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8 minutes ago, Gailon said:

This really shows the impossibility of a game to please everyone. 

That's why we have more than one game though. It does annoy me somewhat when people ask for AoS to be more like fantasy or vice versa. Let the two games carve out their own niche. The honest Wargamer is a good example. He's obviously found that he really enjoys the way the old world plays which is great but now he's constantly comparing AoS to it. Why? They're not trying to be the same game. They're made by different teams and they're targeting different audiences. I wish they would allow players to use the same models in both games but in terms of play experience I want them to be very different. 

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*SIGH* This is why I really dont enjoy the lead up to a new Edition.

These SNIPPETS of rules get previewed and everyone loses their minds. We dont have the FULL RULES SYSTEM OUTLINED or how these rules work together with these Warscrolls.

Its so frustrating it happens every single time.


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12 hours ago, Gailon said:

I think people may be sleeping on abilities like Mortarch of grief (-3 to opp OC). Smaller objectives could easily mean closer numbers contesting objectives. You can’t teleport onto occupied objectives, can’t just sneak 10 model screening unit on somewhere. 

the game is about scoring after all. So yndastra might kill Lady O some of the time, but if they are both alive then Lady O takes the objective everytime. 

Yea I personally think olynder looks like she could be very important in a game, but is also very 'meh'. 2x caster is great but expected obviously and we are yet to ser the spells, but being almost identical in melee profile to skarsnik just seems silly IMO. She's boring, which is a shame.

Reikenor on the other hand got a few nice sneaky buffs that I'm all.here for.

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24 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

*SIGH* This is why I really dont enjoy the lead up to a new Edition.

These SNIPPETS of rules get previewed and everyone loses their minds. We dont have the FULL RULES SYSTEM OUTLINED or how these rules work together with these Warscrolls.

Its so frustrating it happens every single time.


This is why I just scan the most recent pages looking for any proper rumors and then leave. The debates that crop up during this time frame are nonsense.

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25 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Its so frustrating it happens every single time.

Almost like it's done on purpose to generate buzz... 🤔

No way that's true though. That'd be just silly. 

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3 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Almost like it's done on purpose to generate buzz... 🤔

No way that's true though. That'd be just silly. 

Lol, yeah 😄. If this topic was only rumours and well-thought-out posts based on facts this topic would only be 10 pages. 😄 

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47 minutes ago, MotherGoose said:

Yea I personally think olynder looks like she could be very important in a game, but is also very 'meh'. 2x caster is great but expected obviously and we are yet to ser the spells, but being almost identical in melee profile to skarsnik just seems silly IMO. She's boring, which is a shame.

Reikenor on the other hand got a few nice sneaky buffs that I'm all.here for.

I agree, but that's because combat characters are so much fun to play with. I remember the first iteration of Ogor Mawtribes (or whatever they were called) that you could stack some buffs (great gouge, names, artifact and trait) for a damage 6 weapon with a quality profile (I think it was 3+/3+) in a game that damage 3 was crazy. Olynder is not that flashy, but a table-wide healing will be always impactful and I think she will be a lot harder to remove than Reiknelor.

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15 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Btw, about 4th, the guys behind the DB 6 lore stereaming from Spain went to Nott invited by GW to play some 4th edition games and the feedback so far has been super positive.

Great to hear!

Does with invited mean that GW payed for the flight, hotel and such? Or is it more if you come to here on your own cost we will let you play 4th?

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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Great to hear!

Does with invited mean that GW payed for the flight, hotel and such? Or is it more if you come to here on your own cost we will let you play 4th?

They didn't mention those details. I only know they played 4th in Nott's before the Warhammer World event.

Edited by Ejecutor
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Beliman said:

I agree, but that's because combat characters are so much fun to play with. I remember the first iteration of Ogor Mawtribes (or whatever they were called) that you could stack some buffs (great gouge, names, artifact and trait) for a damage 6 weapon with a quality profile (I think it was 3+/3+) in a game that damage 3 was crazy. Olynder is not that flashy, but a table-wide healing will be always impactful and I think she will be a lot harder to remove than Reiknelor.

The point is, She needs a presence. When I build a Nighthaunt list, I want to be in a position, where I need to choose, whether to bring her or papa N. And I want reasons, to actually pick her.

This warsroll does not do it.

Edited by Grungnisson
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4 hours ago, Chikout said:

That's why we have more than one game though. It does annoy me somewhat when people ask for AoS to be more like fantasy or vice versa. Let the two games carve out their own niche. The honest Wargamer is a good example. He's obviously found that he really enjoys the way the old world plays which is great but now he's constantly comparing AoS to it. Why? They're not trying to be the same game. They're made by different teams and they're targeting different audiences. I wish they would allow players to use the same models in both games but in terms of play experience I want them to be very different. 

Yeah, I am watching the latest square based video. "Is Old World last Wargame Games Workshop make?" And you are right. An interesting evolution how he talks about AoS 4th and TOW.

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3 hours ago, Grungnisson said:

The point is, She needs a presence. When I build a Nighthaunt list, I want to be in a position, where I need to choose, whether to bring her or papa N. And I want reasons, to actually pick her.

This warsroll does not do it.

Eh, still better wait to see the wider abilities and synergies of the faction before judging.

Like back at the start of AoS3 every SCE player said Knight-Heraldors got nerfed and were now useless as they hit the bottom of every tier list since their warscroll wasn’t very potent(got attack buffs but their main thing of making terrain explode and damage enemies became RNG instead of certain)

fast forward to Adepticon where someone won second place(only lost against a cheesy SCE draconith list) by having three Knight-Heraldors for their leaders and a ranged shooty army that forced enemies to take cover where they then turn the terrain into minefields.

They looked at the warscroll in a vacuum without considering that AoS3 also made the tables smaller and added more terrain which caused Heraldors to be very powerful thanks to outside factors.

So wait to see if the new tanky ghost Queen healing swarms & pushing objectives will be deadlier in the new meta of tanks harder to bust, swarms hitting harder than before and objectives tougher to take. ;) 

7 hours ago, Chikout said:

The honest Wargamer is a good example. He's obviously found that he really enjoys the way the old world plays which is great but now he's constantly comparing AoS to it. Why? They're not trying to be the same game.

Yeah, I really wish he would quit that. But I guess he’s just doing it because he doesn’t have many other examples at hand(they’re basically the only two games he plays)

I like when Crendor does it, he makes the comparisons too but is more laid back about it and will happily chime in why the differences they have makes them fun in their own ways like when he’s comparing TOW for having awesome fun magic but the Lv.4 wizards can give people without one a super bad time compared to AoS4 which is making level 1’s common from SCE wizards to Greyseer Skaven while just a Level 2 wizard is only unique characters like Krondys or the Loonking which levels the playing field a lot easier alongside the fewer simplified lores and manifestations anyone can punch out instead of needing a wizard duel.


But credit where it’s due, HW is overcasting Speed of Hysh on himself to get these AoS4 reveals out on the spot and that’s super commendable to keep hype flowing. 🏆 

Also Lmao, they had Life-sized neo-Liberator hammers at Warhammer World. They look great! 😁


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8 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

*SIGH* This is why I really dont enjoy the lead up to a new Edition.

These SNIPPETS of rules get previewed and everyone loses their minds. We dont have the FULL RULES SYSTEM OUTLINED or how these rules work together with these Warscrolls.

Its so frustrating it happens every single time.


For me it comes down to the people that are trying to think about these in these snippets in competitive terms for a game that hasn't even had its rules laid out. But I love discussing how well the rules seem to capture the feel of the armies and so far I think they have done a really great job.

Stormcast Eternals: An army of holy paladins that are sent to war on lightening to fulfil a holy purpose where death is just an inconvenience. On the negative side, even after retring so much of the line Stormcast still feel a little broad in terms of range and the rules will always struggle to accomodate the multitude of themes present in their lore. These rules seem present and I am excited to have my black clad Stormcast hit the snowy tundras and refuse to give an inch no matter how outnumbered they appear.
Skaven: A bunch of disparate rat groups organized into a chaotic horde, combining horror and comedy into a fun and favourable army that can undermine gods if only they don't kill themselves first. I think without battleshock we do loose a little bit of the cowardly side of the army that added to their fun. The model range looks terrific and the army looks super fun.

Moonclan Grots: Goblins, Trolls, Spiders and Bouncing mouths following a wayward celestial body across the realms. I feel like this is the preview that left me the most curious to their greater rules. With so many sub-factions it felt like they had a harder time previewing the varied rules of the army. Spiderfang, Troggoth's and Gitmob fealt very much like afterthoughts in the preview but are the side f the army I am more curious to learn about in the new edition. Still excited to see more about these sub-factions and to hear the source on the armoured Troggoth rumours as that sounds sick!

Nighthaunt: A ghostly army that present the idea of ethereal beings ignoring many rules of physical realm for their spirtual form flying freely around the battlefield and ignoring certain forms of damage. No overt complaints about this army preview personally although I still hope they get a monstrous centrepiece such as the Mourngul. They kept the feeling of the army being a wave of deadly apparitions flitting about the battlefield and disrupting the strategies of the enemy with their frightening presence.  

In terms of the numbers on the Warscroll it is to early to tell how good they will be, but right now they have convincingly developed rules to provide the central themes of the armies. Now I am just hoping that Cities of Sigmar, Ogor Mawtribes and Slaves to Darkness can capture some of that same rules flavouring. So yeah I am really liking the rules previews and I am not going to trick myself into thinking that I know anything about how the game will balance. I also recognize that these previews will showcase the armies in a very positive light as they are all basically adverts for each faction. But really enjoyable adverts. 

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All that matters to me is that the game is fun and flavorful which it very much seems like it will be, at least in my eyes. It also seems much easier to digest, which is a plus for a new player like me. Hope they can manage to have all the armies somewhat balanced and flavorful so everyone can have a good time.

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11 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

*SIGH* This is why I really dont enjoy the lead up to a new Edition.

These SNIPPETS of rules get previewed and everyone loses their minds. We dont have the FULL RULES SYSTEM OUTLINED or how these rules work together with these Warscrolls.

Its so frustrating it happens every single time.


To be honest it's why I'm largely staying clear until everything actually drops. 

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Posted (edited)

I just love how clear the warscrolls are. Its easier know when to use an ability. Before i had to read everything a lot to know when to use something. Now i just start to read when its actually relevant, saves a lot of time and i get to enjoy the game more because less reading. I need to get used to looking at the keywords though, i think these could be easy to forget or not notice. 

So far i like how they designed the armies. Gives an some insight of  the actual tomes. These index rules actually have more substance to them than i expected.

Edited by Gitzdee
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2 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

Still excited to see more about these sub-factions and to hear the source on the armoured Troggoth rumours as that sounds sick

As far as I know, the source is the fact that Skragrott is described a few times in various places as having armoured Troggoths guarding his fungal asylum. 

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35 minutes ago, Adamcbutton said:

As far as I know, the source is the fact that Skragrott is described a few times in various places as having armoured Troggoths guarding his fungal asylum. 

They aren't any unique breed of Troggoth though, they're just regular Dankholds. 

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2 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

They aren't any unique breed of Troggoth though, they're just regular Dankholds. 

Please, no more dank trogg models....


I think this is one of those rumors where folks are grasping at straws and the closest we'll see is maybe a personal bodyguard type battalion. 

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2 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

I just love how clear the warscrolls are. Its easier know when to use an ability. Before i had to read everything a lot to know when to use something.

Unless it's Yndrasta's double damage thing 😅 (not that's it's a huge thing but I still se discussions about it, same for All out Attack)

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3 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

I just love how clear the warscrolls are. Its easier know when to use an ability. Before i had to read everything a lot to know when to use something. Now i just start to read when its actually relevant, saves a lot of time and i get to enjoy the game more because less reading. 

Same here. Maybe I'm getting old or I'm just plain thick or something, but I think the nice and clear, and colour-coded, rules on the Warscrolls is a vast improvement. 

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5 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

For me it comes down to the people that are trying to think about these in these snippets in competitive terms for a game that hasn't even had its rules laid out. But I love discussing how well the rules seem to capture the feel of the armies and so far I think they have done a really great job.

Stormcast Eternals: An army of holy paladins that are sent to war on lightening to fulfil a holy purpose where death is just an inconvenience. On the negative side, even after retring so much of the line Stormcast still feel a little broad in terms of range and the rules will always struggle to accomodate the multitude of themes present in their lore. These rules seem present and I am excited to have my black clad Stormcast hit the snowy tundras and refuse to give an inch no matter how outnumbered they appear.
Skaven: A bunch of disparate rat groups organized into a chaotic horde, combining horror and comedy into a fun and favourable army that can undermine gods if only they don't kill themselves first. I think without battleshock we do loose a little bit of the cowardly side of the army that added to their fun. The model range looks terrific and the army looks super fun.

Moonclan Grots: Goblins, Trolls, Spiders and Bouncing mouths following a wayward celestial body across the realms. I feel like this is the preview that left me the most curious to their greater rules. With so many sub-factions it felt like they had a harder time previewing the varied rules of the army. Spiderfang, Troggoth's and Gitmob fealt very much like afterthoughts in the preview but are the side f the army I am more curious to learn about in the new edition. Still excited to see more about these sub-factions and to hear the source on the armoured Troggoth rumours as that sounds sick!

Nighthaunt: A ghostly army that present the idea of ethereal beings ignoring many rules of physical realm for their spirtual form flying freely around the battlefield and ignoring certain forms of damage. No overt complaints about this army preview personally although I still hope they get a monstrous centrepiece such as the Mourngul. They kept the feeling of the army being a wave of deadly apparitions flitting about the battlefield and disrupting the strategies of the enemy with their frightening presence.  

In terms of the numbers on the Warscroll it is to early to tell how good they will be, but right now they have convincingly developed rules to provide the central themes of the armies. Now I am just hoping that Cities of Sigmar, Ogor Mawtribes and Slaves to Darkness can capture some of that same rules flavouring. So yeah I am really liking the rules previews and I am not going to trick myself into thinking that I know anything about how the game will balance. I also recognize that these previews will showcase the armies in a very positive light as they are all basically adverts for each faction. But really enjoyable adverts. 

Yeah. So far the factions are very flavourful. Hopefully they can maintain them that way and keep them balanced for the competitive side at the same time.

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