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What are we waiting for Age of Sigmar future ?

If we made a speed list we can get  :

refresh :


BoC (ou Slaves squatted)



Serpentis order/Scourge privateers/Darkling Coven

Khorne/Nurgle/Tzeench/Slaanesh/Seraphon/Soulblight/Mancrusher (some refresh)

DoK ??

Wave 2 :









DoK ??

Wave 3 :


New armies/factions :

-Chaos Duardins

-Ulgurothi legions

-Kurnothi hunters


-Silent People


We have to wait 3 next years to see what we get and what at least to all this list.







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14 hours ago, AquaRegis said:

The Prime is a Stormcast Karl Franz so I was going off the text, hinting at WHFB. 

If you look at the wings it's got the same ball joint things on the crest, and the white membrane is pretty similar. The model still looks decent, but it is starting to show it's age a bit, and will 100% get Thunderstriked at some point. It looks too complex to be a rank and file model. 

i believe karl franz's body and soul were consumed by sigmar during the end times which he gave up willingly to combat archaon.  but have not read the end times just from what people have told me so don't think its him sadly.  the model pose itself isn't bad but idk maybe its just the chunkiness, but i think its just the generic looking model where he looks like a fancy liberator which i dislike about it

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2 minutes ago, Danaork said:

What are we waiting for Age of Sigmar future ?

If we made a speed list we can get  :

refresh :


BoC (ou Slaves squatted)



Serpentis order/Scourge privateers/Darkling Coven

Khorne/Nurgle/Tzeench/Slaanesh/Seraphon/Soulblight/Mancrusher (some refresh)

DoK ??

Wave 2 :









DoK ??

Wave 3 :


New armies/factions :

-Chaos Duardins

-Ulgurothi legions

-Kurnothi hunters


-Silent People


We have to wait 3 next years to see what we get and what at least to all this list.







Personally what i like to see

New Army

  • Chaos Duardin
  • Ulgurothi

Army Refresh 

  • Orruk Warclans
    • Bonesplitterz- Just new morboys, Wurzzog prophet & Rouge idol of Gorkamorka
  • Ogre Mawtribes
    • Gutbuster; Focus on the more Maw aspect maybe a yheete and frost saber but mostly Butcher, Slaughtermaster & Grand alliance customizable Maneaters. Big centerpiece be Globb Glittermaw


Army expansion

  • Cities of sigmar
    • Ironweld the main theme of  Wave 2 with all the warmachines & artillery like the Cogfort or a Rattletrap calvary
    • Freeguild Halbert & Greatsword replacements with Archknights & conquistador-esq steelhelm (like from H&B episodes) 
  • Disciples of Tzeentch
    • Mortal Cultist; whether it be more like the Doomed knights or just more tzeentch mutants
  • Ossirach 
  • Idoneth
  • Kharadon
    • hoping we get a Brewmaster & and actual standard release jakkob Bugman

Box expansion (Subfaction expansion)

  • Sylvaneth
    • Kurnothi hunters
  • Cities of sigmar
    • Khazalid dwarfs
  • Skaven
    • Clan Pestilence 

Would include Beast of Chaos but the whole TOW im best just sit in the sideline and see what happens whether it a full exodus or a rebranding 


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7 hours ago, king.del said:

Also a line in the prophecy is "Yet madness, grief and ruin shall join". Ruination chamber could be the "ruin".


6 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

FEC, Nighthaunt, and Stormcast team up?

I would say Stormcast, Nighthaunt and Gloomspite Gitz.

(mad underground lurkers... fight fire with fire)

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13 minutes ago, Hyperionxvii said:

Everyone here talking about the new minis, while I'm just sitting here exited for what new terrain will come in the starter set.

If it mirrors 40k I wonder if it’ll be two Dawner walls & fortifications to show it’s a battle over an established settlement.



Edit: and to anyone responding to this. Please, I know that’s studio stuff. But we’re just having a fun idea discussion!

Edited by Baron Klatz
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11 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

If it mirrors 40k I wonder if it’ll be two Dawner walls & fortifications to show it’s a battle over an established settlement.


Well the terrain in the 40k starter set is taken from Kill Team so by that logic AOS would get terrain from Warcry so uhhh.... I hope everyone here really excited to paint more Ghur meat trees! 😄

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My personal wish for new edition is that some small armies introduced in AoS will get some love. Like Fyreslayers, KO, DoK, Idoneth, Ossiarch etc. They literally got only hero or two, so now it’s time for them at least get Sylvaneth-level update. Get 2-3 units to make these armies more variable in terms of units, especially Fyreslayers.

I can also see that CoS will become more human oriented, so cities dwarves are either moved from AoS to OW, or they get their own tome. Or maybe all AoS duardin are combined in one tome like orruks are. 

Anyway, my predictions for the new edition are:

New army

• Malerion aelves

• Chaos dwarves

Army updates

• Lumineth (river temple)

• CoS (More guns and two-handed elite knights, maybe heavy cavalry)

• DoK (regarding new background and Krethusa’s civil war)

• All duardin (some small boats, automatons or mech for KO, artillery and some vanguard units for Fyreslayers, maybe combined battletome for all)

• Ossiarch (archers finally)

• Idoneth (akhelian on foot, maybe some other units and lore expansion)

• Nurgle/Tzeentch to get some love for mortals at last

• Bonesplitterz update

• Ogors


I know it’s to heavy in terms of updates and maybe too naive, so some factions probably have to wait until 5th edition. Anyway, I hope this edition GW will finally pay attention to factions that haven’t received any units (except for heroes) since release.



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21 minutes ago, Shiro Kabocha said:

Well the terrain in the 40k starter set is taken from Kill Team so by that logic AOS would get terrain from Warcry so uhhh.... I hope everyone here really excited to paint more Ghur meat trees! 😄

And you know what? I’d be fine with that.

Just make sure it’s varied with the defensive bits and an explanation like that trapped energy in the Gnarlwoods finally exploded covering the realms in hungry meat trees.

Because although Ruin is a big theme I think after three editions of Ruins terrain we’ll take anything but that! 😅






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I'd personally prefer the plastic quota to go to more minis (3D printed terrain go brrr).

But from the perspective of a new player some terrain in these kind of boxes would be nice. It used to be that way back when I started (though it was cardboard...) and I think it was very appealing as someone embarking on a journey into the hobby.

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18 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

And you know what? I’d be fine with that.

Just make sure it’s varied with the defensive bits and an explanation like that trapped energy in the Gnarlwoods finally exploded covering the realms in hungry meat trees.

Because although Ruin is a big theme I think after three editions of Ruins terrain we’ll take anything but that! 😅

Maybe we'll get lucky and GW will finally give us fully fleshed out terrain rules in 4th edition like 40k has had for what... 4 years now? Incorporate rules like breachable, more cover and line of sight blocking, better rules for vertical engagement, the whole nine yards. Then they can actually give us a good varied batch of terrain tailored to the new rules so even people that don't play the two launch factions will want to pick up the starter set. 

Eh, who am I kidding. We're stuck with stuff that gets in the way, stuff that sort of gets in the way, and stuff that really gets in the way. No point in hoping for anything different. 

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AOS 1: The Realmgate Wars, AOS 2: Soul Wars/ Broken Realms , AOS 3: Era of the Beast/ Season of War/Dawnbringers . What will the title of AOS 4 be?: The Darkness again, or Armies of The New Hope, or Dawn of Void and New Gods?

Edited by lele
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Everyone is doing their predictions for AoS4, so it's my turn now. I think the key here is to reign in the excitement. Not everyone will be getting a morbillion new kits, in fact most factions will only get a hero. Here's my predictions :

Order :

  • SCE obviously
  • CoS with a big wave 2. New flagellants, bombardier major, sub-marshal, steam tank replacement, more human stuff. Maybe marshall Thorian is she survives the current campaign.
  • LRL : small wave. They'll need the river mage and spirit to complete the river temple. Since they're likely keeping Tyrion and the heaven temple for something bigger.
  • FS : small wave. They've had some kits recently, but they need something that isn't a generic foot hero. Few units and a named character would do great.
  • Sylvaneth : small wave. Will GW expand Kurnothi ? Probably but it's left to see if this goes beyond a single foot hero.

Chaos :

  • Skaven obviously
  • Chorfs obviously
  • Nurgle : small wave. I do think the harbringer of decay is teasing something.
  • BoC : either they go out without a replacement, or they go out with a replacement wave of "new AoS beastmen™".

Death :

  • NH : they always get a little something (beyond the generic hero) each edition.
  • SBGL : small wave. Get rid of some WFB sculpts (grave guards)
  • OBR : small wave. They're the only big Death faction that hasn't had a release in a while.

Destruction :

  • GSG : they always get a little something (beyond the generic hero) each edition and rumours of Gitmob/armoured trolls are floating around.
  • Mawtribes : big wave. They're the only big Destruction faction that hasn't had a proper update. I think the new gorgers hint at it happening.

Everyone else, you either get a hero, a Warcry band or both. I think it's best to keep our expectations not absurdly high, like not all factions will be getting lost of new stuff. Also btw I didn't include Malerion because I think he's kept for AoS5.

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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2 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Everyone is doing their predictions for AoS4, so it's my turn now. I think the key here is to reign in the excitement. Not everyone will be getting a morbillion new kits, in fact most factions will only get a hero. Here's my predictions :

Order :

  • SCE obviously
  • CoS with a big wave 2. New flagellants, bombardier major, sub-marshal, steam tank replacement, more human stuff. Maybe marshall Thorian is she survives the current campaign.
  • LRL : small wave. They'll need the river mage and spirit to complete the river temple. Since they're likely keeping Tyrion and the heaven temple for something bigger.
  • FS : small wave. They've had some kits recently, but they need something that isn't a generic foot hero. Few units and a named character would do great.
  • Sylvaneth : small wave. Will GW expand Kurnothi ? Probably but it's left to see if this goes beyond a single foot hero.

Chaos :

  • Skaven obviously
  • Chorfs obviously
  • Nurgle : small wave. I do think the harbringer of decay is teasing something.
  • BoC : either they go out without a replacement, or they go out with a replacement wave of "new AoS beastmen™".

Death :

  • NH : they always get a little something (beyond the generic hero) each edition.
  • SBGL : small wave. Get rid of some WFB sculpts (grave guards)
  • OBR : small wave. They're the only big Death faction that hasn't had a release in a while.

Destruction :

  • GSG : they always get a little something (beyond the generic hero) each edition and rumours of Gitmob/armoured trolls are floating around.
  • Mawtribes : big wave. They're the only big Destruction faction that hasn't had a proper update. I think the new gorgers hint at it happening.

Everyone else, you either get a hero, a Warcry band or both. I think it's best to keep our expectations not absurdly high, like not all factions will be getting lost of new stuff. Also btw I didn't include Malerion because I think he's kept for AoS5.

I'm not sure we'll ever get a Zenith temple tbh - Its supposed to be 'rare' , would be cool to see what these "strange" aelementari would be. Also happy you said just Tyrion :D , I always see people saying "Tyrion's wave of releases" and think... guys thats the vanari - they're already here.

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15 minutes ago, lele said:

AOS 1: The Realmgate Wars, AOS 2: Soul Wars/ Broken Realms , AOS 3: Era of the Beast/ Season of War/Dawnbringers . What will the title of AOS 3 be?: The Darkness again, or Armies of The New Hope, or Dawn of Void and New Gods?

It’s reeeeally hard to think it won’t be the Time/Era/Age of Ruin between “Ruin” used so prominently and it’s gonna be Chaos heavy, the ruinous powers.

Though maybe they’ll do a little change up like Era of the Tolling for Skaven bells vs the price Order is paying to expand.

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11 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

I was waiting to hear about the arcane journal for old world orcs for clues about bonesplitterz.

From what I've heard, currently you can't run a whole army of savage orcs because it's a limited upgrade on units.

I was expecting that - if bonesplitterz are indeed destined for old world - the arcane journal might include rules allowing a full army of savage orcs. 

There was no mention of that in the preview article today, and no inclusion of savage orcs in the bundle box.

It's a slimmest glimmer of hope yet that they might be hanging around in aos4.

Bonesplitterz will stay firmly in AoS despite unbased squatting speculation ! ;)

Yes , as you mentioned Savage orcs race "do not exist" in ToW and they are "just an upgrade" of common orcs (with warpaint,frenzy,big stabbas)

Arcane journal contains two list of infamous with full troll army and nomadic waagh = common O&G full cavalry-chariot

Bonesplitterz will stay with uz ...Waaaaagh ! ;)

Edited by cyrus
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4 hours ago, Danaork said:

What are we waiting for Age of Sigmar future ?

If we made a speed list we can get  :

refresh :


BoC (ou Slaves squatted)



Serpentis order/Scourge privateers/Darkling Coven

Khorne/Nurgle/Tzeench/Slaanesh/Seraphon/Soulblight/Mancrusher (some refresh)

DoK ??

Wave 2 :









DoK ??

Wave 3 :


New armies/factions :

-Chaos Duardins

-Ulgurothi legions

-Kurnothi hunters


-Silent People


We have to wait 3 next years to see what we get and what at least to all this list.







Maybe for DoK we get a wave focused on Krethusa?

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2 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

If it mirrors 40k I wonder if it’ll be two Dawner walls & fortifications to show it’s a battle over an established settlement.



Edit: and to anyone responding to this. Please, I know that’s studio stuff. But we’re just having a fun idea discussion!

Is it really studio stuff?

Whitefang Jr said that the Gallet box was supposed to come with pristine buildings. Maybe those were the supposed buildings from Gallet.

Also, walls and fortifications would be awesome, for me. Especially considering they very likely would join the next Hachette collectable.

Edited by Ejecutor
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