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6 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

Clearly The Old World didn't work out so they should just discontinue it and release a prequel called "The Older World" ^^

Or they move the setting on, blow the world up and release Aeon of Sigmar, which in turn becomes one of the best selling wargames and most popular Fantasy wargame in the world.

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Well, I’m whelmed by the S2D FF. They look largely unchanged besides losing banners and the one Heroic Action anyone ever used which means they’re probably going to continue to build the exact same way they have since their previous battletome. 

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1 minute ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Well, I’m whelmed by the S2D FF. They look largely unchanged besides losing banners and the one Heroic Action anyone ever used which means they’re probably going to continue to build the exact same way they have since their previous battletome. 

Are we certainy we lost banners? 

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4 minutes ago, cyrus said:

we know for sure that :

Wednesday 19th : Ironjawz !!!!

Thursday 20 th : Sylvaneth (probably)

Friday 21th : Khorne (probably)


So Core rules release should be at the beginning of next week and then indexes and so on.

The Core Rules released on the same day as the Faction Focus for Titans for 40k, so they might do the same for AoS 😁

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Just now, Tonhel said:

Are we certainy we lost banners? 

I personally assume that a lot of the traits/artefacts will be reduced in the indexes. Banners would likely be on the cutting board.

Wouldn't stop them from being reintroduced in the battletome later though.

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2 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

Are we certainy we lost banners? 

I figured they were your part of your faction trait, but if not then S2D have perhaps the single most “solved” Index already because it’s pretty much the same as it already is. 

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5 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

I figured they were your part of your faction trait, but if not then S2D have perhaps the single most “solved” Index already because it’s pretty much the same as it already is. 

Yeah, I guess that is why I like it so much. What they changed are imo only improvements. Time to finish painting my knights :D 

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38 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

There's still a decent chunk of StD stuff that's from the Warriors of Chaos days.

Manticore, Chariot, Spawn, Warshrine, Foot-Lord and Vortex Beast, and maybe others...? 

To be fair apart from the manticore and spawn these WFB kits blend in very well with the AoS ones.

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Just now, The Lost Sigmarite said:

To be fair apart from the manticore and spawn these WFB kits blend in very well with the AoS ones.

And also provide TOW with much better mini's. Interchangeable mini's between both systems is pure win, sadly GW thinks different.

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They're not crazy good but I'm glad Darkoath kept their "Oath" rules. They're flavourful rules and feel good when they go off. MW on death is fun too!

I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with Ogroids too, they're some of the best models in the range and I love to see them on the table 😊

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33 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

Clearly The Old World didn't work out so they should just discontinue it and release a prequel called "The Older World" ^^

Jokes aside... it would be an interesting setting xD

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44 minutes ago, cyrus said:

we know for sure that :

Wednesday 19th : Ironjawz !!!!

Thursday 20 th : Sylvaneth (probably)

Friday 21th : Khorne (probably)


So Core rules release should be at the beginning of next week and then indexes and so on.

Maybe they surprise us in the preorders announcement with a link for the indexes?

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44 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Or they move the setting on, blow the world up and release Aeon of Sigmar, which in turn becomes one of the best selling wargames and most popular Fantasy wargame in the world.

Every X years blow up your world and build a new one from the ashes. Every new game is the biggest fantasy seller until we surpass 40k. A plan without breaking points.

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Alright Chaos is a mixed bag.
The Traits are okay however the fact that one can no longer become a Deamon Prince makes me sad, very sad.
The Marks are wildly imbalanced. Slaanesh is the least interesting once again. Nurgle is too good,, Tzeentch is great, Khorne is great, Undivded is meh.
I don't get why Nurgle is continously the most powerful of them all. Just give them a 6+ ward.

The Warscrolls themselves seem fine. The ordinary units are kind of bland though.'
The Darkoath look powerful.

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15 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

Alright Chaos is a mixed bag.
The Traits are okay however the fact that one can no longer become a Deamon Prince makes me sad, very sad.
The Marks are wildly imbalanced. Slaanesh is the least interesting once again. Nurgle is too good,, Tzeentch is great, Khorne is great, Undivded is meh.
I don't get why Nurgle is continously the most powerful of them all. Just give them a 6+ ward.

The Warscrolls themselves seem fine. The ordinary units are kind of bland though.'
The Darkoath look powerful.

Yeah I was looking at the marks and 0.1 second after starting to read them I was like “why would you take undivided it’s so situational”.

Also Slaanesh can’t have anything good this edition…

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6 hours ago, Snarff said:

Oh I never meant to present it as a fact, just the general sentiment around it that I've seen (not just here). It's not taken as read, that's why I said 'apparently' and added a disclaimer immediately after it. I tried to be careful with my wording, but this thread is made for rumour and speculation is it not?

With Bret and TK it seems there was positive surprise, with orcs it seems negative. Of course, both of these don't say much.

For the initial launxh GW just said the scope of TOW changed, but not to which extent. The earliest TOW previews had great plans about cathay and kislev but those are completely MIA from everything right now without explanation. Yet people seem to have taken it as fact that TOW is going to get new factions even when it GWs comment might just mean that TOW releases go at a faster pace.Everything remains to be seen.

@Whitefang said this in response to someone saying 'after the kislev/cathay cancellation':

On 4/2/2024 at 1:21 AM, Whitefang said:

Nah it's just they aren't able to release them at the moment. 

Adding to that, both have lore sections in TOW core rulebook. I imagine part of the reason why they aren't here is it would be a substantial release, both factions requiring many plastic kits, so I can see them wanting to get the nine core factions out to form a solid base before expanding.

Orc release suffered for a few reasons: One new miniature (resin); unpopular battalion composition (contrast to the reception of the Dwarf battalion preview), popularity in both WHFB/AoS means most players are using their existing army (base adapters), or building an army solely from AoS minis because they're not interested in decades old sculpts.

You see the latter happening with the Legacy factions, and with Skaven being refreshed, there's going to be many TOW/WHFB players buying the new Skaven. Personally I'll be buying SBGL and FeC to use in my VC army for TOW/WHFB, and the Nighthaunts I collected from Mortal Realms I intend to base on rounds, using adapters so I can use in both.

Outside the vocal minority in both communities, it seems most are happy in using miniatures from either game in their preferred system, or using them in both. Both games can co-exist and complement each other (after all, GW have categorically stated that TOW still leads to the End Times and AoS), and hopefully TOW will be able to flourish once the rest of the factions are out and they can turn the focus to new stuff, and AoS continues to flourish too.

Edited by Sathrut
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1 minute ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Yeah I was looking at the marks and 0.1 second after starting to read them I was like “why would you take undivided it’s so situational”.

Also Slaanesh can’t have anything good this edition…

Why would you take anything besides Nurgle on your Anvils and then Khorne on everything else? They’re wildly imbalanced. 

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4 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Why would you take anything besides Nurgle on your Anvils and then Khorne on everything else? They’re wildly imbalanced. 

Yeah, but it so much more difficult with AoS to make all marks worthwile compared to TOW. I.e with Khorne, you get with AoS +1 attack. No drawbacks at all. With TOW they get frenzy, so also +1 attack, but they have to charge when in range, so can easly be baited. This drawback doesn't have the AoS Mark of Khorne.

In ToW Slaanesh gives +1 initiative during first round of combat, which can make a lot of difference, + they don't have to worry about panic. In AoS, it's only +1 to run and charge. It's weak.

Atleast imo the Mark of Tzeentch is better than it was with 3th, Still in TOW  it gives you flaming attacks, magic resitance which makes it harder to get a spell off on them. And as a third bonus, they can give when with 10+models a casting bonus to a Wizard with the Mark of Tzeentch if it joined the unit.

All this stuff is so much harder to pull off with AoS, which results in a very good Khorne and Nurgle Mark as those marks are just better.

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18 minutes ago, Sathrut said:

@Whitefang said this in response to someone saying 'after the kislev/cathay cancellation':

Adding to that, both have lore sections in TOW core rulebook. I imagine part of the reason why they aren't here is it would be a substantial release, both factions requiring many plastic kits, so I can see them wanting to get the nine core factions out to form a solid base before expanding.

Orc release suffered for a few reasons: One new miniature (resin); unpopular battalion composition (contrast to the reception of the Dwarf battalion preview), popularity in both WHFB/AoS means most players are using their existing army (base adapters), or building an army solely from AoS minis because they're not interested in decades old sculpts.

You see the latter happening with the Legacy factions, and with Skaven being refreshed, there's going to be many TOW/WHFB players buying the new Skaven. Personally I'll be buying SBGL and FeC to use in my VC army for TOW/WHFB, and the Nighthaunts I collected from Mortal Realms I intend to base on rounds, using adapters so I can use in both.

Outside the vocal minority in both communities, it seems most are happy in using miniatures from either games in their preferred system, or using them in both. Both games can co-exist and complement each other (after all, GW have catergorically stated that TOW still leads to the End Times and AoS), and hopefully TOW will be able to flourish once the rest of the factions are out and they can turn the focus to new stuff, and AoS continues to flourish too.

Aha, thank you, I forgot that Whitefang posted it. :D 

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Yeah, Marks of Chaos have always been fluffy but either bad or broken. And never equally interesting.

Its the way of Chaos.


Big disagree on MoT, btw: 

Its a sidegrade to 3rd - since its now a FNP it does nothing against non-damage spells. 



Edit: probably biggest change is Belakor now needs line of sight for his big trick. Probably fair for the enemy but i see a lot of StD players cursing it.


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29 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

Why would you take anything besides Nurgle on your Anvils and then Khorne on everything else? They’re wildly imbalanced. 

maybe wait for the full rules 

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Just now, Augusto said:

maybe wait for the full rules 

I don’t need the full rules to know -1 To Wound and +1 Attacks on Charge are leagues above +1 To Run and Charge, a conditional bonus vs Heroes, and a 4+ Spell Shrug. Those two are incredibly strong abilities and there’s a good reason they’re taken over the rest already. 

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