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6 minutes ago, FoursCompany said:

Does a faction focus on KB rather than Warclans confirm the rumored split of IJ and KB into separate tomes?

Faction focus confirm for the Index that they're separated

for Battletome no hard confirmation just obvious look since they have Inronjawz/Kruleboyz Warscroll and no Big WAAAGH! keywork to group them together

Edited by Dragon-knight77
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I wonder how they’ll come up with Ironjawz spearhead next week as long as every faction focus has its section reviewed. 
Or maybe Ironjawz Spearhead will be announced next week🤔

Edited by Ookami
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12 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

No, only indexes at this point. 


4 minutes ago, cofaxest said:

No. Also we still have Orruk warclans spearhead. 

Feels weird to have an Index preview for an army that doesn’t technically ‘exist’ to me. Have a subfaction FF just feels…odd. The spearhead being titled Warclans is a thing…how easy would it be to reprint boxes for just Kruelboyz Spearhead (since the box only contains KB models anyway). Not sure I’d put money on GW rebranding an entire stock of spearhead boxes though. 

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1 hour ago, Bosskelot said:

Makes sense to divorce KB from Kragnos lorewise. Always felt very forced and something decided on last minute. The idea of the stylized faces on their shields and banners somehow representing him was just ????

Kragnos is very much still a part of the Kruleboyz background. He is name-dropped both in the article and on actual warscrolls.


Edited by Mortal Wound
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18 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

I wouldn't be surprised if they put rules in White Dwarf for Orruk Warclans. 

Would be hard to do that now since it implies they are now in separated Pitch battle profile if going by the complete wipe of the Orruk Warclans keyword. There no existing nomenclature that would tie them together anymore 

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6 minutes ago, novakai said:

Would be hard to do that now since it implies they are now in separated Pitch battle profile if going by the complete wipe of the Orruk Warclans keyword. There no existing nomenclature that would tie them together anymore 

Well theres one "Destruction"!! Back to a big old mix of Orks, grots, troggs and giants!  But that wont not happen, at least not inthe next edition.  


Ill miss my Orruk warclans, I enjoyed mixing kruelboys with Ironjaws. 

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1 minute ago, LadyAurora said:

Haiku are seasons

And the new season's handbook

Will appeal to more


So is this a prediction or a leak? Because “It will appeal to more people than Merciless Blizzard: The Musical” is a pretty safe bet. 

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I do miss the rumors though, seems we haven't had any leaks or concrete proof of anything new in a long long time. Silent ones, chaos dwarves, sky grots, Malerion's brood, or the kurnothi. Heck with Beasts getting kicked to Old world, there's certainly room for another faction. I hope we see something surprising and unique this edition, hopefully for destruction. And if its entirely unrelated to the current gods and chaos gods so much the better. Extraplanar invasion into our reality, attracted by all the rampant magic? Sure bring it on. Or perhaps the very shards of the realms rebelling, with elementals appearing everywhere to wipe out the mortals plaguing its surface. Really toss the narrative on its head, shake up the status quo, and cause the order gods to come back together or face oblivion. Heck, even Chaos doesnt want to eliminate all the mortals.  Be hilarious to see Archaeon team up with the Stormcast, wouldn't it? 

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24 minutes ago, novakai said:

Would be hard to do that now since it implies they are now in separated Pitch battle profile if going by the complete wipe of the Orruk Warclans keyword. There no existing nomenclature that would tie them together anymore 

I mean, I don't think they will do it, but I don't think it would be very hard to write "A BIG WAAAGH army can use any warscrolls with the KRULEBOYZ or IRONJAWZ keywords. They gain the BIG WAAAGH keyword."

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1 hour ago, FoursCompany said:

Does a faction focus on KB rather than Warclans confirm the rumored split of IJ and KB into separate tomes?

We debated also about the chance of being just for the indexes period... so most likely confirming it than not, but we won't know until the battletomes arrive.

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1 hour ago, Ookami said:

I wonder how they’ll come up with Ironjawz spearhead next week as long as every faction focus has its section reviewed. 
Or maybe Ironjawz Spearhead will be announced next week🤔

He, that's why they will be the very last faction. They will have to get their Spearhead announced.

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31 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I mean, I don't think they will do it, but I don't think it would be very hard to write "A BIG WAAAGH army can use any warscrolls with the KRULEBOYZ or IRONJAWZ keywords. They gain the BIG WAAAGH keyword."

Would be odd to add that type of language now for an allegiance ability given the current way they write rules. At least not something expected from a white dwarf

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44 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

I do miss the rumors though, seems we haven't had any leaks or concrete proof of anything new in a long long time. Silent ones, chaos dwarves, sky grots, Malerion's brood, or the kurnothi. Heck with Beasts getting kicked to Old world, there's certainly room for another faction. I hope we see something surprising and unique this edition, hopefully for destruction. And if its entirely unrelated to the current gods and chaos gods so much the better. Extraplanar invasion into our reality, attracted by all the rampant magic? Sure bring it on. Or perhaps the very shards of the realms rebelling, with elementals appearing everywhere to wipe out the mortals plaguing its surface. Really toss the narrative on its head, shake up the status quo, and cause the order gods to come back together or face oblivion. Heck, even Chaos doesnt want to eliminate all the mortals.  Be hilarious to see Archaeon team up with the Stormcast, wouldn't it? 

Chorfs were confirmed months ago.

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26 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Controversial opinion but I wouldnt mind seeiny Gnoblars leave Mawtribes.

Honestly, I agree. Gnoblars very much feel like a lingering hangover from when Ogre Kingdoms were first introduced to WHFB.

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Gnoblars should join up with the Gitmob and form the sky grots. Blackpowder technology from the gnoblars with mechanical know how from the gitmob. Match made in heaven. Or more likely Ashqy. 


Heck Total war already has them, why not AoS?



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27 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

Honestly, I agree. Gnoblars very much feel like a lingering hangover from when Ogre Kingdoms were first introduced to WHFB.

Maybe they could expand on the original idea and have Ogors adopting/bullying a variety of little critters they come across as slaves/pets/snacks, not just Gnoblars. A bit like Blackpowder and his crew:


Edited by Gareth 🍄
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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I mean, I don't think they will do it, but I don't think it would be very hard to write "A BIG WAAAGH army can use any warscrolls with the KRULEBOYZ or IRONJAWZ keywords. They gain the BIG WAAAGH keyword."

I think that it could be done even easer. Just take min 1 KRULEBOYZ regiment and 1 IRONJAWZ regiment, and also that each regiment must have it's own battle formation. And on top give them WAAAAAAGH rule that work different on KB and IJ.

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