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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, ScionOfOssia said:

“By Hashut, these hands are rated E for everyone and opening night looks like it’s gonna be busy.”

-Forge-Prophet Indis Criminate

Lol, this gave me the image of Chorfs having wrestler-style gates for their fortresses to pop off pyrotechnics whenever they march out, which rocks

1 hour ago, Captaniser said:

Calling it now. Emberguard will be the setting for the next edition of Warcry.

Ruined city that no one really controls with weird and magical catacombs? Sounds like a perfect location for would be treasure hunters to make a name for themselves.

I'd love this! AoS has room for like fifteen different Mordheims and I'd love to see more with "small warbands scrabbling over ruins" in the setting. Also would be an easy way to circle back to some of the now-discontinued Ruin kits from prior seasons and AoS 1.0; the Azyrite Townscape is pretty gorgeous in person and I'd love to see more swirly-column terrain kits

2 hours ago, Sception said:

The nadiir wasn't exactly the intended result, and the necroquake as such wasn't intended at all (though it absolutely served Nagash's purposes, so the common idea that it was some sort of failure is way off base), but the Nadiir is still very close to what nagash intended, more so than fan memes generally acknowledge.

Nagash was aiming to consolidate the entire wind of shyish into a single point of infinite arcane density that he could contain within himself - allowing him to bring it all with him wherever he went and access its near-limitless power freely and at will without limits or restrictions.  Instead he got a city-sized concentration of mearly-unimaginably-colossal arcane density, one he can't freely move around, with power he can only access a (titanic) portion of at a time, and which is theoretically harmful even to himself if he sits inside of it for too long, though "too long" is measured in a god's time scale.  Basically he wanted a naked singularity in his pocked, but because a few infiltrating skaven caused an ever so barely perceptible misalignment in his pyramid he had to "settle" for "only" a black hole in his back yard.

The Nadiir was also supposed to absorb /all/ of the magic of shyish - including reducing the physical realm of shyish back into the magic from which it was formed and absorb that too.  In practice the Nadiir only absorbed the overwhelming majority of the magic in the storm at the perimeter of shyish, with a significant minority ricocheting off of the ever-so-slightly-misaligned implosion as the necroquake, which proceeded to bounce around the mortal realms continuously until Teclis put it to rest. The Shyishian magic that had already taken physical form as the Realm of Shyish and all its underworlds was damaged & disrupted, but not wholly absorbed at the time of the ritual - though the effects of the ritual haven't ended, even with the calming of the necroquake.  The Nadiir is still slowly absorbing the physical realm of Shyish a bit at a time, like a black hole feeding on an accretion disk.

And yeah, at least as far as I understand it, no new underworlds are supposed to form anymore, because new underworlds in Shyish - like new continents and subregions of the other realms - are formed from and within the wild magic continuously storming around the perimeter of their realm, and that storm of magic simply isn't there anymore.  Nagash's ritual inverted the magic of shyish.  All other realms are most stable in the center and most unstable at the edges where they meet the wild storm of their magical wind from which new stuff - mostly realmstone but also lands, seas, creatures, and so on - is constantly being created from the raw magic of the realm.  Modern shyish by contrast is most unstable in the center, where the magic that should be at the edges is concentrated into the Nadiir, which is in a constant process not of creating new stuff from the magic of the realm but rather destroying the stuff of the ream and reducing it back to raw magic.  meanwhile the edges of the realm are desolate and empty - a barren dessert wasteland of ruined, half-formed afterlives almost entirely devoid of both life and magic.

I was familiar with some of the details from your first three paragraphs; that's how I understood the ritual as well! I think I interpreted the "Nagash doesn't quite capture all the magic" bit to suggest the "natural" processes of Shyish, as a planet, still function despite the goal of the spell being to eat everything and funnel it into Nagash. 

I'm real intrigued by the "dead underworlds" plot thread, with the half-formed afterlives you mentioned in your last paragraph; could you point me at a source for that? I must have missed it and that changes how I think about Shyish pretty hardcore! I'd love to dive a bit deeper; the "magic metaphysics" of the realms are very interesting to me!! I appreciate your response! 

2 hours ago, Grunbag said:

I hope for a spiderfang rework , based on those Blanche artworks 

I'd love that too; Blanche's initial AoS sketches always live on the tip of my brain when i go to convert/paint stuff. Hollowpress recently published two volumes of his Voodoo Forest personal project if you'd like some more from Blanche! I have the first volume and it's extremely pretty

2 hours ago, EntMan said:

Is there anything in the new Skaven lore so far, explicit or hints, about whether they've broken into Azyr as well as the other realms?

2 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

It’s been hinted at in the recent article

really hoping this heralds a new era of "the rats aren't real!" in AoS

"there are no rats in the Realm of Azyr." is probably the thing you want to hear least from a member of the Order of Azyr when you're trying to whistleblow that your tavern fell in a gnawhole

Edited by Pizzaprez
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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Not even close. Warcry's first edition took place as a fight in Eightpoints to gain the favour of Archaon.

i mean, it was the ruins of (super) big city that not one really controls, with literal catacombs and tresure

I mean we shall see

Edited by Augusto
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14 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

"there are no rats in the Realm of Azyr." is probably the thing you want to hear least from a member of the Order of Azyr when you're trying to whistleblow that your tavern fell in a gnawhole

apparently there's been text that some got into Azyr already?

either way... people are going to have to get much more comfortable with major, sweeping Order wins if they want to see Azyr cracked open. That would be another apocalypse, and the chronological Age of Sigmar is not out of the (technically second!) post-apocalypse yet

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33 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

Lol, this gave me the image of Chorfs having wrestler-style gates for their fortresses to pop off pyrotechnics whenever they march out, which rocks

Fire and flamethrowers have always been a staple of Chorfs. I really expect a plastic Dawi Zharr army to have more pyrotechnics than a Rammstein concert.

35 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

"there are no rats in the Realm of Azyr." is probably the thing you want to hear least from a member of the Order of Azyr when you're trying to whistleblow that your tavern fell in a gnawhole

Truly a “there is no war in Ba Sing Se” moment. I think earlier editions have said that Eshin deathmasters sometimes slip into Azyr to spy on what the SCE are up to. I don’t think we’ll see a full Skaven invasion of the Realm of Heavens, but maybe some skirmishes between Azyrites and Eshin rats up there ? Definitely a possibility. I’d love an Underworlds/Warcry set about that.

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Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

apparently there's been text that some got into Azyr already?

either way... people are going to have to get much more comfortable with major, sweeping Order wins if they want to see Azyr cracked open. That would be another apocalypse, and the chronological Age of Sigmar is not out of the (technically second!) post-apocalypse yet

I'm really hoping to see this "colonization" arc result in maybe a small time jump with a fistful of new cities and some genuine, strong, footholds in the Realms that an End Times event would have to shake Order out of

Then, Azyr is fair play imo. Give it some maps, maybe make it a "series of sub-realms" and explore what a "sub-realm" actually looks like. 

It'd be cool to see an inverse-realm thematically: Order has won in Azyr and Chaos is having to fight and struggle to establish a foothold. It was the only safe base for the Order pantheon for 500 years: is it mostly metropolitan? Azyr is the only realm with a lot of basic question-marks, and even if it just started as "no, those rumors about rats are extremely untrue" it would mark the beginning of the same sort of long and slow decline that the Old World suffered

I don't really want to see Azyr totally destroyed at all even a little bit: I really like that Order has a "safe haven." I would honestly love to see some rock-solid gains for Order. 

If the other realms are "mostly chaos with Order warring their way outwards" I'd like to see Azyr as something more insidious: rats and spies secretly working their way into Azyr to weaken it from within. As the last bastion of the Age of Myth, it would be fitting to see "no one could ever break in here! Even as we slam open the doors and march out!" be the hubris that, eventually, could take Azyr.

I like that the AoS setting isnt "the end times are two weeks away" and I'd like to keep it that way: it'd be cool to see the start of the rot of safety and security in Azyr as the forces of Order continue to make gains



5 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Fire and flamethrowers have always been a staple of Chorfs. I really expect a plastic Dawi Zharr army to have more pyrotechnics than a Rammstein concert.

Truly a “there is no war in Ba Sing Se” moment. I think earlier editions have said that Eshin deathmasters sometimes slip into Azyr to spy on what the SCE are up to. I don’t think we’ll see a full Skaven invasion of the Realm of Heavens, but maybe some skirmishes between Azyrites and Eshin rats up there ? Definitely a possibility. I’d love an Underworlds/Warcry set about that.

YES!!! I rewatched Avatar this year and the way Azyr talks about "nah there are 100% no problems here!" reads a lot more like Ba Sing Se! I'd love to see more of Azyr and I'd love to see what a realm "choked by Order" could look like!

And all I want for the Chorfs is crazy heavy metal pyrotechnics you have no idea hahaha all of this perfect

Edited by Pizzaprez
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7 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Before vs After:



I really want to see this bigger!

Looks like Hel Crow is a fighting area (next Warcry edition?) and Embergard is in ruins!

But if you close your eyes it almost feels like nothing changed at all


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1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

Literally nothing... immeasurable disappointment.

Yeah a bit sad. I guess AoS isn't really a moneyspinner in games like 40K is, though perhaps it could be if we had a game made with a good budget as I suspect the ones that have come out so far have not been. At least Stormgrounds definitely wasn't (which is a shame as that had the bones of a really great game in it, it just needed more development). Realms of Ruin just felt way too arcadey for me, I just couldn't be doing with it. Honestly I think an easy win would be to get Slitherine to do a AoS version of Gladius, would be a pretty easy one to do as they already have the foundation laid, low cost and pretty hard to go wrong. Would love something more ambitious but an AoS Gladius would make me very happy!

Mechanicus 2 definitely stole the show imo, very excited for that.

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18 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Fire and flamethrowers have always been a staple of Chorfs. I really expect a plastic Dawi Zharr army to have more pyrotechnics than a Rammstein concert.

Truly a “there is no war in Ba Sing Se” moment. I think earlier editions have said that Eshin deathmasters sometimes slip into Azyr to spy on what the SCE are up to. I don’t think we’ll see a full Skaven invasion of the Realm of Heavens, but maybe some skirmishes between Azyrites and Eshin rats up there ? Definitely a possibility. I’d love an Underworlds/Warcry set about that.

Well, Eshins can appear wherever they want, so it is not that weird.

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15 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

I'm really hoping to see this "colonization" arc result in maybe a small time jump with a fistful of new cities and some genuine, strong, footholds in the Realms that an End Times event would have to shake Order out of

Then, Azyr is fair play imo. Give it some maps, maybe make it a "series of sub-realms" and explore what a "sub-realm" actually looks like. 

It'd be cool to see an inverse-realm thematically: Order has won in Azyr and Chaos is having to fight and struggle to establish a foothold. It was the only safe base for the Order pantheon for 500 years: is it mostly metropolitan? Azyr is the only realm with a lot of basic question-marks, and even if it just started as "no, those rumors about rats are extremely untrue" it would mark the beginning of the same sort of long and slow decline that the Old World suffered

I don't really want to see Azyr totally destroyed at all even a little bit: I really like that Order has a "safe haven." I would honestly love to see some rock-solid gains for Order. 

If the other realms are "mostly chaos with Order warring their way outwards" I'd like to see Azyr as something more insidious: rats and spies secretly working their way into Azyr to weaken it from within. As the last bastion of the Age of Myth, it would be fitting to see "no one could ever break in here! Even as we slam open the doors and march out!" be the hubris that, eventually, could take Azyr.

I like that the AoS setting isnt "the end times are two weeks away" and I'd like to keep it that way: it'd be cool to see the start of the rot of safety and security in Azyr as the forces of Order continue to make gains



YES!!! I rewatched Avatar this year and the way Azyr talks about "nah there are 100% no problems here!" reads a lot more like Ba Sing Se! I'd love to see more of Azyr and I'd love to see what a realm "choked by Order" could look like!

And all I want for the Chorfs is crazy heavy metal pyrotechnics you have no idea hahaha all of this perfect

I think the small time jump literally happened. Otherwise, how can you explain the size of Embergard in the trailer video?

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7 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

Yeah a bit sad. I guess AoS isn't really a moneyspinner in games like 40K is, though perhaps it could be if we had a game made with a good budget as I suspect the ones that have come out so far have not been. At least Stormgrounds definitely wasn't (which is a shame as that had the bones of a really great game in it, it just needed more development). Realms of Ruin just felt way too arcadey for me, I just couldn't be doing with it. Honestly I think an easy win would be to get Slitherine to do a AoS version of Gladius, would be a pretty easy one to do as they already have the foundation laid, low cost and pretty hard to go wrong. Would love something more ambitious but an AoS Gladius would make me very happy!

Mechanicus 2 definitely stole the show imo, very excited for that.

That's not really true. Realms of Ruin had a decent budget for the kind of game it is, and the outcome is pretty neat. just not the right kind of game, also launched a month were pretty big mammoths launched as well.

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13 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

Yeah a bit sad. I guess AoS isn't really a moneyspinner in games like 40K is, though perhaps it could be if we had a game made with a good budget as I suspect the ones that have come out so far have not been. At least Stormgrounds definitely wasn't (which is a shame as that had the bones of a really great game in it, it just needed more development). Realms of Ruin just felt way too arcadey for me, I just couldn't be doing with it. Honestly I think an easy win would be to get Slitherine to do a AoS version of Gladius, would be a pretty easy one to do as they already have the foundation laid, low cost and pretty hard to go wrong. Would love something more ambitious but an AoS Gladius would make me very happy!

Mechanicus 2 definitely stole the show imo, very excited for that.

I am a strong believer that AoS won't be breaking out into the public with video games until some extremely notable studio decides to have a go at it. And this includes Creative Assembly, although an AoS Total War would probably be rather hard to make correctly. 

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Before vs After:
Looks like Hel Crow is a fighting area (next Warcry edition?) and Embergard is in ruins!

I say it be the location of the narrative campaign will be rather then Warcry. Like Sanctum was for 40k Leviathan campagin we get to see the first frontline battle wave against a super continent  size invasion of rats (like looking at the map there like no other faction made a marker in the Gnaw)

I think Warcry will be in Ghyran in that Moss-carin where we see the ghyran side of the vermindoom

Edited by Dragon-knight77
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2 minutes ago, DD-Lord said:

I am a strong believer that AoS won't be breaking out into the public with video games until some extremely notable studio decides to have a go at it. And this includes Creative Assembly, although an AoS Total War would probably be rather hard to make correctly. 

A Fromsoftware Soulsbourne, P* Character Action Game (Khanite Aelf!), an over-the-shoulder third person action game a la Space Marine, a deep RPG with all kinds of choices like Baulder's Gate, a Left 4 Dead/Vermintide style "fight hordes!" game, a bullet hell shooter where you play as a swifthawk agent desperately trying to deliver the mail; the possibilities are endless! 

I think AoS could do with something that isn't an RTS or Mobile Game Shovelware title. Flex the narrative and setting instead and I think AoS could easily find some mainstream appeal! 

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4 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

They almost avoid referring to fellwater troggs in the article. I wonder if that means anything like perhaps they're going to krules or maybe I'm just reading too much into it. 

I personally wouldnt mind if both Kruelboyz and Gitz got to use Fellwater, it fits the Boyz more but also leaves space for new ARMOURED TROGGS FOR DA GITZ!!

4 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Imagine it @KingBrodd, all the new lore and confirmation of things to come….

Oh my dear mummified friend I cannot wait.

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16 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

That's not really true. Realms of Ruin had a decent budget for the kind of game it is, and the outcome is pretty neat. just not the right kind of game, also launched a month were pretty big mammoths launched as well.

That's fair I admit I only played the open beta of RoR, so haven't put much time into it and played it before full release. I was mostly drawing that from my experience with Stormground which I have put a fair amount of time into.

And yes my opinion was probably coloured by the fact that more and more I really dislike twitchy and arcadey games where units wipe each other out in a matter of seconds so frustratingly it really wasn't my sort of game.

13 minutes ago, DD-Lord said:

I am a strong believer that AoS won't be breaking out into the public with video games until some extremely notable studio decides to have a go at it. And this includes Creative Assembly, although an AoS Total War would probably be rather hard to make correctly. 

Yeah probably. Fingers crossed that someday we will be getting something big and really good to prove AoS is a great IP for adaptation and then we get some great games out of it.

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5 hours ago, Sception said:

And yeah, at least as far as I understand it, no new underworlds are supposed to form anymore, because new underworlds in Shyish - like new continents and subregions of the other realms - are formed from and within the wild magic continuously storming around the perimeter of their realm, and that storm of magic simply isn't there anymore.  Nagash's ritual inverted the magic of shyish.  All other realms are most stable in the center and most unstable at the edges where they meet the wild storm of their magical wind from which new stuff - mostly realmstone but also lands, seas, creatures, and so on - is constantly being created from the raw magic of the realm.  Modern shyish by contrast is most unstable in the center, where the magic that should be at the edges is concentrated into the Nadiir, which is in a constant process not of creating new stuff from the magic of the realm but rather destroying the stuff of the ream and reducing it back to raw magic.  meanwhile the edges of the realm are desolate and empty - a barren dessert wasteland of ruined, half-formed afterlives almost entirely devoid of both life and magic.

Didn't Teclis already fix Shyish? He put a rune to end the necroquake at the end of Broken Realms, if I recall correctly, so Shyish should be normal now.

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1 hour ago, DD-Lord said:

I am a strong believer that AoS won't be breaking out into the public with video games until some extremely notable studio decides to have a go at it. And this includes Creative Assembly, although an AoS Total War would probably be rather hard to make correctly. 

it cannot possibly be harder than wrangling 40k or WW1 to fit in Total War, which they're allegedly doing.


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21 minutes ago, Talas said:

Didn't Teclis already fix Shyish? He put a rune to end the necroquake at the end of Broken Realms, if I recall correctly, so Shyish should be normal now.

no he stop the Necroquake which was the drowning of all the realm with death, Shyish nadir is a product but completely different from the Necroquake where Nagash has reverse the polarity of the realm of death magic;

  • The edges of the realm is relatively stable and ever producing afterlives inwards
  • The center is unstable void of nihilistic oblivion devouring possibly all of existence if uncheck
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7 hours ago, DinoJon said:

Fellwaters were repacked for the Old World. At the time I thought it might be the swan song for them for AoS. 

However Fellwaters weren't listed as getting legend'ed with the other models so hopefully that means either nothing changes or they get new sculpts for AoS 

Fellwater trogs haven't been repacked for The Old World, they are still listed with the Gloomspite. 

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4 hours ago, Talas said:

Didn't Teclis already fix Shyish? He put a rune to end the necroquake at the end of Broken Realms, if I recall correctly, so Shyish should be normal now.


Teclis fixed the effect the ritual had on the other realms, but there's no undoing what Nagash did to Shyish.

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11 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Ok help me understand please. Does the gobbapalooza have the same profile for all 5 grots now? So all 5 are wizards now? If yes, great change, i dont like those units much with a different profile for each model.

Also Pumpwagon!!! Gitmob??

Love seeing Spiderfang keywords too. I am a bit more at easy after the BS madness.

Gobbapaloza doesn't requiere any model to do something. It is a unit of 5 models that have these two abilities and it is wizard 1

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10 hours ago, DinoJon said:

Fellwaters were repacked for the Old World. At the time I thought it might be the swan song for them for AoS. 

However Fellwaters weren't listed as getting legend'ed with the other models so hopefully that means either nothing changes or they get new sculpts for AoS 

Fellwater are not repacked, the sculpt for ToW is the 4rd edition model

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26 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Gobbapaloza doesn't requiere any model to do something. It is a unit of 5 models that have these two abilities and it is wizard 1

I got it after some sleep, thanks :).

I like the change. I think we can expect changes to hero + bodyguard units too. They have a somewhat similar design.

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11 hours ago, DinoJon said:

Fellwaters were repacked for the Old World. At the time I thought it might be the swan song for them for AoS. 

However Fellwaters weren't listed as getting legend'ed with the other models so hopefully that means either nothing changes or they get new sculpts for AoS 

No , fell water has not been repacked for ToW.

There was just a made to order of old metal river trolls for ToW.

Fellwater troggoth are still listed in AoS as Gloomspite.

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