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5 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

And we have Mortek Hekatos with Halberd, Mortek Guards with Clubs, and a Mortek Archer from like, 5ish seasons ago in Underworlds and none have yet made their way to AoS. Same with elite Namarti units from Elathain’s Soulraid and his warbeasts. The pipeline is either clogged, or it’s not real. 

Not everything is going to be translated into AoS releases nor follow the same order in AoS as in UW, but a big chunk of them.

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2 minutes ago, Kempak said:

Any rumours of kragnos? I noted in the short story on warcom in regards to vermindoom there's a passage that allarielle had been weakened from "caging the earthquake god" and there seems to be no mention of him in the kruleboyz article other than a passing statemement about him emerging at the start of era of the beast.

Also the Murknob's banner specifically invokes his power for protection.

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3 minutes ago, Kempak said:

Any rumours of kragnos? I noted in the short story on warcom in regards to vermindoom there's a passage that allarielle had been weakened from "caging the earthquake god" and there seems to be no mention of him in the kruleboyz article other than a passing statemement about him emerging at the start of era of the beast.

He is in the Ogors one.

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6 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

Kruleboyz looking like a big improvement on their 3e incarnation - dunno about power level, and I'm sad they're still 'roll 6s, the faction' with Crit Mortals all over the place, but the new Dirty Tricks looks a lot more fun and faction-defining, and things like the Murknob now look something worth taking.

A big and at the same time kind of sneaky change I like about them is that their ranged attacks no longer deal mortals on crit, but instead auto wound (at least on the Killbow). I think that will make them feel a lot more fun to play against. Mortals at range are have been a problem in AoS for at least two editions, I am glad they are using the indexes as a way to remove them all from the game at once.

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1 minute ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

A big and at the same time kind of sneaky change I like about them is that their ranged attacks no longer deal mortals on crit, but instead auto wound (at least on the Killbow). I think that will make them feel a lot more fun to play against. Mortals at range are have been a problem in AoS for at least two editions, I am glad they are using the indexes as a way to remove them all from the game at once.

Ooh nice, I hope that's true on the Boltboyz as well then, yeah. It makes ranged combat less oppressive, and helps give units like Gutrippaz more value internally by comparison.

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2 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

And then please immediately release all the indexes the following Monday.

So what are the odds to get core rules and index after faction focus articles are over ?

How did it go with 40K 10th edition ?

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23 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

With SBGL out of the equation, what do we miss?

- Sylvaneth
- Seraphon
- BoK
- S2D
- IJ

Maybe in that order?

Hope Seraphon go first. Too many elves in a row.

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We know that the faction focus will end next friday. Based on the date of 29th for the preorder of the box, nothing is yet announced for the week before the 29th. I don't think it'll be a quiet week as they want to keep the hype. 

Nezzhil said that we will get the the indexes very soon so there's a lot of chances that this week is the one

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31 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Krule wording also in this Warscrolls:

AoS KruleboyzFF Jun13 Warscroll5

Yes as we thought "orruk warclans " and "orruk" keywords are gone : so split battletomes and no longer big waagh !


Scare Taktikz could have a been a flat -1 to be hit or ,since bonesplitterz are gone , they could have ward 6+ instead : i really don't like rolling a dice for an ability .

Dirty tricks still very random due to roll too

Not impressed at first read 




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17 minutes ago, Vagard said:

We know that the faction focus will end next friday. Based on the date of 29th for the preorder of the box, nothing is yet announced for the week before the 29th. I don't think it'll be a quiet week as they want to keep the hype. 

Nezzhil said that we will get the the indexes very soon so there's a lot of chances that this week is the one

I wonder what will they do to build expectations for AoS during the upcoming 3 weeks. So, the indexes would be a good solution indeed.

*sigh* can't wait for the AoS app to get paywalled to hell...

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I like the new Dirty Tricks. The whole system resets every battleround, and there are 4 Tricks that you can try, or wait for your best one to use that 2+.

All of them can be used in your turn (one of them needs a Counter-Charge from the enemy) and then repeat with probably 5+ roll in the enemies turn (or viceversa if you go second). That's a lot of stuff that can happen and good players are going to be patience to use all their Tricks at the right time to have the best chance to success (not me, I'm going to use all of them as soon as I can lol).

There are some -1hit and -1 attack here and there that I'm curious if they are going to be the main tool for Kruleboyz to survive. Another thing that I'm interested is the Formation that focus on movement.

All in all, I think they are going to be really fun to play.

Edited by Beliman
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Loving the Kruleboyz FF! 

Defo feel sneaky and cunning now, which they should do. 

Dirty tricks is a big upgrade. Really hope they do get a 2nd wave this edition. 

Guessing after the FF next week, the core rules and indexes will be available the week after. 

Just need to decide the army I want to focus on first, defo leaning back into my kruleboyz at the moment. 

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39 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

A big and at the same time kind of sneaky change I like about them is that their ranged attacks no longer deal mortals on crit, but instead auto wound (at least on the Killbow). I think that will make them feel a lot more fun to play against. Mortals at range are have been a problem in AoS for at least two editions, I am glad they are using the indexes as a way to remove them all from the game at once.

Keep in mind that we saw some weapon keywords change from spearhead and the normal warscroll, so I would wait to see if they truly change the crit mortals to wounds on the killaboss and boltboy.

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45 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

Also, if we are seeing a permanent and full Kruleboyz/Ironjaws split, without any unifying Big Waaagh, then hopefully that means we'll see a proper Kruleboyz second wave this edition, like the Ironjawz got in Dawnbringers.


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Confirmed Orruk Civil War TM:

Orruks are everywhere in the Mortal Realms, truculent hooligans who love nothing more than fighting, looting, and killing. But as you’d expect from such a fractious race, they don’t all get along.

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35 minutes ago, Garrac said:

I wonder what will they do to build expectations for AoS during the upcoming 3 weeks. So, the indexes would be a good solution indeed.

*sigh* can't wait for the AoS app to get paywalled to hell...

Isn't it already paywalled?

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3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Isn't it already paywalled?

To some extent, warscrolls are still free. In the 10E 40K app everything is locked down once the codexes are released, warscrolls included.

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