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11 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Exactly, it seems a great addition that gives flexibility to your army. My only problem is that it could be removed in a year when the new GHB module arrives. That's why this would have been perfect as part of the core rules.

''So, how will modularity impact this? “In the future, we could simply replace the magic module entirely with a ‘Magic of Andtor’ module, as an example. This could seamlessly integrate thematic modifications to the magic rules for that battlepack, without resorting to extensive Core Rules errata or layers of extra rules on top.” 

There are also other benefits, as Matt explains: “Say, for example, we find out during the course of a season of Matched Play that the economy of Command points isn’t quite right for competitive play. We don’t need to issue an errata online; instead, we could have a new General’s Handbook with a new Command Module that is both thematically resonant and helps evolve the internal balance. If we want to bring that Advanced Rule module back in the future, we can.”''


I think the thing is that they can just replace one of the core modules with these updated rules if they are liked. So this modularity makes it incredibly easy to take new rules modules that are very liked and implement them into the core rules. I don't mind things like this being tested in 'advanced' modules first.

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On 6/14/2024 at 11:07 AM, Ookami said:

My bet is almost the same, yet I hope it will include maw grunta. 

This is the bet from Reddit 



On Friday we will find out , from Warcom:

"There are five Faction Focus articles left for Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Seraphon, Blades of Khorne,Slaves to Darkness, Sylvaneth, and Ironjawz. Are they in that order? You’ll just have to tune in to find out,"


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I hope they launch new spearhead boxes with range updates that they just add to the rules. CoS, Seraphon and FeC got some really nice ones with their new models. Would be great both for new ways to play spearhead (Skaven and SCE have multiple spearheads too) and to update some of the more unbalanced (in terms of model count or variety) and boring Spearheads like FS, DoK, Ogors and Sylvaneth.

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3 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I hope they launch new spearhead boxes with range updates that they just add to the rules. CoS, Seraphon and FeC got some really nice ones with their new models. Would be great both for new ways to play spearhead (Skaven and SCE have multiple spearheads too) and to update some of the more unbalanced (in terms of model count or variety) and boring Spearheads like FS, DoK, Ogors and Sylvaneth.

40ok is releasing both a Combat Patrol and a Battleforce when a codex is launched, so we will have new ones for sure. The downside is that the new hero goes only to the battleforce :(

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8 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

40ok is releasing both a Combat Patrol and a Battleforce when a codex is launched, so we will have new ones for sure. The downside is that the new hero goes only to the battleforce :(

That's annoying. They did the same with Fyreslayers and put the previously separately available Battlesmith in the Spearhead. It's less bad if the spearhead consists of all new/good models, but if it's models that anyone playing the army already has enough of it's pretty bad.

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2 hours ago, Beliman said:

 My only issue with the rule bloat is how many layers of rules can be stacked on the same game (not system), and that's exactly what the module system should try to stop (they are replaced, not stacked one over the other).

To me, the module system isn't made to stop that. It's precisely made to keep stacking multiple layers on the same game like before, simply making it easier to see to which module/supplement they are attached to.

That's why I believe this honour guard rule not being in the core rule (or everything in the general handbook that will be included in the launch box, really) is not a bug nor a mistake : it's a feature designed on purpose from the very beginning.

And it's not player friendly, IMHO. It's to keep selling more modules / supplements in the future. And yes, that means adding more and more layers like in 3rd until it's bloated too much and time to change editions again.

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20 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

And it's not player friendly, IMHO. It's to keep selling more modules / supplements in the future. And yes, that means adding more and more layers like in 3rd until it's bloated too much and time to change editions again.

I'm completely fine with supplements in the near future and a new season that introduces a unique mechanic, I love all of them.

20 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

To me, the module system isn't made to stop that. It's precisely made to keep stacking multiple layers on the same game like before, but making it easier to see to which module/supplement it is attached to.

 I don't like when they stack in the same core all the rules, one over the other, and supplements adds a diferent ones for the sake of it, so, your first point. And that's exactly what 4th edition is not about. The system allows you to play diferent modes just by switching or removing this modules (that will come in nice and expensive books, with some luck, even in free PDFs and maybe in White Dwarf). That's when the rules bloat disappears.


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1 hour ago, cyrus said:

This is the bet from Reddit 



On Friday we will find out , from Warcom:

"There are five Faction Focus articles left for Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Seraphon, Blades of Khorne,Slaves to Darkness, Sylvaneth, and Ironjawz. Are they in that order? You’ll just have to tune in to find out,"


We know the 25 Spearhead armies in the core book. Ironjawz is not there. A Spearhead for that faction could happen later.

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Plus, it lets you cut out various parts much easier if it turns out they’re not great, because I think we’re almost all in agreement that Andtor is super bland and we’d probably do well to leave at least Merciless Blizzard behind. 

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4 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Plus, it lets you cut out various parts much easier if it turns out they’re not great, because I think we’re almost all in agreement that Andtor is super bland and we’d probably do well to leave at least Merciless Blizzard behind. 

Looking back, all the Andtor magic was completely cracked. Blizzard for obvious reasons, Rupture for only ever being used in that one weird combo where you try to make your own Incarnate go wild and Hoarfrost for just casually being the best buff spell in the game.

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It seems like a few around here are stating their personal opinions and anecdotal experiences as facts. The idea that The Old World isn't a massive success is absurd, the company itself has even said that the project's scope has changed due to its reception and they have plans for the system extending years into the future! I think some posters need to take a wee step back and realise that GW has released the game, 3 factions (With more unit options than many established AoS factions) and previewed a fourth all in 6 months! (As well as supporting half a dozen other game systems!

I really don't think people appreciate the insane margins GW will be making on many of ToW kits. They could sell a small percentage of a comparable AoS kit and turn a much larger profit.

There are many thousands of people across the world who are interested in ToW. The narrative of ToW=Failure is an online fever dream. 

Edited by Hollow
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11 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Plus, it lets you cut out various parts much easier if it turns out they’re not great, because I think we’re almost all in agreement that Andtor is super bland and we’d probably do well to leave at least Merciless Blizzard behind. 

Considering that the Command module is very integrated in the warscroll and faction rules, I am not very positive on the "cut out modules that are not great" and have AoS still work properly. 

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8 minutes ago, Hollow said:

It seems like a few around here are stating their personal opinions and anecdotal experiences as facts. The idea that The Old World isn't a massive success is absurd, the company itself has even said that the project's scope has changed due to its reception and they have plans for the system extending years into the future! I think some posters need to take a wee step back and realise that GW has released the game, 3 factions (With more unit options than many established AoS factions) and previewed a fourth all in 6 months! (As well as supporting half a dozen other game systems!

I really don't think people appreciate the insane margins GW will be making on many of ToW kits. They could sell a small percentage of a comparable AoS kit and turn a much larger profit.

There are many thousands of people across the world who are interested in ToW. The narrative of ToW=Failure is an online fever dream. 

There are a few kits that selling really well, the problem is that they are only online and LGS are getting upset by the space that ToW requieres to don't sell almost anything.

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It’s also quite possible that Old World is a victim of its own success and they simply haven’t had resources to make enough metal and resin dwarfs while still backfilling the Bret’s who are continually sold out.

think this is also the reason mesbg keeps being delayed. The systems are in direct competition for man power of pouting metal and resin possibly at quantities gw has never done in its history.

the made to orders over last few years typically outsold the lifetime sales of the kits when previously on release. It’s quite possibly they’ve sold 4 or 5 times as many Bret kits since Jan than the did between 2000-2015 and they will not have the same level of factory staff devoted to that technology now 

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7 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

the problem is that they are only online and LGS are getting upset by the space that ToW requieres to don't sell almost anything.

Again. The way you state this. How many LGS are you talking about? Your local one? A few comments from online accounts claiming to be one? There are nearly 7000 Independent retailers that carry GamesWorkshop Stock globally (Not including the 500 Official Warhammer Stores

How many are you "representing" when you say "LGS are getting upset?"  and "not selling anything"? 


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3 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

How do you know this?

Because they stated it verbally in a seminar about a classic fantasy mto in 2018 and it’s been stated in mesbg seminars since, yes that’s now old data but i believe the general trend probably holds true over the last 5 years and that gw is such a bigger company now than when they originally made these kits with a much larger and wealthier customer base so  when they do made to orders for one week it gets many more people buying than when the kits were originally on sale. 

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12 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Not to get sidetracked 

Seraphon! anyone thing starborn will buff or weak this edition 

I guess if there is still a slight concept of what we call Starborne (we already now that GW distances from narrative sub-factions in favor of game mechanics ones), then it will be much weaker. GW have already removed summoning from chaos, no doubt it will be removed from Seraphon. But I hope this is for the best, as I am personally a Coalesced fan and wish there will be stronger monster / saurus / kroxigor army lists in 4th edition. 

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55 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

We know the 25 Spearhead armies in the core book. Ironjawz is not there. A Spearhead for that faction could happen later.

are you sure ?

The warcom articles states Skaventide gives you the opportunity to hit the ground running (or scuttling) with two complete forces and literally all the equipment you need to play any of the other 23 factions.

The box contains all the terrain, card decks, and double-sided boards you need to play fast, tense games of Spearhead. You get the 144-page hardback Spearhead: Fire and Jade book, which contains the rules for 25 separate Spearhead boxes, the Spearhead battlepack, and the Core Rules all in one neat package.


 25 separate boxes = all current ones + Ironjaw spearhead 




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14 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

Not to get sidetracked 

Seraphon! anyone thing starborn will buff or weak this edition 

I just hope they make them fun. They will probably be weaker since they were one of the top armies in 3rd, but with no more summoning they will probably naturally trend down a bit. I hope they find a good balance with their magic damage output so that their best game plan is no longer quite as ranged mortal damage based.

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2 minutes ago, cyrus said:

are you sure ?

The warcom articles states Skaventide gives you the opportunity to hit the ground running (or scuttling) with two complete forces and literally all the equipment you need to play any of the other 23 factions.

The box contains all the terrain, card decks, and double-sided boards you need to play fast, tense games of Spearhead. You get the 144-page hardback Spearhead: Fire and Jade book, which contains the rules for 25 separate Spearhead boxes, the Spearhead battlepack, and the Core Rules all in one neat package.


 25 separate boxes = all current ones + Ironjaw spearhead 




All current one + Old Skaven one that WarCom confirmed too.

Edited by Nezzhil
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