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Another thing to take in mind is that Redeploy is a Run ability. So, if you redeploy in enemy phase and charge in your phase, your giant pig will have 5 dmg tusks.

Edited by Beliman
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50 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

It is not confirmed, but looks like.

image.gif.9d24076cf102301ba80d6d2b357a4193.gifThey gotta do it for Chaosat least. If not I‘ll be even whinier than usual! No warriors, no knights?! I want to use my minis and not play Slaves to use them!😭

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17 minutes ago, Ookami said:

Well I again return to the idea that IJ will be among the first factions to receive battletome in 4th ed. No spearhead, seemingly underwhelming rules, this strange souping on 'index' stage - everything is pointing out to get early IJ battletome.

Plus their counterpart, Kruleboyzs were the launching faction of the previous edition. Those tend to get early love as well.

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9 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

That's super cool, I was really hoping she would get a novel! The art looks absolutely fantastic too. So this novel might be about how she got all her weapons/Eve of the Four Killings?

On a sidenote, I have sort of conflicted feelings about how they go about introducing characters.

On one hand, I completely get why they first release a mini and only then start fleshing it out, so people might be a lot more inclined to pick up the novel. If that makes them more worth producing, then great because I want more!

On the other hand, it would be really cool if we got a novel like this before the Dawnbringer Crusades, introducing us to Tahlia Vedra first and after that seeing her lead the Aqshian half of the twin-tailed crusade. I would love to read about the how the events that made her so famous happened, instead of just that they happened in the past with little detail.

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56 minutes ago, Chikout said:

There will still be regiments of renown. These are the only types of allies we will see going forward. 

Uhmm, do we know anything about them? I need to use my chaos warriors and chosen. They‘re not really great picks in a DoT force but I like armored humans! 

If not, GW should finally give us proper Tzeentchian Sorcerer-Warriors to make up for this! I‘ll grab my birds now and fly over to James Workshop and will beat him with a Lord of Change over the head and learn my feathered minions to chant „We need Tzeentchian Sorcerer-Warriors in heavy armor“. I dunno what will annoy him more, I won‘t find out when they throw me outta GW but my birds will be harder to catch! 

They will regret this day! Coocaw! 

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4 minutes ago, MitGas said:

image.gif.9d24076cf102301ba80d6d2b357a4193.gifThey gotta do it for Chaosat least. If not I‘ll be even whinier than usual! No warriors, no knights?! I want to use my minis and not play Slaves to use them!😭

You will always have RoR.

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2 minutes ago, Snarff said:

That's super cool, I was really hoping she would get a novel! The art looks absolutely fantastic too. So this novel might be about how she got all her weapons/Eve of the Four Killings?

On a sidenote, I have sort of conflicted feelings about how they go about introducing characters.

On one hand, I completely get why they first release a mini and only then start fleshing it out, so people might be a lot more inclined to pick up the novel. If that makes them more worth producing, then great because I want more!

On the other hand, it would be really cool if we got a novel like this before the Dawnbringer Crusades, introducing us to Tahlia Vedra first and after that seeing her lead the Aqshian half of the twin-tailed crusade. I would love to read about the how the events that made her so famous happened, instead of just that they happened in the past with little detail.

I think it would be more interesting to explore her past rather than the Eve of the Four Killings. I mean, how did she get Infernadine, her past as a Mercenary and maybe all the info that led her into the Eve of the Four Killings? But not the Eve of the Four Killings itself. That's already covered in the BT, I think.

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1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

I think it would be more interesting to explore her past rather than the Eve of the Four Killings. I mean, how did she get Infernadine, her past as a Mercenary and maybe all the info that led her into the Eve of the Four Killings? But not the Eve of the Four Killings itself. That's already covered in the BT, I think.

I'd prefer an accessible option to read about the Eve of the Four Killings in detail. I have no interest in buying the CoS tome just for the lore but would love to read a novel about the defining moments of an iconic character. Would be a way to future-proof the lore for new people too, so they don't have to buy old battletomes to read about the exploits of major characters.

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13 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I'd prefer an accessible option to read about the Eve of the Four Killings in detail. I have no interest in buying the CoS tome just for the lore but would love to read a novel about the defining moments of an iconic character. Would be a way to future-proof the lore for new people too, so they don't have to buy old battletomes to read about the exploits of major characters.

That's true. Good point. Then get the Eve of the Four Killings as the ending of the book, and maybe a little mention about how is get life as the Great Marshall.

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1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

IJ are looking good.

gone are the days of the nonsensical „+1 dmg because“ buff 👌🏻

The only nonsensical thing about it is that GW designed the whole faction around the single Warchanter buff. This made him a mandatory element of every list, as other units were priced under the assumption that they are affected by the +1Dmg.

It looks better now, with Brutes being Dmg2 from the start. Why Hit 4+ though...?

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Am I crazy in thinking the ironjawz are looking pretty good?  Sure the faction ability is underwhelming but the spell is good, the sub faction ability is solid, the prayer is great, brutes are great. Compare them to liberators. Same save, more health, more attacks that do more damage and they can steal an objective off a unit of liberators just by getting in combat with them. The new maw grunta is much more reliable and the carve a path rampage does what it says on the tin and ramps up your damage in the process. None of the units we've seen have been worse than the previous versions which hasn't been true with other factions. 

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Ironjawz look smashy and bashy. Their priest hits people for more ritual points which is awesome. Not many battle traits but the ones they have are good. Pigs have a frightening number of attacks.

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22 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Am I crazy in thinking the ironjawz are looking pretty good?  Sure the faction ability is underwhelming but the spell is good, the sub faction ability is solid, the prayer is great, brutes are great. Compare them to liberators. Same save, more health, more attacks that do more damage and they can steal an objective off a unit of liberators just by getting in combat with them. The new maw grunta is much more reliable and the carve a path rampage does what it says on the tin and ramps up your damage in the process. None of the units we've seen have been worse than the previous versions which hasn't been true with other factions. 

Liberators have Crit Mortals; IJ have zero ward saves as spoiled for now.


This reeks of "we didn't sell Mawgrunta models so let's make them better". 


Essentially every unit in the army got a nerf to hit rolls, a buff to damage, and no enhanced rend on waaagh turn sorely reduces the output of the Mawkrusher, especially considering SMB is totally gone, AND, it hits on 4's now.


Hit on 4's is the bane of elite armies; IJ is not an army that swarms. We hit as good as skeletons, with no ward save, are just as slow, and have a minor 3" move ability that is really only good in hyper competitive settings where you can move brutes into things to remove the ability to contest and so on. 

I'll wait to see the rest, but my biggest concern is playstyle. Right now IJ do not have the playstyle I want, which means I either have to adjust my playstyle (which is what we all do, we have playstyles we enjoy), or buy a new army.


I've got kids and expenses, I can't just buy new armies.


So I either adjust, or, I don't.

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I think keeping Orruk Warclans as one faction pack, even while acknowledging that they are 2 completely separate factions is probably due to a very simple reason - they aren't ready to release an Ironjawz Spearhead for whatever reason and they want to be able to say that there "is a Spearhead box for every faction".

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1 minute ago, ArcLight said:

I think keeping Orruk Warclans as one faction pack, even while acknowledging that they are 2 completely separate factions is probably due to a very simple reason - they aren't ready to release an Ironjawz Spearhead for whatever reason and they want to be able to say that there "is a Spearhead box for every faction".

Yeah, it's a slap in the face. My IJ collection is large but mostly older models. I'd love to see a spearhead which included new Ard Boyz and such, but alas. "nothing on the horizon." Sucks because Spearhead actually looked rather fun to me by comparison to standard AOS.

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3 minutes ago, Aphotic said:

Liberators have Crit Mortals; IJ have zero ward saves as spoiled for now.

Yeah, but their output is not that great. Most of our IJs players think that they are fine, still to early to say but at least is not looking bad.

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12 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

It's the standardized orruk racial stat line now. 4+ hit, 3+ wound.

Fine, but we are talking Brutes, not regular Orruks.

I can live with that, it's just... weird?

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1 hour ago, Gothmaug said:

Oh good. Well that alleviates a bit of stress. I didn't give the Priests preview a hard look, as my two primary armies (Soul blight and Ironjaws) didn't have any in 3rd edition. 

That ability to generate points in combat is actually really good. Priests as a whole look really good this edition. 

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5 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Yeah, but their output is not that great. Most of our IJs players think that they are fine, still to early to say but at least is not looking bad.

I'm the sole IJ player for our group. The first response to me this am was from our Hedonites player - "Sorry to see you join us."

In any event, I'm not keen on AOS 4.0, so take my complaints with a grain of salt. They're redefining the entirety of the faction - it's a slower, tankier control army as spoiled right now, which I didn't sign up for.

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2 minutes ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

That ability to generate points in combat is actually really good. Priests as a whole look really good this edition. 

You need to get into combat though, and a 4" move is not going to help much in that regard.

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2 hours ago, Ragest said:

Cherrypicking what. 

Nobody can mantain the “everything is nerfed, so anyone is nerfed” when I can find an example of that not being true in just yesterday's ff.

Yeah but maybe the cost have been multiplied by 3 and the unit you showed is now as worthy on the battlefield as a big pile of manure. 


Once again, we need to see the whole thing before telling everyone that the world is ending. 

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5 minutes ago, Flippy said:

Fine, but we are talking Brutes, not regular Orruks.

I can live with that, it's just... weird?

Hitting on 4's is a decent reduction in output simply because your ability to deal damage is almost 17% less than a model that hits on 3's.

In TOW I am used to hitting on 4's. AOS, by contrast, is not supposed to have AS MUCH RNG, at least in prior editions. 

While brutes may overall, on an "averages" basis, do about .2 more wounds to a unit than 3.0 Brutes, the likelihood of dice spike is even wilder when you consider it's only 50/50 to hit. You're far more likely to miss more attacks than before, rendering the enhanced damage moot.


You need to hit to deal damage. Orcs right now can't hit well.

Radukar laughs at the entire IJ army with his -1 to be hit and -1 to be wounded.

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Just now, Swamp Trogg said:

Yeah but maybe the cost have been multiplied by 3 and the unit you showed is now as worthy on the battlefield as a big pile of manure. 


Once again, we need to see the whole thing before telling everyone that the world is ending. 

For those whose faction playstyle has totally changed and who don't have disposable income to just buy entirely new armies that fit that playstyle, yes, the world is in a way ending.

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