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3 minutes ago, Beliman said:

I don't know where this comes from:


Two units of 10 Chainrasps. 1W, 2 attacks each 4+/5+ no rend 1D. If they charge they get +1 to wound. 

Whoa, that's brutal... So now roll 6s to Hit or don't bother. 

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Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I am patient. Also, I don't want any of those models either, I am just thinking of ways to keep the momentum. So far the hype has been handled pretty poorly.


Maybe it hasn’t worked for you, but the hype has been handled quite well. 

Since the reveal, we’ve had close to an article a day for two months with likely over another month to go. 

They just had a massive weekend showcasing Spearhead and allowing people to demo it, and then the first ever live game of 4th edition.

Now they’ve released the embargo on spearhead and 4th edition demos that were shown off to content creators, and we’ve got articles and videos from them to consume.

EDIT: Also wanted to say, as the local organizer in my small community, I’ve had a dozen people reach out to me about learning AoS with 4th coming. And all of my current players are excited about it as well. 

Edited by dmorley21
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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Err0rBu5 said:

What kind of game archetype will chaos duardin fill? gunline? Artillery? Elite infantry?

Chaos Dwarfs historically had a wide variety of units: Hobgoblins who were chaff infantry/shooting and light cavalry, Chaos Dwarfs who were semi-elite infantry (who could be run as either melee, shooting or hybrid), Bull Centaurs as superheavy cavalry, multiple monsters in the forms of the Great Taurus/K'daai Destroyer/Siege Giant, and of course heavy artillery.

In their brief time their Forge World units were playable in AoS I kind of got the impression they were like Slaves to Darkness if they had good shooting. (Especially because none of their Hobgoblin chaff made it over.)

Edited by BarakUrbaz
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6 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

A White Dwarf article about the Vostarg Lodge heavily implies one of their former Runesons became the first prophet of Hashut. 

Blasphemy! Would love to see the story though 

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4 minutes ago, Cdance93 said:

Blasphemy! Would love to see the story though 

Context: During the Age of Chaos, the Vostarg Lodge lost its main Magmahold and its Runefather, causing his twelve Runesons (unable to determine the rightful heir) to split apart with one of them, Zhafor, founding the modern Vostarg Lodge which is a playable faction today.



The battlesmith chroniclers of the Vostarg hotly debate the fates of Zhafor’s eleven brothers. It is known that the eldest, Bromhulf, stubbornly swore to defend the Vosforge and was cut down during the fall of the magmahold. Many – though the exact number is much contested by those claiming to descend from the Vostarg – founded their own lodges, such as the Baeldrag, and went on to win great renown. Others took the oath of the grimnyn or even the Doomseeker, wandering the realms until new purpose or a worthy death claimed them. Only one attempted to reclaim the Vosforge.

Of the fate of Darz, Thorgar’s youngest son, less is known even than that of Zhafor. This silence would imply he did not succeed. Yet those who brave the dangers of the Salamander’s Spine in search of the first-forged’s treasures occasionally chance upon strange metal obelisks and isolated, leering battleforges. These totems emanate a fell power, glowing with an unwholesome inner light. Upon their flanks are carved duardin runes that offer praise to the ‘father of darkness’ and his first unnamed prophet. 


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13 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Surprised to see those spyers. Why not include them in the preview? I think gw sometimes undercuts their own previews just so they can have something to show on Monday. 

I think they are also hamstrung by the release schedule and what they can show off that is out soon. I think this is also why it's been hot and cold with the reveals for 4th edition. 

Anyway, I'm hoping for something around 1500 UK time and hopefully a Stormcast preview of the "index" rules.

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41 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I do hope you're right, though I wouldn't put that much stock in the edition's narrative increasing the odds - this side of it anyway. Era of the Beast, anyone? 


They actually wanted to call it „The End of The Era of The Beast“ but the social media team messed up. An impotent swansong for BoC. 😭

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Ookami said:

Wow, what is Marvel's Vulture doing in Warhammer universe? 

Yeah, thought the same. Kitbash that backpack with a Tempestus helmet and some other things and you‘d be pretty close to the Vulture.  Edit: those guys, face is quite similar! 👍


Edited by MitGas
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27 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Context: During the Age of Chaos, the Vostarg Lodge lost its main Magmahold and its Runefather, causing his twelve Runesons (unable to determine the rightful heir) to split apart with one of them, Zhafor, founding the modern Vostarg Lodge which is a playable faction today.


That's extremely cool!! I think spinning off Chorfs from Fyerslayers makes a certain amount of sense (and sets up Fyerslayers to "need" a new wave to fight their old nemesis)

Wonder if Darz dug too deep, lol. I'd love them to keep that LotR inspired origin

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5 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Preview of the, uh, Faction Preview. Stormcast are tomorrow.

Races now have a 'baseline' for their stats, which is something that feels like it was always the case? But now they're saying that out loud.



Possible hint at what the first four previews will be: 


It still feels wrong to have grots as capable as humans! 🤔

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Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:





I have a feeling that  they did a mistake in their article and swapped the cavalry profile with monsters. Indeed, based on all the current leaks, monsters always wound better than they hit. 

Edited by Sigmarusvult
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49 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

It's a relayed information, but originating from someone, who'd heard it from GW people at Wahrammer World: ALL existing Vanguard boxes will have Spearhead support, plus the already released Spearhead boxes. That means two Spearheads for Stormcast and Skaven each, and Beasts of Chaos as well.

If they've stopped selling the Beasts Vanguard box would it still be counted as an 'existing box', or thought of as simply an old one that they don't produce any more? 🤔

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