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1 hour ago, Tonhel said:

Much, much better, it's indeed the lower part that makes the mini a failure imo.

First new stormcast that isn't an improvement versus its older model. 😞 

Good thing he can fly tho or else he'd always trip over his skirt!

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The color scheme for the new Skaven has to be one of the most muted GW has ever done, especially for a tentpole release..!

The way the flesh covers the Brood Terror reminds me of The Master from Fallout. Gross!The Master (fallout, not doctor who) // Commander / EDH (The Master,  Transcendent) deck list mtg // Moxfield — MTG Deck Builder

Edited by Magnusaur
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1 minute ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I don't really know, anyways the miniature's pose slaps hard, he looks like a Dark Souls boss, and the golden wings are so cool...


The Lawsuit-Invocator, on a quest to find sanctuary for his daemonette girlfriend (yes, my totally new lore is really good), feels more at home in Diablo.

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1 minute ago, MitGas said:


The Lawsuit-Invocator, on a quest to find sanctuary for his daemonette girlfriend (yes, my totally new lore is really good), feels more at home in Diablo.

I also thought of Diablo a bit too, but I'm not very well versed in Blizzard titles :) 

But, now that you're mentioning angels from other franchises, I think painting the wings pure white like Diablo angels would have been better. Because the golden wings are great, but they remind me of Adam in Hazbin Hotel and now I can't unsee it...

Suis-je le seul à penser qu'Adam avait réellement de bons points ? Selon  vous, qui a raison, Charlie, Adam ou ont-ils tous deux tort ? : r/ HazbinHotel

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She looks a lot like the Priest from the Diablo 4 Trailer, who also happens to be the "Pontifex" of a church. (The church who's "savior"/"god" the guy the new SCE reminds us off, is).

Edited by Rachmani
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59 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

So what’s your opinion on the actual question without getting stuck on semantics.

Already gave it multiple times, but here it is again : I'd say it's the focus on gameplay that gives that feeling, and I'd make a distinction between Spearhead (definitely more gamey and giving less listbuilding choice) and core AoS in 4th so far.

Back to the angel : I'd say it's the front angle that makes him look the best. I like that Diablo vibe.

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38 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Absolutely love them both!!!! I need a size chart for that Brood Terror!!!!

I wholeheartedly agree @KingBrodd, this is new miniature is the kind of stuff I’ve come to expect from Skaven due to Total War and Vermintide: Frankensteinesque abominations beyond my comprehension. Thank God that GW gave me a lore friendly excuse to collect Skaven and Tomb Kings (they helped avenge LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! The first time Natasha destroyed it), cause I don’t think I can stop myself if we get more stuff like this.

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Btw, I think Tornus gets prevalence on the mini over the generic Azyros, and not the other way


But as an early teaser, we’ve got two new miniatures to show you today – the hulking two-headed Brood Terror, and the soaring brilliance of the Knight-Azyros, Tornus the Redeemed.

The video also presents him as Tornus:


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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

Absolutely love them both!!!! I need a size chart for that Brood Terror!!!!

Stormfiends a somewhere around 2½-3 inches and this looks to be maybe twice that? So big, but not over-the-top massive. Part of me definitely wants to GW to push the centerpiece models in scope and size, but I can also appreciate striking a balance between being big enough to stand out while still being practically, logistically, and mechanically flexible enough that it doesn't break the scales or stick out in a bad way.

Kind of the same thing with last year's Norn Emissary. Definitely wanted something even bigger, but this will actually see regular play instead of being the "I need an extra case *and* building my entire list around" just to use it.

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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

Look towards the always prevalent base skull. 😉

Looks to be a 60-80nm


32 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

Stormfiends a somewhere around 2½-3 inches and this looks to be maybe twice that? So big, but not over-the-top massive. Part of me definitely wants to GW to push the centerpiece models in scope and size, but I can also appreciate striking a balance between being big enough to stand out while still being practically, logistically, and mechanically flexible enough that it doesn't break the scales or stick out in a bad way.

Kind of the same thing with last year's Norn Emissary. Definitely wanted something even bigger, but this will actually see regular play instead of being the "I need an extra case *and* building my entire list around" just to use it.

So we thinking Mancrusher Gargant sized?

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Well, I think it's safe to say that Nurgle won't be getting his revenge on Tornus  anytime soon.

I am curious if we will see anything done with the warpstone infused Ghur realm-blood that was teased as a kind of super-soldier serum in the last Skaven battletome. Maybe we will see a new and enhanced type of Stormvermin replace the existing ones.

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So updating the list

Red= gone 

Blue= going into a supplement so chances Super low

Green= Updated already



oh from SG Warhound list what left is

  • Vizzik Skour the new Verminlord
  • nu-Queek Warlord with Bodyguards
  • Globadiers 
  • Arch-warlock
  • Weapon team
  • Stormvermin
  • New Wolf rat
  • Master Moulder
  • Warlock Engineer with Warpvolt obliterator


Edited by Dragon-knight77
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3 hours ago, MitGas said:


The Lawsuit-Invocator, on a quest to find sanctuary for his daemonette girlfriend (yes, my totally new lore is really good), feels more at home in Diablo.

Would take some work but it could totally be kitbashed into Malthael from 3

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There's a lot of ambiguity about how many Warlocks are coming for Skaven. I really can't imagine there being both an Arch-Warlock and another, on top of the one in the box *and* the one that got leaked.

But what about the weapon teams, though. Traditionally that has encompassed Warpfire Throwers, Ratling Guns, Poisoned Wind Mortars, Doom-flayers, and Warp-grinders. And technically also Warplock Jezzails, but that's moot point.

Are we really going to see five different kits for these? Maybe one kit with options for all? Perhaps some are being passed on other units, like Warpfire on Rat Ogors. Would love to see a Stormfiend-style kit with tons of options for the crew. I don't need every kit to have a bunch of extra pieces (Vindictors did fine with just a push-fit kit, for example), but every now and then it's nice to get a meaty box full of bits.

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11 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

There's a lot of ambiguity about how many Warlocks are coming for Skaven. I really can't imagine there being both an Arch-Warlock and another, on top of the one in the box *and* the one that got leaked.

While it does seem like alot to get four kinds of Warlocks (assuming its not three with the leaked one, the box one and the Arch-Warlock) Necrons had something similar happen with their Crypteks in 9th.

Before the update they just had a "Cryptek" model but then got another one in the big box and two others in the releases afterwards and they just renamed them into different types of Crypteks. So the existing one turned into a Technomancer, the box one is a Plasmancer and the two additional ones are Psychomancer and Chronomancer. 

Since the already revealed Warlock is specifically meant for Warlock Jezzails, I could see something similar for rats where each Warlock just gets a specialization with the Warlock just being the overall unit-type.


Of course personally I would still prefer different units instead of just four sub-variations of the same one but it is possible thats what they are going for

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1 hour ago, EthanolMuffins said:

Would take some work but it could totally be kitbashed into Malthael from 3

What about my awesome and totally original forbidden love story though? Malthael has no love for anything! 

But he is the coolest angel by far, so very good idea. There's already a decent model you can get on etsy if you want a mini.


Edited by MitGas
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32 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

There's a lot of ambiguity about how many Warlocks are coming for Skaven. I really can't imagine there being both an Arch-Warlock and another, on top of the one in the box *and* the one that got leaked.

But what about the weapon teams, though. Traditionally that has encompassed Warpfire Throwers, Ratling Guns, Poisoned Wind Mortars, Doom-flayers, and Warp-grinders. And technically also Warplock Jezzails, but that's moot point.

Are we really going to see five different kits for these? Maybe one kit with options for all? Perhaps some are being passed on other units, like Warpfire on Rat Ogors. Would love to see a Stormfiend-style kit with tons of options for the crew. I don't need every kit to have a bunch of extra pieces (Vindictors did fine with just a push-fit kit, for example), but every now and then it's nice to get a meaty box full of bits.

We got idea that they're is going to be 3 types of Warlocks that SG told us about

  • The Warlock engineer sniper variant in the box
  • The New Warlock the Galvaneer with Warpvolt obliterator
  • Arch-warlock HQ

r/skaven - All the SG Warhound leaks so far (explanation on comments)

As for Weapon team I personally believe it going to be one unit that allow you to customize it to either Rattling gunner, warp thrower or Grinder much like how the new Liberators giving you the option of hammer + shield, double hammer & great hammer but all the same weapon stats

poison wind mortar is most likely just going to redone as the new globadier 


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2 hours ago, Magnusaur said:

But what about the weapon teams, though. Traditionally that has encompassed Warpfire Throwers, Ratling Guns, Poisoned Wind Mortars, Doom-flayers, and Warp-grinders. And technically also Warplock Jezzails, but that's moot point.

Are we really going to see five different kits for these? Maybe one kit with options for all? Perhaps some are being passed on other units, like Warpfire on Rat Ogors. Would love to see a Stormfiend-style kit with tons of options for the crew. I don't need every kit to have a bunch of extra pieces (Vindictors did fine with just a push-fit kit, for example), but every now and then it's nice to get a meaty box full of bits.

I can totally see weapons team as a Command corps/Gobapalooza unit of 5 different models. Although I think it would make more sense if they weren't simplifying profile/abilities this edition...

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It probably more of a multi build kit or at least for the Warpfire, Poison wind mortar, or warp Grinder. I think doom flayers is better serves as its own seperate kit considering that it’s a mechanized melee chariot and the profile is different then the other 3

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