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Man it just occurred to me that we're all supposed to be happy when someone gets a new mini even if it isn't for us (and we generally are) 

But we aren't all supposed to be upset when someone loses a mini? Should I complain about how every miniature they release affects the number of kits they can support?

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Just now, The Red King said:

Man it just occurred to me that we're all supposed to be happy when someone gets a new mini even if it isn't for us (and we generally are) 

But we aren't all supposed to be upset when someone loses a mini? Should I complain about how every miniature they release affects the number of kits they can support?

To be frank, the mood around Fantasy models being squatted has always been mixed here. It's not as bad as it used to be, but there's definitely been times when people were practically giddy at seeing another "Fantasy model rightfully squatted" as a sort of strange revenge against the hatred a lot of Fantasy players had for Sigmar's launch. That's lessened as the years have gone by, but I don't think it's ever entirely gone away. 

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Now nothing is safe. If they're willing to kill 5 year old mainline models, or an entire faction with year-old models, anything could be gone in the blink of an eye. Every 3 years we'll be gritting our teeth and waiting for the worst.

But they'll take my Ogres over my dead body.


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Right now, if I was in a FLGS and saw a new person perusing AoS models, I'd honestly point them at 40k. And if not there, then to board games. 

With editions on a 3 year cycle, and boxes of minis being a week's project, with an army being probably a labor of months, then, if that person chooses wrongly, they'll spend hundreds or thousands on something that gets removed. Why take the risk that your work will end up collecting dust instead of victory? Why not spend your hobby time on models that you can show off instead of sitting on a shelf somewhere?

Fyreslayers have received almost no support. Ogors have been similarly poorly supported. The Dark Elves in Cities could easily be lost to an Umbraneth release if that ever happens. City Dwarves have been on the chopping block for years. That's 2 and 2/3 armies that might end up gone in three years. Maggoth lords in Nurgle have been out of stock for 3 years. The Rotmire creed is a warcry unit, so I don't know if they will stay. Could mortal Nurgle get replaced with generic Darkoath? I don't know. And uncertainty means no investment. 

Do I now have to worry that my Vindictors, Vanquishers and Vigilors might vanish in the next edition? They'll be 6 years old then. That's the age that Stormcast apparently puts its models out to pasture. Should I spend the money on one of the big dragons? That Stardrake is pretty old. I'm not sure its still going to be usable in a year. Better not buy it. Should I buy a Mawkrusha? The Ironjawz have gotten some updates recently, but can I trust that they won't have the old models cut? The Mawkrusha is, after all, an old model. Is the Tuskboss supposed to supplant the cabbage? This uncertainty means I'm not spending. 

Its already an expensive hobby. I was looking forward to buying the new Stormcast. I own mostly at least one unit of everything. Now, I own a bunch of plastic that requires kitbashing to be WSYWYG legal. That is going to take time, effort, and resources. Those resources are coming out of the budgeted money for new stuff. I'm not quitting. But I'm not buying. 

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7 minutes ago, The Red King said:

Man it just occurred to me that we're all supposed to be happy when someone gets a new mini even if it isn't for us (and we generally are) 

But we aren't all supposed to be upset when someone loses a mini? Should I complain about how every miniature they release affects the number of kits they can support?

"We"? "Supposed to be"? Where is this narrative coming from? Or are you talking about TGA moderation?

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3 minutes ago, Mutton said:

Now nothing is safe. 

Nothing has ever been safe. At what point, in which place has GW ever made a commitment to not cull armies and/or models? Every single release has a lifespan. And boy, both BoC and BS had a good run.

Warcry and Stormcast are a different story, but one that still makes sense. So yes, nothing is safe, and it's probably worth keeping in mind at all times, not just on days like today.

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11 minutes ago, ERHanmer said:


BoC were hinted at "going away, but being back in a different way."

Kragnos is the most logical rebirth. Two beastly factions in different grand alliances does not visually translate well. The Adepticon preview/interviews suggested the future of AOS is sprinkled across the Dawnbringers narrative in little crumbs.

Kragnos is searching for his people. I suggest holding onto your armies a while longer. You may get lucky and have a new home for some of the units.

We'll see.

Unfortunately I get the feeling “ back in a different way” merely refers to them returning to TOW.

That, I guess, is the sole comfort for Beast players willing to carry on with Legends rules - you’ll still have easy access to the miniatures. Bonesplitterz-wise, stopping playing is inevitable for me since I won’t be able to easily add to my army, same for those who focused on Sacrosanct themed forces.

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51 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

Thinking more about this, if I were a Nighthaunt player, I’d be anticipating a bunch of units potentially getting squatted. The WHFB heroes, the glaivewraiths, maybe either the grimghasts or bladewraiths, the harridans… There’s a lot of conceptual overlap between different units in the range, a bunch are frequently out of stock, and 4-5 years is clearly long enough for even prominent starter set minis to be worthy of discontinuing.

And yeah, ogres are currently touch-and-go as to whether they get a refresh or if they get pulled into some future TOW expansion. Fyreslayers too, possibly more likely for an overhaul but obviously have no resort to TOW.

SCE are just its own world apart from the rest of the factions.

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It just comes to mind. The sacrosant chamber *in the lore* was never meant to be in the frontlines. in fact, the existence of the sacrosant chamber was a high secret to other stormcast iirc. The fact that the entire range retires is kinda fitting lorewise, now that the nighthaunt and nagash menace was neutralized. So there is that

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8 minutes ago, insomniaftw said:

Right now, if I was in a FLGS and saw a new person perusing AoS models, I'd honestly point them at 40k. And if not there, then to board games. 

With editions on a 3 year cycle, and boxes of minis being a week's project, with an army being probably a labor of months, then, if that person chooses wrongly, they'll spend hundreds or thousands on something that gets removed. Why take the risk that your work will end up collecting dust instead of victory? Why not spend your hobby time on models that you can show off instead of sitting on a shelf somewhere?

Fyreslayers have received almost no support. Ogors have been similarly poorly supported. The Dark Elves in Cities could easily be lost to an Umbraneth release if that ever happens. City Dwarves have been on the chopping block for yea +rs. That's 2 and 2/3 armies that might end up gone in three years. Maggoth lords in Nurgle have been out of stock for 3 years. The Rotmire creed is a warcry unit, so I don't know if they will stay. Could mortal Nurgle get replaced with generic Darkoath? I don't know. And uncertainty means no investment. 

Do I now have to worry that my Vindictors, Vanquishers and Vigilors might vanish in the next edition? They'll be 6 years old then. That's the age that Stormcast apparently puts its models out to pasture. Should I spend the money on one of the big dragons? That Stardrake is pretty old. I'm not sure its still going to be usable in a year. Better not buy it. Should I buy a Mawkrusha? The Ironjawz have gotten some updates recently, but can I trust that they won't have the old models cut? The Mawkrusha is, after all, an old model. Is the Tuskboss supposed to supplant the cabbage? This uncertainty means I'm not spending. 

Its already an expensive hobby. I was looking forward to buying the new Stormcast. I own mostly at least one unit of everything. Now, I own a bunch of plastic that requires kitbashing to be WSYWYG legal. That is going to take time, effort, and resources. Those resources are coming out of the budgeted money for new stuff. I'm not quitting. But I'm not buying. 

I'm with you 100%. I liked the new Thunderstrike stormcast! I was looking at buying some current liberator heads to kitbash with the new stuff bc I just don't love the helmets. You know what I was going to use for backing them up? The sacrosanct range. Like my Cities project already went from "Phoenix temple + wanderers + dispossesed + stormcast + humans" to "humans + stormcast" to "maybe humans" because I won't be able to buy or play Dracolines soon. Like, maybe cities will get a heavy calvary I'd be interested in building, but AoS armies now have a less-than-a-decade lifespan. It used to just be some models.



1 minute ago, Augusto said:

It just comes to mind. The sacrosant chamber *in the lore* was never meant to be in the frontlines. in fact, the existence of the sacrosant chamber was a high secret to other stormcast iirc. The fact that the entire range retires is kinda fitting lorewise, now that the nighthaunt and nagash menace was neutralized. So there is that

Sure, yeah, I don't think I'd mind that answer for a reason to update/replace their models but the profile and role in the army being completely cut is not it imo. No one would reasonably tell Space Marine players that the 40,000 small variations in their units could be handled with counts-as


i know space marines are finally getting fully primaris'd, and will be in a similar situation regarding legends, but they're getting updated versions of the old stuff: Sacrosanct arent being moved to 30k or TOW; they're just getting dropped. 

Like, 100% of "wizard stormcast" are going back to Azyr and are leaving no tactical equivalent behind? Nuts. I wanted my force to be led by a Stormcast warrior-wizard. Instead, I'll be buying nothing.

Edited by Pizzaprez
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1 hour ago, Sealven said:

Someone in the Stormkeep discord channel put together this visualization of the Stormcast range before and after the announcement.  1712232392133031m.jpg.0da6d15c39ac4cdf59449afd63c12154.jpg



There's really only like two or three more heroes they could have cut without just axing everything that came out before third.


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33 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

the random heroes are most likely to not return. i could honestly see all Sacrosanct UNITS coming back in Thunderstrike form. Vanguard not being squatted makes me think they'll remain in their og form for a bit, with the least amount of Thunderstrike replacements to come.

I think Vanguard and Draconiths would be the ones refreshed for the next edition.

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Just now, BarakUrbaz said:

Clearly, the only way to be safe is to choose an army that will never be updated but at the same time will never be discontinued. 

So is that Fyreslayers or Ogors? 

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3 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Clearly, the only way to be safe is to choose an army that will never be updated but at the same time will never be discontinued. 

So the MVP move is to time travel back to 6th, 7th, and 8th edition fantasy and choose Bretonnia! With so many editions with a 6th ed book, surely they'll get something cool in the sequel setting! Right?

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18 minutes ago, insomniaftw said:

Right now, if I was in a FLGS and saw a new person perusing AoS models, I'd honestly point them at 40k. And if not there, then to board games. 

With editions on a 3 year cycle, and boxes of minis being a week's project, with an army being probably a labor of months, then, if that person chooses wrongly, they'll spend hundreds or thousands on something that gets removed. Why take the risk that your work will end up collecting dust instead of victory? Why not spend your hobby time on models that you can show off instead of sitting on a shelf somewhere?

Fyreslayers have received almost no support. Ogors have been similarly poorly supported. The Dark Elves in Cities could easily be lost to an Umbraneth release if that ever happens. City Dwarves have been on the chopping block for years. That's 2 and 2/3 armies that might end up gone in three years. Maggoth lords in Nurgle have been out of stock for 3 years. The Rotmire creed is a warcry unit, so I don't know if they will stay. Could mortal Nurgle get replaced with generic Darkoath? I don't know. And uncertainty means no investment. 

Do I now have to worry that my Vindictors, Vanquishers and Vigilors might vanish in the next edition? They'll be 6 years old then. That's the age that Stormcast apparently puts its models out to pasture. Should I spend the money on one of the big dragons? That Stardrake is pretty old. I'm not sure its still going to be usable in a year. Better not buy it. Should I buy a Mawkrusha? The Ironjawz have gotten some updates recently, but can I trust that they won't have the old models cut? The Mawkrusha is, after all, an old model. Is the Tuskboss supposed to supplant the cabbage? This uncertainty means I'm not spending. 

Its already an expensive hobby. I was looking forward to buying the new Stormcast. I own mostly at least one unit of everything. Now, I own a bunch of plastic that requires kitbashing to be WSYWYG legal. That is going to take time, effort, and resources. Those resources are coming out of the budgeted money for new stuff. I'm not quitting. But I'm not buying. 

You are just exaggerating about the factions with less support or old models, plus WSYWYG is less important on AoS every edition. SCE are just an exception on the AoS releases.

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11 minutes ago, Augusto said:

It just comes to mind. The sacrosant chamber *in the lore* was never meant to be in the frontlines. in fact, the existence of the sacrosant chamber was a high secret to other stormcast iirc. The fact that the entire range retires is kinda fitting lorewise, now that the nighthaunt and nagash menace was neutralized. So there is that

I never really understood the Sacrosanct Chamber concept. They guard the Anvil of Apotheosis, but there is only one Anvil so why does every Stormhost have a Sacrosanct Chamber? How many guards does it need?

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Ok now im less emotional, lets analyse this a bit more and stick with me here.

I know Bonesplitterz/BoC were rumoured to get squatted so i am not actually that surprised by this move. But i do like that GW announced this over a year in advance and we are still getting a tome, so us casuals can still play the army for at least another 3 years. I have no interest in playing ToW as i simply dont have time for another huge game system. I guess ill just use my savage orruks as regular ardboyz and nobody will actually care that much. 

That said, i do have a few things that strike me as odd and do want to talk about. Ill list them first.

-Removal of only the Scuttleboss.

-New Bonesplitterz lore?

-Oddly specific date for moving into legends a few months into 4th edition.

-Similar article to the CoS update.

-The spider incarnate still missing.

-Season of War Gallet was supposed to be about BoC and Bonesplitterz right?

-Manifestation spell lore.

I might be missing some things here but i think this can mean a few things. First i love that Spiderfang is sticking around for a while. I hope the Scuttleboss gets a glorious new model and i think the spider incarnate could be reused as a new unit for the Spiderfang. 

Could we be looking at a range refresh for Bonesplitterz and BoC 2025? This article really is giving me those CoS vibes when they got their stuff removed. Also when talking about manifestation lore i think about Shamans first. Did the Season of War Gallet get moved into early 4th edition? Just thinking out loud, things surrounding these 2 factions have been weird for a while now.

I am more hopefull for BoC than i am for Bonesplitterz as units like the Wrekkaz are basicly just Bonesplitterz.

Other option is that they all just simply got removed XD.

(Also really think lack of sales is a lack of support in this case, cant even buy most of the range)

Ill continue loving my models and will finish my army, it will be a passion project and not one for gaming purposes. I will focus on GSG as thats the safe bet for AoS.

Thanks for reading to the end. Let me know what u all think about this. I know its a stretch, but i still think these decisions made by GW are weird.

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28 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

To be frank, the mood around Fantasy models being squatted has always been mixed here. It's not as bad as it used to be, but there's definitely been times when people were practically giddy at seeing another "Fantasy model rightfully squatted" as a sort of strange revenge against the hatred a lot of Fantasy players had for Sigmar's launch. That's lessened as the years have gone by, but I don't think it's ever entirely gone away. 

Its certainly how I felt about many people's response to Wanderers removal from Cities 😥

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