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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

4th ed Hero coming with the CoS battletome could be a duardin? 😍

No, please no battletomes with a single hero releases in 4th edition. Not again.

The dwarf could certainly be for TOW, but isn't the rumour engine not AoS/40K only?


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8 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Yeah I noticed that. I swore there was a preview article that said she was an Aelf, but maybe I was wrong. 

from the cursed city rule she is :Blade, Human, Soldier, Saviour of Cinderfall

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37 minutes ago, Peacaf said:

There are very few TOW players who are buying AoS miniatures, first because all AoS miniatures break the scale and because of the prices.

I see more players with 3D printing, buying old models or from other companies.

Not to mention that the majority already have their army built.

I am printing a lot of mini's for TOW, but not every player / hobbyist have or want a 3d printer. It's certainly not common.

Just a quick glance at the hobby pics section from the The Honest Wargamer Network Discord shows a lot of mini's currently used by AoS, also a lot of very old mini's and even conversions of Ionus his dragon to a Star dragon.

I am certain those beautiful Darkoath mini's will appear in TOW Warriors of Chaos armies.


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9 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

No, please no battletomes with a single hero releases in 4th edition. Not again.

The dwarf could certainly be for TOW, but isn't the rumour engine not AoS/40K only?


There's a few 30k ones and plenty of necromunda ones.


No reason this couldn't be ToW 

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12 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

No, please no battletomes with a single hero releases in 4th edition. Not again.

The dwarf could certainly be for TOW, but isn't the rumour engine not AoS/40K only?


We had BB, Necromunda, and HH as well.

Edited by Ejecutor
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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

It really seems like there are just a few possibilities here:

  • Grombrindal
  • An actual new Dispossessed model
  • A TOW dwarf

I am hoping it's just a straight up new Dorf. That would mean we finally get clarity about the future of Duarding and Cities of Sigmar, which I'd like to see happen sooner rather than later.

I wouldn't rule out Votann.


We have seen rumor engines for AOS that turned out to be for Squats.

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

We know there's almost certainly a new Dwarf Lord With Shieldbearers model coming for TOW (much bigger base size + three Shieldbearers instead of two), so it could end up being that. However there's always the possibility they could slide in a Dispossessed Underworlds or Warcry team? Maybe even a Hero just to reinforce that Dispossessed aren't going anywhere.

Yes but will the Lord be plastic or FW resin ?

I personally think Dispossessed are here to stay because they appeared in the studio pictures in the CoS battletome. But you can have a different opinion of course. But if they get something now out of all time would be extremely surprising… which is why I’m skeptic about a new Dispo model now. Even if I’d love to be proven wrong. 

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Would love it to be Dispossessed (MAYBE Dispossessed vs Chaos Warcry?), but it's probably still too soon for that.

Probably Grombrindal or the first TOW RE. The gem probably means it's for someone higher up the chain of command.

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Ok we know that GW want to differentiate TOW and AOS minis (no miniature will be the same for both games even if the name is the same -> ex : chaos warriors, all orruks,...)

For now, regarding only the 9 TOW supported factions (not the legend ones) 

- TK and Brettonia nothing in common with AoS as these 2 factions are not supported in the game 

- Warriors of chaos, high elves and wood elves : also not shared between both games are elves has been squatted from CoS and all chaos minis has been revamped for AoS with the darkoath release. (maybe some chaos heroesbut as we don't have the exact TOW warriors of chaos roaster, maybe they will stay in AoS and won't be supported in TOW -> pure speculation here but makes sense) 

- I only see dryads as a common unit. Even treelords seems to be the previous mini, way smaller that the actual one.


So the only factions that still have minis existing in both games are Empire, Orcs and Goblins, Beastmen and Dwarves. 

- Bestmen's days are numbered if we trust the rumour (whitefang the 2nd, liked by whitefang) and should be remplaced by "new" beastmen like marauders with darkoath or empire with cities. 

- Orcs have been revamped last year, only savage orruks are no sure here

- Goblins are more tricky, will the night goblins be supported in TOW? otherwise i think that everything is separate as well. Troggoth has been updated as well. 

- Empire still have the steamtank, battlemage, luminark/heliobolis and griffon but I won't be surprised is heliobolis and luminark are not in TWO at least at the beginning. (plus, empire are rumored to be one of the last faction to be presented for TOW so they still have some time to squat it from AOS or to release a new version of it)

- Then we have dwarves, where a lot of units are still playable in AoS today and they are rumored to be the new TOW wave to be released. I'm not a big fan of the "two release for the same army in a row" but with this logic, MAYBE we'll get a supplement (darkoath or orruk like) for dwarves soon with some new units to move old ones to TOW. It feels weird because the timespan between now and the 4th edition is very small and I won't bet on it BUT it kinda makes sens... (the rumour engine confirm that there's dwarves on the way, either for TOW, AoS or any other game but GW is cooking smthg)


So to me there's 3 scenarios

- Scenario 1 TOW dwarves are released soon and we get in the same time a CoS dwarves supplement with some new minis 

- Scenario 2 roumors are false and TOW dwarves are coming later during the year, still chances to have a v4 CoS battletome with new dwarves for the same reason

- Scenario 3 no matter when TOW dwarves are coming, they share both games and all my theory is totally false haha 


2 things to note in this theory : 

- All TOW army roasters have not been revealed iirc so maybe some old units will stay in AOS and won't be supported in TOW (steamtanks, dryads, night goblins etc...) 

- Armies like lizardmens, dark elves, vampires, skavens etc are not taken in account in this theory because they are not "officially" supported in the core factions of TOW. That's why I think that CoS's dwarves will be updated first, and then the elves (maybe both at the same time but i doublt it). Skinks, zombie dragon, flayers and other units from these armies that was already present at the end of warhammer battle are not taken in acoount as well because of the "not supported factions"

If my theroy is true or at least partially, it will validate the beastmen revamp and the possible revamp of every units that exist in both games

Nothing really new actually, we already know that every minis supported by TOW are going to disappear from AOS sooner or later but see it as a recap ;) 

Edited by Vagard
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44 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

My baseless theory regarding Darkling Covens is that they will remain in CoS until Malerion is released, at which point it will be revealed that they've been secretly working for him the whole time. If, as I hope, Malerion is no friend to the other Order Factions, this could result in uprisings thruought the CoS, with the possibility of another Anvilgard or two. Doubly so if Morathi comes to her son's aid.

I've suspected this for a while. He spies on Sigmar's training of his troops and is plotting for when the Grand Alliance of Order breaks apart.

I sometimes fear I won't live to see my boy get his day on the tabletop. Chorfs being solidly confirmed before him is a slap in the face to everyone who has been waiting since 2016 for his arrival.

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43 minutes ago, GhostShark said:

I'm seeing the opposite. Lots and lots of people buying AOS Chaos, DoK, Lizardmen, Orcs (both kinds), Goblins and SBGL.

plus the current Dark Elf, Skaven, Ogres, Beastmen, Dwarves and the recently discontinues High Elves and Empire units.

These kits have been selling out everywhere and fetching absurd prices. Locally I know about a dozen people (including myself) scrambling to purchase models. A few of us are doing 3d printing, but most of us want to use the official models because we love them. For some of us that means ancient models, for others its brand new AoS models.

In addition to that, I don't know anyone who has stated TOW who already had an army.

You're right Fantasy was a bestseller and its audience still buys many miniatures.

What's more, Stormcasts sell because people use them to make conversations with knights of the realm on foot.

Legos have been used in 9th age tournaments, please let's be realistic.

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13 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Yes but will the Lord be plastic or FW resin ?

I personally think Dispossessed are here to stay because they appeared in the studio pictures in the CoS battletome. But you can have a different opinion of course. But if they get something now out of all time would be extremely surprising… which is why I’m skeptic about a new Dispo model now. Even if I’d love to be proven wrong. 

Resin almost 100%, based on the new O&G.

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1 hour ago, Marcvs said:

I have zero ideas or guesses as to the relationship between AoS and TOW, but the fact that chaos warriors have an update range, now including marauders, allows TOW to differentiate them by claiming the old ranges


1 hour ago, Peacaf said:

There are very few TOW players who are buying AoS miniatures, first because all AoS miniatures break the scale and because of the prices.

I see more players with 3D printing, buying old models or from other companies.

Not to mention that the majority already have their army built.

Well, it is true that there are a good amount of fantasy players returning with an army that they already own.

but on the day of the release.

I have seen as many people joining into old world.

and next to those newer ones there are even some of the fnatasy players using the newer models.

chaos warriors is probably the biggest example.

i have seen so many chaos warrior player who started rebasing their entire aos warriors of chaos army onto square.

just look anywhere on the internet and you’d be astonished how many chaos warrior aos models are currently used in old world

and as for the ardboyz. They fit quit well.

the bigger base sizes are incredible helpful to use those aos models in tow.

and while some models are slightly bigger them tow equivalent, it still works astonishing well 

after all black orks are in lore bigger orks in total

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9 minutes ago, Peacaf said:

You're right Fantasy was a bestseller and its audience still buys many miniatures.

What's more, Stormcasts sell because people use them to make conversations with knights of the realm on foot.

Legos have been used in 9th age tournaments, please let's be realistic.

To be fair, WHFB has sold better than 40k in some countries like Spain and Italy.

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14 minutes ago, Vagard said:

 I only see dryads as a common unit. Even treelords seems to be the previous mini, way smaller that the actual one.

- Goblins are more tricky, will the night goblins be supported in TOW? otherwise i think that everything is separate as well. Troggoth has been updated as well. 

Current models for dryads and night gobbos 100% have their days numbered. After updating the zombies, skeletons, saurus, chaos warriors, state troopers (kinda, with steelhelms), now marauders, both these 2 are next on the upgrade block. 

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Oh course they are, like all WHFB kits but in my theory, all TOW kits will be squatted from AoS before being released for TOW. (if they are not playable yet which i'm not sure of) i base my assumptions on TOW "army boxes" releases and for now it matches as the orcs and goblins one contains only old minis. 

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The common belief is that there is going to be a new Dwarf lord on Shield Bearers mini for ToW, due to the description in the new rules not matching the old one. There is likly also going to be at least another resin hero for them, even if we don't a plastic kit ala Knights on Feets.

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22 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Resin almost 100%, based on the new O&G.

Not sure. I can see a plastic kit like the Pegasus Hero from Bretonia:

1) A king with 3 bearers

2) A thane with 3 bearers

3) 1 and 2 with a banner.

31 minutes ago, Vagard said:

- Scenario 1 TOW dwarves are released soon and we get in the same time a CoS dwarves supplement with some new minis 

- Scenario 2 roumors are false and TOW dwarves are coming later during the year, still chances to have a v4 CoS battletome with new dwarves for the same reason

- Scenario 3 no matter when TOW dwarves are coming, they share both games and all my theory is totally false haha 

- Scenario 4: 8th edition models stay with AoS, GW releases old sculpts for longbearers, hammerers and ironbreakers (ignore irondrakes), and this new rumour engine is a new Barak-Thryng hero. Win/win (/s)

Edited by Beliman
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3 minutes ago, Beliman said:

- Scenario 4: 8th edition models stay with AoS, GW releases old sculpts for longbearers, hammerers and ironbreakers (ignire irondrakes), and this new rumour engine is a new Barak-Thryng hero. Win/win.

Very likely as well, i'm not old enough to remember the previous hammerers and ironbreakers but as the old trolls and treeman has been shown it can be a possibility

To me this RE is a TOW one. The axe seems very "fat" for a AoS model (event a dwarf) if we compare it to kharadron or fyreslarer's weapons (not the style but the scuplt) 

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1 minute ago, Beliman said:

Not sure. I can see a plastic kit like the Pegasus Hero from Bretonia:

1) A king with 3 bearers

2) A thane with 3 bearers

3) 1 and 2 with a banner.

- Scenario 4: 8th edition models stay with AoS, GW releases old sculpts for longbearers, hammerers and ironbreakers (ignire irondrakes), and this new rumour engine is a new Barak-Thryng hero. Win/win (/s)

It’s possible.

considering the photo gw used to share a picture of the old world treelord.

i mean man is that model old.

funnily enough as it is with the chaos daemon.

the treelord comes with 2 differemt sizes of bases it can be put on.

my guess is for those who want to use the newer released treelord that still is used

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