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20 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Uhhhhh. Hear me out. Is it a new dispossessed RPG book because Cubicle 7 has private info about a new dispossessed wave? 

Ironbark duardin who are nature-based instead of metal-based would certainly "defy logic" in terms of fantasy tropes

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Literally, the old adventure said that you can save only the people not the place. So this is not a "GW destroys another CoS", it's a continuation of the previously established situation.

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1 minute ago, michu said:

Literally, the old adventure said that you can save only the people not the place. So this is not a "GW destroys another CoS", it's a continuation of the previously established situation.

Whats the name of the previous one? I have them all, but never played a single game xD

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11 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

Ironbark duardin who are nature-based instead of metal-based would certainly "defy logic" in terms of fantasy tropes

Well technically it would still be Metal-based. The Ironbark as the name implies are glades that adapted to Chamon so are treemen with silver veins in their bark, use steel weapons and can grow homes & fortresses out of all the abundant copper & iron trees that the realm of metal manifests(which is partly what they did for the lost Duardin that needed homes when the Age of Chaos ruined them)


But yeah hopefully this ends on a high note and the hold is restored after this. I loved how wholesome the Sylvaneth-Duardin are.

“Treelord Grundylach and Warden King Aedagrim are the joint  rulers  of  Karaznethil.  They  are  as  close  as  brothers,  and while stern when alone, they share inside jokes in each other’s  company,  grinning  beneath  their  beards.  Many  such  Sylvaneth-Duardin  pairings  exist  in  Karaznethil,  from  ‘Mossbeards’  who  grumble  away  the  days  together  to  Duardin  lineages  who  pledge  themselves  to  a  single  Noble  Spirit,  each  new  generation  befriending  each  new  reincarnation. 

  Refuges of the Realms, Pg. 4”

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6 hours ago, Snarff said:

I'm sure there will be some new things upcoming in DB6. Even if nothing super unexpected happens, it'll still be great to read everything in detail and complete the Dawnbringers collection. I'll have the full Broken Realms and Dawnbringers series hopefully, and they look cool on a shelf 😎

They do make a damned handsome shelf 



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For some reason this website doesn’t like images taken from my phone
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56 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Uhhhhh. Hear me out. Is it a new dispossessed RPG book because Cubicle 7 has private info about a new dispossessed wave? 

Doubtful they are clued into GW's plans this much. It took them almost two years since the boardgame release to do a Cursed City tie-in sourcebook...

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With the destruction of so many cities maybe is the path to set almost only humans and the duardins and elves go away. Of course there will be some new cities with mixed faction that can include more races (like a city with Kharadron or Sylvaneth) so I'm starting to think more on the duardin soup... I think is real and will be together as Ironjawz and krule. The thing is that like Lumineth have different spirits and go individual maybe the dwarfs end something like this? I need to know!!! 

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32 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Also, Idoneth in the next book:

oh no ANOTHER book I want... maybe I'll just do one book from 1e then if Soulbound is going to keep putting out bangers like this.

33 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Well technically it would still be Metal-based. The Ironbark as the name implies are glades that adapted to Chamon so are treemen with silver veins in their bark, use steel weapons and can grow homes & fortresses out of all the abundant copper & iron trees that the realm of metal manifests(which is partly what they did for the lost Duardin that needed homes when the Age of Chaos ruined them)

omg I was thinking it's Ghyran not Chamon. either way, seems like a great Warcry idea if not a COS unit!

15 minutes ago, Hoseman said:

With the destruction of so many cities maybe is the path to set almost only humans and the duardins and elves go away. Of course there will be some new cities with mixed faction that can include more races (like a city with Kharadron or Sylvaneth) so I'm starting to think more on the duardin soup... I think is real and will be together as Ironjawz and krule. The thing is that like Lumineth have different spirits and go individual maybe the dwarfs end something like this? I need to know!!! 

I really hope not especially when a lot of Cities are explicitly founded by Order coalitions and not singular factions.

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28 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

I really hope not especially when a lot of Cities are explicitly founded by Order coalitions and not singular factions.

I’m hoping it will be part of a moral about working together and things only turn around for CoS(and order as a whole) as they work more alongside eachother.

Currently human-focused: can barely hold their own.

Ironweld update with new city-duardin & Cogfort: can firmly hold together and even push.

Collegiate Arcane update has the city-aelves bolster the human mages & eldritch war engines: successfully crushing the forces of Chaos as they retake the Realms.

Order of Azyr bringing in the Celestium Gargants: stomp all over everyone.

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1 hour ago, Ledgington said:

They do make a damned handsome shelf 



Dang that looks GOOD!😍

Also yeah I run my photos through Discord first and then have that put it online before posting it here so the site has an easier time reading them. It’s a bit finicky. 😅

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1 hour ago, Hoseman said:

With the destruction of so many cities maybe is the path to set almost only humans and the duardins and elves go away. Of course there will be some new cities with mixed faction that can include more races (like a city with Kharadron or Sylvaneth) 

So dilute cities identity with other factions who already have their tomes and civilization. That pretty lame imo like there a diffrence between having a khazalid or scourge in a city who a completely diffrent style and interaction with city human from the other dwarf and elves who have their own faction then just putting a lumineth and give a diffrent hat

Especially since we already have cities dedicated to interacting with kharadon (tempest eye) and sylvaneth (living city)

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1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

I’m hoping it will be part of a moral about working together and things only turn around for CoS(and order as a whole) as they work more alongside eachother.

Currently human-focused: can barely hold their own.

Ironweld update with new city-duardin & Cogfort: can firmly hold together and even push.

Collegiate Arcane update has the city-aelves bolster the human mages & eldritch war engines: successfully crushing the forces of Chaos as they retake the Realms.

Order of Azyr bringing in the Celestium Gargants: stomp all over everyone.

Man that would be so cool, but I doubt they would do that. GW wants you to play the magic elves and steampunk dwarfs factions. No overlap allowed!!

Maybe in the lore we will see this, but it does not seem to be the way GW makes their armies on the table. All the new Cities shooting units and scouts were pretty easy for dwarfs and elves to be added, but GW has passed those options up.

Best hope is that they get the full Tau treatment. Of course are over a decade old and players are still begging for human options....... or really any other race lol.

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3 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

Man that would be so cool, but I doubt they would do that. GW wants you to play the magic elves and steampunk dwarfs factions. No overlap allowed!!

Maybe in the lore we will see this, but it does not seem to be the way GW makes their armies on the table. All the new Cities shooting units and scouts were pretty easy for dwarfs and elves to be added, but GW has passed those options up.

Best hope is that they get the full Tau treatment. Of course are over a decade old and players are still begging for human options....... or really any other race lol.

Ever since Cities has been a (very bloated) army range, I honestly hoped that they would handle any "warscroll consolidation" efforts with multiple kits per warscroll.

Basic and Heavy infantry, Basic and Heavy ranged infantry, (same options for CC and ranged cavalry,) default hero, engineer hero, wizard hero (mounted & unmounted on calvary and monster) would have covered a lot of the options that were hit with cuts. A couple esoteric things like steamtanks and hurricanums notwithstanding, I could have been happy to see the multiple subfactions united under some common warscrolls.

Like, i get SKU's are a concern, but I'd have loved to see Dispossessed, Human, Wanderer, and Delf versions of infantry/calvary/hero units. Or even just human/dwarf/aelf! If you want "steelhelms" you can choose one of the options or mix/match. If you want units that "feel" like duardin or aelves instead of "city" versions, that'd have been a great way to encourage allies with Fyerslayers or Daughters

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19 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

Ever since Cities has been a (very bloated) army range, I honestly hoped that they would handle any "warscroll consolidation" efforts with multiple kits per warscroll.

Basic and Heavy infantry, Basic and Heavy ranged infantry, (same options for CC and ranged cavalry,) default hero, engineer hero, wizard hero (mounted & unmounted on calvary and monster) would have covered a lot of the options that were hit with cuts. A couple esoteric things like steamtanks and hurricanums notwithstanding, I could have been happy to see the multiple subfactions united under some common warscrolls.

Like, i get SKU's are a concern, but I'd have loved to see Dispossessed, Human, Wanderer, and Delf versions of infantry/calvary/hero units. Or even just human/dwarf/aelf! If you want "steelhelms" you can choose one of the options or mix/match. If you want units that "feel" like duardin or aelves instead of "city" versions, that'd have been a great way to encourage allies with Fyerslayers or Daughters

It has been bloated because when they didn't know where to put a WHFB army to do not loose those players they simply thrown them into CoS. Once the WHFB minis purge is over, it would be in a decent shape.

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32 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

It has been bloated because when they didn't know where to put a WHFB army to do not loose those players they simply thrown them into CoS. Once the WHFB minis purge is over, it would be in a decent shape.

I hate that that is really the truth of Cities as a concept. I liked it being a metropolitan conglomeration of all kinds of things one could see in any given city. "Steelhelms; the army" does not have nearly the same appeal to me. Really sucks that GW couldn't figure out what to do with them or, worse, decided to string players along for a decade on purpose. 

Bc like I'd still like a swifthawk chariot, if only as a hobby project. I don't think I'd be so bothered if I didn't really like some of the narrative of the now-axed factions. I liked the idea that the Swifthawk faction were the realms' mailmen!

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It was a wonderful narrative hook to group the orphaned ranges from the World that Was. It led to some amazing personalized forces and backgrounds from the community.

If the great humaning is it's future it's a sad loss for the sandbox potential of AoS.

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17 minutes ago, Eldarain said:

It was a wonderful narrative hook to group the orphaned ranges from the World that Was. It led to some amazing personalized forces and backgrounds from the community.

If the great humaning is it's future it's a sad loss for the sandbox potential of AoS.

It was one of the things that set AoS apart for me as a fantasy setting tbh and it attracted me to check out the game to begin with. 

Never loved the empire, never loved that Bretonnia wouldn't take tanks, never loved that a staple of the state-of-the-world in WHF was "all the races hate each other and think pretty highly of themselves."

loved that the End Times used that to tear the entire planet apart. The books went out of their way to say "yeah if it wasn't for these prejudices at this moment, things could have been different! Anyways they were racist/bitter so..."

For AoS, a game that decided to lean more into hope than despair narratively, the idea that the races were friends was an instant point of appeal to me, and (again) hearing that "Elves, Dwarfs, and Humans all get along now! Their shared experiences has resulted in new and interesting cultures! Here is an army that is home to all the stuff from the world-that-was, recontextualized into an AoS force." 

The idea that I could have Dispossessed, Wanderers, Sylvaneth, Kharadron, and Azyrite humans all living together was awesome! I bought "normal human" miniatures for the first time ever! I actually bothered to start mapping out the fanfiction part of the Realms where My Dudes lived and fought! Then Cities got the first of two major culls since getting a battletome and my interest was hit hard. Who was to say they wouldnt finish off Helves next book? Then they did! 

I sincerely doubt the Steelhelm army will ever offer that level of miniature and narrative complexity.

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