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46 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Honestly, I don’t think most people particularly care- Almost entirely because even GW probably had no idea what the guy’s deal was supposed to be. He has like 3 different, wildly varying depictions across 3 books, and, as I’ve said before, he’s not like Nagash where there’s loads of stuff you can have him doing, Kragnos lacks the personality to carry a narrative. It’s pretty telling that the entire era was about everyone else and Kragnos felt like an afterthought most of the time. 

Generally it because the narrative content in AoS has been very weak overall (also a problem in newer 40K) 

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2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Chorfs in around two years. Kragnos and the Gang in around 5 years.


My newest Theory for Malerion, after 10 years of waiting - Is that he’s being kept as a Lore Character for when they want to Destroy the Realms of AoS and begin a new Era in a new Dimension - Time of Malerion. However, He’s still kept as a mystery in his own Storyline. 

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1 hour ago, novakai said:

cough a certain popular YouTube creator imply to have interview the miniature designer who design Kragnos and through back door conversation confirm that he was instructed to make a Destruction centaur god for Age of Sigmar cough

it was actually two popular YouTube creators lol.  both Heywoah and Vince said Kraggy was always meant to be for Destruction, and both said they were 100% sure with a private source that reached out directly to them.

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2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

This. Im really hoping that Ogors get a strong narrative focus. Kruelboyz were the starter box antagonists and quickly slipped to the wayside. Sons of Behemat stomped onto the scene to be immediately sidelined by Lumineth.

Destruction is NARRATIVELY the most neglected Alliance and Factions.

It is so odd to me as Destruction are the best GA to explore the narrative implications of the Manifest Destiny style imperialism of the Dawnbringers. Chaos tribes are great but narratively the further you move towards the gods the more an individual looses themselves to them. 

But show the Crusades impacting Ogor Hunting Grounds, show the impact of the crusades on Gitz trying to follow the Badmoon to be stopped by an impassable wall of shields. Have the Ironjawz and Kruel Boyz try to overthrow these advances for the sake of overthrowing society. Also just set up a city and have a gargant kick it over for the sake of it. 

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6 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

It is so odd to me as Destruction are the best GA to explore the narrative implications of the Manifest Destiny style imperialism of the Dawnbringers. Chaos tribes are great but narratively the further you move towards the gods the more an individual looses themselves to them. 

But show the Crusades impacting Ogor Hunting Grounds, show the impact of the crusades on Gitz trying to follow the Badmoon to be stopped by an impassable wall of shields. Have the Ironjawz and Kruel Boyz try to overthrow these advances for the sake of overthrowing society. Also just set up a city and have a gargant kick it over for the sake of it. 

I've seen suggestions here and there about Destro humans, but are they not a bit the Darkoaths? If you remove the Chaos gods part they are basically Destro humans. I think that's one of the biggest problems for Destro narratives.

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9 hours ago, novakai said:

No it was confirm firmly that he was always design for destruction 

cough a certain popular YouTube creator imply to have interview the miniature designer who design Kragnos and through back door conversation confirm that he was instructed to make a Destruction centaur god for Age of Sigmar cough

The Time of Drogrukh will come ! 

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I've just read this and it is super interesting!

How the Warhammer Studio Was Swept up in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Spearhead League - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)

I really liked how they made different ways to score points, especially the one related to engaging battles with as many different opponents as possible and being able to get a winner for the Ghyran side and the Aqshy side it is also super curious!

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Talking about lore, we have that wrap-up article we've been discussing : 


But in White Dwarf 501, there are Ark Arcana and an excellent short story (The Ravening, last of the Dawnbringer Chronicles) about in-universe Vermindoom points of view, hugely recommend it !!

Also, a more complete wrap-up is presented by Phil Kelly in the World of Warhammer section, reviewing the Era of the Beast (honestly @KingBrodd it was really interesting and convincing, talking about Thondia, the Gnarlwood in Warcry and Underworlds, and the various beastly kits released during 3rd edition : it was a quite thematic edition after all!).

And as an aside I'd like to share the Realms of Ruin soundtrack, it's quite nice for painting and gaming (also on Spotify) : 


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14 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Talking about lore, we have that wrap-up article we've been discussing : 


But in White Dwarf 501, there are Ark Arcana and an excellent short story (The Ravening, last of the Dawnbringer Chronicles) about in-universe Vermindoom points of view, hugely recommend it !!

Also, a more complete wrap-up is presented by Phil Kelly in the World of Warhammer section, reviewing the Era of the Beast (honestly @KingBrodd it was really interesting and convincing, talking about Thondia, the Gnarlwood in Warcry and Underworlds, and the various beastly kits released during 3rd edition : it was a quite thematic edition after all!).

And as an aside I'd like to share the Realms of Ruin soundtrack, it's quite nice for painting and gaming (also on Spotify) : 


It is a shame about Realms of Ruin because it is a really good game in terms of quality in many aspects.

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14 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Here your option now pick one


What is the the big thing in the right ? Looks very big for a mini.

Silent People, I don't really know. Maybe you get a Warcry band that you can recruit as a regiment of renown for Destro armies.

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5 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

What is the the big thing in the right ? Looks very big for a mini.

Silent People, I don't really know. Maybe you get a Warcry band that you can recruit as a regiment of renown for Destro armies.

If Silent People are going to show up, Warcry would be the perfect place to do it.

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8 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

If Silent People are going to show up, Warcry would be the perfect place to do it.

I don't know if this has been posted here before, because I don't know where I heard this in the first place, possibly here. If so, sorry for repeating info. 

This is quite obscure GW lore. Basically, the story goes that in the early 00s, Alessio Cavatore and the Warhammer studio wanted to introduce a new faction to WFB. They had a bunch of ideas but eventually narrowed the choice to two : an Ogre faction that would expand them beyond their mercenary roles in Dogs of War, or an insectoid race of creatures with an "East Asian vibe". Eventually they choose the 1st option which gave us Ogre Kingdoms, but I wounldn't be surprised if GW kept concept art of the insectoid creatures that almost became a WFB army. It would really be peak irony if the concept resurfaces in AoS (albeit very different from WFB) as the Silent People.

One strange bit about this whole thing is that when Cavatore left GW to go create his own wargame (Conquest), he said that in his super ambitious plans for Conquest (something 25+ factions), he may have an insect people faction.

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I don't know if this has been posted here before, because I don't know where I heard this in the first place, possibly here. If so, sorry for repeating info. 

This is quite obscure GW lore. Basically, the story goes that in the early 00s, Alessio Cavatore and the Warhammer studio wanted to introduce a new faction to WFB. They had a bunch of ideas but eventually narrowed the choice to two : an Ogre faction that would expand them beyond their mercenary roles in Dogs of War, or an insectoid race of creatures with an "East Asian vibe". Eventually they choose the 1st option which gave us Ogre Kingdoms, but I wounldn't be surprised if GW kept concept art of the insectoid creatures that almost became a WFB army. It would really be peak irony if the concept resurfaces in AoS (albeit very different from WFB) as the Silent People.

One strange bit about this whole thing is that when Cavatore left GW to go create his own wargame (Conquest), he said that in his super ambitious plans for Conquest (something 25+ factions), he may have an insect people faction.

I heard this before somewhere too.

Supposedly the bug remains on the Firebelly might be based on them.


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25 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

I can't think of many things more uninspired than a bunch of insect-people. 

...but maybe that's because I'm a Doctor Who fan, and have seen the concept done to death! 

I can think of some more uninspired concepts. Knights in shinging Armour are pretty overdone in fantasy, as are orcs, Goblins, elves, dwarves, wizards and don't even get me started on how over used vampires, zombies, skeletons, wights, revenants, werewolves, ghouls and ghosts are in both fantasy, horror and Gothic romance.

The fun part of age of sigmar is taking familiar tropes and expanding them in imaginative ways. Like people who see Kragnos as just a centuar when instead it is a mythological god beast whose hooves are tied to rumbling in the ground. Or how people want Idoneth to be lovecraftian horrors when currently they feel much closer to legends of mysterious sea peoples that exist throughout history and told in the tall tales of my fisher folk relatives. 

In other words I love AOS as the armies feel like heavily mythologized versions of traditional fantasy tropes.

Edited by Neverchosen
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8 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

I can think of some more uninspired concepts. Knights in shinging Armour are pretty overdone in fantasy, as are orcs, Goblins, elves, dwarves, wizards and don't even get me started on how over used vampires, zombies, skeletons, wights, revenants, werewolves, ghouls and ghosts are in both fantasy, horror and Gothic romance.

The fun part of age of sigmar is taking familiar tropes and expanding them in imaginative ways. Like people who see Kragnos as just a centuar when instead it is a mythological god beast whose hooves are tied to rumbling in the ground. Or how people want Idoneth to be lovecraftian horrors when currently they feel much closer to legends of mysterious sea peoples that exist throughout history and told in the tall tales of my fisher folk relatives. 

In other words I love AOS as the armies feel like heavily mythologized versions of traditional fantasy tropes.

Fair point, well made. 

Still can't picture myself collecting a lot of bugs, though! 

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13 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

I can think of some more uninspired concepts. Knights in shinging Armour are pretty overdone in fantasy, as are orcs, Goblins, elves, dwarves, wizards and don't even get me started on how over used vampires, zombies, skeletons, wights, revenants, werewolves, ghouls and ghosts are in both fantasy, horror and Gothic romance.

The fun part of age of sigmar is taking familiar tropes and expanding them in imaginative ways. Like people who see Kragnos as just a centuar when instead it is a mythological god beast whose hooves are tied to rumbling in the ground. Or how people want Idoneth to be lovecraftian horrors when currently they feel much closer to legends of mysterious sea peoples that exist throughout history and told in the tall tales of my fisher folk relatives. 

In other words I love AOS as the armies feel like heavily mythologized versions of traditional fantasy tropes.

I think it is the other way around.

Precisely, as those concepts are pretty common, they are the ones that are more appealing to the broader audience.

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4 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

I can't think of many things more uninspired than a bunch of insect-people. 

...but maybe that's because I'm a Doctor Who fan, and have seen the concept done to death! 

Ah thats interesting, I haven’t seen an exhaustive amount of Insect people- Though I do imagine theres lots out there. But I don’t see it any less reason not to include in aos. Same as having Dwarfs, Elves, Orcs undead etc. it just needs its own little definitive character, or not. 

I think “Fantasy Tyranids” would be an instant buy for me if done dark enough. I mean something like Vulture Bees that creates its hive and Honey from the digested and processed nutrient from the meat it eats. A Faction that Would Give Flesh Eater courts a Run for it’s money. 

Mtg, New genstealers, and vulture bees  just to drive my point home.






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5 minutes ago, Kronos said:

Mtg, New genstealers, and vulture bees  just to drive my point home.


That explains a lot... none of that appeals to me as the basis of a AoS faction. 

But I'm not the sole market they're aiming for. If other hobbyists like all that gribbly Insectoid stuff... hoorah and I hope they go for it! 

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20 minutes ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

Fair point, well made. 

Still can't picture myself collecting a lot of bugs, though! 

That is fair but remember that there are people that absolutely would collect such an army. I am not sure where I land on the idea as there are so many ways to sculpt such an army. Are they people mutated into insects like in Cronenberg's the Fly, strange humanoid creatures with exoskeletons like in Hallow Knight, or just anthropomorphic insect people like the Micronauts? I play 40k and I don't play Genestealer Cults or Tyranids but my best friend loves both.

16 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I think it is the other way around.

Precisely, as those concepts are pretty common, they are the ones that are more appealing to the broader audience.

I confess I was being a little tongue in cheek, as that is the exact point I was making. I feel like people are drawn to specific tropes and like to see the cool variations that have been developed. Why I made a concentrated point about the various death tropes, as whatever your preferred undead abomination might be GW has you covered.

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