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2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

#NewAoS mini today. Yay or Nay?

I will assume that GW will wait to show the other models that will be coming for the Skaven and stormcast until they have secured the pre-orders for the starter set first.

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2 hours ago, alyra said:

hmmmm i really hope those scrolls get buffed up in normal games because...., 

that carnosaur is the absolute worst monster i have seen in all aos history. he has a scroll like small heros on mount like, not like heros on behemots. but with some more wounds.  and lost everything for only a +1 charge to 1 unit, that cant even be himself, despite in spearhead games only will have 2 other units beside him lol.


i really hope it be only to balance a big monsters in spearhead games but..... every spearhead scroll have had same wepon profile, besides captains etc. so i guess poor carnosaur will be bad again. so sad for seraphon players like me that love to play dinosaurs

Don't worry they are tuned down for spearhead to keep things balanced: look at the Krox spearhead warscroll, it's lots weaker than the regular one. And the Carnosaur is the only monster (besides the treelord) in the spearheads (that were at Dallas), so it's not surprising it got nerfed

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19 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

#NewAoS mini today. Yay or Nay?

With the Necromunda coming or BB waiting for new Star Players both are candidates to have the Monday model meanwhile #NewAoS is not out.

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35 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

#NewAoS mini today. Yay or Nay?


Waaaay to early not to mention there other things that could come first while they position the starter box realse date

They even kept it vauge calling a "spicy model" rather then just out right say it a AoS model like they usally does so it should like a bloodbowl player 

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Garrac said:

Sorry for beating the dead horse again, but I couldn't help it



Not cool, vermin*, not cool. Leave Beastmen alone! *Chris Crocker cries*

Edited by MitGas
*I‘m using this due to you being a rat, not to insult you personally.
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30 minutes ago, KarrWolves said:

Don't worry they are tuned down for spearhead to keep things balanced: look at the Krox spearhead warscroll, it's lots weaker than the regular one. And the Carnosaur is the only monster (besides the treelord) in the spearheads (that were at Dallas), so it's not surprising it got nerfed

I agree. If anything, this warscroll shows that the effort to balance the Spearhead mode is real. And I guess it's either through mechanism like "this models arrive to the battle later on" or nerfing, which was likely applied to Carnosaur. As he is the only leader model in this box, it might not be viable to simply postpone his arrival to the field.  

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16 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

I just wonder how the hell the Arkanaut Frigate for the KO box is going to be nerfed. 

It's easy (and rather in line with the flavour) to make the Frigate arrive later.

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Posted (edited)

I selfishly hope Fyreslayers don't release early, just because that increases the odds of a substantial model wave... although I suppose Dark Angels did get a few goodies despite being relatively early.


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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I hope FS are getting a new, more balanced spearhead with their (hopefully) range update this edition. The current one is really uninspired, especially compared to the other spearheads. 20 Vulkites, 5 hearthguard and a Battlesmith makes the army seem like a horde army even though it isn't.

My dream would be 10 vulkites (because they are obligatory for every set), 3-5 minidroth cavalry and either a magmadroth or a new hero.

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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I selfishly hope Fyreslayers don't release quickly, just because that increases the odds of a substantial model wave... although I suppose Dark Angels did get a few goodies despite being relatively early.


I don't know if it reduces the chances of a substantial wave. They might already be in the works. Store anniversary Runesmiter and Vulkyn Flameseekers definitely indicate they are. Together with the Grimhold Exile and the Auric Flamekeeper they have quite a consistent and slightly renewed style.

It'd need to be a big wave though, but Seraphon, CoS, StD, Ironjawz, SBG, FeC last edition have shown that they're perfectly capable of that. If it's just one unit and a hero I'll be very disappointed.

It also seems like the narrative will go to them quite quickly. The Vermindoom is right next to the adamantite chain.

Edited by Snarff
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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I don't know if it reduces the chances of a substantial wave. They might already be in the works. Store anniversary Runesmiter and Vulkyn Flameseekers definitely indicate they are. Together with the Grimhold Exile and the Auric Flamekeeper they have quite a consistent and slightly renewed style.

It'd need to be a big wave though, but Seraphon, CoS, StD, Ironjawz, SBG, FeC last edition have shown that they're perfectly capable of that. If it's just one unit and a hero I'll be very disappointed.

It also seems like the narrative will go to them quite quickly. The Vermindoom is right next to the adamantite chain.

I do hope you're right, though I wouldn't put that much stock in the edition's narrative increasing the odds - this side of it anyway. Era of the Beast, anyone? 


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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2 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I don't know if it reduces the chances of a substantial wave. They might already be in the works. Store anniversary Runesmiter and Vulkyn Flameseekers definitely indicate they are. Together with the Grimhold Exile and the Auric Flamekeeper they have quite a consistent and slightly renewed style.

It'd need to be a big wave though, but Seraphon, CoS, StD, Ironjawz, SBG, FeC last edition have shown that they're perfectly capable of that. If it's just one unit and a hero I'll be very disappointed.

It also seems like the narrative will go to them quite quickly. The Vermindoom is right next to the adamantite chain.

I can see how Chaos Dwarfs will visually work as the enemy of Fyreslayers, I don't know if there is any history between the factions. But I could see a Chaos Dwarf vs Fyreslayer box being pretty cool. Fire and Greed or Gold and Brass or something.

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3 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I don't know if it reduces the chances of a substantial wave. They might already be in the works. Store anniversary Runesmiter and Vulkyn Flameseekers definitely indicate they are. Together with the Grimhold Exile and the Auric Flamekeeper they have quite a consistent and slightly renewed style.

It'd need to be a big wave though, but Seraphon, CoS, StD, Ironjawz, SBG, FeC last edition have shown that they're perfectly capable of that. If it's just one unit and a hero I'll be very disappointed.

It also seems like the narrative will go to them quite quickly. The Vermindoom is right next to the adamantite chain.

I would expect something in line with the IJ release, not bigger.

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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

No #NewAoS :( I thought it could be a nice way to keep the hype up. Maybe in the following weeks.

Mate, they have just revelaed the full box, and now we are going to get a month full of rules everyday with the faction focuses.

We should have a little bit of patience.

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1 minute ago, HCMistborn said:

I can see how Chaos Dwarfs will visually work as the enemy of Fyreslayers, I don't know if there is any history between the factions. But I could see a Chaos Dwarf vs Fyreslayer box being pretty cool. Fire and Greed or Gold and Brass or something.

I don't think they'd do a box with Duardin vs Duardin. The two sides of a dual box are quite different usually.

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1 minute ago, Ragest said:

Mate, they have just revelaed the full box, and now we are going to get a month full of rules everyday with the faction focuses.

We should have a little bit of patience.

I am patient. Also, I don't want any of those models either, I am just thinking of ways to keep the momentum. So far the hype has been handled pretty poorly.

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I don't know where this comes from:


NH is still Ethereal. MV8, Fly, Ward 6+. Fly is especially strong in Spearhead and they're one of the fastest armies. Oh and auto wound on 6+ to hit.

Wave of Terror is: if you roll a 10+ charge, pick a unit within 1" and they have fights last. 

The faction abilities are pick either: 

Choose a unit at the start of the game and you have and additional rend against it. 


Friendly units that charged this turn are -1 to be hit. 

I don't remember all the enhancements. The best one made the Knight of Shrouds Crit on 5+.

Another one was the Knight could only be targeted by one fight or shoot ability per phase.

The Knight of Shrouds is 6 wounds, 5 attacks 4+/3+ rend 1, 2D Crit Mortal. In your hero phase he can give a unit wholly within 9" a 5+ ward until your next turn.

Grimghast Reapers were split into two units of 5. 1 wound 2 attacks each, 4+/3+ rend 1 1D. Don't remember their ability. 

Spirit Hosts were 3 wounds, 6 attacks 4+/4+ no rend 1D. If they are within 1" of the Knight of Shrouds they give him a 4+ ward. 

Two units of 10 Chainrasps. 1W, 2 attacks each 4+/5+ no rend 1D. If they charge they get +1 to wound. They also have the Reinforcements keyword so they can come back if they die.


These should be used on things like Shieldwall, Deathrider Wedge, etc.

Mortek only had 1 melee profile and it was the spears/anti-charge one

Same with Kavalos only had 1, it was spears and +1 damage on the charge

I didn't play as them or against them so I don't recall a whole lot else

I think bringing models back was an ability the Soulreaper had, it's what Reiknit Constructs had turned into

The Harvester from what I hear slapped but I didn't get a good look at it's profile

The harvester now just accumulates 'bone tithe' points for every enemy model that dies near it, and then can use those at the end of a turn to roll for a nearby Mortek unit. For every 4+, put a model back

Don't really recall their regiment abilities or enhancements unfortunately

Pretty sure Mortek were still 3s and 4s, and Deathrider riders were at least roughly the same.

Not sure for horsies

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It's a relayed information, but originating from someone, who'd heard it from GW people at Wahrammer World: ALL existing Vanguard boxes will have Spearhead support, plus the already released Spearhead boxes. That means two Spearheads for Stormcast and Skaven each, and Beasts of Chaos as well.

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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

I am patient. Also, I don't want any of those models either, I am just thinking of ways to keep the momentum. So far the hype has been handled pretty poorly.

Yes, the marketing has been terrible, but I think that is because the scenery curse with dw6, warcry and skaventide delayed one or two weeks.

Now we should get articles from today until 20th/21th of June, and is rumored that the announce of the box is xoming the 22th.

In the pre-release day we should get the core rules and the next week the indexes, so we are covered from now until the summer, when they start announcing the new minis for the stromcast and skaven codexes

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7 minutes ago, HCMistborn said:

I can see how Chaos Dwarfs will visually work as the enemy of Fyreslayers, I don't know if there is any history between the factions. But I could see a Chaos Dwarf vs Fyreslayer box being pretty cool. Fire and Greed or Gold and Brass or something.

A White Dwarf article about the Vostarg Lodge heavily implies one of their former Runesons became the first prophet of Hashut. 

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