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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, Ragest said:

Poor dwarves xd They don't aven have an archetype.

I mean Dwarfs haven't really been defined by their attack stats so much as by the fact they're tougher yet slower than humans. Could see something like all Duardin being 2 wounds base (unlike now where Arkanauts and Dispossesed infantry are 1 wound) if they wanted to emphasize that. 

Edited by BarakUrbaz
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17 minutes ago, Ragest said:

Poor dwarves xd They don't aven have an archetype.

I don't usually overreact to things like this, nor do I collect dwarves or am I a dwarf enthusiast, but this is kind of weak that they wouldn't acknowledge them.  Yet again, they didn't mention Vampires, Skeletons, or Lizardmen either. 

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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

I mean Dwarfs haven't really been defined by their attack stats so much as by the fact they're tougher yet slower than humans. 

Yeah, the difference between Duardin and Human wasn't in the attacks. It's mainly in the save/health and move department.

They messed up that image multiple times though haha, this version seems most correct.

Edited by Snarff
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'More hard work came when deciding how to clearly represent the Health and Save characteristics. Hundreds of miniatures were lined up to compare, with Health largely defined by their volume, and Save largely defined by the amount of armour worn. These were then grouped together to help decide where brackets for each characteristic would start and end.'


Guess Fyreslayers are going to get a 6+ save if they're purely going by armour. Not many other factions are brave enough to wear so little

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1 minute ago, Snarff said:

'More hard work came when deciding how to clearly represent the Health and Save characteristics. Hundreds of miniatures were lined up to compare, with Health largely defined by their volume, and Save largely defined by the amount of armour worn. These were then grouped together to help decide where brackets for each characteristic would start and end.'


Guess Fyreslayers are going to get a 6+ save if they're purely going by armour. Not many other factions are brave enough to wear so little

And low volume, so 1 wound.

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So if this is starting tomorrow, my guess is 22nd June for Pre-order and general release of 29th June for the new boxed set?

As for the new characteristics, I think it's good this is being done. You would have assumed it was what was previously used for editions but I think it was just what 'felt' right. This can obviously vary from person to person! I think it's good they have openly said this though and makes me more excited to play 4th!


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32 minutes ago, ArcLight said:

If they've stopped selling the Beasts Vanguard box would it still be counted as an 'existing box', or thought of as simply an old one that they don't produce any more? 🤔

Meaning: if a force had a Vanguard box, it's tall enough to ride The Spearhead ; )

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Just now, Gaz Taylor said:


So if this is starting tomorrow, my guess is 22nd June for Pre-order and general release of 29th June for the new boxed set?

As for the new characteristics, I think it's good this is being done. You would have assumed it was what was previously used for editions but I think it was just what 'felt' right. This can obviously vary from person to person! I think it's good they have openly said this though and makes me more excited to play 4th!


All GW pre-orders are two weeks these days and even if they weren't, the launch boxes have always had a two week pre-order with nothing but made to order on the second week. 

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29 minutes ago, ArcLight said:

Still doesn't feel right; surely monsters would make more sense the other way around.

Well, no... For a massive beast it's hardet to hit something small, but once it connetcs, it's lights out. They should be getting +1 to Hit against other monsters though.

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I mean, with the loss of Strength and Toughness in the changeover from WHFB, Health really is the measure that should be used for how tough something is, so yeah, dwarves should definitely have unusually high Health across the board.

Honestly, I'd love to see non-KO dorfs go to 3 Health base, and KO to 2.

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58 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

24 faction , looks like orruk warclan still in a single book  . Unless they donc count BoC 


We have 23 factions currently. Beast of chaos aren't a thing even now that their website is completely gutted and them talking about the new edition

So again we have 1 faction unnacounted for

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16 minutes ago, Chikout said:

All GW pre-orders are two weeks these days and even if they weren't, the launch boxes have always had a two week pre-order with nothing but made to order on the second week. 

Ah. So might be first week of July or earlier preorder? Either way, it's kind of confirming when we are getting it just in case anybody was hoping it was at start of June! :D 


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2 hours ago, Beliman said:

I don't know where this comes from:


NH is still Ethereal. MV8, Fly, Ward 6+. Fly is especially strong in Spearhead and they're one of the fastest armies. Oh and auto wound on 6+ to hit.

Wave of Terror is: if you roll a 10+ charge, pick a unit within 1" and they have fights last. 

The faction abilities are pick either: 

Choose a unit at the start of the game and you have and additional rend against it. 


Friendly units that charged this turn are -1 to be hit. 

I don't remember all the enhancements. The best one made the Knight of Shrouds Crit on 5+.

Another one was the Knight could only be targeted by one fight or shoot ability per phase.

The Knight of Shrouds is 6 wounds, 5 attacks 4+/3+ rend 1, 2D Crit Mortal. In your hero phase he can give a unit wholly within 9" a 5+ ward until your next turn.

Grimghast Reapers were split into two units of 5. 1 wound 2 attacks each, 4+/3+ rend 1 1D. Don't remember their ability. 

Spirit Hosts were 3 wounds, 6 attacks 4+/4+ no rend 1D. If they are within 1" of the Knight of Shrouds they give him a 4+ ward. 

Two units of 10 Chainrasps. 1W, 2 attacks each 4+/5+ no rend 1D. If they charge they get +1 to wound. They also have the Reinforcements keyword so they can come back if they die.


These should be used on things like Shieldwall, Deathrider Wedge, etc.

Mortek only had 1 melee profile and it was the spears/anti-charge one

Same with Kavalos only had 1, it was spears and +1 damage on the charge

I didn't play as them or against them so I don't recall a whole lot else

I think bringing models back was an ability the Soulreaper had, it's what Reiknit Constructs had turned into

The Harvester from what I hear slapped but I didn't get a good look at it's profile

The harvester now just accumulates 'bone tithe' points for every enemy model that dies near it, and then can use those at the end of a turn to roll for a nearby Mortek unit. For every 4+, put a model back

Don't really recall their regiment abilities or enhancements unfortunately

Pretty sure Mortek were still 3s and 4s, and Deathrider riders were at least roughly the same.

Not sure for horsies

This must be for Spearhead, because Soulreaper would be stomping on the Boneshaper’s toes if this were the case. The Harvester however may work the same between the two games, since this combines the strengths and flavor of the early 3rd Edition Harvester with the drawback of having to wait until the end of the Combat phase from its later incarnation. Personally, I’d prefer if it was at the end of the Phase, but if this means we get our ability to actually *harvest* back, I’ll take it!

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