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1 minute ago, Beliman said:

That's only if you compare 4.0 to 3.0.

-1 hit is an issue, but throwing more dice can solve a but this problem (and IJs seems to have a bucnh of them).

Let's see the whole picture, maybe they are bad, but my suggestion is to wait a bit.

I'm comparing it to other index factions they've released. The Ironjawz army ability is so absolutely minimal. A single 3" move as compared to army wide run and charge?


On the shelf they will stay. Right alongside the rest of my AOS stuff. Sad!

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8 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

MD is at every turn not only your turn .


i don’t think they are nuked. Gordrakk is better , save is better , momentum are better , unit now have additional rend against some unit in their warscroll no need waaagh for that. It’s just different but not worst 

Once per turn (Army). Not any.


I don't play Gordrakk, and I've always considered requiring special characters for an army to function to be poor design. 


The 3" single unit move is a joke compared to army wide faction abilities. Losing Smashing and Bashing, Shouty on the Megas, and so on? It's a full on rewrite of the entire faction's playstyle.

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Oof feel for the ironjawz fans was a kick ta da gutt. 

Shame there's no spearhead, hopefully one will come I suppose they think people will still buy models all separately and making those who'd get a spearhead and base the rest around that wait for longer. 

I have two of the old star collectings and the warhammer+ mega boss waiting in my pile to see what the spearhead will be. 

Who knows maybe it will come before malerion.

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8 minutes ago, madmac said:

I mean, at least you're not Mawtribes. Could always be much worse.

Mawtribes has an army wide faction ability. Ironjawz faction ability is a 3" move for one unit once per army turn. Second, it's "buff" is an 18" bubble from one hero once per game.

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33 minutes ago, cyrus said:

No spearhead is really a dumb decision !!!


Perhaps they will put a new mini into the inevitable spearhead (can’t do warhammer without the „classic“ orks) and use it as the GW-typical tax for a new mini release…  else there‘s zero logic behind it, people love Ironjawz!

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1 minute ago, Aphotic said:

I'm comparing it to other index factions they've released. The Ironjawz army ability is so absolutely minimal. A single 3" move as compared to army wide run and charge?


On the shelf they will stay. Right alongside the rest of my AOS stuff. Sad!

And you're deciding this now, a very short time before the full indexes and core rules arrive, based on a faction focus that shows part of the rules for one faction?

Sounds like you weren't that keen on playing AoS anyway then.

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4 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

They probably under estimated spearhead and didn’t think they would need to make a spearhead for ironjawz until spearhead become a success with test session . And now they have to make one so it will come later . 

maybe in they also took the decision late to split the orruk warclan that’s why they have a index together . 

Considering production time, I think the spearhead was released much before they had come up with spearhead and the split for 4e. Still they could easily just had given the a upcoming one ahead of time. I get they probably need to print the box art and manual for it, but they could have released it as a online one box in the mean time, as those boxes don't come with any special art anyway.

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Just now, Snarff said:

And you're deciding this now, a very short time before the full indexes and core rules arrive, based on a faction focus that shows part of the rules for one faction?

Sounds like you weren't that keen on playing AoS anyway then.

I haven't played much of the tail end of 3rd, as I've stated before. 


Yes, I will absolutely refuse to play the 4th ed open period if the index rules rewrite the entire way my army has played for 3 editions of the game. It's not the same experience - it's not even in the same realm of experience. It's a totally different playstyle.

People can be happy about these rules. I think it's crazy for our army ability to be a single 3" move once per army turn.

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1 minute ago, PraetorDragoon said:

The warclan situation is weird. There appears to be no indication that you can combine Ironjawz and Kruleboyz, yet the index remains combined with having two seperate factions. Strange thing.  

For what it's worth they did the same thing with Imperial Knights and Chaos Knights in 40k, even though when their Codexes happen they'll almost certainly be separate. 

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1 minute ago, Clan's Cynic said:

For what it's worth they did the same thing with Imperial Knights and Chaos Knights in 40k, even though when their Codexes happen they'll almost certainly be separate. 

Fair point. Could be logistic related as 40k had physical releases for their indexes.

Although why the Gargants get their own thing with even less battlescrolls....

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58 minutes ago, cofaxest said:

They are not souped, they just have 1 book with OPTION to play them as united force. It's still 2 factions. 

Considering that we don't have allies anymore, that's the closest to a soup, and it opens again the Dawis soup debate, IMO.

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49 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Same! I don't want to play sneaky sadistic Kruleboyz, I want to play stupid brute pig-riding Ironjawz. And if they are separate factions, why is there no Spearhead, boxset, or any other way to buy Ironjawz more cheaply? Every single faction has a Spearhead now, except for Ironjawz, making them a lot more difficult for new players to get into too.

IMO this confirms more than ever that Warclans/IJ is the faction 3 from the 4th edition.

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Just now, Ejecutor said:

Considering that we don't have allies anymore, that's the closest to a soup, and it opens again the Dawis soup debate, IMO.

We have regiments of renown that seems to be more in line with allies and mercenaries.

I miss coalition units /sad

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1 minute ago, Goatforce said:

Slaanesh sends it's regards, with a faction ability that buffs the opponent as much, if not more, than it

Yes, agree. I feel for Hedonites players. It's horrible.

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1 minute ago, Acrozatarim said:

Once per turn (Army) is once each turn, including your opponent's. 

Great! It still is a horrible ability compared to others, especially losing everything else that IJ had in every other prior iteration.

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34 minutes ago, Aphotic said:

Welp, Ironjawz nuked into absolute oblivion.


Smashing and Bashing gone.

MD is one unit once per turn and 3" only.


Entire army hits on 4's. Radukar will simply laugh at any attempt to kill him if his buff is up.

Bonus damage for units is on a dice roll.


Raise a pyre to their memory, lads and lasses.

Interesting how we have the two sides of the coin. Some ppl say it is nuked and others say they are beasts. I say they are nuking beasts.

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31 minutes ago, Swamp Trogg said:

Just a little wisdom when it comes to indexes

"When everyone is nerfed, no one is." 


(or something like that, I don't know, I'm no historian) 

*Chaos knights rampaging with 4 wounds and 3 3+/3+/2/2 attacks*

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8 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Considering that we don't have allies anymore, that's the closest to a soup, and it opens again the Dawis soup debate, IMO.

Let's not open that debate. They've said nothing about the two Duardin armies sharing an index, both armies are getting their own Spearheads with separate spearhead rules and there is no precedent for Duardin soup at all in AoS. Not even Grombrindal, forged to foster cooperation between not just Duardin but all of Order, has any sort of rules for Duardin coalition or soup.

We've got regiments of renown to serve as allies now.


The Fyreslayers faction focus even explicitly states that they are separated from the other Duardin:

'Separated from their distant cousins amongst the Kharadron Overlords and Dispossessed exiles by religious fervour and fiery determination, the Fyreslayers nevertheless throw their lot in with the rest of the forces of Order, standing shoulder to shoulder with Sigmar’s forces and their allies… typically for an ur-gold fee.'


Edited by Snarff
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Just now, Ejecutor said:

Interesting how we have the two sides of the coin. Some ppl say it is nuked and others say they are beasts. I say they are nuking beasts.

They lost their most powerful army rules, but the warscrolls shown are super-beefy. So less speed/momentum, more muscle and staying power.

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