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58 minutes ago, Someravella said:

Considering 40k 10th edition, Necrons were one of the first factions to get their codex, after SM and Tyranids. So, maybe KB are also the first ones after SCE and Skaven.

Death guard was the first of 9th aswell, and I think Nighthaunt was the 4th? 5th?

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Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, Ragest said:

Death guard was the first of 9th aswell, and I think Nighthaunt was the 4th? 5th?

4th or 5th, they came out the same time as DoK and had a vs battlebox with them.

edit: also Blades of Khorne was also release around that same Time period in second edition

Edited by novakai
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1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

I am always so confused why everyone seems to make their Fyreslayers have no internal diversity. Like I can't even remember if I have seen someone paint a Runefather with a white or even greying beard. 

Edit: I did a quick little attempt with photoshop and think they already look much better with just a bit of varation in hair and skin tones. Even with my bad photoshop skills:

Yeah. A little change makes them feel nicer. Out of curiosity. Do FS have to wear orange hair because of their old WHFB slayers lore?

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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

Yeah. A little change makes them feel nicer. Out of curiosity. Do FS have to wear orange hair because of their old WHFB slayers lore?

I can almost guarantee that they have orange hair because “they FYREslayers! Its fire! Fire is orange!” and no other reason.

I think the reason people do it is it’s a bright fun color you don’t really use to often elsewhere. I can’t think of a lot of armies that lend themselves well to orange as a main color, anyway.

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13 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Yeah. A little change makes them feel nicer. Out of curiosity. Do FS have to wear orange hair because of their old WHFB slayers lore?

no, the Organe hair is more of a genetic trait pass down from Griminr himself (hence why they're call Heir of Grimnir) as the "species" were all the followers and children of the slayer god who defected from Grungi Khazalid empire to hang out in volcanos and aqshy before the age of myth.

that not to say they're aren't other color hair fyreslayers like the Greyfred lodge black beards, Lodge Hermdar blondes, & Tangrim white streaks 


Fyreslayers Age Of Sigmar Wiki Fandom, 60% OFF

just that in these guys Gingers is a pretty dominated gene in them

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I'm a big fan of how the runes work now! They feel much more impactful to me, even as a deterrant (striking first). The Runemaster prayer also feels how rune empowerment should, invoking Grimnir and deliverying a buff instead of having to roll a 6.

I just hope the models get an update to be more like the Warcry warband. Current ones aren't bad by any means, but the poses, muscle/hair definition, and clothing details make a huge difference. Until then, I'll hold off and play my Skaven. Hopefully I won't have to wait too long!

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29 minutes ago, Jorum said:

I'm a big fan of how the runes work now! They feel much more impactful to me, even as a deterrant (striking first). The Runemaster prayer also feels how rune empowerment should, invoking Grimnir and deliverying a buff instead of having to roll a 6.

I just hope the models get an update to be more like the Warcry warband. Current ones aren't bad by any means, but the poses, muscle/hair definition, and clothing details make a huge difference. Until then, I'll hold off and play my Skaven. Hopefully I won't have to wait too long!

I feel like the limited range of models means that it would be much nicer for Fyreslayers to get additional models than a rework of the current range. As you mention the models aren't bad but there should be many models within the range.

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4 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

I feel like the limited range of models means that it would be much nicer for Fyreslayers to get additional models than a rework of the current range. As you mention the models aren't bad but there should be many models within the range.

I would be happy with an FEC-style rework. They kept ghouls but added Cryptguard. If I have an option to run all 'cryptguard' type units, I'd be thrilled.

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1 hour ago, EthanolMuffins said:

IDK tomorrow, sad


Yet another week without my dino boys

Fwiw we are rapidly catching up on Order bloat and within the next week you’ll probably see them!

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7 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

Fwiw we are rapidly catching up on Order bloat and within the next week you’ll probably see them!

Well they did SCE and cities (humans), followed by KO and Fyreslayers (dwarves) if the patter holds true Idoneth would mean all the elves factions should follow. That would mean 10 and 11 focus would be Khaine/Lumineth/Sylvaneth and Seraphon would be the last order faction at 18...

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7 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

Well they did SCE and cities (humans), followed by KO and Fyreslayers (dwarves) if the patter holds true Idoneth would mean all the elves factions should follow. That would mean 10 and 11 focus would be Khaine/Lumineth/Sylvaneth and Seraphon would be the last order faction at 18...

I think assuming they’ll do the all the elves next is jumping the gun a bit, honestly. Hold out some hope!

there’s only a coincidence so far, barely the beginning of a pattern, if you lump SCE as a “human” faction, which I’m not sure it really counts as. I think they would have done StD as a Chaos day before Tzeentch if they were doing that, since they’re the other main “human” faction.

After IDK, we’ll have 4 Order factions left, 5* Chaos, 2* Destruction, and 2 Death

*barring splits and phase outs we don’t know about

This leaves us getting all of them most likely on 6/21, two and a half weeks.

assuming after the double Order, we do one or two Chaos on Wed/Thur, and a death-destruction on either Thur-Fri or Fri-Mon, we’ll have two more double Order weeks, so honestly a 50/50 chance. They’re going to have to do a double Chaos at some point because of the numbers, unless they break up the order(-order)-chaos-destruction-death pattern they’ve done so far.

i think.

brb checking my spreadsheet and playing with guesses lol

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I think this could be reasonable, depending on if they fully split Orrucks up, and if they skip BoC, or leave Orrucks together, don’t skip BoC, and aren’t otherwise shaking things up

Friday would mean either the extra faction or a bigger release preview?


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35 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

I think this could be reasonable, depending on if they fully split Orrucks up, and if they skip BoC, or leave Orrucks together, don’t skip BoC, and aren’t otherwise shaking things up

Friday would mean either the extra faction or a bigger release preview?


They've confirmed 24 factions so the only question is BoC and Orruk Warclans or no BoC but Ironjawz and Kruleboyz. 

I'm leaning towards the latter, no point of doing a focus on BoC.

So they could keep the same alternance as last week until the last week where they could do 2 orders, 2 chaos and 1 destruction.

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3 minutes ago, bethebee said:



Disagree :D Nothing wrong with mechanical legs and the rest....well it's a demon.

This just can't compete with dwarfs that have infant proportions like they are fresh out the womb.😅



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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Sahrial said:

Fwiw we are rapidly catching up on Order bloat and within the next week you’ll probably see them!

My bet is DoK + Lumineth and the following week Sylvaneth + Seraphon.

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1 hour ago, KarrWolves said:

They've confirmed 24 factions so the only question is BoC and Orruk Warclans or no BoC but Ironjawz and Kruleboyz. 

I'm leaning towards the latter, no point of doing a focus on BoC.

So they could keep the same alternance as last week until the last week where they could do 2 orders, 2 chaos and 1 destruction.

If they do a BoC FF it will feel dull. With he almost confirmation about them not being present in Spearhead, you are removing a decent chunk of the FF, so I would go for the no as well.

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Disagree. The monkey-rats belong only to B movies.


Those aren't in the shop anymore, are they?

They don't count if they aren't. 😝


We should move this to the Random Chat that we have now, i derailed the thread xD

Edited by Xil
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