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24 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

I wouldn't have expected GW to show off the actual launch set this week, only maybe one model per side together with a trailer like with 40k.

But with all these leaks I think they kinda have to or they won't have anything left to show whenever they originally planned to

These are potato can leaks of parts of models. Honestly they are the perfect kind of leak for me. The get people excited but don't really spoil the full reveal. As long SG warhound doesn't say F*** it and show off the full box there isn't anything GW has to respond to. It's basically just a couple of extra rumour engines. 

They may decide to show off the full box to prevent future leaks but they may want to wait until after Dawnbringers 6 before they really kick of the 4th edition promotion. 


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31 minutes ago, Chikout said:

These are potato can leaks of parts of models. Honestly they are the perfect kind of leak for me. The get people excited but don't really spoil the full reveal. As long SG warhound doesn't say F*** it and show off the full box there isn't anything GW has to respond to. It's basically just a couple of extra rumour engines. 

They may decide to show off the full box to prevent future leaks but they may want to wait until after Dawnbringers 6 before they really kick of the 4th edition promotion. 


Sure its only a few potato cams and that one Skaven sprue right now but if I remember correctly is was similar for 9th edition 40k and then suddenly we had that image with the full Necron refresh.

Because of that they released a higher resolution version if that image on WarCom instead of in a reveal stream which I'm sure wasn't how they wanted it to go.

So if they are lucky and it stays at potato rumour engines its fine but the question is if they want to risk it again. Its the balance what is more important to them. Revealing everything at the planned time and risking leaks or moving everything up but in turn revealing it how they want it to. And for something big like this I could see it being the second one.

Anyway it doesn't really matter since we can't control anything and its only two more days anyway

Edited by Matrindur
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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Also btw is that 1/ black armour for Ruination and 2/ the studio changed their way to paint SCE lightning ?

They’re likely both on purpose to show Ruination is channeling more Death energy(this green NightHaunt-like energy you could even notice a hint of in the trailer lightning bolt)

Since the Black Tower is said to look Relictor in structure like the Temple of Ages they’re probably taking heavy inspiration from the fact Lord/Knight/Questor-Relictors are actually Necromancer-paladins to make Ruination a form of “Deathcast”.

Sigmar already zapped up and reforged necromancers & shyish princes to be Relictors and use their necro knowledge* to keep souls safe and make sure they travel safely back to Azyr so going one extra step for a Chamber of Relictor paladins isn’t crazy.

*among other undead-crossed-with-holy things like one in the Realmgate Wars rising up a leviathan’s skeleton to topple the chaos fortress on it’s back spine they thought was a mountain before making the leviathan lay as a bridge across an Aqshy lava river, the Hallowed Knights had one that conversed with the decapitated head of an Ogor he carried around to locate Mannfred and recently a Knight-Relictor turned recently slain souls into ghost grapeshot to blast apart a horde of orruks before sending the souls on their way to Azyr.

Edit:(also someone remarked on the “vegeta hairline”. Pretty sure that’s the usual death-mask making a twin tailed comet on the forehead. Neat it’s kinda like an oni mask, that matches Aqshy’s oriental flavors and boosts the Stormcast seraphim aesthetics )

Edited by Baron Klatz
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3 hours ago, lele said:

Hope cast into Ruin, Why Sigmar lied, and everything has a price. I dont know why, just predict it, and focus on the  '' price '' , is that a clue, did someone deal with Slaanesh for their greed and pay a price????

I'm not sure that Slaanesh is up for haggling right now... 

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6 hours ago, Sealven said:

Do we know how long they normally wait between live shows at events and the preview streams? The article mentions that show at the event starts at 8 cst but the stream doesn't start until 10 cst. With a two hour gap maybe they're doing a longer show than normal?

In the Adepticon site the preview is set for 2h. They cannot go longer than that, but probably won't take more than 1:30.

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6 hours ago, SG Warhound said:

Singapore Warhound


They didn’t found me.

They can't distinguish the East Asian lmao.


Thanks,kawaii Japanese.







You are ruining the ruination! What a ruinous day 😭

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5 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Axe look....nighthaunt-ish maybe it because of the paint job. Suppose this belongs to the Ruination version of a Lord Castellant

Also the Ruin Prime (that what im calling cover art lord) but why does in that view look like he has the Vegeta hairline

Imo it is all from the same unit (wings apart). We have two different minis now and one of its weapons.

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2 hours ago, Matrindur said:

I wouldn't have expected GW to show off the actual launch set this week, only maybe one model per side together with a trailer like with 40k.

But with all these leaks I think they kinda have to or they won't have anything left to show whenever they originally planned to

I think we are seeing the minis that would be shown in the Adepticon. Those are the Termis equivalents from Leviathan, which were what was shown in Adepticon.

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2 hours ago, Chikout said:

These are potato can leaks of parts of models. Honestly they are the perfect kind of leak for me. The get people excited but don't really spoil the full reveal. As long SG warhound doesn't say F*** it and show off the full box there isn't anything GW has to respond to. It's basically just a couple of extra rumour engines. 

They may decide to show off the full box to prevent future leaks but they may want to wait until after Dawnbringers 6 before they really kick of the 4th edition promotion. 


Maybe we see the big box earlier than we thought if the rumours are true and we end up having a few months promo campaign.

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4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Same or a different unit? I initially thought they were the same, but the armours have different details.

Since one looks more ornate maybe top one is a character and bottom is the generic unit version?

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35 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Same or a different unit? I initially thought they were the same, but the armours have different details.

I would say that the first one will be the centerpiece of the corebox (looks like the guy on the new core book cover) -> same as yndrasta for V3

The second one looks a lot like the new paladins so more a unit than a hero (hope it's not the same with a new weapon) 

Or maybe a knight-paladin? 

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41 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Maybe we see the big box earlier than we thought if the rumours are true and we end up having a few months promo campaign.

The big box will be released in June, just like with every new edition in the last several years.

The campaign won't be a huge promo event: it's just to provide some fun activities and encourage to visit Warhammer stores more often in the next 3 months

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13 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Same or a different unit? I initially thought they were the same, but the armours have different details.



Bottom one makes me think of updated Paladins/Paladins in thunder strike armour. 

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