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On 6/17/2024 at 10:59 AM, Neverchosen said:

I apologize as I think you are entirely correct but I was just over simplifying what I knew of the Orruk lore as of my post. So not Destruction as a grand alliance but rather Ironjawz and Kruelboyz (under the effect of the Big Waagh), as I was mostly reflecting upon Gordrakk's mission which seemed to be about an anarchistic revolt towards Sigmar and the forces of Order through overthrowing the source of the expansionist empire by attacking Azyr itself. I will admit that I am definitely simplifying it as I have not followed this specific narrative thread as closely as I have others. But honestly I personally love this mission as it could have been the first major direct black eye to Sigmar in AOS... but sadly the narrative here pivoted.  

However, even now we have these two factions no longer tied to a single tome so we can actually explore more of the Orruks as unique cultural entities which I think will make the destruction storyline more interesting going forth. 

Fair, there's so much that's happened you could fill a book before getting to your point LOL.

IIRC, part of why Gordrakk wanted to crack into Azyr was because he's disappointed Sigmar is still in hiding--as opposed to when he was out fighting with Gorkamorka. Which is hilarious!

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I like the StD stuff I have seen so far. Knights seem terrifying, the Daemon Prince actually useful (I can see one giving Knights/Chosen permenant +1 to hit and rend and it scares me!). I feel like whilst it is sad the Prince is off the EotG chart it means he can do some more interesting stuff as no worry about it being OP if a foot lord becomes one but I may be wrong here.

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12 minutes ago, Mutton said:

S2D definitely looking very strong in this edition. Everything got better for them.

It feels like everyone else got weaker while most of their stuff either stayed the same, sidegraded, or got better. Are they supposed to be an Elite army now? A horde army? The points are going to be a nightmare on this one. 

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Losing the prince/spawndom results is kind of a necessary casualty of the 'no summoning from nothing' approach, I think.  (Obviously it's not quite from nothing if you're transforming a hero, but it runs into the same general issues.)

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I'm pleasantly surprised with most of the S2D faction focus. Eye of the gods got a bit blander, but it affects pretty much everything now including unique heroes. There are some pretty impressive buffs in there for the likes of Be'lakor and Archaon not to mention chaos warriors or knights. I'm not sure if that's going to stick around considering the daemon prince specifically calls out non-unique units to get buffs, but maybe that's because they outrank him so he can't provide buffs for them. Marks seem fine, imbalanced yes but that's nothing new. Nurgle is going to be the go-to for sure.

One random pedantic question though, when a unit has a mark keyword without having to select it from the 'Mark of Chaos' ability do they actually gain the benefit of the mark from the battle trait? Of course it would make sense, but the rule specifically says they gain the benefit based on their 'Mark of Chaos keyword' and when it's just on them by default it isn't a 'Mark of Chaos keyword', it's just a plain old keyword. Something for the FAQ I think, but assuming they do get it having Be'lakor with +1 to wound against heroes and maybe a roll or two on the Eye of the Gods puts him up to some really impressive damage levels.

As happy as I am to see slaves looking solid it does make me more disappointed in the previous focuses. You just can't even compare the excellent rules that slaves is getting to the absolute trash for slaanesh. I know we've only seen a snippet, but hopefully they've put a lot of thought into points. If they didn't this could be a wildly, wildly unbalanced start to the edition. 

Edited by Grimrock
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That chaos knights are scary to deal with. Add that probably they are going to be the Honour Guard and just don't let them hit their prey...

Btw, a bit weird that darkoath (aka, humans), wound like an orruk. Poor arkanauts and steelhelmets, that's what happen when you don't go to the gym.

The Dark Master ability sucks. Really, nobody likes to being the target of that.

Edited by Beliman
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Just now, Beliman said:

That chaos knights are scary to deal with. Add that probably they are going to be the Honour Guard and just don't let them hit their prey...

Btw, a bit weird that darkoath(aka, humans), are wound like an orruk. Poor arkanauts and steelhelmets, that's what happens when you don't go to the gym.

The Dark Master ability sucks. Really, nobody likes to being the target of that.

Yeah, Vokmortian is bad enough, but this? It’s completely obscene. At least Vokmortian lets you fight back or choose to do something at a cost, and is attached to a fairly squishy wizard who must be in charging distance. And according to someone I’m in a Discord with, apparently there’s a leak floating around somewhere that Saves and Wards are abilities. I hope they’re wrong, because otherwise your unit is basically ultra screwed. I do not care how much Belakor costs, this ability is not okay. 

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10 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Btw, a bit weird that darkoath(aka, humans), are wound like an orruk. Poor arkanauts and steelhelmets, that's what happens when you don't go to the gym.

Humans can be weaklings who live in their cities, but there is also a different sort of human, a match for an Ironjaw!


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30 minutes ago, Beliman said:

The Dark Master ability sucks. Really, nobody likes to being the target of that.

But now lets you do stuff in your hero phase because the abilities in turn's player are before opponent's right?

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33 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Btw, a bit weird that darkoath(aka, humans), are wound like an orruk. Poor arkanauts and steelhelmets, that's what happens when you don't go to the gym.


That's what happens when you're the latest models to release and they really want you to buy them.

They've already gone against their basic design statement with other previews (CP manipulation, non-modular BTs, etc.). I hate that GW rules writers just can't help but break their own rules.

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2 minutes ago, Mutton said:

That's what happens when you're the latest models to release and they really want you to buy them.

They've already gone against their basic design statement with other previews (CP manipulation, non-modular BTs, etc.). I hate that GW rules writers just can't help but break their own rules.

I mean, you say that but the Daemon Prince at least was utter trash at launch, and was a headlining centerpiece of the StD rework. Sure the new and shiny tends to be strong, or at least incentivised in some way, but it definitely doesn't always work out that way.

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5 hours ago, Snarff said:

Champions of Chaos was announced in 2022, but we still haven't heard anything else about it

They may have had to restart when GW canned Beasts or couldn't release it until GW announced it OR wanted to hide/save all the big skaven reveals OR all/none of the above is my guess.

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1 minute ago, Goatforce said:

Sure the new and shiny tends to be strong, or at least incentivised in some way, but it definitely doesn't always work out that way.

I didn't say it did.

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1 hour ago, ScionOfOssia said:

It feels like everyone else got weaker while most of their stuff either stayed the same, sidegraded, or got better. Are they supposed to be an Elite army now? A horde army? The points are going to be a nightmare on this one. 

Maybe they get the FAQhammer early after the start of the edition.

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1 hour ago, The Red King said:

They may have had to restart when GW canned Beasts or couldn't release it until GW announced it OR wanted to hide/save all the big skaven reveals OR all/none of the above is my guess.

Souldbound many times just goes on its own, so probably not related at all. They could even release the book with BoC characters.

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39 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Souldbound many times just goes on its own, so probably not related at all. They could even release the book with BoC characters.

That's very unlikely.  Other than the frontier trader or whatever I can't think of any archetype that isn't represented by an AoS miniature. 

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16 minutes ago, The Red King said:

That's very unlikely.  Other than the frontier trader or whatever I can't think of any archetype that isn't represented by an AoS miniature. 

I think the Excelsior Warpriest was discontinued before Soulbound was released and that's a playable class.

And honestly, I think this whole theory supposes that GW is micromanaging Soulbound to a greater extent than any of the other Warhammer-branded tabletop RPGs, which never had a problem including playable classes/races that weren't on tabletop (like Halflings have always been a part of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and when was the last time they got models other than that Blood Bowl team?). 

Edited by BarakUrbaz
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14 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

New cyberwolf?

I have spent a lot of time looking at little mechanical claws for my HH army and these give me 40K admech vibes for no reason other than intuition

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1 hour ago, BarakUrbaz said:

I think the Excelsior Warpriest was discontinued before Soulbound was released and that's a playable class.

And honestly, I think this whole theory supposes that GW is micromanaging Soulbound to a greater extent than any of the other Warhammer-branded tabletop RPGs, which never had a problem including playable classes/races that weren't on tabletop (like Halflings have always been a part of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and when was the last time they got models other than that Blood Bowl team?). 

That's true I forgot him but if I remember they had a delay on one book I can't remember (maybe Forces of Death maybe the one that added draconith) that coincidentally ended when GW announced the product.

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