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22 hours ago, Acrozatarim said:

Hurrah, release date at last :) My story's the top right one there, I think, if the info on the other thread from some random French book site is correct 😛

Congrats mate!! I look forward to reading it!!

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2 hours ago, Kempak said:

Suppose it's time for a new Gotrek book soon, as we have had a skavenslayer my guess is Verminslayer wonder if the priest will outlast the aelf much.

I can't wait! I still hope Maleneth is coming back one day. Amara seems to be gone as of a recent short story (from what I've heard), which is good IMO as her story arc was completed with Blightslayer.

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4 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Ha. Interesting that they are confirming it already.

Also, it is interesting that we can see in better quality the map from DB 6:

HelCrownAnnounce Jun10 Map

Where did you get that higher quality map from?

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I'm soooo hypeddddd for 4th !

We may see the Skaven range first (they'll tweak the results - also because the SCE range will be released first and thus probably revealed at Nova Open, 28 August ??)

And do we think that we'll get :  

  • ETB kits alongside the Launch Box release (or just after it), like the Stormstrike Chariot ?
  • ETB kits later, with the full Skaven or SCE range ?
  • With the full SCE range, do we think we'll get multipart Reclusian (with Memorian) and New Prosecutor ???
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3 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

I'm soooo hypeddddd for 4th !

We may see the Skaven range first (they'll tweak the results - also because the SCE range will be released first and thus probably revealed at Nova Open, 28 August ??)

And do we think that we'll get :  

  • ETB kits alongside the Launch Box release (or just after it), like the Stormstrike Chariot ?
  • ETB kits later, with the full Skaven or SCE range ?
  • With the full SCE range, do we think we'll get multipart Reclusian (with Memorian) and New Prosecutor ???

I don't see a multipart Reclussian kit because of the Memorian. Memorians would have to be changed a lot more than the Reclusians, almost like feeling new minis, but Prosecutors... why not?

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1 minute ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Why ? We already have another one in the Lord Terminos kit. 

Because of how different they are between them (the three of them, including the Lord Terminos one), while in the past for those SCE that had a push-to-fit version and a multipart version, the differences were minor.

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16 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Well they are robbed, tool carrying masked priestly humans ?

Yep, but way more differentiated than Stormcasts. As an example check the Liberators, Sequitors or Annihilators, that they all come in the launch boxes and as multipart kits. Also, just my opinion.

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Btw, reading the post I realized that Hel Crown is not ruined (yet)! 


There's another city, Hel's Claw, underneath that it is the Ruined one.

Do you think that we will see the classic small narrative book from the big boxes happening in Hel Crown? Or would it be purely reserved for the Orgram like campaign or any side game like Warcry? It definitely has a lot of material around to be just meat for the marketing meat grinder.

Edited by Ejecutor
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1 hour ago, HorticulusTGA said:

I'm soooo hypeddddd for 4th !

We may see the Skaven range first (they'll tweak the results - also because the SCE range will be released first and thus probably revealed at Nova Open, 28 August ??)

And do we think that we'll get :  

  • ETB kits alongside the Launch Box release (or just after it), like the Stormstrike Chariot ?
  • ETB kits later, with the full Skaven or SCE range ?
  • With the full SCE range, do we think we'll get multipart Reclusian (with Memorian) and New Prosecutor ???

If we basing on last uear there should be about ~7 kits post box so for stormcast i say

Lighting ghiest the big massive thing they are teasing for a while and better deliver.  I expect it to be like SCE version of a Dreadnought a big behemoth warrior of lightning storm

New Lord Celestant

psudo knight aazyroshero (be cool of it was like a knight heraldor with wings)

Psudo judicators as in like a stormcast with big guns (rail-bow)

Im sure they be a name hero but not attach to Reveal show possibly 

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As speculation : 


Skaven range reveal aequivalent (end of the global campaign)


Ruination Chamber range reveal aequivalent (Nova Open) ???


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So uncommon concensus seems to be ToW is either doing fine (in some places) or failing due to GW's greed and stupidity (you literally can't buy what 75% of the miniatures needed to play the game?! If you can even afford the decades old "luxury product")


So glad Beasts got moved to ToW. Everyone who said we should be grateful was spot on.

Edited by The Red King
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25 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

As speculation : 


Skaven range reveal aequivalent (end of the global campaign)


Ruination Chamber range reveal aequivalent (Nova Open) ???


Lol, you are already assuming SCE have no chance? 🤣 But yeah, the dates seem to be a bit off. You have to move them around like 1 month.

The Hel Crow campaign ends on the 5th of August.


4.1.2 Scan the QR code included in the Skaventide box set and input the results of your battle before 23:59 (UK time) on the 5th August 2024.  

So around that time we will get the winner, and the loser may be at Nova Open (half a month later?).

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I think TOW books have done well as many fans have been excited for the return and overall the rules have been very well recieved. 

I also think as far as official models go they may not have sold as well. I've read that a lot of folks either use their existing models or from what I've gathered 3d printed ther armies as there are sooo many fantastic options out there and available at a fraction of the cost. 

A bit of a double edged sword. 

Edit: I truly do not understand the benefit of them not encouraging cross system model use. 


Edited by Vasshpit
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6 hours ago, Magnusaur said:

Why sad? Necromunda is an awesome game and it kind of needs a bit of a boost to get some traction. It's a specialist game, so you won't ever see the kind of mass-hype for it like the core staples. Also, Hive Secundus is coming up, which is one of the only major things we know are on the horizon in addition to AOS 4th, of course.

And now, with the Hel Crown announcement, we know that we'll be seeing the second Stormcast/Skaven wave as part of that campaign, so yeah, the next few Mondays are probably Necromondays. 

Maybe not the most appropriate english word to describe my feeling about this but as you say it is a specialist game I assume that more people are playing 40K, AoS and even maybe horus heresy, warcry and killteam (not sure about those 3 tho). 

And despite the fact that it is a specialist game, it takes a lot of place in the monday miniature. So it is cool that this game is living and have an active community, but I have mixed feelings about the fact that there is so much necromunda mini mondays instead of more popular games (not only AoS). 

Maybe it is because the game is also a skirmish and and it is easier to relase 6-7 minis per month compared to big units for bigger games like AoS or 40k 

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8 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

AoS KhaineFF Jun10 Spearhead

What a peculiar colour scheme. Feels like Aqshyan DoK.

Also, isn't it weird that we have no Monday model yet?

They look very celtic inspired especially with the woad war paint

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2 minutes ago, Vagard said:

it takes a lot of place in the monday miniature. 

Doesn't help that with a three year cycle edition 6+months are taken up by only two armies as what we're currently in. 

Especially if you're not interested in either.


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Speculation regarding the success (or not) of ToW will really only be seen when GW publishes its financial report at the end of July. The previous 6 months were filled mostly with Specialist game releases. It will be interesting to see if the numbers match the 6 months prior which includes the launch of 10th Edition. 

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1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

Btw, reading the post I realized that Hel Crown is not ruined (yet)! 


There's another city, Hel's Claw, underneath that it is the Ruined one.

Do you think that we will see the classic small narrative book from the big boxes happening in Hel Crown? Or would it be purely reserved for the Orgram like campaign or any side game like Warcry? It definitely has a lot of material around to be just meat for the marketing meat grinder.

I mean they made a heraldry & detail map so if i going to say the whole battle is going to be deciding whether or not the gate of Hell will be open or close

  • skaven win the gate open and we got ourselves nu-Mordheim as it spill to most districts
  • Stormcast win the bastion and reinforcement of the gate and the city is devastated 

either way the war goes on and the tug of war for the city continue

for the classic narrative book i'm sure it be more surrounding the Embergard incursions hence the emphasis of the city destroy and multiple battle around the tail end of the mountain range

as for Warcry i think they going to the "Mosscairn" to deal with the Vermidoom-Ghyran theater edition

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1 hour ago, HorticulusTGA said:

As speculation : 


Skaven range reveal aequivalent (end of the global campaign)


Ruination Chamber range reveal aequivalent (Nova Open) ???


I think the first army revealed will depends on which side will win the hellcrown event, it was the same for 40k. 

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