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22 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Are we expecting the final Friday story today? It's been a cool season of free fiction 😀 

Yes, im going to call it and say it probably going to be a Darkoath one rather then Abraxia

Honestly i don't think i found any of the free fiction a miss. Callis and Toll 2 parter, the Trugg vs Gael, the Gloomspite assassination attempt & skryre pissing mach were my favorite

Still find it funny they gave the Disspossed a short then give Beastmen on last hurah

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29 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

A horribly over-aged soft cheese marbled with mold and warpstone pop-rocks. 🤮

Thats how we can tell he is a Chaos god.

29 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Truly, his depravity knows no bounds.

Some depravity even disgusts Slaanesh.

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5 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

GW seems to be going heavy on the “dark Chaos engineering” vibes recently. We have Vashtorr and next up in line are Chorfs. Maybe Vashtorr will get some new friends in 40k one day (I want DarkMech to happen). Anyways, it’s a good time to be a Chaos fan.

Ever since the very first description of the Forge of Souls having like "stunted workers" or something vague-but-short I pictured Chaos Dwarfs fully living in the Realm of Chaos


Now that the forge of souls has been fleshed out a lot more, that doesn't quite line up as neatly but maybe My Dude escaped the World that Was into the Realm of Chaos and scored an apprenticeship 

It'll be a bad time for my wallet if we're hitting the era of "chaos magitech" in fantasy and 40k: that was always my favorite 


I'm wondering how they'll handle Hashut; will be still be a question mark? Will he be a fully fleshed out sixth member of the pantheon? Will they talk at all about how he survived getting bodied by Gorkamorka in the End Times?

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47 minutes ago, cyrus said:

So are we looking at depiction of 5 chaos gods and their greater daemons including the new avatar of hornet rat ?




Greater demon of the 5 gods since we got Unclean one, Bloodthirster, keeper of secret, lord of change & Verminlord 


It not the gods themselves beacuse while yes their eldritch beings who take any form that mortal mind can comprehend there still some consitancy with what they truley look like (even with tzeentch inconsistency)

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42 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Spooky Nighthaunt Faction Focus, wooOOOooo...  Cities of Sigmar on Monday.


Seems quite good. The biggest change is that now the effect of the charge depends on the unit type. I like it, it incentivises charging with heroes which is some cool risk-reward stuff. Also makes me think that we're bound to get hexwraith remake since they're THE nighthaunt cavalry, and one of the charge skills is for that type of unit.

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2 minutes ago, GenericEdgyName said:

we're bound to get hexwraith remake since they're THE nighthaunt cavalry

I suppose that's why the dreadblade harrows are a unit, instead of heroes.

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4 minutes ago, GenericEdgyName said:

 Also makes me think that we're bound to get hexwraith remake since they're THE nighthaunt cavalry, and one of the charge skills is for that type of unit.

I think you've missed some keyword changes ;)

AoS NighthauntFF May24 Warscroll4


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12 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

My first proper disappointment this edition. I was really hoping NH heroes would get a Save bump to 3+.

I'm not aware of their 3rd ed rules but wouldn't their new ethereal passive make them super hard to remove with a 3+ save? I was under the impression that NH lean more towards fast and killy than super tanky

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30 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Greater demon of the 5 gods since we got Unclean one, Bloodthirster, keeper of secret, lord of change & Verminlord 


It not the gods themselves beacuse while yes their eldritch beings who take any form that mortal mind can comprehend there still some consitancy with what they truley look like (even with tzeentch inconsistency)

here's hoping chorfs get a greater daemon of hashut

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2 minutes ago, Luperci said:

I'm not aware of their 3rd ed rules but wouldn't their new ethereal passive make them super hard to remove with a 3+ save? I was under the impression that NH lean more towards fast and killy than super tanky

Me too. I'm not a NH expert, but a 4+ unrendable save, followed by 6+ ward that can become 5+ when needed, seems nice. 

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3 minutes ago, Luperci said:

I'm not aware of their 3rd ed rules but wouldn't their new ethereal passive make them super hard to remove with a 3+ save? I was under the impression that NH lean more towards fast and killy than super tanky

They'd been neither. Incredibly dependant on double turn from second to third, becasue off turn they had neither staying power, nor any hammers to remove units in one round of combat. A 5 Wound hero, on 4+ (even if ethereal) and 6+ Ward is not a great investment in points when you need to roll 10+ saves or everyone and their dog are spamming Mortal Wounds, like they're coming out of fashion.

And there was only a single build that could give your Knight of Shrouds or Lord Executioner a decent chance of actually killing stuff and making through a couple of rounds.

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2 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Me too. I'm not a NH expert, but a 4+ unrendable save, followed by 6+ ward that can become 5+ when needed, seems nice. 

Trust me, it wasn't. Nowhere near as efficient, as it might seem on paper.

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1 hour ago, cyrus said:

So are we looking at depiction of 5 chaos gods and their greater daemons including the new avatar of hornet rat ?




The only greater daemons that have a really strong resemblance to their daddy out of the big 4 are the Great Unclean Ones, they are often described as copies of Nurgle basically. Tzeentch is more of a multi-faced tentacle monster or something more abstract like a multi-colored flame, Khorne either a warrior in armor or something relatively close to an old Bloodthirster with much more bling, Slaanesh is funnily enough closer to a human (or aelf) than all other Chaos Gods and his keepers, gender either/or/or both (depends who‘s looking, usually you‘d see what you‘d like to see) and the Great Horned Rat I can‘t speak for but I figure it‘s somewhat close to a Verminlord as well? Or just a cute rat!

And then chaos tribes etc. see them as huge animals (e.g. crow/fly (nurgle), eagle (tz), snake(sl), hound(kh)) or whatever. They‘re all pretty much shapeshifters and you‘ll see them in a way that your mind can interpret and how they want you to see… but I think WarCry added quite a few new representations as well….except for our rat. That‘s always a rat, but unless there are micepeople, I guess it‘s only gonna get worshipped by Skaven anyways.

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