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9 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

The sad thing is I'll probably have to wait until 5th edition for actual STORMcast, unless a 3d sculptor makes something that is visually closer to the lore.

To be honest, I think Stormcast Eternals is a bit complicated for a faction. It does not translate really well to other languages: Los Eternos Forjados en la Tormenta (spanish).

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So first  Battle tomes ( after Stormcast and Skaven) are probably Orruks and Nurgle since are the oldest ?

Orruks can really split up again in two with Ironjawz and Kruleboyz on their own.

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8 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Has anyone ever looked at lord relictors and thought - they're definitely the coolest part of the range?

I mean…heck yeah? I bought the 2015 starter box & start collecting sets multiple times just so I could have numerous Lord-Relictors. 😄💀

I’m extremely happy that the Relictor lines have finally got fleshed out to knights, Questors, Ionus getting a major badass update and now Ruination basically being Relictor themed Warriors.

I mean they’re literally Necromancer-Paladins that we’re reforged from necromancers or Shyish princes that turned from Nagash so Sigmar could make use of their undead soul powers and mix them with holy magic so they, lore-wise, do all kinds of crazy stuff from resurrecting dead leviathan skeletons to shake chaos castles off their backs to taking recently slain Stormcast souls and turning them into ghost grapeshot to obliterate their killers before sending them on their way to Azyr to reforge.

They’re peak.



On a related note my guess for the new Raven/Wolf chimera companion is it will be with the new Lord-Relictor of the box.

With priests needed to build up prayer power it makes sense he gets a Shyishian breed of crow gryph to keep him safer(I’m guessing it’s actually classification is something like Gryph-Skulker and it excels at taking down weak prey with critical strikes, such as rat-men)


”are we too young to remember if Wfb/40k had these narrative problems?”


Pffffft, hahaha! Dude those early times were narrative sh$t shows so much lore went back and forward between retcons, re-retcons and undid retcons brought back.

Just listen to some of Sotek & Andy’s podcasts.

Altdorf’s history is the best. Get to see it go from a small hill city, retconned into a land-locked huge Roman city then dialed back into a medieval sea town because they needed it connected with man-o-war, then turned into a massive land locked gothic city and THEN turned back into the original small city for End Times.

And other fun instances of people like Andy who rewrote whole histories for it to be more accurate to the rpg but then the head devs moved out and his work was tossed out and replaced with somebody else’s slapdash Altdorf lore.


AoS may have it’s growing pains and then got hit by a pandemic & multiple global crises that made it’s strides turn to stumbles and messed up narrative pacing it keeps having to get back on track with but we’re LEAGUES luckier than the lore mess and Storm of retcons oldhammer was constantly in. 😆

(I mean, even the Gotrek & Felix novels were so clumsy timeline-wise they had to write some timey-whimsy outs because the authors didn’t check with eachother and you’d get points where Gotrek, Felix and Ulrika are adventuring…years before the Window Tax Riot even happened where Gotrek & Felix first met)

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11 minutes ago, cyrus said:

So first  Battle tomes ( after Stormcast and Skaven) are probably Orruks and Nurgle since are the oldest ?

Orruks can really split up again in two with Ironjawz and Kruleboyz on their own.

My bets are Ironjawz Mobs & Soulblight. Easy to spread out with just some hero releases that way(though maybe something cool too like armored Troggs for IJ & elite Graveguard for SBGL?)

Going by NightHaunt in 3.0 I imagine Kruleboyz in the middle of 2025. Maybe that could be where we see new Gitmob nomad units pop-up to ally with them and make a big Kruleboyz & beast-rider sun grots alliance to assault the Realm of Fire & burn Ghyran for new swamps(like Greywater did 😏)



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3 hours ago, Sahrial said:

So um, I haven’t looked at this thread in like 65 pages, and I don’t think I have it in me to catch up.

There any notable developments on the rumor front the last couple weeks?


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1 hour ago, Garrac said:

Has someone quoted me?

Ok, guys, the GSC and SoB combat patrols were removed from the webstore. Exactly the same maneuver GW did with CSM prior to their sunday preview...

I did 😅The post with the Wrestlers pic.

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51 minutes ago, cyrus said:

So first  Battle tomes ( after Stormcast and Skaven) are probably Orruks and Nurgle since are the oldest ?

Orruks can really split up again in two with Ironjawz and Kruleboyz on their own.

@Dragon-knight77 Is currently running a guesses game on that topic. If you go 3 - 4 pages back you will see what some of us have said.


Spoiler, Nurgle and Warclans have been mentioned a few times.

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1 hour ago, cyrus said:

So first  Battle tomes ( after Stormcast and Skaven) are probably Orruks and Nurgle since are the oldest ?

Orruks can really split up again in two with Ironjawz and Kruleboyz on their own.

No, they usually change the order of books for balance and making different metas between editions. (That was said in a WD interview long time ago).

The most probable books to start are the ones that have models that have models in Legends for one year.

Seraphon, Khorne, Slaves, Sylvaneth are sure. My last bet is Orruk warclans but it is more a wish to have a proper book with Big Waaagh return.

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On 5/12/2024 at 2:16 AM, Gitzdee said:

1 Orruk Warclans

2 Fyreslayers

3 FEC 

4 Disciples of Tzeentch 

5 Maggotkin of Nurgle 

I expect a Daemons release in the big winter release slot. I think we will be getting Chorfs the year after that. I think Warclans,  FEC and Fyreslayers will get a early tome because they already have been part of Dawnbringers and they wont be involved in much lore the next edition. 

I want to change Orruk Warclans to GSG. Same reasons but i think it makes more sense for a new tome to drop when BS get squatted in 2025.

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1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

The most probable books to start are the ones that have models that have models in Legends for one year.

Seraphon, Khorne, Slaves, Sylvaneth are sure. My last bet is Orruk warclans but it is more a wish to have a proper book with Big Waaagh return.

The Branchwraith is already ruleless in AoS and had been for a while now. And I think that's the only model the Sylvaneth range is loosing.

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Just now, EntMan said:

The Branchwraith is already ruleless in AoS and had been for a while now. And I think that's the only model the Sylvaneth range is loosing.

I am using the Warhammer Community article that refers to some models of 5-6 factions and not the daemon models that were removed too. If you check the number of factions are 5, the exact number of books that usually comes until June that ends the validity of Legends models.

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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Welllll another Stromcast charachter ?!

That Launch box is going to be bigger than expected....

This is the 3rd-4th character for the Stormcast side of the box. Maybe even the one that goes with the Gryph Hound. I am also surprised about the size of the box... especially if we see scenery in the end.

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4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

especially if we see scenery in the end.

Why "if" ? It's 100% confirmed.

The whole marketing only talked about one box for AOS4th ed. release, "the" Launch Box, and it includes scenery and double sided mat of Aqshy/Ghyran. 

I quote : 

The incoming launch box provides everything you need to play with a friend, including two complete Spearhead forces, terrain, a double-sided board with printed objectives, and the packs of cards that really make this mode tick."

From here : https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/05/01/introducing-spearhead-a-fast-and-furious-new-mode-for-newaos/ 

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1 minute ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Why "if" ? It's 100% confirmed.

The whole marketing only talked about one box for AOS4th ed. release, "the" Launch Box, and it includes scenery and double sided mat of Aqshy/Ghyran. 

I quote : 

The incoming launch box provides everything you need to play with a friend, including two complete Spearhead forces, terrain, a double-sided board with printed objectives, and the packs of cards that really make this mode tick."

From here : https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/05/01/introducing-spearhead-a-fast-and-furious-new-mode-for-newaos/ 

I know it is "confirmed", but it is so hard to believe that until I don't see it I won't believe it xD

I am talking now with @Nezzhil about it. Maybe they put more minis in less sprues to make room for the scenery, but even with that. Scenery, more cardboard... my wallet is crying.

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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

The Rumour Engine – 14th May 2024 - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)

RumourEngine May14 Content

Looks to be in line with a couple of the recent ones, especially the claw:


For sure the claw as that one has the same chipped painting on the arm as the new one has at the bottom left.


At first I thought it was a Gun that held upwards but now I think its actually the mechanical leg for the arm that is the claw. So we are looking at the ankle with the foot going to the left

Edited by Matrindur
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22 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Lord-Headless. The new Caster for the Stormcasts Eternals (Am I the only one that sees it as a headless mage?).


Lol, good that they said it is for Age of Sigmar. It could also have been a liberian in terminator armour. 

20 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Welllll another Stromcast charachter ?!

That Launch box is going to be bigger than expected....

I hope the price is okayish. Hopefully not more than 200 euro... .

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5 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Looks to be in line with a couple of the recent ones, especially the claw:

Yeah, since Blackston Fortress and especially Vasthorr, there has been many rumors about a Dark Mechanicum Release for 40k (maybe in a side game, that is), right ?

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4 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

For sure the claw as that one has the same chipped painting on the arm as the new one has at the bottom left.


At first I thought it was a Gun that held upwards but now I think its actually the mechanical leg for the arm that is the claw. So we are looking at the ankle with the foot going to the left

Yeah. Definitely a leg/ foot.

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