take place in the "closing years of the Era of the Beast" and a plot point is that Krondys, Karazai and Kroak are planning to beat Kragnos and use that to stop Ghur's rampaging. 

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It seems that I'm not in the same mood of a lot of people.
Unpopular Opinion: AoS rules are badly designed.

  • Most new mechancis are written to fix a problem, but in return, they become a parasitic design for the game that don't solve the main issue.
  • Most of our foot Heroes are tokens for some gameplay purpose with the same 3+/3+ profiles. There is no expectation to play your own character because the game is not designed for that.
  • The diference between a chariot, artillery, ranged units, cavalry, etc.. is just the movement and the damage output/delivery damage. In other words, the roles changed from the nature of the unit to what you want to accomplish on the table (you use a ranged unit because it has better damage than your artillery).
  • A few irrelevant phases (mainly battleshock phase).
Edited by Beliman
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If i had to choose i want things to change completely. Move to an alternating activations style game. Get a better core game. Not one full of holes that need fixing every few months just to create more problems. Free warscrolls in the app and more support for Open play and not only Matched play. Create more unit types. Most units feel samey to me. Also really really need better use of keywords to lighten up on all the unnecessary reading i need to do every time i want to play a game. I am not in the luxury to play many games a year.

Edit: i also really would like to move to a bigger dice. If u they want to keep the statline basic and easy to understand that is fine. But use some higher values at least. I would prefer D12.

Edited by Gitzdee
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That's not true. Any kind of Orruk can become a Bonesplitterz, even a Kruleboyz can be like this. We have seen Krule like Bonesplitterz in the Warcry and last Underworlds warband 

Bonesplitterz concept is evolving to something more related to the idea of the Big Waaagh, when they get obsessed to monsters, fights and are less of their clan.

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28 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Unpopular Opinion: AoS rules are badly designed.

So a GW main game then. 😄

But I think you’re just wanting different things with a much more in-depth system with heavy Narrative involvement rather than how AoS is designed for streamlined(to watered down levels) of a fast system that’s easier for them to balance and patch up quarterly.

Something had to be sacrificed for that which we saw with them chucking out AoS2’s heavier customizations.(fortunately that Thondia Tome can be found on Amazon for $10 and is an excellent piece for Narrative game heroes & lore 👌)

2 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

The Dawnbringers books literally say they take place in the "closing years of the Era of the Beast" and a plot point is that Krondys, Karazai and Kroak are planning to beat Kragnos and use that to stop Ghur's rampaging. 

Agreed. Every edition has done an era jump so this is set-up the same way to keep the narrative moving.(with thankfully Aqua Ghyranis established properly in battletomes to show why mortal humans can live for over a century)

I won’t be surprised if just like new NightHaunt & Soulblight warbands dropping in Era of the Beast we see Ghur stuff hit next edition which could be Bonesplitterz & BoC to be a link back to Ghur and window what’s going on back over there.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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29 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

But I think you’re just wanting different things with a much more in-depth system with heavy Narrative involvement rather than how AoS is designed for streamlined(to watered down levels) of a fast system that’s easier for them to balance and patch up quarterly.

Not really, I just want AoS with more polished and strightforward rules, less parasitic designs, without losing flavour.

As an example: a 3+/3+ should be worse than a 2+/2+, but AoS has mechanics to improve that profile with AoA+Finest Hour. Without this kind of stuff, all profiles are going to be more relevant for the game. Same with saves or abilities with -1 hit/wound.


Note: I'm not saying that we need to remove all Command Abilities, it's just an example. I'm just saying that, without too much complexity, AoS can have the same flavour that we had before, or even better because we have 3 editions testing stuff for a new edition to pick up what works and remove what it doesn't.

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The depth vs simplicity debate is ages old and strongly depends on personal preferences.

I personally have not played a single game of AoS since 40k 10th. And while i would really like to see my newly painted models on the tabletop... there are just too many rules i do not fancy to make me consider it. 

But i support anyone who considers AoS 3.0 the best one. Have fun with it!

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9 minutes ago, pitzok said:

Cool new Callis and Toll artwork from warhammer instagram (sorry for the bad merge)


That’s awesome! 😍

Also I wouldn’t have even noticed the seem job if you didn’t mention it, nice work! 👌 

Love the art and the action(props to the stake bayonet) but especially the juxtaposition in the background.

Ya got Witcher crossbow troops in the foreground but the background’s Aqshy forge works could be an industrial pipe complex from modern times(to even some 40k flavor there).

That’s peak AoS to me seeing humble mortals battling over large scale magi-tech works to hint what they fight for is on a massive cosmic level. 👍 ️ 

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The release of TOW has laid open some glaring issues I have with AoS that I couldn't quite put my finger on before.
In general AoS seems to be mostly catered towards the competetive Playerbase, in turn everything has become a token:

- Characters with the same Profiles, the same unit, just different models (2 A, 3+,3+, DMG1 mortals on 6s)

- The whole game isn't about cool battles or heroic deeds it's about achieving random objeftives which makes it feel more arcade-like and more forgettable (which isn't a bad thing for "quicker" games, but I don't like it, I am here for the narrative gaming side) (this is also a 40K - in contrast I prefer Boarding actions which break this pattern)

- Mortal wounds: Most skew lists become the way they are because they try to maximize on MWs

- The main focus is sales and sales alone: Characters are generic so they can release almost the identical Character but with a slightly different loadout. Books become invalidated within months. New "Season" rules drop so fast that the edition itself gets warped.


It's become so generic (rules-wise). The moment it started down this path was when Jervis Johnson retired. Yes he made some really out of whack rules, but at least he made some memorable and cool rules at the same time.


idk. I still like AoS but I wished it took a different route.

Edited by JackStreicher
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4 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

I still like AoS but I wished it took a different route.

It takes this route so TOW doesn’t have to and can stay rules dense with the names mostly un-copyrighted.(similar why 40k is Matched streamlined to the Eye of Terror and back so 30k can remain hefty as well)

Basically the main games are this for the side games against corporate pushes:


It’s just how it is. At least there’s way more alternatives now if you’re not on-board with the Sigmar grindset me and the others are. 😎 👍 

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